
Oct 25, 2017
After a stacked 2017 I decided to take a bit of a break this year, only games I've played are God of War and Hollow Knight. God of War reminded me why I needed that break in the first place, while Hollow Knight reminded me about everything I love in games.
Oct 25, 2017
Bloodstained Curse of the Moon
God of War
Yoku's Island Express

Though Dark Souls Remastered is better than all of them.


Oct 25, 2017
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Dark Souls
Hollow Knight
Bayonetta 2
Snapshots Shadow of the Colossus

Legitimately speaking, while I make the above mentions in semi-jest, none of this years truly new games have really grabbed me and I've been pretty happy revisiting the above, the top 3 of which I consider absolute stone cold classics.


If I were to stretch myself to the actual new from this year I guess I'm looking at...

Monster Hunter World: It's effectively more Monster Hunter with QoL additions all over the place, as such I don't have much to say about it having put tons of time into 3/4/Gens

Celeste: I actually feel like I may enjoy this more on a replay, right now I think it's the best of its ilk (that being the die/retry brand of platformer), it's just not my preferred flavour of the genre, beating the B sides left me a bit sour if anything but I can't deny some of the ingenuity of the level design meshing with simple mechanics.

God of War: The best of Sony's blending of cinematic stylings with solid gameplay foundations, to think they managed to turn the Kratos character around so well, worth some props for that alone. Didn't blow my socks off but it was a fun ride for sure.

Bloodstained Curse of the Moon: Bootleg Classicvania that does the job

Yoku's Island Express: Because it's completely different to the glut of Indie-vanias out there, Pinball is not a mechanic I'm well versed in which led to a gameplay experience that was fresh for me, albeit sometimes fiddly and frustrating.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Not including remasters, backlog games, and ports, I think the only 2018 game I've played has been Detroit. Which isn't a great choice for "Game of the first half of 2018", but I guess it's what I'm stuck with. I really need to play God of War sometime soon.
Oct 25, 2017
God of War is the only game this year I've really liked. Didn't get into MHW the way I wanted to, NNK2 was a letdown (although I didn't hate it as much as others) and I haven't played Hollow Knight, Yakuza 6, Donkey Kong, or Vampyr yet despite owning all of them

Edit: forgot Bayo 2 on switch was this year, so there's that too. First time playing


Alt account
Oct 25, 2017
slow year for sure... fortnite is #1, but i have also loved yoku and celeste. also played god of war and far cry 5 but eh


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
God of War was fantastic. I loved just about everything it had to offer.
Celeste was a complete surprise, extremely addicting.
Far Cry 5 while a bit silly and over the top was extremely fun to play and I'm looking forward to the expansions.


Nov 8, 2017
2018 has been incredibly slow for me. I have only really played God of War (which is okay, but I don't love) and Detroit (which I like, but less than Heavy Rain and Beyond).

The second half of 2018 is more for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Monster Hunter World
God of War
Hollow Knight

And of course Dark Souls remastered


Oct 25, 2017
1. Shadow of The Colossus
2. Monster Hunter World
3. Conan Exiles

Honestly I've spent just as much time catching up on 2017 stuff as I have with this year's releases, but it's been solid overall and promises a damn strong finish.


Oct 25, 2017
GoW - Cory and the ssm did what many thought was the impossible with the series. Best combat and a great story showing those things aren't mutually exclusive
Sotc - what bluepoint did was nothing short of wizardry
Oct 25, 2017
God of War and Monster Hunter World have to take the crown.

The former is currently one of my picks for game of the generation. It's just a phenomenal title in so many ways and has really stuck with me so longer after I completed it.

The latter is my favorite MH title to date. Love the improved visual fidelity and the plethora of quality of life changes. I'm 200+ hours into it and I still ocassionally boot it up.

Fantastic year so far.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm addicted to Onrush. I've got a huge amount of games to play and recently started playing Nier Automata and Crash Bandicoot and Yoku's Island Express on Xbox One X. Awesome games...but I still end up playing Onrush most of the time.


Nov 7, 2017
Hollow Knight with a bullet, then God of War, and Mario Tennis Aces.

Splatoon 2
kept on giving in 2018 with great updates and a rad SP expansion, but I know that's not how these things go.

