
Oct 26, 2017
so if you get different kinds of assault rifles, how do you know you have a good one what's worth upgrading?


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
Finally got a chance to play. Like it so far. Combat is meaty and the world is soooo detailed.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the menus are by far the worst thing about this game, otherwise I am enjoying it but I am wildly over-powered already after only doing the opening quest and then the testicle side quest. On my first main mission now and no one touches me.


Oct 25, 2017
It's insanely frustrating. It flew under the radar, because... everyone who is working on it/testing it, already had it cached, since it was never "the first time". It's my nr1 priority.

That is very good to hear because I'm waiting for that patch before I continue playing the game so that I can experience it in the best way possible. And the waiting is killing me!


Oct 27, 2017
I think I am done with this game for now.

Mech Spider boss in the reactor. After I get the cutscene with it's introduction, I was greeted to about 15 instances of it on the map. I died almost instantly. Went back to the boss, and everything was seemingly okay until the the boss got stuck on some debris. After I killed it, nothing happened.

I looked online and there's supposed to be another cutscene after you defeat the boss. So, I loaded up the encounter again, and then....nothing.

Super frustrating, because I do like this game.


Oct 29, 2017
The combat loop is great and will be even better once some of the performance issues are ironed out on GP for PC.

Somewhat surprised at some of the mobs that get thrown at you early on playing solo but this flame revolver seems to help with that.


Oct 27, 2017
Okay so I played the prologue up to the city yesterday, then today tried with a friend who is on Xbox, we connect fine but soon he fall into the ground into a void. So I kick him and start another game, but this time the game loads the intro. Yep, both our saves were reset. Thankfully I didn't buy this on Steam!


Prophet of Regret
Oct 22, 2018
I think I am done with this game for now.

Mech Spider boss in the reactor. After I get the cutscene with it's introduction, I was greeted to about 15 instances of it on the map. I died almost instantly. Went back to the boss, and everything was seemingly okay until the the boss got stuck on some debris. After I killed it, nothing happened.

I looked online and there's supposed to be another cutscene after you defeat the boss. So, I loaded up the encounter again, and then....nothing.

Super frustrating, because I do like this game.

Also on this boss and getting a bug repeatedly where I can't shoot. May push through tonight but this game is too buggy for me overall.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
I heard that this was a thing, but i guess I never realized to what extent it was THE thing. I've considered trying this in the past (especially with Switch games) but my big question is if you're on Discord, how can one hear the actual in-game audio? Part of the appeal of in-game chat integration console-side is that it allows you to hear all of the actual game, adjusting the audio to preference. Do most Discord users prefer the peer-to-peer chat and the in-game sound/music to be totally disconnected? I guess the Discord is playing through your phone speakers? So alien to me...
TBH the vast majority of Discord users are playing on PC so this isn't an issue. All audio comes through your headset (or speakers) as normal.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
What a weird but fantastic game. The environments are so incredibly dense and interesting. The hub is honestly something else. The world just feels so incredibly huge and fleshed out. Maybe a little too fleshed out because they just drop all the lingo and casual world-building talk right out of the gate and it's so incredibly overwhelming I just don't know what's going on.

That's probably my main gripe so far. The way it on one hand just dump trucks information on you and on the other hand, just doesn't tell you jack shit. The game never told me I had skill points and I could use them. Had to stumble into that after I had about 15 points. It also gave me the pop-up about the cover mechanic as I was like level 6-7, which is honestly such an important feature and would've helped a ton during previous fights.

And there honestly just is a whole lot of other stuff I just don't understand. From certain augment usage to who the people are you are killing. It's a confusing mess, but an intriguing one.


Dec 1, 2017
I just fucking love how the game looks. It reminds me of the old PC games with its prerendered backgrounds, but now they are better, and in real time *cheff kiss*
Jan 4, 2018
So, I experienced a bug in co-op that has prevented me from continuing the save file. I'm stuck in Stimtown with no way out, the trains relocate me to the center of Stimtown regardless of where I try to travel to, and there are no gates or doorways that are unlocked for me to exit out of. I was teleported there when a friend dropped into the session and now it's become this purgatory for my character.

