Oct 27, 2017
User Banned (1 Month): Calling for violence
The more we play nice and don't react, the more they will keep over stepping.

Violence is needed asap.
Oct 27, 2017
In a few weeks, we'll all be placated by the next nextflix/videogame/meme/social media outrage/etc.

Those who are privileged, sure. Don't speak for those of us who have been fighting against this shit into your generalization.

This is a vicious cycle that is only enabled by people who only shout "Vote!".

Actually it's a vicious cycle that's perpetuated by apathy, accelerationism and privilege.

We don't live in a democracy. If we did this wouldn't have slid through the system as effortlessly as it had.

Of course we don't live in a democracy. Have you missed the constant assault on anybody who isn't a cishet white male since time immemorial?


Oct 25, 2017
The left is not advocating against voting (although there are the nihilists). However it is important to acknowledge that the democratic process can and should happen outside of elections. Republicans did a lot of organizing and activism to get their agenda passed after decades of hard work. Why should we assume that the Democrats cannot do the same thing?
That is not the main goal of a Political Party, the political parties exist to win elections and elect people to govern. Republican agenda passed because they got control of the government at critical times due to winning elections. Other organiztions are better suited to do what you are advocating, not the Democratic Party.


Oct 25, 2017
You just do it once elected and hope people don't punish you because they actually can see the positive results

Expanding the court might be one of those ask forgiveness not permission type situations
I think that would make sense if this could be solved with an Executive Order, but given that we need the Senate it's basically organizing 50+ people for a stealth operation. It feels like a strategy that requires perhaps too much luck.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
you have to use a very special voting hardness combo move to escape a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie
Yeah, dems at the state & local level are remarkably more effective than the federal ones I've been critiquing, but it's also because in many of those places there's just no way for the GOP to put up a real challenge to them.

Howervr, this Supreme Court will not even hesitate to ban abortion nationwide as soon as they get the right case in front of them.

The dems have to realize the senate is designed to prevent progress, that the federal system is stacked against helping anyone who isn't a white male property owner, and they have to take power away from the GOP with the same ruthlessness that the GOP has used to take power now. If we don't pack the court and eliminate the filibuster, we're in deep shit for decades.
ofcourse state and city level dems are not very good at police reform wherever they are.

Liberal America died in 2016.

The consequences of that election have been a total disaster for America and democracy.

not winning the senate just delays this by a bit
remember Liberal hero John Mcain said they would deny Clinton a supreme court pick

if we go back further we could make a divergent point 30 years ago so that Joe Biden uses the Fillibuster on Clarence Thomas instead of the democratic senate majority voting for that rapist.

make divergent points for any election after such as gore v bush then an alt 2004, which is basically saying there should be a one party state to pfrevent rollbacks of progress,

which I kinda agree. it just should be a vanguard of the proletariat instead of a legacy party of status quo
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Professor Beef

Official ResetEra™ Chao Puncher
Oct 25, 2017
The Digital World
meanwhile biden will sit with a thumb up his ass wondering "how did this happen?"

not even a single act that shows he cares, just "golly gee, looks like we have work to do"

why the fuck do i even bother voting D at this point, the party fucking blows


Oct 25, 2017
I do think holding your nose and refusing to vote for anything but your ideal candidate is childish, as is having a guilty conscience because you voted for someone you don't agree with 100% of the time. "Worst case scenario mitigation" basically describes voting to me, so I'll vote for the lesser evil 10 out of 10 times and sleep soundly, with zero worries in my heart. But here's the thing: people don't work that way and it'd be stupid for me to want them to. So pinning electoral failures on the people for not having voted enough is stupid. Hillary was a trash candidate, which is why she lost. Biden was a better one, so he won. It's up to the candidate to inspire his base, no one is owed votes, as much as I'd want people to be completely rational and content with just preventing the worst possible result on the ballot. So in a sense both the "you should have voted" and "votes don't accomplish anything" people are wrong. Voting matters, but politicians have to earn their offices.


Oct 25, 2017
I give up. This is too much.
I'm in total despair. This is only the beginning with Thomas being explicit that they will remove everything.
These people are despots and they have unchecked and unaccountable power to reshape society with no regard to reason or rationality, and especially fucking law. It is merely their will that matters. And there is nothing we can fucking do. These people will drink my tears with relish.

I know I'm just posting despair, and I always avoid doing that here, because what is the point? It hurts and never helps.
But I actually, completely give up. Fuck everything. Fuck these monsters.
I give up.
This world is too cruel.
Hey. I hear you -- it's a lot. Do you have any friends or loved ones you could make plans to see tonight? Even in the darkest, most hopeless times human beings all throughout history have been able to find a reason to keep going. We can too.

I'm mad as fuck, but not entirely mad at the backwards-ass cunts on the Court and in the State Houses who did this; I'm mad at myself. The writing has been on the wall for a while now, a lot of people saw this coming, and some stood against it. I didn't do anything. I couldn't be bothered to march, to protest, to donate money, to do anything. And as people begin to march today and protest all weekend I'll make excuses to myself why I can't go do it too. I can sit here thinking to myself 'I hope court houses and State Houses fucking burn tonight,' but I won't be out throwing a torch.