I hope Celeste gets some love. I can't claim it as a favorite this year, I just don't have the chops for it. It, along with games like HK, Shovel Knight, and Owlboy really feel to me like the past coming back to us, but better.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
The two games that impressed me the most were God of War and Vampyr. GoW has an amazing combat system that doesn't need to hide itself from the japanese competition. Loved Kratos himself, dude is a great comedian. I loved how gamey this game felt despite it being very a cinematic experience. All in all the game was a nice adventure.

Vampyr had great atmosphere. The voice acting was seriously impressive. Haven't found one character where i thought it was bad. The little stories of the different characters you meet were the highlight of the game. Often you would find characters you thought were scumbags, until you digged a little deeper to find out it's not so black and white as you first thought. Great writing.

There are two games i haven't played enough to place them here, but from the little i played i can already see both games ranking pretty high on my favorite games of the year list. The two are Indie games, Hollow Knight and Subnautica. Both very different from each other but they have one thing in common, amazing atmosphere. Overall 2017 was a stronger year for me but 2018 is no slouch.

Oh, almost forgot to mention Street Fighter 5: Arcade Edition. It's not a new game but Arcade Editon is the first major update of the game that brought us Arcade Mode and a second V-Trigger and a new visual update to the UI that looks very slick. If i can, i will vote for SF as my game of the year, i know this already.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
GoW is comfortably GOTY so far for me - the combat and story are top-tier. Onrush and H1Z1 PS4 are pretty special too.

J 0 E

Oct 27, 2017
What an amazing first half

The very best

God of War
Monster Hunter World
Shadow of the Colossus
Detroit: Become Human

Other great games

Far Cry 5
Yakuza 6
Ni No Kuni II
A Way Out

can't wait for the upcoming games (specially you, RDR2)


Oct 28, 2017
Don't know what I was thinking in my earlier post. Dark souls is my favourite game of 2018.
Oct 26, 2017
God of war. Fantastic story and unique combat system with encounters well designed for it. Also has one of the better boss fights of the generation.
Detroit. I just loved this shit out of it even if it is flawed.
Bloodstained: Curse of the moon. Its classic castlevania with good boss fights. The way it handled the extra modes was pretty good, and the final boss of nightmare mode was some epic stuff.
Subnautica. Was simply a "joy" to explore the world, i dont like survival games normally but at its heart this is more survival horror.
Monster hunter: World. Limited amount of monsters is a huge bummer, but the first time experience of playthrough the game was nuts.


Oct 25, 2017
God of War, no contest. I've almost never played a game and less than a fifth into it I am planning out my next playthrough. Luckily SSM announced a NG+ mode for later so I'm holding off on that until it releases.

Next is Path of Exile's Incursion league. I've put tons and tons of hours into it. The skill reworks and new league mechanic are fun as hell.

Monster Hunter World is high up on this list as well with over 100 hours played with my friends.


Oct 27, 2017
2018 has been incredibly disappointing outside of God of War compared to 2017. Although Detroit Become Human, Octo expansion, and Yakuza 6 are definitely worth playing, just have some big flaws.


Oct 28, 2017
1. God of War. What a great game. One of the best of the gen so far. I love how everyone else loves it.

2. Detroit Become Human. Another gem in Sonys incredible exclusive lineup. I divoured that interactive movie like no other game.

3. Vampyr. Currently the main game i'm playing. It's really good, the story setup and lore is excellent.

This year is very good so far imo.


Oct 27, 2017
If I only had a Switch and all of the ports to that system were new to me it would probably be a different story, but 2018 has been a pretty dead year for me so far.
I've mostly just been playing through older games, and picked up an n3DS XL since I haven't used my Switch all year.

Excluding all the ports/remasters, the main 2018 games I've put a decent amount of time into are Frostpunk and Vampyr - and the latter was very disappointing to me.
Frostpunk was pretty good, but I had my fill after beating the first scenario. I made a start on the second, but stopped shortly after. Steam says I've put about 20 hours into the game (though that usually includes a lot of idle time) so I'm satisfied with it.
Into the Breach was fine, but it never really hooked me the way that FTL did. I beat it on my second run and was done with it.

I suppose I should check out Celeste, since so many people have mentioned it, and BattleTech is on my list of games to play.
The rest of the year is looking pretty barren. I'm sure that Hitman 2 will be good, but it just looks like more maps for the original without doing much new.
I'm curious to see what Life is Strange 2 is about, and how Captain Spirit ties into that. I should get around to playing Captain Spirit since it's free, and I really liked both Life is Strange and Before the Storm, but what I've seen of it so far doesn't appeal to me at all.


