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Aug 22, 2020

Resident Evil is one of the horniest game franchises that's not outright ecchi.


What I'm saying is, at no point while playing RE2/3/7/8 did the attractiveness of the characters effect how much I enjoyed or engaged with the games. And I don't understand why it should.

Also the games are way better off without all the weird costumes and often terrible character designs from 5/6/Rev/Rev2.


Oct 25, 2017
Yep. But this is tame compared what I remember seeing about Claire back at the old place for RE: Revelations....
I try to limit my remembrance of that place. Mostly because I probably harbored a lot of those feelings and viewpoints at the time too.
What I'm saying is, at no point while playing RE2/3/7/8 did the attractiveness of the characters effect how much I enjoyed or engaged with the games. And I don't understand why it should.

Also the games are way better off without all the weird costumes and often terrible character designs from 5/6/Rev/Rev2.
Just because you don't value it doesn't discount that a large part of the fanbase does.
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Deleted member 16908

Oct 27, 2017
Claire's face looks weird. I don't know how to describe it, but the person they modeled her face after looks normal so I don't know what happened.

Bear Patrol

Oct 27, 2017
Having seen those reactions in real time and then seeing them be collected and called out on the last page, I'm not surprised that the defenders aren't coming back to acknowledge the sexism that often manifests in Gaming ERA.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
So there was nothing about Jill on here?

Idk the only character design I hated was skinny Chris. That wasn't the same man who punches boulders. But they fixed that


Oct 28, 2017
I think it's weird as hell that there's that much conversation around any video game character's physical attractiveness.
Oct 28, 2017
This is almost as weird to me as the other side of things, to be honest.
Not as weird as you singling me out for expressing the same thought other users did in this very thread, and not as weird as equating the compliment of realistic aesthetics with vitriol and rage because a digital character doesn't feature impossible beauty standards. But you do you, I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's weird as hell that there's that much conversation around any video game character's physical attractiveness.
We've had porn since the Paleolithic era.

The idea that humans can't be attracted to slightly abstracted representations of the human body is weirder.
This is almost as weird to me as the other side of things, to be honest.
The other side being pure examples of sexist talk...
Oct 25, 2017
I can kind of get this complaint, but also not really as RE characters change faces all the time, ESPECIALLY its poster boy Chris who has like 5 different faces.

Claire from the original RE2/Code Veronica -> Darkside Chronicles -> Revelations 2 -> REmake 2 are all different.

Still less egregious than recasting someone in live action though.

I think the main difference comes from the fact that this new Leon/Claire/Jill are photorealistic while the older versions were all very anime/stylized. Some people found that a bit jarring, but I personally love it.
Chris I definitely agree with and never liked, but Claire, Jill, and Leon have generally been recognizable.

Dante even maintains recognizability despite the complete change in art style to the realistic dmc5, and that's same engine. (as did Lady, though Trish did not)

And it's definitely possible to maintain a face across massive graphical leaps and art styles, as ffvii remake characters still resemble their original character art

Edit: though I should say except Rev 2 Claire, which oddly enough her facial structure there does start looking more like what they settled on for remake
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God help us the mods are making weekend threads
Jul 30, 2018
United States
I don't recall folks being upset about these designs but that's probably because I've insulated myself from the dumbshit gaming circles online for a while now. Also I'd think these people would've revealed themselves before these games with shit like GG.


Oct 28, 2017
We've had porn since the Paleolithic era.

The idea that humans can't be attracted to slightly abstracted representations of the human body is weirder.

The other side being pure examples of sexist talk...
Yes, the "other sides" comment was poor. Obviously the sexism is awful. I apologize for even having mistakenly implied otherwise.


Jan 1, 2022
What backlash? This just feels like a dog shit excuse by OP to make a thread were he can go "Fucking Gamers! AMIRITE???". Weak.
You don't really need an excuse to shit on gamers considering the past twenty years of harcdcore gamer discourse has proven gamers are trash. Like even if I didn't remember what OP is referencing it wouldn't be stretch that such a thing happened.

