Oct 29, 2017
I hope they make the game more character flashy at that point. It's a first person game. I ain't paying 40 dollars to not see my own character besides pogs.

Deleted member 12867

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The bolded would be valid if not for the fact that Overwatch 2 is replacing Overwatch, a game where people have had six years to understand if the game was for them or not. If the game wasn't 'for them' then people wouldn't bother criticising the new monetisation system; the entire point of criticising the change is to contribute to pressurising a shift to a more positive system.

Saying it's free to play to dismiss the inclusion of predatory price strategies (which charge players on average far more per-item-of-content than was in the previous highly profitable release) doesn't hold water when not only was the previous game as profitable as it was through it's monetisation alone (i.e. ignoring the game's sales), but also in how it's entirely possible to include an optional 'all content unlock' charge at the price that the game would have been if on retail shelves, so no, the issue isn't with the game being F2P, the issue is with a swap to a battle pass system where items are now far more expensive per-item than they've ever been before and users who previously paid $45 for a game (or less if discounted) are locked out of content they'd otherwise have had access to in the currently implemented system (as all indications are that customisations, or at least skins, will now be locked behind paid battle passes). A $45 skin being surveyed is absolutely a byproduct of that.
In what way is it predatory? You know what you are getting unlike buying a loot box


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
I don't mind what they charge as long as it is cosmetic. If it doesn't interfere with gameplay at all I am fine with it.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Cosmetic micro transactions (lol) make no sense to me. I don't even want to spend $10 on a character skin; it just seems like such a ripoff. Do people actually buy these $20, $40, $50+ skins in other games? I am legit having an old man moment here. I've spent less on entire games; there's no way a skin can actually be worth these prices.

Let me tell you about the wonderful world of gacha.


Oct 25, 2017
Asking anything more than a few dollars for a skin is complete nonsense. And I don't care if other companies have done it before, that doesn't make it okay.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Back in my day, $50 bought you multiple maps and new weapons released at a steady cadence. Now it turns your Junkrat purple and gives him a little hoodie.

We made the wrong choice.


Oct 26, 2017
This makes the fact that overwatch 1 will cease to exist with overwatch 2's release even more shitty.


Oct 27, 2017
Late to this news but I remember some saying it would be cheaper than loot boxes when this was implemented due to a season pass system? Given the rates of OW1 pull rates, I'll go out on a limb and say it was fairly good as a former player but they still got caught up in the general wave of cosmetic hate. I feel like this change will bring in more money in the long run but make skins "harder" to get due to cost reasons.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 21, 2021
The game is free. And loot boxes are seen as a bad thing now, so this is the viable option really.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
My answer to Blizzard:



▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
I didn't say OW's decline was attributed to OW2's development; I said people having large volumes of unredeemed loot boxes was (at least partially) attributable to the lack of new content in OW brought about by the development of OW2 (killing off the opportunity to spend their excess loot boxes and gold on new items).
Ah that's my bad then.
Oct 27, 2017
In what way is it predatory? You know what you are getting unlike buying a loot box
Randomisation is only one aspect which makes loot boxes predatory, and the most notable report on the subject for its legislative impact (the NCC report) explicitly upon aspects such as (purposely dropping the misleading probability disclosures which is more loot box specific and deals with the randomisation aspect): the initial ease of progression (and flood of content) which is followed by a need to grind to unlock content triggering purchases, the usage of in-game currencies to help obfuscate content costs, the aggressive marketing in-game which promotes loot box purchases (including time-sensitivity, pop-ups, ) to exploit a fear of missing out and trigger impulse purchases, and the risk of losing content which was purchased. Most Battle Pass implementations share all of these exploitative and predatory design decisions.

Battle Pass systems, at their very core, are explicitly designed to maximise engagement through the creation of a 'fear of missing out' in not completing the battle pass and losing access to the content (either temporarily or permanently) which you paid for in most implementations. This fear of missing out, which purposely preys on the most vulnerable consumers with an addictive or compulsive personality, is further exploited by offering additional monetisation options to aid in the completion of battle passes and ensure you get all of the content you originally paid for the opportunity to acquire. Battle Passes are continuously advertised and promoted with the 'rare'/'exclusive' premium content heavily promoted to further enforce a purchase, and pop-ups/in-game advertisements heavily pushed onto the customer.