I was wondering, if I select New Game and use the same file my current character is on, will it overwrite that character or can I just start a new playthrough on my existing one?


Jul 29, 2020
What a weird but fantastic game. The environments are so incredibly dense and interesting. The hub is honestly something else. The world just feels so incredibly huge and fleshed out. Maybe a little too fleshed out because they just drop all the lingo and casual world-building talk right out of the gate and it's so incredibly overwhelming I just don't know what's going on.

That's probably my main gripe so far. The way it on one hand just dump trucks information on you and on the other hand, just doesn't tell you jack shit. The game never told me I had skill points and I could use them. Had to stumble into that after I had about 15 points. It also gave me the pop-up about the cover mechanic as I was like level 6-7, which is honestly such an important feature and would've helped a ton during previous fights.

And there honestly just is a whole lot of other stuff I just don't understand. From certain augment usage to who the people are you are killing. It's a confusing mess, but an intriguing one.

The game definitely had a giant pop-up telling me about skill points after I levelled up the first time. But I agree some of the basics are only taught through the main missions and much later than you'd expect.

I'm loving the game in every aspect that's not UI/menu focussed. The UI is awkward and could be improved dramatically with some small changes IMO:

- We definitely need a cursor on the map screen to mark waypoints to make navigation easier.
- We also need an option to increase the UI overall text size (not just subtitles) as this has some of the tiniest text, for things like weapon stats and descriptions, I've seen in a recent game.
- In the UI it's awkward that you need to press A to go into a select list but then you can exit the list and completely leave the tab you're on just tapping the left stick slightly…everyone I played with had a bad time in menus because of this, it just works differently to every other game which is jarring.
- Using the right stick to rotate your character when buying armour would be good. When buying pants you can't even see them as they are cropped of the edge of the screen, and also covered by some UI partially too. Frustrating.
- Choosing black as your primary colour makes your gamertag almost unreadable and low contrast when playing co-op
- The "Select profile" screen when playing couch co-op was super confusing. We couldn't work out what it was asking…is it a character selection, or a save file / world state selection? Both? And why can't we choose the top item? This screen needs a description or simple instructions.
Apr 4, 2018
Vancouver, BC
Only about 5 hours in, but I'm just loving this game. The combat feels so damn good, it's just a great, tight, and fun shooter this early on. The RPG aspects seem balanced well at this point, some really cool and unique looking loot, and of course, that Cyberpunk world is on another level. I honestly think they delivered the Cyberpunk dream better than 2077 did a esthetically. The world is just so incredibly well realized and detailed.

I just fucking love how the game looks. It reminds me of the old PC games with its prerendered backgrounds, but now they are better, and in real time *cheff kiss*

Hell yes, the game looks unbelievably good. They just absolutely nailed the Cyberpunk aesthetic. I honestly can't believe just how consistently I am impressed by the world.

Looking over world ledges, seeing these crazy cyberpunk buildings, structures, machinery, saturated in fantastic colored lighting. The city being just littered with NPCs, all moving and going about thier duty in interesting ways. Excellent looking animated billboards, robots and hover ikea whizzing by as you walk. Sideways littered with dirt, grime, and a ceaselessly uncanny amount of detail.

Even just the sheer uniqueness of the places you can visit and discover within the city. So many cool and unique looking places and things to look at.

I'm only a handful of hours in, but I'm really blown away by the world.


Oct 25, 2017
That UW fix mod allows some great FOV tuning, and this isn't even nowhere near max.


P.S. Fuck that room... holy shit that room SUCKS


Oct 26, 2017
Annoying bug with the Prison Break side mission in The Glut.

Supposed to kill the Mech but I died fighting it and when I went back it was gone. Can't finish the mission.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
Lvl 16 now, not too far into the story, I guess. I've been exploring nooks and crannies while doing side missions. Found a neat hammerhead helmet. Found a laser that melts meat and robots. Having a good ol' time.



Oct 30, 2017
Would love to hear impressions of the couch coop. How smooth is it? If you start the game together on couch coop do you both make your own characters right away? How does it handle when you go too far apart on the screen? Forced borders or move to split screen?


