
Oct 25, 2017
Absolute fucking bullshit! Fuck this sham of a court. This country is, and continues to be, a FUCKING JOKE.




Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
So hypothetically, if a supreme court justice or two were murdered by a mob of angry Americans, would Joe Biden be able to pick a replacement?

Not that I'm advocating for such a thing to happen, I'm just asking questions, y'know?


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
From NewRepublic. There was absolutely a way for Obama to make an appointment. He chose not to because decorum and all that. And yeah, I have been plugged into politics since 2004 and over time my cynicism grew over democrats wanting to play by the rules, while gop abuse them whenever given the chance.
That doesn't matter because the other justices would just rule that the appointment was invalid anyway. There is no universe in which a 2016 Obama appointee would ever hear a single case


Oct 27, 2017
From NewRepublic. There was absolutely a way for Obama to make an appointment. He chose not to because decorum and all that. And yeah, I have been plugged into politics since 2004 and over time my cynicism grew over democrats wanting to play by the rules, while gop abuse them whenever given the chance.

Most of the time they aren't even real rules or laws but like legislative decorum or some shit.


Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Come on. Trump couldn't fucking get people to play at a Casino on the Boardwalk, and went bankrupt. There was no way he could convince anyone.

When people say Bully Pulpit, they usually refer to Teddy Roosevelt and LBJ. Even Abraham Lincoln for that matter.
LBJ had one of the most lopsided majorities coming into office.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
what has siding with democrats achieved beyond broken promises, eternal consternation, and mitigated losses? tearing down democrats has at least, to some degree, proven successful in raising awareness and acceptance of other, more progressive forms of political philosophy, and that has been by far more productive than siding with a bunch of spineless cowards on anything but the mitigation of evil.
Raising awareness, I'll give you, but raising acceptance, I'll need to see some data on. The percentage of Americans who say they'd vote for a socialist President in 2019 was... well it was exactly the same as it was in 2015, pre-Trump. In that same time frame Americans became more accepting of the idea of a gay, atheist or Muslim presidents. All things they were more open to than a Socialist president in 2015 for that matter.


Nov 14, 2017
Not only is this terrible - but everyone that voted for this and said they wouldn't touch Roe in their hearing - just another example of how much of fucking liars they are.


Jun 13, 2018
what has siding with democrats achieved beyond broken promises, eternal consternation, and mitigated losses?

Just in the last 10 years. 20-30 million people with healthcare that previously didn't have it. Free healthcare for millions in blue states. Preexisting condition protections and mandates to cover contraception. A supreme court that overturned gay marriage bans.


Oct 25, 2017
The truly frightening part is that this isn't anywhere close to the end. They're coming to reverse it all.


Oct 25, 2017
i didn't say "vote third party". the mitigation of evil is a valid reason to continue voting democrat, but to pretend that democrats haven't been in a position of being able to address any of the Actual Concerns of people in this country, even ignoring the fact that democrats do nothing to slide the scale back towards the left (hell they barely do anything to slide the scale back towards "the middle"), is disingenuous at best and blatantly lying at worst.
Pretending that joining a topic of people grieving and panicking over the state of the country after a disastrous ruling by conservatives is a "productive" time to blame Democrats is disingenuous at best and blatantly lying at worst.

Absolutely insufferable.

Deleted member 9241

Oct 26, 2017

Jane’s Revenge - InfluenceWatch

Jane’s Revenge is a far-left extremist group which claimed responsibility for an attack against an anti-abortion group’s office in Madison, Wisconsin, in May 2022 after leaks revealed that the U.S. Supreme Court was considering overturning the Roe v. Wade decision that found a constitutional...

That is not what the Jane Collective did. They are just capitalizing on the name and running full speed in another direction.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
they care so much about kids but when they get shot down by some crazy fucker with a gun they don't care


They don't give a shit about kids, period. They care about forcing women to be pregnant. Nothing more, nothing less. It's all about maintaining fascist, misogynistic power structures and keeping women out of the workplace.


Nov 11, 2017
The democratic party is now thrilled to have something to run on and promise that this time if we vote hard enough, they will be able to do something.

I still vote, even in red state Utah I vote. But it's long past time the democratic party takes off the gloves and fucking does something. Or it only becomes even more crystal clear that they are just a token resistance party serving the same cynical interests.
Oct 31, 2017
people who didn't vote or protest voted in 2016 will try to wash their hands of this, putting little blame on the ones actively trying to overturn this.

The simple fact remains: If Scalia was replaced by Hillary, you wouldn't have to worry about this for decades. Never mind RBG and Breyer. It was not hidden. This was plainly obvious by holding up that seat on the Supreme Court.


