
Oct 28, 2017
sony was better at ps3 about exclusive multiplayer games...This gen they failed for sure


Oct 27, 2017
Most of the third-person games share a heavy focus on cinematic presentation with a fair share of forced walking. They're very different outside of that.

So, yeah, it's trolling, but it's based in a small amount of truth. That's the beauty of it.
Oct 29, 2017
Ah yes, but all those FPSes are still indeed, in the end, FPS. Sony games do tend to fit neatly into a narrow set of genre, but then so what? It's not a weakness as far as I'm concerned: 'mature' 3rd person action games are what they're good at, so it's not an issue if they decide they just want to keep playing in that field.

I'd even go as far as saying they're wildly different third person action-adventure games. The mechanics don't feel the same and none of them feel identical to play or anything.


Jun 29, 2018
People complain about narrative driven third person action games but who besides Sony is supplying them in regularity? Certainly not the other platform holders, and most of the other publishers cannot match the production value that Sony is putting in these games.

Mr. Fantastic

Apr 27, 2018
I've played and enjoyed all the games accused of being part of the template and y'know, you really can't deny they share a similar DNA. It just is what it is.

It isn't a Sony forum, all evidence thus far actually points to it leaning Nintendo.

Is this thread for real lmao this is getting petty


Oct 26, 2017
I've played and enjoyed all the games accused of being part of the template and y'know, you really can't deny they share a similar DNA. It just is what it is.

Is this thread for real lmao this is getting petty

What is this DNA though, and are you sure this DNA cannot be found on games from other publishers? Otherwise it's going to the bakery and complaining that all the loafs look the same.


Oct 26, 2017
It´s an oversimplification, but I can agree that Sony´s BIG exclusives seem to focus around "single-player realistic, narrative driven 3rd person action games". And this is not a critic, it´s the style they´ve developed and says nothing bad about the quality of their games, in fact, for the first time since PS2 I´m seriously considering getting a PS4 thanks to Bloodborne, GoW and TLoU (and DS3, Nioh, Nier, DMC V...).

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
It isn't a Sony forum, all evidence thus far actually points to it leaning Nintendo. This is evidenced in polls, game of the year awards, specific thread post counts and so on, which compared to polls and results at other outlets, be they YouTube, IGN, Game Informer, Gamepot, Game Awards and so on, tend to have slightly different results that better correlate with each other than they do the results here.

Here you have games like Xenoblade 2 coming in at number 9 in the Era GOTY awards, Splatoon 2 beating out PUBG and Wolfenstein II, ARMS beating out Injustice 2 and so on, these are out of sync with other popular user voted results, forums, outlets etc.

You even have Xenoblade 2 being voted as the 29th best RPG of all time on Era (in comparison Horizon Zero Dawn, which not only reviewed far better, but also sold orders of magnitude more, is at number 75). Compare that to the TotalNerd user voted results which have hundreds of thousands of votes, and Xenoblade 2 isn't even in the list.

These kinds of results and other stats point to there being a rather obvious general Nintendo slant in results on here. You'd expect PlayStation fans to greatly outnumber other platforms by virtue of it being by far the most popular console platform, but that is simply not the case on Era.

Eh... I'd argue that overall, PS4 owners are most certainly the majority of the forum. You say Nintendo games chart unusually high in GOTY awards here, but Sony games chart just as much. It seems about even in that regard, but other polls (like the recent first party preference thread) show people gravitating toward Sony games.

It's probably something like:
Sony Fans > Nintendo fans >= PC players >>> Xbox fans.

I kinda wish Sony fans were as subtle as nintendo fans not just on this board but also across the rest of the internet tbqh.

subtle like port begging in every 3rd party game announcement thread?


Dec 5, 2017
All these games are realistic, emotional narratives, focused on shooting. I can only take so much seriousness and devs trying to make hollywood styled cutscenes.

I dont dislike these games at all, but they all share that.