Oct 31, 2017
I'm finding that comparing weapons later in the game is proving difficult as some weapons you've already upgraded (often heavily) and others you've just found. Having everything you pick up be at "lv. 1" is an interesting design choice.

Am I missing something?


Nov 2, 2017
My old Xbox One controller just died, rip. Waiting for the Series controller, would love to dig in to this on Monday.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
Side quest implementation can be a bit silly (bad). I had a quest to find a yellow suitcase for somebody and when I went to deliver it there was no person to interact with. The trail just ends in the middle of a plaza. After searching online it appears that I have to finish a certain main quest to be able to enter a nearby building and interact with the person. This makes no sense from a player perspective as I just have a quest with a marker that leads to nothing. Well, it lead to mild frustration.


Jun 15, 2018
How important are the side missions, can I skip them or am I gonna miss important stuff?

In my experience a few hours in, the rewards are mods/weapons you'll eventually get elsewhere, the story from them hasn't been anything particularly interesting yet, but I get the feeling the difficulty curve of the main quest is balanced around getting XP from side quests, so if you completely ignored them you'd probably be underlevelled and have a harder time.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't sure about how I felt coming out of the opening mission. Ended up doing the side quest Bubble Trouble before even seeing any of the vendors save for the armorer. Didn't realize it was recommended level 10 and I was level 5 by the time I finished it lol. But I think it actually sold me on the game. The cover and weapon raising made way more sense to me in more hostile fights and I started to get a grip on using the augments and grenade. I figured I'd dump the game after an hour or so but I guess not! I love discovering good shit on game pass!


Oct 26, 2017
enjoying it but i'm so bummed out by the lack of a tierd RNG loot system, i feel like the game is begging for some loot variety instead of my having 4 copies of the exact same gun in my inventory.


Oct 26, 2017
Definitely get the cybernetic upgrades if you can find them. You should be able to get at least 5 pretty early on. Just hacking everything.


Oct 30, 2017
Mhhh is it me or are shotguns crap? At least the first one you get. Any machine gun out damages it GREATLY even super up close you need like 2 hits in which time they would be dead with any machine gun. Meh. =/

Are all shotguns crap like or do others behave differently?


Oct 26, 2017
I don't know about this Game. It is very pretty for sure and makes a good first impression but some hours in the gameplay starts to feel thin. It's just starting to feel like an overly long twin stick shooter. The RPG mechanics are not deep enough, loot is sparse and enemy variety is lacking. I have a feeling I will drop it soon.


Oct 26, 2017
Playing on PC (steam version) and the game is stuttering anytime something explodes. I see online others are having this issue as well. Any solutions yet or just wait for a patch?


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017
Mhhh is it me or are shotguns crap? At least the first one you get. Any machine gun out damages it GREATLY even super up close you need like 2 hits in which time they would be dead with any machine gun. Meh. =/

Are all shotguns crap like or do others behave differently?
In my experience the Riot Gun at point blank does an insane amount of damage, but by point blank I mean literally on top of an enemy pushing in. Makes it okay when you have a group of regular enemies and you can control the flow, but it's super useful against big boys like the Fullchromes you have to take out in the second or third mission.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Apologies of this has been answered before but any word on HDR? Its a crime to that such a nice looking game doesn't have HDR.


Oct 30, 2017
In my experience the Riot Gun at point blank does an insane amount of damage, but by point blank I mean literally on top of an enemy pushing in. Makes it okay when you have a group of regular enemies and you can control the flow, but it's super useful against big boys like the Fullchromes you have to take out in the second or third mission.
It really doesn't. And even on the off-chance it does great damage SOMETIMES, you need to wait super long between shots. There is no reason to not just use the (boring) Dread instead.

Like the shotgun can't even hit the very first enemies in the game, if you go back to there (for a sidequest). It's either super buggy or super crap - in both cases I'm super disappointed.


Oct 27, 2017
So, I picked up a Cyberdeck Upgrade in the world and... my deck is still level one. What gives? Also, mouseover tooltips on stats in inventory would be nice. I got new armor, it shows some stats on icons, but I have zero idea what those icons represent - I can only guess. Plus: armor boosts skills but it also just shows icons and I simply don't remember what icon is what skill yet :)

What's also kind of silly is that the "Cyberware" vendor doesn't sell any "Cyberdeck" modifications. There was a review video that claimed you could, but if you can, it must be way late into the game, because I'm level 17 and all that vendor has been selling so far is grenades. Which makes little sense given their position.