Big Powder

Oct 25, 2017
I personally like the Jill redesign a lot, but the Claire one doesn't work as much for me. I think I've had a specific idea of how that character looks in my head since I was a child based off of the RE2 cinematics, from which the face looks slightly different just barely enough that my brain says "that ain't Claire", and I get that that's weird. I have a slight preference for the original outfits, but that's partially because they look more casual to me and I have childhood memories attached to them. It's really not a big deal. That being said, it doesn't bother me at all and I enjoyed the RE2 Remake and can't imagine actually complaining about it or whatever. Leon's redesign also looks a lot different to me, and I kind of prefer the original face from the CGI cutscenes, but this is probably just the cost of switching to real actors and motion capture as opposed to what I assume were fully CGI works previously.

People make such mountains of molehills. I don't really need a character's face to look a specific way or them to be wearing specific clothing when the point of the game is killing zombies and solving puzzles, and their new costumes make considerably more sense. I don't have ownership over the characters, either, so it's ridiculous to act as if any slight personal preference I have should really matter versus the creator's intent (and that includes the right of someone reimagining something to completely change it, that's *their* vision).

The only time I think I've felt frustrated was over Chie's voice change from Persona 4 to Persona 4 Golden, but that was admittedly because I grew pretty attached to the original voice and just never got into the other one even though I think it's a great and arguably more fitting take on the character.
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One Winged Slayer
Nov 6, 2017
I prefer REmake Jill because of nostalgia but the new one isn't bad. Claire doesn't look radically different to me so those complaints are confusing. RE7 Chris is still the worst redesign by far. In terms of Capcom games SFV Ken is definitely up there.


Oct 29, 2017
Ugly? Are people crazy? These two character models look freaking fantastic. I love how they grounded their design and made it look cleaner and more era-and-activity appropriate.
Oct 27, 2017
Agreed OP.

It was really stupid. And in the case of Jill, I felt this design was the closest to RE3 than ever if you look past the outfit.

I really hope we see more of Claire and Jill as they nailed them.


Oct 25, 2017
I remember a few people here and there upset that Jill didn't have her skirt and even fewer people not happy she didn't have as big a breasts as her original design but that was it and those kinda statements came from exactly the kinda people you think would come from.

And I can't imagine anyone thinks or thought they're ugly (even at the time) I've seen waaay to much porn of those character models for that to be the case lmao


Prophet of Truth
May 30, 2018
Weren't the old costumes available for free download anyway?
I remember seeing them in the store
so what were they mad about? the game is using real faces?


Jan 22, 2022
They're all attractive characters, but I will say i immediately prefer any of Jill's optional costumes in RE3 over her default.

I always thought her remake design was pretty lame. Granted, it makes sense given that she would just be wearing casual clothes in the narrative. I just prefer the big ol' dorky pauldrons she has with her STARS uniform.


Oct 25, 2017
yes, that's exactly what I implied.
Glad you agreed.

We literally have a thread devoted to how women are constantly portrayed by this industry, and how people abroad and on this forum react to it, and your response to another thread where me and Gentlemen posted quotes to show this is a problem even beyond cesspits to right here where we are speaking, is "move on."

This is a problem. Don't tell people that they're too in the weeds just because you don't care.
Oct 27, 2017
lol at people calling out OP for pointing this out as if it didn't happen.

I was there and both Jill and Claire got called out. Jill in particular got it worst.
May 15, 2019
I just thought it was weird how they look like completely different people now, though Jill does look more like her PS1 RE3 self than the GameCube REmake model did. Leon and Ada looked pretty spot on, and people also hated the changed look for Chris.

Cream Stout

Oct 28, 2017
Glad you agreed.