I want more variety like Dreams, LBP, and Astro Bots. Dreams is taking a long time, and I miss the magic LBP gave me on release. Id get Astro Bots if I had VR. I am craving for a racer that's not Gran Turismo or Driveclub and more Mod Nation Racers.

Then there's top down games and JRPGs like Alundra that I wish Sony would do. Bunch of PSOne era games that Id like to see (Medieval will be fun to see back). I think those kind of games are lacking, but the Switch really nails that.
Really love shooting that axe in God of War. That machine gun upgrade. Ooof.

I'm sorry, but other than Zelda and Mario, and some of the Wii U ports, Nintendo's output has been incredibly boring so far this gen. And their meta scores kind of reflect that. They've released a fuck ton of 70-75 stuff with charming art style. I've bought most of it because I'm a sucker, but I think we give Nintendo WAAAY too much credit for what are often very unambitious games. Mario Party, Pokémon Lets Go, Arms, and Mario Tennis are all just pleasant easily digestible comfort food.

Of Machines

Jun 30, 2018
The most common complain I see about PS exclusives is that "they all look and play the same". Sometimes you get some variation, like "They're all TLOU clones" but you get the idea.

Having played most of these games, that's just not true at all.


Let's start with Bloodborne. An action RPG with a heavy emphasis on close combat and exploration, set in a dystopic victorian city.


Horizon: Zero Dawn, an open world RPG with heavy emphasis on narrative and long-distance combat.


Gravity Rush 2. I feel like calling this an action open world with a heavy emphasis on a completely unique traversal wouldn't really be explaining what it's about. It's definitely one of the most unique games from this list.


God of War, a semi-linear action RPG focused on narrative and combat with an over-the-shoulder camera.


Uncharted 4. An action adventure game with a heavy emphasis on narrative, exploration and third-person shooting.


The Last Guardian. A Team Ico game, so it doesn't really fit into a specific genre. It's a puzzle game I guess.


Spider-Man. A formulaic open world with an emphasis on narrative and traversal, with Arkham-like combat.
There's still some more that I haven't mentioned, like Gran Turismo Sport or The Order, but you get the idea.Of all of these games, the only common theme between them all is... being narrative focused? But even that is such an open definition that it besides "it has a story and it's one of the main draws", it doesn't mean anything.

They all have unique art-styles, atmospheres, gameplay systems, camerawork, etc. that calling them "TLOU clones" is a really superficial comparison, if you could call it a comparison at all. Yeah the camera in GoW works similarly to how it works on TLOU, yeah it has a father-child relationship going on, but the rest of the game is entirely different. It doesn't make sense.
Couldn't possibly agree more! Sick of those people and the ones who say Sony games are "Movies".


Oct 26, 2017
Really love shooting that axe in God of War. That machine gun upgrade. Ooof.

I'm sorry, but other than Zelda and Mario, and some of the Wii U ports, Nintendo's output has been incredibly boring so far this gen. And their meta scores kind of reflect that. They've released a fuck ton of 70-75 stuff with charming art style. I've bought most of it because I'm a sucker, but I think we give Nintendo WAAAY too much credit for what are often very unambitious games. Mario Party, Pokémon Lets Go, Arms, and Mario Tennis are all just pleasant easily digestible comfort food.
Hey let´s be fair here, if you´re going to compare the outputs in "this gen" you have to address that Switch´s only been in the market for less than 2 years or take into account WiiU´s catalogue: Splatoon (and 2), Super Mario Maker, 3D World, Tropical Freeze, Xenoblade X (and 2), Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors...That or compare Switch´s exclusive catalogue to PS4´s first 2 years.


Oct 28, 2017
There are a lot of silly arguments from people posting and talking in bad faith on forums, in videos, and elsewhere.

It's like when people say Nintendo franchises are the same thing each and every entry, which is misguided at best, or that Xbox has no good exclusives, or the Sony argument you're fighting against in the OP. It's all nonsense and not worth entertaining other than "Yawn."


