
Jun 9, 2018
EW1 is definitely a sleepers hit.

Anyone who wants to see a faithful evolution of RE4 should check it out. The game isn't perfect, but there's good stuff in there.


Nov 8, 2017
Both of these are soooooo good. I agree about 1 being a sleeper hidden gem game and 2 is just a damn good horror sci-fi game. I enjoyed both playthroughs and now I might do it again.


Oct 31, 2017
There was just a thread opened on how good 2 is, this is some perfect timing and 8 bucks is a steal!


Mar 14, 2019
Pricing is weird, lol.

They're offering "the whole franchise" for 44 CAD... but that's redundant, cuz the "Evil Within" bundle includes base game + all 3 DLC.

So you need 2/7 items in the sales tab to get everything for 25 CAD... The whole 7 items pack is selling you the DLCs 3 times and calling it a discount. Weird.


Jul 11, 2018
Double dipped. Love GOG and hope more AAA publishers like Bethesda would have their games released on the platform.


Oct 30, 2019
I played the first, it was good enough it just missed the point of what was scary on the first half during the second. The second though feels from what I've seen like it kinda missed the point even further but i should probably give it a go.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Play these games if you're a fan or Resident evil, horror games, or any games in general. These games deserve more sales. Especially 2.

Mars People

Comics Council 2020
Oct 25, 2017
I really wish these games were better.
All the elements are there but the final product is so...middling.

And the 2nd game is still broken on PC with zero chance of a patch.


Oct 25, 2017
EW1 is definitely a sleepers hit.

Anyone who wants to see a faithful evolution of RE4 should check it out. The game isn't perfect, but there's good stuff in there.

To be perfectly blunt, I legit hated EW1. Lots of little things that just built into it being extremely not fun for me. I liked the atmosphere and some of the ideas, but that was about it. I'd rather play RE4 10 times out of 10 before ever touching EW1 again.


Oct 27, 2017
The first one was good and been feeling like replaying it, but found TEW2 abysmally awful and wouldn't recommend it myself.

Still, good prices and DRM-Free, can't criticize that.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
I say this every The Evil Within thread, but these are maybe some of the most divisive horror games you'll ever come across. You will see a pretty even split of people who love one of the games but don't like the other. I like both games, but for very different reasons. They both have like, opposite strengths and weaknesses almost so just because you love/hate one doesn't mean you'll love/hate the other, I think I enjoy both about evenly because I have broad taste in the genre but I get why someone may love one but not the other.

I also will repeat, do not sleep on the DLC for the first game. The Executioner is okay, it's about an hour long and basically a first-person arcade boss game thing where you can pick up and throw enemies (it's fun), but the real meat and potatoes is the 2-part Kidman DLC, The Assignment and The Consequence. Together they're around 5-8 hours long, full of unique scenarios, locations, etc, not in the main game, with a better story, some great gameplay moments, and I think legitimately are the scariest pieces of anything TEW related. Despite there also being limited gunplay in the first half, I think TEW DLC ends up having the best boss battles in the series.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't listen to this advice, game is fun.
Boo this man. Much better than TEW2 imo. So many memorable encounters and the Kidman DLC is legit spooky.
Don't listen to him. The Evil Within is great and in some ways I prefer to 2.

A game with the most generic horror tropes hastily sewed in together, mixed with bland action segments, and a plot used to justify the sudden shifting of world maps that feels cheap.

''Oooh I hid in a locker and the monster stared at the locker for 2 seconds'' Now that's some good horror right there!

Shitty pyramid head knock-off and shitty The Ring and The Grudge knock-off.

The Evil Within isn't a good horror game, It's an experience vapid of any unique and interesting ideas, large budget wasted on a game that doesn't know what it wants to be.
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Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
A game with the most generic horror tropes hastily sewed in together, mixed with bland action segments, and a plot used to justify the sudden shifting of world maps that feels cheap.

Oooh I hid in a locker and the monster stared at the locker for 2 seconds, now that's some good horror right there!

Shitty pyramid head knock-off and shitty The Ring and The Grudge knock-off.

The Evil Within isn't a good horror game, It's an experience vapid of any unique and interesting ideas, large budget wasted on a game that doesn't know what it wants to be.
If a game needs to be scary to be a good horror game, then there really isn't a good horror game since they don't scare me.


Oct 27, 2017
A game with the most generic horror tropes hastily sewed in together, mixed with bland action segments, and a plot used to justify the sudden shifting of world maps that feels cheap.

Oooh I hid in a locker and the monster stared at the locker for 2 seconds, now that's some good horror right there!

Shitty pyramid head knock-off and shitty The Ring and The Grudge knock-off.