The time required to complete a Battle Pass is purposely obfuscated through the usage of XP and levels without a clear time investment making the advertising an inherently deceptive practice (100 levels to complete the battle pass could mean anything from 1 hour to 1000 hours and this is purposely omitted). The predominantly exponentially distributed XP requirements to advance to later levels absolutely conforms to the same initial 'flood' of content followed by a requirement to grind which was explicitly called out by the NCC as a predatory practice to hook customers into expecting (and thus being ready for exploitation through monetary incentives to maintain that) content quickly and easily.

The transient nature of Battle Pass content, where your purchases can be lost following a suspension, a ban, a revision in content offering by the publisher, etc. is exactly the same as the transient nature of loot box acquired content which was called out as problematic by the NCC (and highlighted as being potentially in breach of consumer protections in many distribute), as customers have little recourse for content which they paid for being revoked.

The randomisation aspect of loot boxes was only one of many aspects which were explicitly called out and highlighted in legislative decisions surrounding loot boxes, and while it's important in how that randomisation allows for links to be made with gambling legislation, most of the other aspects which weighed into the decisioning of loot boxes as exploitative are absolutely shared by Battle Passes (but the lack of randomisation allows them to skirt gambling related legislation, while not only extracting more money from consumers but also featuring most of the exact same exploitative and predatory elements).

While the exact specifics of how Blizzard will implement a Battle Pass are unknown, trying to draw a distinction between how predatory loot boxes and battle passes are solely because the latter lacks randomisation and is up-front in the content contained within shows a lack of understanding as to many of the factors which resulted in views of loot boxes being exploitative (in fact, Loot Boxes which do display the content you will receive, and/or the odds of them, were considered exploitative for many of the reasons above, which Battle Passes share). That sort of narrow view that only the randomisation is problematic would validate loot boxes which explicitly advertise the content you would unlock if you purchased it (and eg set them on a eg x hour refresh timer).
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Oct 31, 2017
if you play regularly, you earn a ton of free radianite (upgrade currency). I have some friends who have thousands of radianite, and to fully upgrade the most expensive skin it's about 40 radianite.

to get to the amount that your friends have you would need to have bought the battle passes which are 10$ each. There's radianite as part of the free tier but it's minuscule in comparison. I ran out of radianite recently because I bought a weapon bundle as opposed to buying just one gun which I usually do and now I'm slowly grinding away at the paid battle pass so I can fully upgrade all the weapons from that bundle cause there's no way in hell I'm ever gonna purchase radianite

plus 40 radianite upgrades the VFX and finisher, that's correct, but you will still need 15 radianite each to unlock the several color variations

I got curious and just counted the radianite you get from the free tier of the battle pass which amounts to a whopping 30. A season lasts around 50 days usually so yeah, it's not a lot you get for free.
Last edited:
Dec 26, 2017
Firelink Shrine
to get to the amount that your friends have you would need to have bought the battle passes which are 10$ each. There's radianite as part of the free tier but it's minuscule in comparison. I ran out of radianite recently because I bought a weapon bundle as opposed to buying just one gun which I usually do and now I'm slowly grinding away at the paid battle pass so I can fully upgrade all the weapons from that bundle cause there's no way in hell I'm ever gonna purchase radianite

plus 40 radianite upgrades the VFX and finisher, that's correct, but you will still need 15 radianite each to unlock the several color variations

I got curious and just counted the radianite you get from the free tier of the battle pass which amounts to a whopping 30. A season lasts around 50 days usually so yeah, it's not a lot you get for free.
You're correct, they have been buying the premium battle pass every act. That's an oversight on my part, had no idea the free track granted so few radianite.


Oct 20, 2020
Five dollars for three fucking sprays?

Either americans are rich or my country is way too fucking poor lmao