Dec 5, 2017
Hey let´s be fair here, if you´re going to compare the outputs in "this gen" you have to address that Switch´s only been in the market for less than 2 years or take into account WiiU´s catalogue: Splatoon (and 2), Super Mario Maker, 3D World, Tropical Freeze, Xenoblade X (and 2), Bayonetta 2, Hyrule Warriors...That or compare Switch´s exclusive catalogue to PS4´s first 2 years.
Yeah and that's why I included "other than some of the Wii U ports and Mario and Zelda" look at most of those games you listed. They are either re-releases or pretty lukewarm games. I'm not saying they don't have value, cuz they do. I'm just saying that Nintendo almost automatically is given WAAAY more credit for what are just easily digestible games you can play in short snippets. Many of their games aren't that ambitious in scope. They usually just focus on one thing and do that competently/good.
Nintendo games have narrow focus.

I guess really what I'm getting at is that comparing Sony and Nintendo in design philosophy and studio management is apples to oranges.

But I think we have a tendency to view Nintendo games with rose tinted glasses and forgive their shortcomings, or repetitiveness, or smaller scope much more easily.

I've repeatedly been deeply disappointed with my Nintendo consoles generation after generation, but I keep coming back, for some sort of... I dunno, chase for nostalgia, I guess? To get that Super Nintendo feeling again?
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Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
Eh... I'd argue that overall, PS4 owners are most certainly the majority of the forum. You say Nintendo games chart unusually high in GOTY awards here, but Sony games chart just as much. It seems about even in that regard, but other polls (like the recent first party preference thread) show people gravitating toward Sony games.

It's probably something like:
Sony Fans > Nintendo fans >= PC players >>> Xbox fans.

My post wasn't about which platforms games chart, but which games have or have had representation well beyond the norm, or results skewed in favour of particular platforms versus the results from other popular outlets, polls, reader awards etc.

In that sense, if you look at the results and data, on this forum it's clearly Nintendo games that are over represented versus the norm. In general the forum tends to lean more Nintendo and Japanese gaming than most major or popular outlets.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I kinda wish Sony fans were as subtle as nintendo fans not just on this board but also across the rest of the internet tbqh.

I'm sorry but did you miss things like Bowsette? Nintendo's games may be more subtle in some ways, I'll give you that. But I fail to see the subtlety in their fans.


Mar 14, 2018
I agree with you, op, that's a very stupid ''argument'', people who say that are just trolling / shitposting.
Oct 30, 2017
No, they don't all look and play the same.

Yes, the majority of Sony's first-party AAA exclusives are story-focused third-person action adventure/role-playing games.

It wouldn't hurt to expand the lineup with other genres. Especially something multiplayer-focused.

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
There definitely is a sort of style you can get away from some of the games (not all, clearly), much like how certain Microsoft titles (the ones in fairly close genres) have a thing or two in common in terms of design and feel. The people who seriously push the agenda that Sony only makes identical games are the same kind that go around saying Microsoft has no games or Nintendo consoles only have kiddy stuff. They are clearly in this for the console wars, not the actual gaming.


Oct 28, 2017
I think the PS4 has the most varied and rich exclusives lineup of any console ever. You have FPS (Killzone), open world action (which has the biggest lineup with Horizon, Spiderman, Infamous, albeith quite different one another), linear tps (Uncharted), linear action (GOW and Bloodborne, which are VERY different one from another), choose-your-own-adventure (Until Dawn and Detroit), driving (Driveclub and GT), platformer (Astrobot, Knack?), survival horror (TLOU2, which seems to be more linear, and Days Gone, which maybe will be more open world), weird (Yakuzas)... and that's just on the top of my mind, I'm surely missing lots.

Deleted member 300

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I meab like 4 of the games u listed in op say heavy emphasis on narrative. In that aspect yea the games are similar and that's normally where the comparison starts and finishes

And it's not wrong.

The argument isn't about the games are exactly the same. Its they follow the same formula / offer same experience being narrative driven


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I meab like 4 of the games u listed in op say heavy emphasis on narrative. In that aspect yea the games are similar and that's normally where the comparison starts and finishes

And it's not wrong.