The Evil Within isn't a good horror game, It's an experience vapid of any unique and interesting ideas, large budget wasted on a game that doesn't know what it wants to be.

I always took it to be a celebration of the styles more than anything else. At the time of release a "survival horror smorgasbord" was a good shout given we'd been starved of an yof it for so long.


Oct 25, 2017
If a game needs to be scary to be a good horror game, then there really isn't a good horror game since they don't scare me.


If the game isn't scary maybe the plot can save it, and The Evil Within fails miserably at that. Challenging gameplay is all that's left to help it secure mediocrity.

I didn't enjoy the gameplay, especially with the now removed black bars that obstructed my aim, bad difficulty curve, and stealth mechanics that felt forced more than organic. You could argue that you enjoyed the gameplay and that's your opinion, but a horror game that fails in two essential criteria doesn't deserve to be recommended.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
is this true, everyone?
I don`t think so. Not only because of enemies, locations etc. but because of the way the story is told and the characters are portrayed. There`s much more mystery in the first game, cryptic stuff and, let`s say: enviromental storytelling. The second game is very straight forward when it comes to storytelling.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Had one but not the second. Regardless, bought. Let's see if I will play this, though; horror games scare the shit out of me.

Love that Bethesda is adding more of their recent games on GOG. Keep going. Next Doom 2016 or Skyrim... Or Prey. Actually, scratch those first two. Get Prey on GOG asap Bethesda. I need a DRM-free copy of that game without Denuvo.


Oct 27, 2017
A game with the most generic horror tropes hastily sewed in together, mixed with bland action segments, and a plot used to justify the sudden shifting of world maps that feels cheap.

''Oooh I hid in a locker and the monster stared at the locker for 2 seconds'' Now that's some good horror right there!

Shitty pyramid head knock-off and shitty The Ring and The Grudge knock-off.

The Evil Within isn't a good horror game, It's an experience vapid of any unique and interesting ideas, large budget wasted on a game that doesn't know what it wants to be.
TEW2 isn't scary either. BUT it is way more consistent. You're right that the first game feels sewn together. I wondered why it wasn't scary. It had the Art direction after all. But it's because it's all mish mashed together that it never feels scary. Still, it had much better combat imo than 2. The matches were great, no idea why 2 did away with them. It also had way better RE4-like combat encounters. The blood room in Chapter 5, the one where Kidman is trapped in a water tank, the cabin one where Joseph is trying to get a door open, the one with the gondolas, all of Chapter 3, the final gauntlet in the last chapter. It was all hectic and encouraged on the fly decisions that ultimately made it al so fun. TEW2 had like one of those and it was a more boring game for it imo. Better story and more consistent art direction, but worse gameplay. At least it did away with instant kill mechanics. That was good.


Oct 27, 2017
I wish Bethesda would update their Steam releases and remove DRM when they put them out on GOG.
I suspect the issue with TEW2's awful performance is related to the engine/optimization rather than DRM, but I would like the option to test it.

As for which is better, even if it was not perfect I enjoyed TEW1 far more than TEW2's boring open world, sad dad story that tries to riff on Silent Hill 2, and extremely derivative gameplay. They lifted the cabin scene directly from RE4, and some of the other environments feel heavily inspired.
Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if it was not for the absolutely terrible performance, but I can only experience the game for the first time once. Tango at least patched TEW1 to fix its performance, but there was nothing done about it in TEW2.
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Nov 21, 2017
Did they ever fix the bug in the first game where you can't scroll through notes unless you keep the mouse completely still?

Edit just checked on steam and no they haven't. I keep forgetting why I never got into that game because normally survival horror is my jam. But between the sluggish performance, the lack of proper ultra wide settings, the nightmare of trying to change key settings and the aforementioned notes bug some levels of incompetence become intolerable.
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Jul 11, 2018
I wish Bethesda would update their Steam releases and remove DRM when they put them out on GOG.
I suspect the issue with TEW2's awful performance is related to the engine/optimization rather than DRM, but I would like the option to test it.

As for which is better, even if it was not perfect I enjoyed TEW1 far more than TEW2's boring open world, sad dad story that tries to riff on Silent Hill 2, and extremely derivative gameplay. They lifted the cabin scene directly from RE4, and some of the other environments feel heavily inspired.
Maybe I would have enjoyed it more if it was not for the absolutely terrible performance, but I can only experience the game for the first time once. Tango at least patched TEW1 to fix its performance, but there was nothing done about it in TEW2.
Both games had Denuvo removed long ago. And yeah Void Engine is quite of a cannibalized idTech5 engine that Arkane put together for Dishonored 2, that on launch also had some huge performance issues, luckily it was somewhat fixed after all the patches and Dishonored Deat of the Outsider fixed it completely.