
Oct 27, 2017
Referring to a company or group of people as a plural:
"Are Microsoft going to release the new Windows?"

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Fancy expensive sounding descriptions on restaurant menu cards
Holy shit, "haricots verts". Unless I'm actually dining in France or Québec or such, any menu I see which uses this instead of "green beans"--a perfectly-good peasant name for a classic peasant food--makes me want to throw it in the trash.

Even saw this on a placard at Whole Foods once in the produce section. I almost walked out. (Ok, I didn't. I was hungry.)


Oct 25, 2017
There a lot of people in here who want a single word to be used in a given scenario. Language (and entertainment built on top of it) would be boring as hell if that were true.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
Sorry, man, but I think I have to let you in on this one.

Whenever people write they're "dead" because they find something remotely funny, they're not actually writing from their grave.

Also, when people say they're "fucking sleepy" or someone's "fucking funny", no one's having sex with the seven dwarfs.

I know this might be hard. Take a deep breath, ask for a week off of work, and allow that to sink in.

I'm perfectly calm and replying the OT. Are you going to snark to all posters in this thread or is there something in my preferences that triggered you?

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Any kind of "corporate speak" bugs me as well.

lets touch base on that later
I can't join the meeting because I will be in transit
Lets divide and conquer on this

All stuff that nobody would ever, ever say in normal circumstances but you hear daily in pretty much any office environment. I once seen someone in an email say "it's exciting to see progress in the areas of our product that are deserving of elaboration" in response to an internal product update. What is it about being in an office that makes people talk like this?

Deleted member 24097

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
Not a term as such, but I'd like to add this shitty, passive aggressive "woah, calm down there champ, no need to get so heated" shit to the list.


should be the only allowed human-to-human interaction.

And then we should literally go get a box of pecans. Every. Single. Time.


Oct 25, 2017
"Most everything"

There's only two countries on this planet that think this ... THING is acceptable English. So when it turns up in the Animus, or in Midgard while I'm protecting my BOY, it chafes my nipples just a tad

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Lately 'chief' with people saying, 'this ain't it, chief."

Anti-consumer/pro-consumer, which a lot of people throw around nonsensically

Hot take
Jan 11, 2019
"A number of … have.."

What the fukk is that supposed to mean? A number of people I know have actual proof that Elvis still lives. That number is ZERO you baffoon!


Jun 10, 2018
"Bad faith."

It's becoming a stand-in for, "I don't like what you're saying and will ascribe malicious intent in order to shut the conversation down."
Oct 28, 2017
Washington DC
I really hate it when people say "don't shit where you eat"; no one does this, and it's just vulgar and drives me crazy.

I also hate it when people say that they 'could care less' literally the opposite of the point that they are trying to make.

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
eat crow
hot take

you probably all know the rest.


Nov 2, 2017
It's not a thing. People take up too much space in public environments. It's not manspreading, it's people who don't know how to behave in public taking too much space. From the person that doesn't take their backpack off during the ride, to the person who puts bags on the seat next to them. To the douchebag who sits on the seat that's closer to the aisle even if the spot next the window is free. You also have the motherfuckers who take up two seats by sitting with their backs on the window. I get what people call "manspreading", but it's actually a global epidemic encompassing every single assholes on public transit.

Could care less
I'm not a native english speaker. But this one grinds my gears. You could care less. But you're saying it as a mean that you couldn't care less. Why don,t you just say I couldn't care less? Because you could care less, so it could be worse. When you actually mean it couldn't. Fuck.

Depuis la nuit des temps ...
I don't know the equivalent in english, I'm guessing something like "Since the dawn of time ..." but I don't know how much it's spread in english. But in French it's annoying af. Granted, you mostly see it in school essays, but whenever it's used, it sucks. Because it's not true. No, people haven't argued about *X SUBJECT* since the dawn of time.


Oct 30, 2017
"man flu", "manspreading". Fuck off.
Yeah, this is incredibly frustrating when it starts to leak into regular lexicon.