The argument isn't about the games are exactly the same. Its they follow the same formula / offer same experience being narrative driven

Having a narrative focus in games these days is pretty much ubiquitous. It's certainly not unique to Sony, or any publisher or platform for that matter. In fact it's much stranger or rarer for a game not to have a heavy narrative element these days than it is to have one.
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Oct 26, 2017
Yeah and that's why I included "other than some of the Wii U ports and Mario and Zelda" look at most of those games you listed. They are either re-releases or pretty lukewarm games. I'm not saying they don't have value, cuz they do. I'm just saying that Nintendo almost automatically is given WAAAY more credit for what are just easily digestible games you can play in short snippets. Many of their games aren't that ambitious in scope. They usually just focus on one thing and do that competently/good.
Nintendo games have narrow focus.

I guess really what I'm getting at is that comparing Sony and Nintendo in design philosophy and studio management is apples to oranges.

But I think we have a tendency to view Nintendo games with rose tinted glasses and forgive their shortcomings, or repetitiveness, or smaller scope much more easily.

I've repeatedly been deeply disappointed with my Nintendo consoles generation after generation, but I keep coming back, for some sort of... I dunno, chase for nostalgia, I guess? To get that Super Nintendo feeling again?

Sorry, but I don´t agree. Mario Tennis (the Switch one, the WiiU was really poor), ARMS, Mario Party...those I can agree are not masterpieces but are fun games. However, the following ones deserve every inch of praise they can get:
  • Splatoon: Outright reinvented a genre whihc is, IMHO, much more difficult and deserving of praise than just upping the scale in the graphics department and did it in an incredibly sucessful way.
  • Super Mario Maker: The ultimate 2D Mario. One of my most played games in WiiU.
  • Xenoblade X: Talk about "narrow focus": One fo the biggest worlds in all of gaming, with spectacularly varied landscapes and bursting with creativity at every turn. And you can explore it seamlesly with a giant flying mecha.
  • Tropical Freeze: 2D platformer GOAT.
  • 3D World: Possibly the best obstacle-course 3D platformer.
  • Bayonetta 2: Not strictly Nintendo developed, but if we´re counting Bloodborne, we should consider this as well. This was Neogaf´s GOTY when ti released so I wouldn´t call it a "lukewarm" game, it´s one of the top games of the character action genre.
Also, there´s the 3DS.
ARMS is also a reinvention of the fighting genre which, again, I think that is a much more ambitious task than trying to distinguish your game based on scale or technical prowess. After all, trying something like the reinvention of a genre can have disastreous results and you may not even come up with something playable. This is a risk you don´t take when you build your game from an already established template.

In this way, Mario Tennis (again, the Switch one, the WiiU one is better forgotten) readjusted the system of something as old as tennis games to come up with a system that can be compared to those in fighting games and it succeeded in creating and engaging game.

I think that we look at different things: For you something praise-worthy must have scale and gravitas like TLoU or the new GoW. In my case I´m not impressed by graphics or narrative and like more to look into the game´s design, which IMHO is the strongest aspect of Nintendo games and where they still remained unchallenged (and is why I am so harsh with them when they underachieve in this field, like with Smash or Xenoblade 2). For me Nintendo´s way is better, but I can understand that for you Sony´s way is.
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Oct 31, 2017
Love how OP is using horrible examples.

The fact is, lots of creative within the industry caught the Naughty Dog cancer after TLOU. Check God Of War. What was once a fast, action game-play series with an intentionally fun but over the top story gets streamlined into some slow, repetitive serious cinematic experience.


Oct 26, 2017
Love how OP is using horrible examples.

The fact is, lots of creative within the industry caught the Naughty Dog cancer after TLOU. Check God Of War. What was once a fast, action game-play series with an intentionally fun but over the top story gets streamlined into some slow, repetitive serious cinematic experience.

That's because they were going for a GOTY bait strategy and it worked, unlike Spider-man who went heavily as a sales-bait type of design.


