Race to the Spire


Oct 25, 2017
Race to the Spire
Surprised to see Calliope return.
Cass returning already makes Rapunzel not bothering to check up on her at the end of the previous episode even weirder.
A stone to take command of like four people total seems underwhelming. Like sure, they're good fighters, but it doesn't seem worth the effort.
Hmm, a bottle that delivers things in a cloud of smoke that has a dragon on it... wouldn't be the first My Little Pony reference in a modern Disney show.
Good to see they're addressing the fast travel, even if this is after their previous fast travel to the island.
Weird icy area in the middle of the land.
They're spending time there? Is this a multiparter?
Calliope is obviously Cassandra.
Woah, merfolk.
Glad Rapunzel was smart enough to realize Calliope was fake. Didn't expect it to be not!ghost girl.
Interesting that the Disney references in the room have different, but related effects.
Rapunzel forced to let Cass leave, but still, doesn't seem like a big loss.
Oh, ghost girl was Zhan Tiri after all.


Oct 25, 2017
Almost caught up. Watched all of season 1 and 2 plus the first episode of season 3 for the first time. "Next Stop, Anywhere" is one of the best Disney songs out there.
A Tale of Two Sisters


Nov 3, 2017
A Tale of Two Sisters

Just when you think Gothel might have a shred of humanity and actually care about her daughter. No, she manipulated and abused her daughter like Rapunzel. Zhan Tiri was playing chess and used Rapunzel and Cassandra as her pawns. I'm guessing someone will find that shard of the mirror that reveals the truth about Gothel to Cassandra.


Oct 25, 2017
A Tale of Two Sisters
From the Disney Now thumbnail, redemption incoming?
I like how nonchalant Rapunzel is about ghosts.
The idea of Rapunzel confronting Mother Gothel's ghost is interesting, even if it turned to be a wax figure.
Damn, Rapunzel is wrecking Cassandra.
They're really doing a lot to justify why Cassandra can't just use the black rocks to escape.
So Rapunzel can make her hair glow whenever.
I guess it makes sense for Gothel to have a hidden chamber. Mirror recordings is a bit odder.
Bonding! Not sure what the hand mirror could be that stops this.
Explosion! And everyone dies.
Cass calling her Raps again!
Cassandra's reaction to the mirror is a bit forced.
At least she feels bad about turning on her.
I feel whether Gothel was sincere in giving Cassandra the music box or not is irrelevant.

Good episode, though Cassandra's conflict is increasingly forced.


Oct 25, 2017
* Oh, dream sequence, OK.
* Retiring after taking a vacation, nice.
* Hmm, was Eugene captain of the guard in the movie epilogue?
* Time for El Hermano.
* Frying pan kill.
* Another callback to the movie with "Flynn" tied up in hair.
* The Baron's back. Guess he never got a good cure for the spider bites.
* Oh, getting into some interesting stuff with how Eugene views his Flynn Rider legacy.
* Rapunzel favors redemption over wanton imprisonment.
* That frown from Rapunzel.
* RIP Varian.
* The Baron is seeing double. Four Flynns!
* The boring name of Brock Thunderstrike.
* Not quite redeemed yet.
* Now he's redeemed.
* Crab companion.
* Lance is deaf but not Varian?
* Brock is voiced by Chris Diamantopoulos. I don't think there's some kind of joke casting with him being connected to Zachary Levi here.

Alright episode.
Once a Handmaiden...


Nov 3, 2017
Once a Handmaiden

Well, this episode escalated quickly.

After Cassandra discovered the truth about Gothel, she attempted to recover her friendship with Rapzunel but Zhan Tiri once again ruined that moment and now Cassandra has conquered Corona. I didn't expect this episode to end with the destruction of Corona.


Oct 25, 2017
Once a Handmaiden...
Sheesh, bad idea just leaving the missing window piece around, Zhan Tiri.
Zhan Tiri enjoying those grapes.
"Are we the baddies?"
Oh right, the disguise cloak.
These seems like a bad idea, Cassandra. Especially disguising yourself as an actual person.
Goodwill Festival, so a year since season 2.
Cute gopher.
Role reversal play.
Damn, Cassandra's getting pushed back to evil so easily. There's no reason Rapunzel wouldn't have a plan to stop you.
Cassandra beaten by a net.
Oh, now Cass finally uses the mind control stone.
Wait, not even King Edmund was affected by the stone? That stone really does suck!
I thought Cass maybe used the memory loss spell on Rapunzel, but that wasn't the case.
Honestly, Cass's motivations are still so dumb. I feel like this is a case where the series outline said she'd turn evil, but then as they wrote the show, her character simply didn't develop that way, yet the outline is king. Otherwise, it's a good episode.


Nov 3, 2017
Varian should have stayed playing the role of a villain and eventually becoming Zhan Tiri's pawn instead of Cassandra. Cassandra behaving like an unstable child with superpowers throughout this season doesn't suit her character. Speaking of Varian, where was his father and why wasn't King Edmund affected by the mind control gem?