"Yeah, I have a flu and feel like shit, you described the exact same thing a week ago and I didn't call it woman flu."

And I ride the bus a lot, and maybe it's different in a subway situation, but I can't comment on that. but taking up more space than you should isn't exclusive to a single gender.

Cokie Bear

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
A) My name isn't Richard,
B) Come on, I'm just joking around.

Oh, and
C) Technically speaking, "the other alternative" is incorrect in this context, as "the alternative" literally means "the other choice".

If your first post was joking then you need to work on how you tell jokes because it just came across as needlessly rude and passive aggressive.


Oct 26, 2017
"Dozen". It comes from the French "douzaine", but French people don't use groupings of 12, we use groupings of 10, "dizaine", which sounds very close and just makes more sense to me. So even in English, I'll say "tens of [something]" and never "dozens". In the vast majority of cases, 12 ends up just being an oddly specific number that doesn't deserve to be so commonly used to refer to tens of something.
Douzaine comes from eggs right,
? eggs are sold a la douzaine, dont know why this specific number was chosen though.

For me, it's specific to this site as I dont see it much elsewhere and peiple dont do it IRL, but I really can't stand "what do we think of smthg" threads, irks me because you're actually asking people what they think individually of a thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Basically any form of corporate speak.

Gonna need you guys to leverage your expertise to make this thread a bit more agile, please. Let's keep a mission focus.

Deleted member 17388

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Basically any form of corporate speak.

Gonna need you guys to leverage your expertise to make this thread a bit more agile, please. Let's keep a mission focus.
As we speak, several of our Era collaborators are starting to build their brand as early adopters in this very thread. We must move the needle as to sticking to our core competency.


Dec 29, 2017
"Overwhelm" as a noun. Last I checked this wasn't a dictionary word, and I suppose I understand the intent when it's used and wouldn't be surprised if it's added to the dictionary, but until it is it bugs the hell out of me. I don't know if this is OCD or maybe I'm just an asshole but I have to always make the mental note to just let it go and not correct someone.

Edit: latest Google search indicates maybe it's a dictionary term. Regardless, I'm going to stand up for myself and express my feelings... "My name is Threadkular and I don't like when people use overwhelm as a noun".


Oct 25, 2017
As we speak, several of our Era collaborators are starting to build their brand as early adopters in this very thread. We must move the needle as to sticking to our core competency.

Understood, let's get on my calendar to discuss action items to keep this thread producing value for our stakeholders.


Oct 26, 2017

Well? Is it toxic/racist/sexist/homophobic/ableist? There's a word to define what you think it's wrong with something, fucking use it. "Problematic" shouldn't be a "generic word that defines something that bothers me", because otherwise I think you're concern trolling.

Holy shit, thank you!

I'm not too sure whats happened over the past year, where some of the worst shit I've ever heard of or seen gets broken down to two things..it's "problematic" or it's "not a good look". There was a thread a few days ago about GTAV and that it pretty much shows that Trevor rapes another guy in the game off screen. The title used to say rape, but then a mod changed it to "problematic". What the hell was the point? I mean, how non-committal can you be? When did we start to lose our anger at some of this shit and turn into babies scared of showing emotion?

Although I also hate the term "concern trolling" too.


Oct 25, 2017
I hate how "stan" lose it negative connotation.
I talked to my 14 year old daughter about this the other day. Can't remember what started it but I told her to listen to the song and she was surprised, because as you say it seems to be morphing into shorthand for superfan or something similar.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Overrated definitely. If you don't like something then just explain why, it should not be hard to do instead of underhandedly putting the blame on the majority who do like it, like there wouldn't be a problem if they were just as enlightened as you are in dropping a one word phrase and bailing out of the conversation altogether.


Oct 25, 2017
I talked to my 14 year old daughter about this the other day. Can't remember what started it but I told her to listen to the song and she was surprised, because as you say it seems to be morphing into shorthand for superfan or something similar.
Fuck, I feel old. I was around her age the first time I heard it and it was used to insult obsessive fans like the dude from the video.