
Oct 30, 2017
It's a good console with some of the best games of the generation so this is well deserved.


Oct 27, 2017
My PS4 Pro and Xbox One X are the secondary consoles. The Switch is the primary console of millions of persons. Nice subtle way to downgrade Switch's success.
Wasn't meant as a negative, it's a master plan to have a unique enough platform that get fans of all platforms to feel like they need your platform too.
Oct 25, 2017
Right now Switch needs to become cheaper more than it needs to become more powerful.

A Pro revision makes more sense in 2021 imo.
2021 is at least 4 years from launch. Seems like way too long.

Hadn't seen insiders state that the switch revision is just nicer casing/no spec differences because that's really disappointing.

Xbox One X and Pro show that it works.
Releasing one after the PS5 but not capable of competing with it seems a bit lackluster


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yep. The price was basically the reason for most of the pessimism in the first place. I knew the console would have mass appeal, but even I thought the price would be an impediment. Obviously not.

I probably have an old post on GAF saying that it would do way better then the Wii u but probably not Wii levels. Based this on my time at GameStop for all three systems (I started a year after Wii launched and it was still insane) basically Wii u had next to no just normal people asking about it. Where as the Switch in my much lower volume store then the one I was at when the Wii u launched had normal people genuinely asking about it and understanding it.


Oct 25, 2017
It always seems somewhat revisionist to say that launching in March gives an advantage to Switch because the prevailing opinion at the time was that it was disastrous for Nintendo to have missed the holiday period in 2016. People were even suggesting it would be a "soft launch".

Yep I remember arguing in those threads, about the so-called soft launch - that ended up being a masterful move by Nintendo.
Zelda(March), MK8D(April), Minecraft(May), Arms(June), Splatoon 2(July), Mario+Rabbids(August), Super Mario Odyssey(October), Xenoblade 2(December) - just those titles are better than the combined biggest tiles on the 3DS/Wii U in their first 9 months. Sure outside of Minecraft and Mario Rabbids there weren't any multimillion selling 3rd party games but that's not exactly Nintendo's fault. They spaced out their titles and were able to focus on each one individually, outside of MK8D which didn't need much promotion and Xenoblade 2 which was never going to get a major push.

Like I said back in Feb & March on GAF
Its only a "soft" launch for people that own the Wii U.
For people with 3DS/Vita/PC/PS/Xbox there is no Zelda or MK8 coming out this year. Add in things like SMO, Splatoon 2, Xeno 2, Arms and some unannounced titles and it's suddenly a better line up than 3DS and Wii U had combined.
Switch: The Soft(ish) Launch - a Switch launch strategy analysis video by Arlo

Expecting Nintendo to somehow have a flawless launch when you have things like the 3DS and Wii U launches is unrealistic. To me the issues people focus on right now on GAF in the end probably won't hamper the Switch as far as the launch is concerned. We are probably far more aware and really magnify faults with the launch tech but that's something that has happened with pretty much every console or handheld that's launched. This is perfectly normal for a dedicated forum but outside of that there is a large amount of people who don't follow every negative and are impressed by the device. Despite the flaws a lot of reviews pointed out - I don't really see the negative outside of gaming forums.
As a device you cannot honestly tell me you prefer the 3DS or Wii U at launch - Switch trumps both Wii U and 3DS at launch by a considerable margin while potentially combining their libraries. The Hybrid and how switching between game modes and switching between how you utilize the Joycons are light years ahead of both 3D or Tablet that you need to have no more than 5 meters/1 wall from the console.

Regarding the launch lineup also would say that neither Wii U or 3DS had games like Zelda, Splatoon 2, Super Mario Odyssey in their launch year if they did they might have done better. As far as a launch year lineup is concerned Switch is considerably better than both prior devices, I'd say to someone who hasn't owned a Wii U it's actually a stronger launch year than both Wii U and 3DS combined. There is games that will make their way to a Nintendo handheld for the first time and those games are huge upgrade compared to their predecessors(MK7 -> MK8D, ALBW - > Botw, SM3DL - SMO) and completely new franchises to a Nintendo handheld device(Splatoon 2, Minecraft, Arms, Skyrim). The incentive for 3DS owners to upgrade is far greater than those who owned a Wii U - which is probably the most dedicated Nintendo fans.