I can say DEI; you can't.
Oct 24, 2017
Come on. Trump couldn't fucking get people to play at a Casino on the Boardwalk, and went bankrupt. There was no way he could convince anyone.

When people say Bully Pulpit, they usually refer to Teddy Roosevelt and LBJ. Even Abraham Lincoln for that matter.

Are you paying attention to the streets out here? You and I might know that Trump has the capacity of a lukewarm pot of spaghetti water, but that's no excuse to play blind to the reality that Trump keeps half this country convinced of his inane bullshit at any given point. Trump had Republicans eating out of his hands his entire damn presidency, and it still amounted to most of his agenda being doa.

That we have to go that far back to the concept of the "bully pulpit" being effective is testament to that. That idea should be considered as effective in modern politics as the President winning votes over beers and a gentlemen's game of cards.


Oct 25, 2017
"Bully pulpit" talk amongst the kind of people who think The West Wing was liberal masturbation always makes me laugh. Yeah, a fucking speech will do anything to change the country, right. Get a fucking grip.


Oct 25, 2017
It's so hard and confusing to watch this as someone outside of America. Like, on a daily basis you read the new stories stories and see stuff like this, and think that the way the people in charge have acted over the last few years is so blatantly evil that it's borderline parody, like how can what I am reading even be real?!

I really am sorry this is happening to you guys.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
So hypothetically, if a supreme court justice or two were murdered by a mob of angry Americans, would Joe Biden be able to pick a replacement?

Not that I'm advocating for such a thing to happen, I'm just asking questions, y'know?

Technically yes

But the media would essentially demand he replace them with ideological clones and call him the real fascist if he doesn't want to.

Which they of course wouldn't do in reverse


Oct 25, 2017
So, what now? Each state will decide by law to which degree they allow abortion?


Oct 25, 2017
At what point do people get pushed so far that the peaceful protests stop and violent ones start? Once 2-3 more horrific rulings come down?

People feel hopeless and rightly so. How much longer will they just stand by and watch all this happen, I wonder.

One person called the police on himself and got stopped before he could do anything and the fuckers lept into action immediately. We even got people here saying it's "not the right way."

I mean, obviously I don't condone violence, but options are dwindling rapidly and civility is running low


Aug 1, 2018
Question for people who might know better: I know this does not help people who don't have the means to do this but is it legal for someone in one of the states where this is banned to travel to a state where it is legal to get an abortion?

Depends on how the law is worded. Folks can get into legal trouble if they help within the state.


Apr 26, 2020
I said it before but I'll say it again: White Male Heterosexual Evangelical Christian Supremists are who to blame for this! (I.E. Republicans).


Prophet of Truth
Jun 12, 2020
Beyond fucked up.

As a Canadian I can't even feel secure in this sort of thing not happening to us (we don't have an equivalent to roe vs wade, just talking about conservative ideals taking over) since we are being swept up in the same shit movement, and I feel the scale tipping more every day.

Sometimes I think it'd be better if the planet just got scorched by a nearby gamma ray burst so something else could evolve and have a chance. Humans are the fucking worst.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017

Absolutely makes no sense.

Goat Mimicry

Oct 25, 2017
So hypothetically, if a supreme court justice or two were murdered by a mob of angry Americans, would Joe Biden be able to pick a replacement?

Not that I'm advocating for such a thing to happen, I'm just asking questions, y'know?

Republicans would immediately hunt down a few more to restore the balance in their favor.

Codifying Roe v Wade was a campaign promise of his and he had 60 votes. He should be apologizing for fucking up

I wish you dopes would stop saying this stupid shit. The president doesn't draft the laws and he didn't have 60 pro-choice votes.


Oct 25, 2017
What would it take for abortion to become federal law in the US? Would it need to go through the supreme court again if Democrats had full control of the Senate and the House?


Oct 26, 2017
So, what now? Each state will decide by law to which degree they allow abortion?

Yep. It's going to be a hot mess.

What would it take for abortion to become federal law in the US? Would it need to go through the supreme court again if Democrats had full control of the Senate and the House?

The Supreme Court is only involved because there is no law codifying access, leaving these decisions to Constitutional interpretation.


Oct 29, 2017
Codifying Roe v Wade was a campaign promise of his and he had 60 votes. He should be apologizing for fucking up

He did not have the votes in Congress for it. There were still anti-abortion dems in office in large swaths of the rural midwest and the ACA specifically had to make sure no federal dollars went to abortion to get their votes.