Apr 6, 2022
I've never been happy to live in a big liberal city. I feel bad for those stuck in these shit hole states. Everyone get out and vote, donate, protest, and anything else that helps.


Oct 25, 2017
Sorry but it takes more than 7 years of consistent voting to bring about change. It took Republicans 50 years to do this, while Democrats suppressed their own vote over the last 20.

We need to vote more now than ever before. So talking as if voting is ineffective and depressing others is literally just helping Republicans walk the entire country backwards with millions of guns held to our heads.
As I said before, I'm not talking about voting itself.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
EDIT: The staff wants people to stop talking about this shit.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
The thing that annoys be about shit like "5th largest economy" is it ignores that's only true right now about California as a state that's part of the US. If California seceded, even ignoring the civil war this would inevitably involve and assumed to happen only under the most peaceful terms the economy is not going to function without the rest of the country because they don't have the proper infrastructure and a big part of the value of the state is tied to it's position as a port of entry into the US, so if it stopped being a part of it there's a lot of trade that would instantly shift elsewhere. Not to mention shit like the water problem that they're currently struggling to deal with as it is right now. And also that progressive politics are rarely the dominant political ideology even in hard blue states and cities (hello huge homeless populations in LA ans SF). It's a warped view that doesn't understand that huge shifts in infrastructure and governance would need to be made to secede for things to not immediately collapse, again ignoring an inevitable war to get there in the first place. And of course the whole abandoning tons of people in red states or internal resistance from rural california


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so tired of bullshit like this. That idiot knows just as well as anyone that there's literally nothing dems could have done here. Sure, blame dems that didn't show up in 2016 or the ones that sit out of the midterms for whatever dumbass reason. But blaming the dems after we clawed some power back for something that was written in stone the second RBG died is total horse shit.

I am fucking sick of this "they couldn't do anything" shit, as if they were handed this situation fully formed like a XCom level already in progress. Yes, this was set in stone when RBG died, so maybe she should have fucking retired when Obama could replace her?

Dems have been own-goaling my entire life and I have no patience for the bending over backwards here to pretend this has been inevitable since the 80s and nothing could have been done to stop it.

Biden could have sided with Anita Hill, to pick one random example of something that changes history dramatically, I'm sure if you think hard you can come up with a dozen others.


Oct 26, 2017
Is there a legal path or any precedent for a part of a state to separate from its current state and be annexed by another state?
Maybe a border town?

Or divide a state in two, as Virginia (Carolina?) did ?


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
It's starting to sound like certain companies are telling employees that they will provide for those who decide to get an abortion. I know Starbucks already mandated this a while back, and I think Costco did as well if I remember correctly, but the companies my wife I and work for are also sending out emails stating the same. I was not expecting that.

It's good press for them and it helps them avoid dealing with an uptick in maternity leave. I can't bring myself to believe it comes from a place of legitimate good will.


Hasn't made a thread yet. Shame me.
Oct 27, 2017
Obama: "Here's a supreme court justice"

Republicans: "LOL no"

Trump: "Here's a supreme court justice"

Democrats: "Okay :("

Jfc how dense are you? Lets just magically rule the Senate with less then 50 seats.

Stop spreading right wing propaganda designed to discourage voters.


Oct 25, 2017
The thing that needs to change is to pay attention to more than just presidential elections. Even in your post, you're basically referencing only presidential years. GOP shows up almost nonstop to off year races - from mid terms to nonpartisan races like school board. Dems largely ignore them. GOP has used that formula to expand their lead outside of presidential races for decades and decades nationwide sometimes even in blue areas. Dem voters will stay home if a candidate isn't hitting 100% of the checkboxes or if they're not rockstar enough. GOP voters know to show up and know the long game. Dem voters will throw their hands up if a president can't snap their fingers and make everything right immediately.

GOP basically just has voted nonstop for 40 years to put them in the position they are in now. Even for shitty politicians that are labeled "RINOs." Dominating the majority of states and state legislatures, dominating small races, and getting in just at the right times to install federal judges to support them. And they do it as a minority party. So yeah "just voting" can make a big difference even if you don't get everything you want in that immediate election cycle. GOP did it.

Fwiw, as I've repeated so many times in this thread, I vote in every election I legally can, every primary, every school board, everything.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Jfc how dense are you? Lets just magically rule the Senate with less then 50 seats.

Stop spreading right wing propaganda designed to discourage voters.
Voting is great for harm reduction and people should vote.