I'm also worried, and sickened. Worried about what next move from these zealots who read the groundwork Clarence Thomas laid and are salivating at the possibilities. It won't be today, or tomorrow, or the day after, but listed somewhere on the itinerary that contains "Access to Contraceptives" and "Gay Marriage" is "Interracial Marriage." I currently live in South Carolina… I'll definitely be labeled a "race-traitor" and have my marriage invalidated. I'd love to move out-of-state but going back home to Missouri wouldn't be any better right now; they are one of the states that had a law to ban abortions waiting to take effect immediately on the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

It's not that "eventually being affected personally by losing my marriage" should be where the line is drawn though; criminalizing abortions is sickening enough. I'm sick to my stomach at the thought that someone I know and love could be attacked, assaulted, and forced by the State to carry their rapist's baby to term. The American Taliban for years tried to assure us that exceptions in the case of rape, incest, or potential for death of the mother would be protected (most saw through that the whole time though). States tipped their hands early over the last year when they started drafting bills with absolutely zero exceptions, as well as trying to put bounties out on women who travel out-of-state for abortions by way of allowing them (and the people who assist them) to be sued by private citizens. That's not to say that it's solely a fear for me that it could happen to someone I know; that ANY woman or girl could be forced to carry a rapist's baby to term is absolutely abhorrent.

I just don't even know. I'm mad, sad, angry… Women are going to die over this. Teenage girls who have to hide a pregnancy from family and no longer have a clinic they can go to and don't have the resources to travel are going to take dangerous risks. Unwanted children will be born into bad situations. So many lives will be ruined… I can't even begin to start casting blame because there are so many that the blame should fall on, possibly myself included because of my own inaction.

Like I said earlier that I was already thinking: I hope shit fucking burns tonight. I hope there are enough people stronger and braver than I to stand up and take action.

To anyone who does happen to read this post: sorry for wasting your time with my rantings and ravings.
I hear you. And for whatever it's worth, I forgive you for being an imperfect human who's just doing what they can as we live through this life for the first time. Learn, improve, move on. You are valuable.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
meanwhile biden will sit with a thumb up his ass wondering "how did this happen?"

not even a single act that shows he cares, just "golly gee, looks like we have work to do"

why the fuck do i even bother voting D at this point, the party fucking blows

He can literally not do anything about it you fucking idiot.

Please fuck off.
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
That is not the main goal of a Political Party, the political parties exist to win elections and elect people to govern. Republican agenda passed because they got control of the government at critical times due to winning elections. Other organiztions are better suited to do what you are advocating, not the Democratic Party.
When I say Republicans and Democrats, I mean political activists representing those parties. Apologies for the vague language. I understand that elected officials cannot do much other than campaign and write legislation.


Oct 27, 2017
You people in the states should go to the streets and literally start burning things. This is unacceptable. Make a general strike, get women in the whole country to not go to work, not do anything at home.


"This guy are sick"
May 18, 2022
The more we play nice and don't react, the more they will keep over stepping.

Violence is needed asap.

"Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish the Second Amendment. If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know." - Donald Trump
You people in the states should go to the streets and literally start burning things. This is unacceptable. Make a general strike, get women in the whole country to not go to work, not do anything at home.
The problem is the republican women don't see an issue with the overturning of the case..we need to save the unborn babies but when they're born who gives a fuck what happens. Religious fucknuts all of them.

Deleted member 8257

Oct 26, 2017
But nothing that would have actually worked?
How do you know? If Mitch was the President and Obama was a majority leader who did not gave his nominee a shot, do you think Mitch would have just rolled over? He would have absolutely seated his nominee and when the term was up, would have torched Obama if he tried to unseat him. The truth is we don't know if this would have happened. The point is Obama could have done it, even for a year.

The overall point which I keep emphasizing is that Democrats do not have a lot of fighters. They mostly have a bunch of losers in suits who adhere to decorum and play by Republicans rules. They need to act through, not just empty platitudes and musings.


Oct 25, 2017
He can literally not do anything about it you fucking idiot.

Please fuck off.

have you ever read a history book? Go read Robert Caro's Master of the Senate and see how shit gets done. If the president doesn't push for shit, it doesn't get done. I don't buy into this strategy of "well, he can't unilaterally achieve the goal, so he shouldn't do shit and just beg us to vote harder."

I already vote as hard as I'm legally allowed to. I would like them do actually do some hardball politics for once.
Jun 20, 2018
I'm not from the US, but it honestly seems hard to believe this is really happening. As others have mentioned, I imagine everyone that wants to block abortion is probably almost certainly against same sex relations too, and you wonder if that is next. I truly feel sorry for people living in States where this has just/about to become illegal. Moving is not easy for everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
The death calls of a dying country, right before our very eyes.

It can, and will, only get worse from here on out. Brace yourselves.


Oct 8, 2018
All of our institutions are thoroughly corrupt and wholly illegitimate, but the Supreme Court is a special kind of garbage.