Oct 25, 2017
Varian should have stayed playing the role of a villain and eventually becoming Zhan Tiri's pawn instead of Cassandra. Cassandra behaving like an unstable child with superpowers throughout this season doesn't suit her character. Speaking of Varian, where was his father and why wasn't King Edmund affected by the mind control gem?
I strongly suspect this is a case where how the characters developed didn't end up matching their series outline. Varian was probably meant to be a throwaway character, but he turned out more popular than they imagined. However, the series outline said Cassandra would be the villain (and I posted last thread how they said on Instagram that Cassandra's evil design came before her good design), and they didn't think they could change it. Thus, Varian was quickly made a good guy once the development schedule allowed them to respond to fan feedback. Cassandra ended up having a less compelling motivation than Varian because they made her and Rapunzel get along too well, so Cass's actions seem bizarre.

As for King Edmund, I guess he technically isn't part of the Brotherhood. Which again emphasizes how weirdly specific that mind control stone is. Varian's dad is probably being saved for a reveal in the finale.


Nov 3, 2017
I strongly suspect this is a case where how the characters developed didn't end up matching their series outline. Varian was probably meant to be a throwaway character, but he turned out more popular than they imagined. However, the series outline said Cassandra would be the villain (and I posted last thread how they said on Instagram that Cassandra's evil design came before her good design), and they didn't think they could change it. Thus, Varian was quickly made a good guy once the development schedule allowed them to respond to fan feedback. Cassandra ended up having a less compelling motivation than Varian because they made her and Rapunzel get along too well, so Cass's actions seem bizarre.

As for King Edmund, I guess he technically isn't part of the Brotherhood. Which again emphasizes how weirdly specific that mind control stone is. Varian's dad is probably being saved for a reveal in the finale.

Cassandra has gone through so much character derailment. After they finally defeat Zhan Tiri, I can't imagine the entire kingdom instantly forgiving her for causing so much chaos and destruction.
Plus Est En Vous


Oct 25, 2017
I'll always love this show, but I think my biggest takeaway after having seen the finale is that this is the show that Avatar: The Last Airbender should have been, instead of the masterpiece we somehow got instead. Fantastic songs though and flashes of greatness.

Prof Bathtub

Apr 26, 2018
I really enjoyed the whole show. In my eyes it's easily the best Disney Channel/XD/TV offering of the 2010s (plus a couple months.)

Still funny to think that it all remains an interquel between the film and a quite inessential hijinx-driven short.


Oct 25, 2017
really enjoyed the finale and loved following the show as a whole. added great new characters and exciting lore to the foundation the original movie laid along with having some gorgeous animation and wonderful tunes. def among the top Disney movie-to-show adaptations alongside Tron Uprising for me


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Top Disney animated show since Gravity Falls, Motorcity, and Tron: Uprising. God, that ending had me tearing from the fight all the way to "the end"


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Man my god, what an ending. I watched it soon after it aired and hours later I'm still thinking about it. I was just listening to some of Cass' best songs while driving and teared up. There's definitely some issues in parts of her arc as a character, but as a whole I like what she added to season 3. Easily one of my favorite Disney cartoons. Hell, probably cartoons period.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
I just randomly came into this thread and what the fuck??? This isn't some monster of the week no stakes type cartoon??? Should I be watching this??? Is it canon to the movie?? I feel like I have so many questions.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I just randomly came into this thread and what the fuck??? This isn't some monster of the week no stakes type cartoon??? Should I be watching this??? Is it canon to the movie?? I feel like I have so many questions.
It kind of starts that way after Before Ever After. Rapunzel is trying to find her bearings in Corona so it can feel that way at times, but there's definitely an underlying story that pops up throughout season 1, and that ramps up to 11 by season 2 and 3 if you can stick with it.

You should most definitely be watching it, and yes it's canon. It expands upon the lore of the movie in a lot of creative ways, and you feel like you know the cast so much more (especially Rapunzel's parents who are basically mute in the movie). If you like a good cartoon with some deeper themes, I don't see why not. Seasons 1 and 2 are on Disney+ if you have that. Otherwise 1-3 are on various services (I usually watch on Disney's Disney Now online streaming service that existed before Disney+) and there's plenty to dive into.

And honestly, not sure if you're one into Disney movies for their songs, but I know myself and numerous others would say a lot of the soundtrack is even to the point of outperforming the movie Tangled itself in terms of sheer quality.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
North Carolina
It kind of starts that way after Before Ever After. Rapunzel is trying to find her bearings in Corona so it can feel that way at times, but there's definitely an underlying story that pops up throughout season 1, and that ramps up to 11 by season 2 and 3 if you can stick with it.

You should most definitely be watching it, and yes it's canon. It expands upon the lore of the movie in a lot of creative ways, and you feel like you know the cast so much more (especially Rapunzel's parents who are basically mute in the movie). If you like a good cartoon with some deeper themes, I don't see why not. Seasons 1 and 2 are on Disney+ if you have that. Otherwise 1-3 are on various services (I usually watch on Disney's Disney Now online streaming service that existed before Disney+) and there's plenty to dive into.