It's also not going to fucking solve an issue caused by a disparity between voting and representation, as well as a system that has an unelected political elite. I vote Democrat. I urge people to vote Democrat. I campaigned for Democrats. I am allowed to point out how fucking flawed the Democrats have been. They are walking on eggshells as the country moves further and further towards catastrophe.
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
Democrats really need to get rid of this stupid ass "big tent" thinking that's causing this stupid rift between moderates and the left. Because Democrats are so ideologically fragmented and Republicans are so ideologically conformative, the right is able to organize and execute successful culture war campaigns whereas Democrats are still humming and hawing over people being mean on Twitter. We aren't focused.


Oct 25, 2017
Mhmmm thats exactly what happened

How hard do some of yall have to lie to yourselves just so you can justify giving up?

Who's giving up? What's the false dichotomy of "rah rah the dems are great" vs "no point in voting"

It'd be lovely to hear what plans you have for the dems to take power that involves something more concrete than "uh, we put even more effort into get out the vote?"

Even a solid plan to make get out the vote more effective would be nice to hear about.


Oct 25, 2017
Voting is great for harm reduction and people should vote.

It's also not going to fucking solve an issue caused by a disparity between voting and representation, as well as a system that has an unelected political elite. I vote Democrat. I urge people to vote Democrat. I campaigned for Democrats. I am allowed to point out how fucking flawed the Democrats have been.
You are criticizing dems for not stopping things when they didn't hold the majority in the Senate and the confirmations only needed a majority vote.

It's because....they didn't hold the majority..........? Like, what?
Staff Post


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Official Staff Communication
The news today is extremely abhorrent, and many people are furious over the reversal of Roe v. Wade. All of us on staff are feeling similarly - defeated, angry, frustrated - we understand. But we cannot allow for calls to violence here. We will not host that content and anyone doing it will catch a ban. Similarly, dismissive calls to "just move" that downplay the reality of many people's situations will also be moderated.


2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
Voting is great for harm reduction and people should vote.

It's also not going to fucking solve an issue caused by a disparity between voting and representation, as well as a system that has an unelected political elite. I vote Democrat. I urge people to vote Democrat. I campaigned for Democrats. I am allowed to point out how fucking flawed the Democrats have been.
The problem is that representation is lopsided. 70% of just in 2020 ran unopposed. So there is a combination of things here. Every local election needs to matter to democrats they laughed out Howard dean and pushed trying to focus on swing states and meanwhile you have republicans organized in several states getting on county voting boards etc to shape elections. Thats why shit has been so fucked.


Oct 29, 2017
Obama: "Here's a supreme court justice"

Republicans: "LOL no"

Trump: "Here's a supreme court justice"

Democrats: "Okay :("

It's a problem when you have people on your side who don't know how things work or what they're talking about influencing other people on your side into believing nonsense. Twitter is absolutely full of this today. Like, what are you doing?


Oct 27, 2017
Ultimately, this decision will just create deeper economic divide between states. Each state can do what they please and people will choose what works best for them. States that are more open and tolerant will end up being economically more superior long term because you'll have a higher chance of getting brilliant ideas from a myriad amount of people vs a narrow sect.


Hasn't made a thread yet. Shame me.
Oct 27, 2017
Voting is great for harm reduction and people should vote.

It's also not going to fucking solve an issue caused by a disparity between voting and representation, as well as a system that has an unelected political elite. I vote Democrat. I urge people to vote Democrat. I campaigned for Democrats. I am allowed to point out how fucking flawed the Democrats have been.

That's nice, but you're posting absolute nonsense completely detached from reality, the same nonsense that right wing people spread to encourage apathy in left wing voters to dampen turnout.


Oct 25, 2017
You are criticizing dems for not stopping things when they didn't hold the majority in the Senate and the confirmations only needed a majority vote.

It's because....they didn't hold the majority..........? Like, what?

And why did we get into that place historically? Could it possibly have something to do with leaving the filibuster in place for decades when it was clear the whole time that the GOP would carve it up the second it made sense to?


Oct 25, 2017
So maybe the answer is to chill out with regurgitating all the doom and gloom that is repeated ad nauseam in threads like this.
It's an individual answer, but it'd be nice if we could replicate this on a larger scale.

Official Staff Communication
The news today is extremely abhorrent, and many people are furious over the reversal of Roe v. Wade. All of us on staff are feeling similarly - defeated, angry, frustrated - we understand. But we cannot allow for calls to violence here. We will not host that content and anyone doing it will catch a ban. Similarly, dismissive calls to "just move" that downplay the reality of many people's situations will also be moderated.

As always, practice OPSEC, people.