
Oct 25, 2017
When I was like 10 I went to a Beanie Baby convention at the Jewish Community Center and I cut some lady off in line and I bought the last Glory bear they had. Man that lady was pissed. I don't even know where that thing is now I'm just glad I won. There's levels to collecting shit and I went in hard.

Another time I was at the arcade and I watched some girls playing the Simpsons arcade game. They were doing so well but on the last level the one girl got killed but had no more quarters left. She was freaking out and I gave her my quarters so she could keep playing and after they beat the game she kissed me. That shit was dope.

What badass things have you done in your life?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I did a play in like second grade where I played a frog that went all RIBBIT real loud and made all the other dumb kids laugh real loud.

Deleted member 11976

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I won a Space Jam varsity leather jacket in a promo sweepstakes when I was a kid. It was the nicest jacket I owned growing up since we were poor.


Oct 25, 2017
I broke an opponents arm in football.

I went to tackle the ball carrier, he tried to stiff arm me, I grabbed his arm and bent it the opposite way and kind of arm dragged him to the ground. It wasn't pretty.


Nov 8, 2017
in 8th grade, we were playing flag football in PE, some dickhole full on tackled one of my friends and starting taunting him. later on when that same dickhole was returning a kick i full on clotheslined the fucker and he went spinning and he just layed their while his soul left his body, and everyone cheered me even his own team.

another time in pe, we had street hockey and we playing in some class tourney, anywho the best two players were on one team and wrekcing teams by like 5-6 goals, my team honestly wasnt all that great, but i was good enough that day to fucking ruin their streak, best part was after i ran up the score by like 3 goals, one of the dudes whipped his hockey stick at the fenced and stormed off the court while screaming at his goalie, the tears tasted good that day


Oct 30, 2017
I transported nuclear weapons, components, and material.

It's really not that exciting.


Oct 25, 2017
I walked into a busy street to stop traffic so some ducks could safely cross. I tried to usher them away from the road first, but they were adamant about crossing.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
I was a spy when I was in the Army. Worked at the NSA. Good times (before the Patriot Act, so don't hate).

I caught rattlesnakes when I was 10, kept them as pets. Scorpions and spiders, too.

I once got bit by an African Rock Python.

Oh, I once yelled at the VP where I worked for being racist against Muslims, then stormed out of his office. I so thought I was fired. But when I got back to my desk, he called me to apologize and convince me not to go to HR.


Oct 25, 2017
My mom's boyfriend was pretty verbally, emotional and eventually physically abusive to me. I usually just tuned him out before- but the minute he tried to lay a a hand on me I picked him up and physically threw him out a window.


Oct 25, 2017
i guess i won a gold medal at a local karate tournament when i was like 10... but that shit was so braindead that i can't even be proud of it, lol

i can't think of anything else... i've never been badass...

guess i jumped from a 15 meter diving board in a pool, but lots of people do that

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
This one time me and my friend were on the train. I was the first on the train, and when my friend got in the train, there was a young girl sitting in front of me, a high schooler. When my friend sat down she told me there was this old man harassing her outside and she pretended to be a foreigner so he wouldn't make conversation with her. Well, turns out the fuckhead gets in the train and sits in front of us, next to the other girl. So we start speaking in English to keep her lie going.

Well the shithead stars harassing the other girl too, right on front of us. So I say to my friend, should we get off the train with the girl and wait for the next train with her? My friend was like fuck yes. So the dude is drunk as hell and I manage to talk to the girl and say something like do you want to get off? Me and my friend will stay with you. She didn't really believe me, idk, like she didn't think we'd do it for her. But the next train station was coming and I was like come, let's go.

So we got off and got her out of that situation. We stayed with her waiting for the next train and then the trip, since we were going to the same place. I think that was super cool and my friend was amazing with her. I love her so much. Legit I don't think I would have the courage to do it alone.


Oct 30, 2017
People have said this is badass... but in hindsight it just sounds kinda stupid.

I once tried to walk off a shattered acetabulum (hip socket) because I assumed I'd just pulled something and was being a pussy. I didn't actually make it that far before realising I should probably just wait for help.


Oct 25, 2017
This one time me and my friend were on the train. I was the first on the train, and when my friend got in the train, there was a young girl sitting in front of me, a high schooler. When my friend sat down she told me there was this old man harassing her outside and she pretended to be a foreigner so he wouldn't make conversation with her. Well, turns out the fuckhead gets in the train and sits in front of us, next to the other girl. So we start speaking in English to keep her lie going.

Well the shithead stars harassing the other girl too, right on front of us. So I say to my friend, should we get off the train with the girl and wait for the next train with her? My friend was like fuck yes. So the dude is drunk as hell and I manage to talk to the girl and say something like do you want to get off? Me and my friend will stay with you. She didn't really believe me, idk, like she didn't think we'd do it for her. But the next train station was coming and I was like come, let's go.