To me the main unknown is what people who have never owned a Nintendo console(outside of possibly Wii) think of the device. Is things like BotW, MK8D, Splatoon 2, SMO etc. That's really the unknown to me, but these faults with the system might not be quiet as insurmountable as long as Nintendo is able to provide the needed software. It all rests on the launch year lineup and I personally think it's extremely underrated for some reason, as if a large amount of people were even aware of the Wii U's existence.

I can't comment on all the faults you've outlined OP but really for the narrative of this being a soft launch, beta, early access console - I'm actually far more excited about the Switch than either the 3DS or Wii U at launch. I honestly never thought I'd buy a Nintendo handheld for myself but a Hybrid is another matter, especially one that has many other positive aspects.
Here are some issues I have with the Switch launch for us to politely discuss

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
This is honestly not that impressive. Nintendo was always going to sell the Switch to the core Wii crowd in the US of about 20 million in total, sales will drop off a cliff in the coming year for sure. They only achieved this result by stuffing the channels and having scalpers buy up most of the stock. Looking at these figures launch aligned doesn't count since they had an extra launch period and holiday, besides if you add up Wii U + 3DS or Wii+ DS these numbers are actually fairly terrible.

It's honestly not all that impressive, PS4 and Xbox One are nearing their seventh year on the market, while the Switch is new and hip, making the resulting competition fairly low. Also you can't actually compare the numbers between them since the Switch is a handheld. Everyone predicted the Switch would be a succes at the start of this generation, I don't know why all of you act so surprised. Even if they are hitting 19.5 Million for this year they will still be miles away from their target of 20 million Switches, tepidly high software sales in comparison won't make a dent either.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Soph I know you were doing this since Neogaf, but wich was the orginal post?

This is honestly not that impressive + Nintendo was always going to sell X to the core X.
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Slam Tilt

Jan 16, 2018
I dont see how it could.
One point in the Switch's favor is that households are more likely to buy multiple Switches, one for each gaming member, thanks to the more personal nature of handhelds. A price cut will help Nintendo with that. You'll be hard-pressed to find a home with multiple PS4s.
The zero chance retort.you.got was such a fanboy thing.you have to wonder why they are even posting.
De Nial isn't just a river in Kyoto.
I would bet money the Switch version will sell the most of any Metroid (at least Prime) title. The audience meshes fairly well for the first time and the Switch doesn't have that "kiddy" stigma that previous Nintendo system's had to an extent.
I still think Nintendo could elevate Metroid Prime 4 to a top-tier franchise with just a few tweaks, such as an optional third-person camera. Position it as a sci-fi version of Zelda and it could be massive.

Deleted member 925

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Not this bullshit again that people were pulling during the Wii U era where Nintendo is only selling to their core base.

It is impressive because people I know that don't game anymore have bought Switches. Even a few of my fellow gays who aren't into games. Nintendo has clearly tapped into something. But keep dismissing. Lol
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Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
The Switch is the system the Metroid Prime series has been waiting for. It'll finally jump to B-Tier series for Nintendo.


Uncle Beerus
Oct 25, 2017
2021 is at least 4 years from launch. Seems like way too long.

Hadn't seen insiders state that the switch revision is just nicer casing/no spec differences because that's really disappointing.

Xbox One X and Pro show that it works.
Releasing one after the PS5 but not capable of competing with it seems a bit lackluster
I dunno, the timing makes a lot of sense to me. The cheaper revision this year to really push Pokemon and then early 2021 for the Pro to take advantage of the inevitable supply constrains that the PS5 and Xbox will likely have while also giving a good amount of time so the Pro can be a nice spec boost to help it a little more against those new systems.
Jun 20, 2018
I'm happy that Nintendo is having success with non-mobile games, but the success of the Switch is kind of baffling to me. I don't have one yet, but I'm keeping a list of games I want on it. At the moment, that list is Arms, Super Mario Odyssey and Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. Admittedly I played games like Breath of the Wild, Captain Toad and Tropical Freeze on the Wii U, so that's cutting out some quality titles, but don't see why I'd buy them again. I expect more to be added this year, as I'm really excited about Fire Emblem and Pokemon, and also keeping an eye on Yoshi, as well as the hope that Metroid Prime, Luigi's Mansion and Bayonetta could come too.