And honestly, not sure if you're one into Disney movies for their songs, but I know myself and numerous others would say a lot of the soundtrack is even to the point of outperforming the movie Tangled itself in terms of sheer quality.
I'm all about great cartoons and Disney movie songs. Love Tangled in general. Guess I'll be watching this.


Oct 25, 2017
Plus Est En Vous
Eugene narration to tie things back together.
Yeah, that clip from the tournament episode isn't enough justification for Cass acting like this.
Nice theme song instrumental.
So Varian's dad is here too.
Song reminds me of a more hopeful "Ready As I'll Ever Be".
Varian taking a swig of that not!alcohol.
So everyone is just charging off without a plan, while Rapunzel and Eugene do the important stuff.
Oh, the others are there too.
That fire riddle even had a fire symbol below it.
Until Eugene got swapped with a monkey, I was worried that Varian would be permanently monkeyfied.
Instrumental "I Will Make You Proud"
Just casually monstrified Rutteger again.
Ah, Varian wasn't as dumb about his dad as it seemed.
Foiled by the crow. Feels like a big case of having their cake and eating it. They needed everyone getting sucked in, but also didn't want Varian to look dumb.
Flashback with old lady Zhan Tiri.
Portal vs. boomerang seems like overkill.
Honestly, just having Zhan Tiri be a demon from another dimension probably would worked better.
Seems like a nice place.
Ah, never mind.
Glowing hair punch.
Oh shit hair energy blasts.
With the music stings, this definitely feels like Discord's realm from MLP.
Uh, Rapunzel, what about that rock-destroying aura of yours?
There you go.
Ah, so King Edmund can be controlled too. He just wasn't before, for reasons.
Max to the rescue. Damn, he's just pwning everyone.
Can't beat a net, though.
Poor alicorn Trixie.
So did Zhan Tiri have both stones before, hence all the images of her in this form, or...?
Flickering gold hair.
"What have you done?" Uh, Rapunzel, all the black rocks were from Cassandra, so this is mostly her.
Oh, Zhan Tiri's monster form is pretty weak, huh?
Hair cut for victory.
Healing song again.
Cassandra wandering to explain why she wasn't at the wedding. No explanation for the other show-original characters, I suppose.
Oh, I guess Cass is going with her dad.
"Life After Happily Ever After" reprise.
Varian invented hot running water.
Ending with the book closing.
Or not.
"I See the Light' instrumental with the proposal.

Things weren't handled as well as I would have liked, and it still feels like they had an outline that they had to stick to even when the characters deviated from it, but I still enjoyed this and the series overall. I'd definitely say this is the best Disney movie based TV series.


Oct 27, 2017
My daughter cried when I told her that I think it's done done. Her, myself and my wife enjoyed the show a lot. I can't think of the Tangled world without so many if the characters the show introduced, so seeing the movie in the future will be odd. I thought the end was a bit rushed but overall the entire story arc was good. Music in the show has generally been great and Wind In My Hair is a song that'll be in my head forever.


Oct 25, 2017
My daughter cried when I told her that I think it's done done. Her, myself and my wife enjoyed the show a lot. I can't think of the Tangled world without so many if the characters the show introduced, so seeing the movie in the future will be odd. I thought the end was a bit rushed but overall the entire story arc was good. Music in the show has generally been great and Wind In My Hair is a song that'll be in my head forever.
Yeah, going back to the very small world of the original Tangled movie is odd now. There weren't even any supernatural elements outside of the sundrop and Rapunzel herself. They did a much better job expanding the setting and characters here than in Frozen, IMO. Similarly, if they end up making a Tangled 2 sometime in the future, I hope they acknowledge the series.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
My daughter cried when I told her that I think it's done done. Her, myself and my wife enjoyed the show a lot. I can't think of the Tangled world without so many if the characters the show introduced, so seeing the movie in the future will be odd. I thought the end was a bit rushed but overall the entire story arc was good. Music in the show has generally been great and Wind In My Hair is a song that'll be in my head forever.
Yeah, RTA retroactively adds more to the movie for me. Even though the events take place outside of the movie, I feel that I know the characters so much more now, and the world they crafted in the series has been a great one for sure. It's not just a great Disney animated feature adaptation, it's a genuinely great cartoon. It has some flaws especially towards the finale, but it does so much right.

And like you said, I've had so many different songs from Wind in My Hair to Nothing Left to Lose stuck in my head all week since the finale dropped.


Oct 27, 2017
Well that was a bummer. I had no idea this was the final season until about 10 minutes left in the finale. Anyway, what a great show and I'm totally going to miss the characters and the world they built. I have always felt that Tangled was one of the more underrated Disney movies.

Disney, this is your benchmark for any extended universe content! If any of their Disney+ shows can even reach this level of quality, it'll make my 3 year commitment worth it! Tangled the series had an awesome voice actor cast. Disney should be able to pull off casting like that regularly.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Catching up to season 3 and a few things
1. Gothel is such as an ass
2. Can we please have Raps eventually meet and team up with other Disney princesses just for the heck of it? Like come on, this show is ripe for a princess crossover/team up! Like OK this would be the final season, but just make a special animated feature by the team of the show and let them write up the script etc.