So we got off and got her out of that situation. We stayed with her waiting for the next train and then the trip, since we were going to the same place. I think that was super cool and my friend was amazing with her. I love her so much. Legit I don't think I would have the courage to do it alone.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
One time at Chuck E Cheese as a kid there were some girls I liked from school playing the game where you out a coin in and the light starts spinning and wherever you land is how many tickets you get and they kept getting low numbers 10, 5, 15 and so forth.

I somehow worked up the courage to go over there and try to talk to them by saying hey let me try, I walked over put a coin in and hit the jackpot 400 on the first try. I got a kiss on the cheek from 2 of them. Never spoke to them again lol. Not even a hello.
Oct 26, 2017
Portrayed Michael in a performance of Peter Pan that some folks said was better than what they'd seen on Broadway;

Was in a band for ten years that a lot of people in our gig circuit, including bands bigger than us, considered one of the best guitar rock bands they'd heard in a decade. We had a lot of crazy times and I recorded/mixed our one album by myself/filmed the music video;

Hosted 110 individual bands from across the US in my basement, every other weekend, over the span of two years;

I have quick reflexes and I've grabbed bottles of drink that people dropped, midair, with little to no spillage. It messes with folks lol

And I beat alcohol addiction two years ago!

The real badass stuff is stuff my friends or relatives did tbh


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
Survived eighteen years (so far) being chronically ill. I always giggle when people complain about being sick for a week. Amateurs.


Oct 26, 2017
Back in 2009, I climbed Mount Fuji at night and alone. I started at 10pm and made it to the top around 9am. It's not that difficult since there are designated trails, but I'm pretty proud of this accomplishment.
Oct 26, 2017
Oh I got a funny one from work

I do grocery pickup and for a while I was dispensing orders all the time. I wear sunglasses outside and one of the meat department guys would always give me shit about me trying to look cool to flirt with the moms picking up their food (I never actually flirted with them but there were definitely times where I could feel them eyeing me up as I loaded their cars and he'd run with that knowledge).

One day he was hanging out with the other meat department guys as I came in the door and he laughed "Why don't you ever tell us about all the women you're flirting with outside?" My immediate reaction was to say "I don't talk about women like that" because I don't... then trying to be a smartass I followed it up with "I talk to women-" then cut myself off because I don't talk to women like that either lmao. So they all heard "I don't talk about women like that - I talk to women" and man they thought I was Don Juan or something for the rest of the day.

Also shoutout to the peeps who beat cancer or live with chronic illness. That's more badass than anything I've done. Wish I was still in a band cause we did so many benefit gigs for people needing money for medical expenses.


Oct 27, 2017
Drove from LA to NYC in under 72 hours by myself.

When I was around 12 I was on an international flight. They let me into the cockpit to meet the pilots and they were telling me how it was a brand new plane, so new they didn't even understand how the fax machine worked on it. I then figured it out for them and they were surprised.
Oct 30, 2017
I saved a women who drowned. Her lifeless body popped up in the water and without thinking I jumped in the pond, grabbed her and swam to shore trying to keep her head up. Now she gets to continue to see her family.

happened last year on Labor Day.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Assisted a Vaginal birth of twins during a tropical storm.
Love that V is capitalized.

This week I ate a burrito doused in Reaper XXX Pucketbutt hot sauce at a scollville of ~2.2 million... and went in for more. Looking for something hotter already.


Jun 20, 2019
I got arrested on some bs misdemeanor by an idiot cop. She was writing the report on her laptop with me in the car, while I was handcuffed, waiting to go to jail.

I just sat there and corrected her grammar and poor spelling the whole time. (I'm not white)


Oct 25, 2017
I worked as an intern at Electric Lady Studios for three days, and during that time got to help with an album release party for Faith Evans. Didn't get to interact much, but I did get to say goodnight to Miss Evans as she left.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Played kickball indoors, scored a run, ran so fast back to homeplate that I couldn't slow down, stopped myself by holding my arm out and pushing off of the wall with my hand. The force broke my arm at the elbow instantly.

I gave all 12 teammates high-fives with the newly broken arm before walking to the showers, changing, then going to the hospital.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I beat cancer.

So far.

I was leaving a restaurant and I saw what looked like a man assaulting a young woman. I grabbed him and pushed him away hard and got between them. I gave her ample time to get away but instead she spit on his face and jumped on him and started hitting him. I told the restaurant staff to call the cops. I couldn't do anything else at that point but shrug.


Force of Habit
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco
I once rented a car (audi a6) in Germany and spent 3 weeks driving a route through Paris, Barcelona, Pisa, Cinque Terre, Venice, and back up through the Austrian alps to Germany again spending a few nights at each place all as an American citizen without a passport. The lack of passport is why I had to drive.


Oct 25, 2017
Beat one cancer 3 times so far, with chemo, radio and two bone marrow transplants. Beat the second cancer resulting from transplant thanks to a clinical trial that opened up a few days prior, cause it was chemo-resistant.

It's been a rough 5 years XD