I usually buy consoles 2-3 years after launch and there's much, much more stuff I want compared to the Switch. Don't get me wrong, as soon as we heard the rumours of a hybrid console, and when we got that reveal, I loved the idea, but I expected more games from Nintendo since all their studios can focus on one machine now.

New Donker

One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Well deserved. 2019 will be the year it cements itself as my favorite Nintendo console of all time.

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
I'm happy that Nintendo is having success with non-mobile games, but the success of the Switch is kind of baffling to me. I don't have one yet, but I'm keeping a list of games I want on it. At the moment, that list is Arms, Super Mario Odyssey and Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle. Admittedly I played games like Breath of the Wild, Captain Toad and Tropical Freeze on the Wii U, so that's cutting out some quality titles, but don't see why I'd buy them again. I expect more to be added this year, as I'm really excited about Fire Emblem and Pokemon, and also keeping an eye on Yoshi, as well as the hope that Metroid Prime, Luigi's Mansion and Bayonetta could come too.

I usually buy consoles 2-3 years after launch and there's much, much more stuff I want compared to the Switch. Don't get me wrong, as soon as we heard the rumours of a hybrid console, and when we got that reveal, I loved the idea, but I expected more games from Nintendo since all their studios can focus on one machine now.
Let's see what the games look like 2-3 years after. We're not even at the 2 year mark.


Oct 27, 2017
the next after that is going to be countdown until there's more Switch in Japan than WiiU WW.
It's gonna take a while but it's gonna happen eventually.
Pretty crazy when you think about it.
Why Japan? Switch US installed base in the USA should hit that sometime in 2019. If you include Canada it will hit hit that even sooner.


Apr 27, 2018
B/c next year we will be near 110 if not slightly past it.

After full five years in the market (+ the two months in 2013) PS4 has sold a bit over 90 million units.
Why it would suddenly get a massive boost to almost 20 million units next year I don't honestly understand, especially if there is PS5 coming at some point (speculation of course) and with Switch eating up the consumer money in both hardware and software.

I am having hard time to believe this prediction.

Oh, absolutely. The Switch version of ANY Nintendo property at this point will probably sell the most of any game in their respective franchise.
I disagree here, because of some absolutely ridiculous numbers in the DS, 3DS and Wii era.
Pokemon won't be the best selling, neither will 2D Mario at least.


Oct 25, 2017
What I'm really excited to see is where this puts their net profit over the next few years. People make a big deal about not having the same amount of hardware sold as the Wii and DS but if they wind up making more money with the Switch and mobile then why will exact hardware counts matter?

I should note, I'm a shareholder, which is why profit is interesting to me.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Personally I'd love a Pro/X revision for the Switch, but I'm sure a "DS Lite" type redesign would still help it sell a ton.


Nov 3, 2017
Indeed, the Switch "Gambit" has paid off in spades

the crazy part is Wii is at something like 14M in Japan, so Switch smashing that would certainly be a major milestone for Nintendo.

Why Japan? Switch US installed base in the USA should hit that sometime in 2019. If you include Canada it will hit hit that even sooner.
I mean after there's more Switch in the US than WiiU Worldwide, the next countdown will be when there will be more Switch in Japan than WiiU WW (although I should probably bank for that happening in the EU).


Oct 25, 2017
Portable home console with good enough graphics outsells non portable home consoles. Big news id say.