Oct 27, 2017
Dusk and Amid Evil, probably the best FPS games I have played in a very, very long time.


Dec 20, 2017
Sea of Thieves was definitely the most fun i've had and keep getting from mp games.

Monster Hunter World is probably the game i poured the most hours in. First time that i play a MonHun game and definitely in love with it. Capcom's team really delivered on it.

Nier Automata is something that's very fresh in my head since i finished that game at 4AM (or just twelve hours ago). Amazing universe and characters and really happy i could play it eventually on Xbox.

God of War wasn't my cup of tea after loving the trilogy, but i do admit it has its strenghts and definitely its flaws.


Oct 27, 2017
Hunt Showdown is a beauty.

Realm Royale scratches that fantasy BR without building.

Sea of Thieves interested me immensely for approximately 90 minutes.

Cuphead is frankly pure genius.


Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
Sea of Thieves - the most fun I've had playing online, and the longest I've played a single game consistently (6 months, at least once a week and usually much more since Closed Alpha).
ONRUSH - The arcade-style racing experience that I needed. What a breath of fresh air. Love the team-based objectives.

Sadly couldn't play God of War because the camera gives me motion sickness (yes even with shake turned off/turned to zero).


Oct 27, 2017
Hallow Knight is my favorite already and I have only played it for about 20 hours. Best Metroidvania since Ori

God of War has been discussed a lot already. For me, it's telling how good it is when it's only the 4 Platinum Trophy I've earned (excluding TellTale games)

Xx 720

Nov 3, 2017
I've enjoyed God of War, Celeste, finally found I like the big team games in Fortnight as I'm not good at the building....but I never play it as I've become fucking obsessed with paladins, can't put it down, crew 2 and mario tennis sit barely touched.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
God of War. Absolutely tremendous action game, and strongly evokes similar positive feelings I had about RE4 mixing up the RE formula back in 2005. I had grown tired of the God of War series after finishing III back in the day, even though it was certainly a juggernaut of a series when it came to my personal tastes. To be honest, I was definitely content with just the original, and kinda found myself really bored with Kratos beyond the scope of the first game, though I still looked forward to and enjoyed both II and III. This new game, story-wise and character-wise, completely redeems the trajectory of the character, IMO -- it makes that ongoing force-of-rage-and-vengeance Kratos have a very satisfying maturation arc here. On top of that, it's just fun as hell to play and drop-dead gorgeous to boot. I can't sing this game enough praise... It makes God of War wholly relevant to me again after feeling like the series had been overdone in the past, it tells a supremely charismatic tale about growth and change within a videogame context, its the first action game since the original Bayonetta that actually commands my attention for its gameplay design, and it makes me awe in wonder at its technical achievement.

I'm in line with much of the strong criticism about Detroid: Become Human's on-the-nose narrative appropriations and the problems those create, but I still can't help but respect the extreme range of choices and consequences and general ability to remain coherent and consistent within its own context. It also looks gorgeous, to boot. Plus, I absolutely love Connor and Hank as characters. This game is still commanding a lot of my respect for how fresh it is, though with the current lineup for future games releasing this year, it may get forgotten and buried under the weight of its problems -- but right now, I absolutely respect how much choice exists in the game with heavy-weighing consequences later, and how it seems to rarely get caught off guard in terms of story cohesion.

Any other year, Monster Hunter World would definitely be commanding a spot, but because of circumstances in my real life around the time it released, I've played very little of the game compared to what I'd normally give to a Monster Hunter title. It's worth noting that the 25 or so hours I've put into it since its release have been spectacular, but I've long since been outpaced by my close friends that I typically play MH games with, and it's been hard to return. Still, I haven't felt as surprised and pleased by a Monster Hunter game in ages, and I've been a long-time fan of the series. It's just barely a toe into the larger game itself, but what I have played so far has been supremely good and standout among this year's releases.
Oct 28, 2017
Celeste is the GOTY no question. I'll be very surprised if it gets topped by the end of the year.

Despite being a VERY flawed game, God of War remains firmly in second place right now.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 27, 2017
God of War thats for sure. Can't wait for RDR2, Spider Man and Dragon Quest.