We literally have a thread devoted to how women are constantly portrayed by this industry, and how people abroad and on this forum react to it, and your response to another thread where me and Gentlemen posted quotes to show this is a problem even beyond cesspits to right here where we are speaking, is "move on."

This is a problem. Don't tell people that they're too in the weeds just because you don't care.

it just felt odd that folks were being accused of that good ol' "era bubble" just because they weren't aware of what op was referring to. I personally am never on Reddit much at all so I never really see all these takes people have. Me not really being aware of this particular issue or not being vocal on forums about it doesn't really mean I don't care.


Oct 25, 2017
it just felt odd that folks were being accused of that good ol' "era bubble" just because they weren't aware of what op was referring to. I personally am never on Reddit much at all so I never really see all these takes people have. Me not really being aware of this particular issue or not being vocal on forums about it doesn't really mean I don't care.
I mean... then why post?

You made a declarative statement, without seeing that multiple people have noticed it on ERA itself.

The ERA bubble is real, best pop that shit before you make another post.


Aug 22, 2018
I think every major Resident Evil hero has gotten flak for their new designs starting with Chris's look in RE7 (which is arguably the worst given how transformative it was), fanboys will always be picky, and it is especially prevalent with the women of the series. A good friend of mine is still bitter that RE3R Jill has become one of the "default" looks of her going forward in promo material but imo it's a massive improvement over whatever the fuck they were thinking with the RE5 blonde mindjacked Jill. I also remember a lot of furor when RE3R revealed the "classic" RE3 look for Jill as an additional costume but compromised the skirt as a skort, that one seemed to really set the hornier fans off since they took it as some weird half-measure thing.

I think the only thing I would really want back is the beret for Jill, Resident Evil going full into realistic faces is fine but I do like the appeal spots of the original designs for Chris and Jill a lot.

Cream Stout

Oct 28, 2017
I mean... then why post?

You made a declarative statement, without seeing that multiple people have noticed it on ERA itself.

The ERA bubble is real, best pop that shit before you make another post.

Nah u right. I will take what I have read from this thread after my post and learn from it going forward. Appreciate the call out of my blind spots, and I'll be more thoughtful in threads like this going forward. Apologies


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I think the only thing I would really want back is the beret for Jill, Resident Evil going full into realistic faces is fine but I do like the appeal spots of the original designs for Chris and Jill a lot.
I think new RE8 Chris was a great compromise. He still looks like a hulk but has a more realistic looking face.

I actually had way more issue with the guy redesigns than any of the female ones lol. Female designs were fine imo. Even my "complaint" about Jill was just that it wasn't Julia Voth anymore because that was the face I was used to seeing.
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Aug 22, 2018
I think new RE8 Chris was a great compromise. He still looks like a hulk but has a more realistic looking face.
Yeah I can definitely give you that. It definitely feels more immediately recognizable as Chris in the face than the RE7 one. I think I also just miss him as more of a younger guy but we're so long past that point that we would need a remake of an early title or an interquel to explore that look again


Nov 27, 2017
The complainers are just a vocal minority, Jill and Claire are very popular. The designs are great and they're based on models of stunning people. If there's anything unrealistic, it's that every playable Resident Evil character is a supermodel, single, put in tense life and death situation... and somehow, nobody hooks up and there's still no path for continuing the Redfield Bloodline.

I'll leave these stats here:



Oct 25, 2017
Not alot of responses to those quotes from this site. Where did y'all go?

The quoted posts didn't jog my memory. I went back to skim through the RE3 leak thread - I saw a ton of 'looks like Natalie Portman', some 'I wish she still had Julia Voth's face', but nothing like 'she's too masculine' caught my attention.

I can only surmise that my brain was filtering out idiotic posts, which I'm thankful for. It's not a backlash people are lying about not seeing, "Claire looks soooooooooooo weird" in between an overwhelming amount of excitement and praise probably isn't something most posters will read anything in to and remember. I'm sure it's a different experience if you read page after page and see a pattern emerge.
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