Nov 26, 2017
Congrats to Nintendo! Switch is a beast. I expected a 3DS level success, not a legit contender for first place at the end of this gen.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
After full five years in the market (+ the two months in 2013) PS4 has sold a bit over 90 million units.
Why it would suddenly get a massive boost to almost 20 million units next year I don't honestly understand, especially if there is PS5 coming at some point (speculation of course) and with Switch eating up the consumer money in both hardware and software.

I am having hard time to believe this prediction.

I disagree here, because of some absolutely ridiculous numbers in the DS, 3DS and Wii era.
Pokemon won't be the best selling, neither will 2D Mario at least.
I thought they were near 94 but it's 92. They will get near 108 starting next year. You don't think they could do 12 million in 2020 if they do 16 this year?
Oct 27, 2017
In the US XB1 sales were always strong. I think launch-aligned it was even higher than X360 (for 1-2 years at least, if I'm not wrong).

Basically US 'saved' XB1.
Wasnt it the same for the n64? Its really odd how this gen played similar to the 5th one Ps4=ps1 ,Xbox1=N64,WiiU=Saturn. Only difference is Xbox had issues with thier first party games instead of N64s Third party issue


Nov 26, 2017
Take a look at the thread about a new model, lot of people are. I've got the same feeling in other forums, what most people are expecting is a mini joyconless Switch that will replace the 3DS. Not what I'm expecting at all tho.

A lot of these people are mad. I think there is no chance we see a model without them, they are the lifeblood of the system.


Dec 25, 2017
I'd say it's at least a little more than that.

Bear in mind of course it hasn't had a price cut yet (both PS4 and Xbox had by this point in time IIRC), a revised version or the game that'll most likely be the highest selling game on it released (Pokemon gen 8).

Who can say really with all that in mind.

So I guess the question for the upcoming years is which will sell more, MK8D, SSBU or Gen 8 Pokémon?

Got a good chuckle from this tweet this morning:


To be fair this article was predicting it's performance based on the Wii U. Not that it is a particularly worthwhile take, but it's less ridiculous than that tweet makes it seem.

The prediction was off anyway, the Wii U one alone sold more than Double Dash and Super Circuit, IIRC.


Jun 8, 2018
I just hope Nintendo doesn't take this as justification for another slow release schedule.
Honestly, if you with "slow" mean like the 2018 I'm good. Of course we won't get anything big until Yoshi (maybe Metroid Trilogy but I think it's a bit late? to announce it for february), but from april to december we should get 1 big/good release every month


Oct 25, 2017
I just hope Nintendo doesn't take this as justification for another slow release schedule.

Nah, if anything it will do the opposite because the first half of the year numbers are staring them in the face. They know what this year could have looked like if they had, for example, Animal Crossing release in May 2018.


Oct 25, 2017
And the feti
yeah cuz all handhelds have outsold all consoles 🙄

We are in a new age, friend. Switch is the first true portable home console. How much value does the market at large place on portability vs graphics? I am not arrogant enough to claim to know, but the switch—with its shitty online and lack of certain key games—is a case that many many people prefer that.


Oct 25, 2017
Soph I know you were doing this since Neogaf, but wich was the orginal post?

This is honestly not that impressive + Nintendo was always going to sell X to the core X.

I stole that part from Anihawk

Found his post:

"it's not really that impressive. all the mario kart fans are going to buy this game anyway so sales are probably going to die down after the first 8 million or so. also, nintendo handhelds always do well so this is not that impressive. also, lots of games debut at #1 so it shouldn't shock people when another game does that."


Oct 25, 2017
Thats what i meant.

Switch seems nice enough that a lite model seems a bit redundant.

Well "DS Lite" style might include a new chip with slightly bumped specs for all we know. Maybe a bigger screen, smaller battery, no fan, lighter weight, etc.

I personally think it will have a more efficient SoC which will allow it to hit slightly higher clocks while using far less power. This would allow them to remove the fan and use a smaller battery, allowing them to reduce the price. It might be sold without the dock for ~$200 or $225, and another SKU which replaces the OG model will have the dock and be sold for ~$250 to $275.

It seems a bit more substantial of a change than just a different case/frame.