Oct 25, 2017
"Action-adventure" is like as broad a genre as you could possibly get. Third-person perspective is about as liberating a perspective as you can get. Saying that the vast majority of Sony's output is "action-adventure" and "third-person" is not a valid complaint, because these can apply to the vast majority of modern single-player games. If a game has you running around an environment engaging in any form of combat, it's action-adventure.

Of course they don't look the same, but it's the same old epic single player narrative experience.

It gets boring after awhile. I think people want more variety than epic/grand narrative focused games from Sony. Same company that brought us Warhawk, and Twisted Metal. Where are games like that?

Just step out their comfort zone a little bit come on.
No, it doesn't get boring. Just like movies don't get boring. Having a heavy narrative is not a limiting factor in a game. It can be a facet of ANY kind of game.

They don't do multiplayer games much if at all anymore because they have found a corner of gaming that they are the best at and have little competition. Multiplayer focus is a huge risk in today's highly competitive multiplayer world.
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Self-requested ban.
Oct 28, 2017
That argument is made up by fanboys of other platforms. Sony's exclusives aren't similar at all.


Oct 27, 2017
People complain about narrative driven third person action games but who besides Sony is supplying them in regularity? Certainly not the other platform holders, and most of the other publishers cannot match the production value that Sony is putting in these games.

This reminds me of individuals who say : "I'm just sick of them" like the market is flooded with them 😂 A few cinematic story focused games could release in one year and some would act like it's 50. You never hear people talk shit about any other type of game that is produced way more. This hatred obsession some hold against 'cinematic experience' is crazy.

But at the end of the day Sony's extra focus on cinematic storytelling is popular and that's where this non-issue becomes a weekly, monthly or yearly discussion because people can't stand seeing that formula succeed.

Sony could release a 100 colorful hop over the rainbow clouds to save the anime princess throughout multiple dimensions type shit where is if you die once, you have to start over because that's what makes it a real video game with a challenge and certain individuals will still be pissed because the new naughty dog game is taking all the spotlight.

I'll probably forget and regret this post the morning, but whatever fuck it.


Oct 26, 2017
It's a lame argument, you are just feeding the troll. One might as well take all 1st person shooter and call them all the same.
Haters are just crying inside they can't play all these fabulous exclusives.

I have PS4, and I do hate it a little that those are exclusives and not available on PC.

I've actually seen people do exactly that! You'd be surprised by how many people say they hate all FPS. Or talk about how every shooter is a "dude bro shoot bang" or something equally dismissive.

On the other side of the coin, people do dismiss "kiddie" Nintendo games despite a pretty wide range of genres being covered there.

But, I would actually like to see Sony put the resources into making a non-third person action game one of their "blockbuster" titles. I do miss the variety of the PS1 days, but the truth is games cost a lot more and take a lot longer to make these days. You can hardly blame them for not betting the farm on genres that don't usually resonate as well commercially.


Oct 29, 2017
Of course they absolutely don't play the same. However, it's hard to deny how much Naughty Dog has shaped and influenced much of Sony's current DNA, and there's nothing wrong with that. Just like how the platformers and quirky toons of the 90s still resonate with Nintendo today, it's pretty obvious to see how Uncharted and TLoU shaped the drive of many of Sony's dev teams.
Oct 26, 2017
United Kingdom
I've actually seen people do exactly that! You'd be surprised by how many people say they hate all FPS. Or talk about how every shooter is a "dude bro shoot bang" or something equally dismissive.

On the other side of the coin, people do dismiss "kiddie" Nintendo games despite a pretty wide range of genres being covered there.

But, I would actually like to see Sony put the resources into making a non-third person action game one of their "blockbuster" titles. I do miss the variety of the PS1 days, but the truth is games cost a lot more and take a lot longer to make these days. You can hardly blame them for not betting the farm on genres that don't usually resonate as well commercially.

What like Killzone, Resistance etc?


Oct 27, 2017
It obviously works for them (Sony), so what if it's true, even?
They make what sells, and it does sell.