Also, for item and map "details", hit "D" while in the menu. Won't solve everything though like you said with the damage types. Most seem kind of obvious with electric, fire, and what I am assuming to be ballistics, which might include explosions as the first one, but I can't figure out what the deflated ball, or brain icon is supposed to be.

edit: LMAO, after just saying that, I noticed that it does actually tell you what the icons mean as long as you are under the "Armor" tab. The option I couldn't figure out is "Digital" damage.

As far as the freezing issues, I was only experiencing that (constantly) when entering new areas while using RTX. I've just not been playing with it on, because having even one of the three options enabled just tanks the frame rate at 1440p, so I decided to just play with those options off, and at 120fps instead. Haven't had anymore noticeable stuttering or pauses yet since.

Not sure if it's been posted, but here's a good RT on/off vid

More like Frame Rate ON/Frame Rate OFF. It looks even better with RTX on, but it's unplayable above 1080p for me.

Well there's something I wasn't expecting to read today.

I found that "quest" particularly funny, because picking up "rat testicles" is generally how I describe most of the supposed "quests" in modern AAA Fedex type games. The sad irony though is that most of the side quests in this game end up playing out similarly to the formulas they are mocking anyway.

The NPCs also casually speak with their native slang as though the reader/listener is supposed to be fluent in what they are saying without scouring the codex beforehand, and they spew so much of it, trying to make "finding ingredients" or "go kill this guy for me" sound more interesting than it actually is, but I end up checking out and just mashing next to get through whatever gobbledygook they are saying.

It really doesn't. And even on the off-chance it does great damage SOMETIMES, you need to wait super long between shots. There is no reason to not just use the (boring) Dread instead.

Like the shotgun can't even hit the very first enemies in the game, if you go back to there (for a sidequest). It's either super buggy or super crap - in both cases I'm super disappointed.

Yep. Early on I could never find any use for any of the shotguns. Despite the fact that they should be crowd clearing weapons, especially at close range, they were just functionally awful. They might be more useful in a group of four players, where all four were using them at the same time, but for solo encounters at least, the Dread was the most useful early gun, and then I went to the Dominator. Upgraded, that thing had seen me through most of the game, with a side energy weapon.

Me riding in my taxi feeling rich af laughing at all the poor indents.

That's all I spend most of my money on, which is kind of annoying actually. The travel system is kind of infuriating, and despite having two modes of transportation, it still takes ages to get anywhere because for some reason, the taxi can only fly you to somewhere on the same vertical level. You spend so many hours in this game backtracking the same areas, fighting (or running past) the same enemies too that eternally respawn. I could almost forgive that if the map was functional for navigation, but half of the time the quest markers don't even show up (even when you move the map to a higher or lower level).

That UW fix mod allows some great FOV tuning, and this isn't even nowhere near max.

Does this only work with Ultra Wide monitors? The FOV cutting off half of the screen, and allowing enemies to fire/jump on you from off screen before you can even see them got old hours ago.
Last edited:


Fight Sephiroth or end video games
Oct 28, 2017
It really doesn't. And even on the off-chance it does great damage SOMETIMES, you need to wait super long between shots. There is no reason to not just use the (boring) Dread instead.

Like the shotgun can't even hit the very first enemies in the game, if you go back to there (for a sidequest). It's either super buggy or super crap - in both cases I'm super disappointed.
I dunno, it sounds like we're talking about two separate guns. The Riot Gun would do like 95% of a Fullchromes health in one shot for me, and the subsequent boss fight with two chonkers was over super fast because of it as well.


Oct 30, 2017
I dunno, it sounds like we're talking about two separate guns. The Riot Gun would do like 95% of a Fullchromes health in one shot for me, and the subsequent boss fight with two chonkers was over super fast because of it as well.
I was talking about the Bitspit.

Just found the Riot Gun. It's indefinitely better, although still less useful than the Dread.