Grain Silo

Dec 15, 2017
This is interesting.

For context, Sword and Scale is a true crime podcast with over 17,000 patrons that is estimated to make around $85,000 (!) a month. The host and executive producer, Mike Boudet, is notorious for being a creep. He regularly attacks his detractors on social media with the official Sword & Scale account. Just scroll down the official S&S Twitter feed to get a look at his attitude, it's disgusting.

EDIT: For receipts of his shitty behavior, there's a tumblr blog dedicated solely to them, including its profile picture which is a mugshot of him when he was arrested for a DUI: Inside you will find him mocking the victims of the crimes he covers in his podcast who weren't consulted for his stories, openly soliciting nudes from female listeners, and publicly using the word "autistic" as an insult.
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Nov 1, 2017
Rubin is trash. Only takes 15-20 minutes of research to realize it. Peterson is a dangerous demi-god to lost young men.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, watching these idiots deplatform themselves is awesome. Because there's no way that's gonna succeed.

American McGee, another trash human being, is also leaving



Nov 1, 2017
Man, watching these idiots deplatform themselves is awesome. Because there's no way that's gonna succeed.

American McGee, another trash human being, is also leaving

WTF? I only know American McGee from the Alice games. I didn't realize he had these beliefs. So, is his Patreon funding his new Alice game that has yet to be picked up by EA since they own the rights?


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Why won't Paetreon give the fascists a safe space to spew their hate? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Oct 26, 2017
Ah yes. All the creeps are deplatforming themselves. What're they going to do when the major financial institutions (Paypal/Visa/MC) refuse to sanction their buffonery like they did with Hatreon?

Can't wait.


Self-Requested Ban
Dec 9, 2017
Isn't this guy a huge jerk? If I remember he's insulted patreons for only giving him a dollar in the past saying they really owed him more, crapped on other true crime content creators and said gross shit like "people around you could have schizophrenia, be talking to voices in their head and try to kill you at any moment". Its no surprise this guy is a "free speech intellectual".


Oct 25, 2017
Deplatforming yourself to own the libs

Good job on Patreon on not having any of their bullshit.


Oct 25, 2017
I stopped listening a couple of months ago when he started using the patreon as a vehicle to complain about how people criticizing his behavior was limiting free speech. His episode quality has also gone down, he pit in unedited recorded testimony of a rape victim for a section of an episode with no warning of any kind. Dude is a clown


Oct 27, 2017
I adored Alice: Madness Returns

Fuck this. I am so disgusted
To be fair, he wasn't really a creative lead on MR. But American McGee's Alice was truly special.

It's been disheartening to see him air his garbage opinions over the past several years. Sad, but the reality is he's unlikely to ever do anything worthwhile again in his career. Not much of a loss TBH.
Oct 27, 2017
Freedom of speech is a protection from government persecution, not consequence from behavior. These dumbasses can't even get that right while they advocate for hate speech.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
I didn't know the Sword and Scale guy was a creep but honestly I'm not surprised. Fuck that guy and his podcast.

He's a creep that also happens to produce super lazy content (a podcast that's 90% interrogation and news footage, 8% ads and 2% inane 'commentary' is hardly worth listening to). There are lots of true crime podcasts out there producing quality content (Casefile and Small Town Murder are my two current favorites), and they deserve your Patreon dollars way more than this loser.


Oct 26, 2017
Won't they have to find a bank that's willing to work with them?

One of the reasons I thought Patreon had to be so aggressive about bigoted speech and campaigns is that American banks cannot and will not hold money for those types of actively violent people.

This isn't a free speech issue. This is a liability issue.

Why did I used to think Dave Rubin was hot when he first came out on YouTube? I'm ashamed at my libido.


Oct 27, 2017
Have any of these clowns talked about the speech pathologist who lost her job because of that anti BDS law?
Oct 26, 2017
He's a creep that also happens to produce super lazy content (a podcast that's 90% interrogation and news footage, 8% ads and 2% inane 'commentary' is hardly worth listening to). There are lots of true crime podcasts out there producing quality content (Casefile and Small Town Murder are my two current favorites), and they deserve your Patreon dollars way more than this loser.
Anyone looking for alternatives to this creep heed this post. Casefile is solid. I would also recommend Criminal as they're short and very well produced.


ā–² Legend ā–²
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It's refreshing to see Patreon having the balls to do what's right, in contrast to fuckerberg's facebook and other companies like youtube or twitter.


Oct 26, 2017
Lol not even remotely surprised to see the Sword and Scale guy doing this. I remember the first ever "trigger" warning he did on his show was because of a dog or something got hurt and right before he threw the trigger warning he said how he didn't believe in trigger warnings but nevertheless. People who get their kicks listening to the suffering of other humans but draw the line at animals getting hurt always seemed like sociopaths to me.


Dec 17, 2017
Patreon's CEO already all in the DM's of Tim Poole. Only a matter of time before he cracks.
Oct 26, 2017
If they're able to find a way to make big daddy Peterson's Patreon work I don't think this is a good thing. To be honest I'd like to see all the racist dipshits threatening to leave but being too fucking cowardly to do it yet be deplatformed too.

Have any of these clowns talked about the speech pathologist who lost her job because of that anti BDS law?

Nah, they don't care about literal censorship, they refuse to talk about the main cause of academics losing their jobs due to their freedom of speech which is when they say things in support of Palestine. They only care when people are deplatformed for breaking the hate speech section of TOS.

The funniest thing is Sargon likely lost his Patreon due to being mass reported by the Alt Right in the first place.
Grain Silo

Grain Silo

Dec 15, 2017
Lol not even remotely surprised to see the Sword and Scale guy doing this. I remember the first ever "trigger" warning he did on his show was because of a dog or something got hurt and right before he threw the trigger warning he said how he didn't believe in trigger warnings but nevertheless. People who get their kicks listening to the suffering of other humans but draw the line at animals getting hurt always seemed like sociopaths to me.

He made it out as if cruelty to animals was the worst thing imaginable in a podcast series that regularly delves into sexual violence and child abuse. Sickening.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Ah yes. All the creeps are deplatforming themselves. What're they going to do when the major financial institutions (Paypal/Visa/MC) refuse to sanction their buffonery like they did with Hatreon?

Can't wait.
I don't think it will even get that far. I don't think they have the organizational skills to set something like that up


Oct 27, 2017
Dropped this podcast a couple years ago, twenty minutes into an episode in which he aggressively and relentlessly misgendered a trans subject. It was obvious then what kind of person he was, and clearly nothing's changed.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Man all these cats use the same script "I don't agree with hate speech....but here is my 78 page essay on defending hate speech"


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Goddamn at how much Chapo Trap house rakes in a month


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
When I see a name like Sword and Scale I imagine medieval badassery, not a crime interrogation show. Should be deplatformed for false advertising alone.