Oct 27, 2017
While they don't play the same, they're going way to deep down the dramatic cinematic 3rd person route standards set by Uncharted/TLOU. Naughty Dog isn't just influencing WWS but the rest of the gaming industry too.

Sony needs more games like anything else like in the past, you know the WipEouts, Motorstorms, Folklore, Journey, Warhawk, Tokyo Jungle, the 3D platforms, them karting games last gen etc. They have also some laid back Nintendo like games which they never localized too, like My Summer Holiday inJapan. Apparently they've lost their indie publishing arm at SSM and those guys founded Annapurna Interactive so all those cool looking indie games that were once Sony exclusives are now multiplat.

Maybe next gen Sony will surprise us again.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
While they don't play the same, they're going way to deep down the dramatic cinematic 3rd person route standards set by Uncharted/TLOU. Naughty Dog isn't just influencing WWS but the rest of the gaming industry too.

Sony needs more games like anything else like in the past, you know the WipEouts, Motorstorms, Folklore, Journey, Warhawk, Tokyo Jungle, the 3D platforms, them karting games last gen etc. They have also some laid back Nintendo like games which they never localized too, like My Summer Holiday inJapan. Apparently they've lost their indie publishing arm at SSM and those guys founded Annapurna Interactive so all those cool looking indie games that were once Sony exclusives are now multiplat.

Maybe next gen Sony will surprise us again.

Sony have that stuff in things like Dreams, Astrobot, Concrete Genie, Resogun, The Last Guardian, Ratchet and Clank, Helldivers, Fire Wall Zero Hour, RIGS, Until Dawn etc. Hell, they're constantly experimenting with new IP's alongside their tent pole releases.

I think some also fail to realise that it's as much consumers and gamers influencing games, as it is the other way around. We as consumers who make up the market, ultimately partially dictate the kinds of games that get made.

If we buy fewer arcade racing games or RTS titles, less of them will get made. Similarly, cinematic or narrative heavy games tend to have greater appeal (since so many people want stories and characters in their games that move them), and as a result more studios (on all platforms) put more of a focus on them. That supply and demand metric and fiscal benefit, is also likely one of the main reasons Nintendo keeps consistently relying on and releasing their same tentpole IP's every few years, decade after decade, instead of experimenting with more AAA new IP's.
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User requested ban
Nov 15, 2018
If we´re talking about that stupid meme picture then yes: the argument is totally dumb.
If we´re talking about how a lot of their games share a similiar footprint then no: there is a valid discussion to be had about that opinion.

For instance: it seems pretty obvious to me that SONY is going for "cinematic" experiences. Could there be a way do deliver that kind of experience by using a different gameplay-style instead of 3rd Person? Is there a way to mix it up with First-Person view or even 2D-segments? etc.


Nov 18, 2017
They're mostly all the same - biggest differences are their level of brilliance.

Oh sorry, OP means type of game - not quality of game.


Oct 25, 2017
I think there's exceptions to the rule such as TLG.

But as someone who's generally not a fan of AAA spectacle games, I'd say that a lot of Sony's exclusive IPs looks samey.

I see the commercials, watch gameplay vids & reviews, and to my eyes it all amounts to some white dude (or gal in HZD) running around wrecking s**t up. It all looks like power-fantasy popcorn to me.

Sure there's subtle differences like the more paced TLoU's take on The Road. But in the end the THEME of a large chuck of the Sony arsenal looks like violent 3rd-person action games.

Nothing wrong with that at all.

Nintendo's internal games have a certain look and feel to them as well. People love those too.

Like I said though, if you're not really invested in the gaming style on offer to start with, it's not a stretch to imagine why some my think they're thematically interchangeable.
That's like saying since all racing games have a chase camera and driving, Burnout, Mario Kart, Spintires, and Gran Turismo are practically the same with some subtle differences

Like God of War, Horizon, Spiderman, Last of Us, Bloodborne, etc are all very different, play and feel very different

Lumping them under a "style" because they share a camera perspective and action doesn't make sense to me.