
Oct 25, 2017
Everyone should increase the fan speed and airflow in his pc to keep your cards cooler than the usual settings. I got a 3080Fe and with the stock settings it goes up to 75c, with my custom settings it's now up to 63c with stable undervolt which goes up to 1903mhz.

Who knows when this market really gonna calm down, they're just not able to satisfy demand any times soon and can't (and probably won't) increase the production. My honest guess is 2024...
My fan speed and airflow is always conditioned well, but I'm not about to undervolt my card to reduce its performance. I'll enjoy it to its maximum potential, always have and never had a card die on me. If it does, it does.


Oct 27, 2017
God I hate Scalpers.

Why the hell have they become so prevalent lately?

Get rich quick. It's often low effort (if buying online). People have been sitting at home and have the time to scalp. And others at home just want to buy stuff too (for themselves), so the prices just keep going up and up. The same sneaker scalpers are doing it with gaming, with GPU, with LEGO/toys. They'd do it with wood, lumber and cement too if they had the land to store it!

I still think once things open up more and people have other areas to spend money, scalpers will eventually be left to sell low and give up (plus it's super competitive with bots and cost of bots).

Hobby stuff like this has gotten really frustrating lately. It's such a shame, honestly.


Dec 13, 2017
I still remember in 2017-2018 not being able to buy a GPU, because of similar situations.

It does seem a lot worse today though.


Prophet of Truth
Jun 12, 2020
Dec 11, 2017
This makes me grateful I don't work in retail anymore. The desperation to flip something for a quick buck is causing dangerous behavior. Pokémon cards and GPUs aren't worth this.

New Donker

One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Realistically, how much are people making on flipping one? I have no concept of base price + what these are going for. Crazy videos


Oct 27, 2017
No. It definitely is severely exacerbating it on top of there already being shortages. High-end stuff is typically made in much smaller separate batches (low yield silicon) to start with. Gamers and technical workers who need high-powered workstations to do their job are literally being fucked by crypto miners and scalpers who are competing for the same exact high-performing, low-yield silicon. Cars and other appliances using low-powered embedded computers are a different market entirely with less direct impacts.
Of course it is.

Even if this particular GPU is not the best for mining, it was mining that created the massive shortages in Q1. Prior to that, stock situations for GPUs had been gradually improving and street prices were slowly dropping. Without crypto, it probably would have been possible to buy a GPU normally by March or April of 2021. In a market where a person could buy a 3080 for MSRP, there would be substantially less demand for the 3080 Ti, since it is not priced competitively (based on MSRP).
And yet other industries are having the exact same problems as the GPU industry, with the same consequences, despite not using anything used by crypto miners. Tesla has over 10,000 cars sitting fully completed waiting for their computers; Ford has shut down car factories waiting for the chip shortage to end. And what about PS5 or Xbox Series consoles? Are those being bought out by cryptominers? Those have also gotten harder and harder to get.

There is currently a worldwide shortage of computer chips that is forecasted to last until at least 2022. It's because the pandemic first caused supply chain issues getting chip manufacturers behind on their schedule, then the US and China got into a trade war causing further supply chain issues (example, US chip manufacturers couldn't sell their chips to China to use in electronics that are sold back in the US and Europe because they could be used in banned Chinese companies). Then people changed what kinds of electronics they were buying due to the pandemic so the chip manufacturers had to take time to switch up what the factories were making (much of it is going to phones now), then there was a severe drought in Taiwan and making silicon chips uses tens of thousands of tons of water per day, then there was a fire at one of the biggest chip manufacturers in Japan...

Basically we've had a perfect storm of issues causing this problem, and cryptominers are a very small part of it. Without them we'd still have a hell of a hard time getting GPUs, and scalpers would still be buying them up and selling them for tons of money.
Last edited:


Jun 7, 2019
My fan speed and airflow is always conditioned well, but I'm not about to undervolt my card to reduce its performance. I'll enjoy it to its maximum potential, always have and never had a card die on me. If it does, it does.

The 30XX specifically runs with higher clock speed more stable if you down volt is. Basically downvolting is the better Overclocking, not only it runs faster but it also runs cooler.


Oct 25, 2017
I wonder how many of those are also the kind of ERA member who's spamming gospels how Crypto is good for everybody.


Oct 25, 2017
I love when news reports like that get the details just slightly wrong in a way that it makes no sense to someone who actually knows what all of it means.
This is what I was thinking as I was watching it. This will be a clip 29 years from now where people are making fun of the news for not understanding tech.


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't the US now force scalpers to do the whole IRS form shenanigans? Shouldn't that be cutting these people hard? Or is it like they haven't realized yet they have to do it?

Or have I as an European got oversold on the idea that recent taxes on hobby sellers would be so awful it would stop people from selling stuff? The Internet does tend to exaggerate.


Oct 27, 2017
Here's an interesting cryptomining point: the 3080ti isn't very good at it, because of how much less energy efficient the 3080ti is; it's throwing more power at higher clock speeds. So for gamers the 3080ti should be easy to get if cryptominers are a big part of the reason for the GPU shortage.
I just checked an online calculator, and right now in a computer with a Ryzen 5 5600X, these are what GPUs could earn per 24 hour day of mining:

RTX 3060: $3.32
RTX 3070: $4.08
RTX 3080: $6.06
RTX 3080ti: $3.53
RTX 3090: $7.50
Nov 2, 2017
Basically we've had a perfect storm of issues causing this problem, and cryptominers are a very small part of it. Without them we'd still have a hell of a hard time getting GPUs, and scalpers would still be buying them up and selling them for tons of money.
Crypto is a massive part of it as gamers only need 1 GPU while miners need as many as they have space for. Also people are willing to spend a whole lot more for something that prints money. Crypto changes the value a GPU has.

You mention AMD CPUs and that's actually a great example as I can buy a 7nm Zen 3 CPU 10-20% below MSRP right now so supply heavily outweighs demand, despite the chip shortage. Sure, it took a couple of months but there's no shortages any more for CPUs. Also at most you had to pay 100€ over MSRP to get the a Zen 3 CPU at launch. Compare this to GPUs that have doubled or almost trippled in price. I don't need to pay 1000-1500€ for a PS5 if I want one.

The same was happening to GPUs until mining profitability went crazy where prices were slowly going down. Before mining you could buy a second hand 3000 series GPU for 200-300€ depending on the model. When I was in the market for a GPU I saw plenty of 600-700€ in stock 3070s. You could buy a 3060Ti pretty close to MSRP (10-20% more) when they launched around here. I bought my 3060Ti FE at MSRP a whole 8 minutes after it went for sale. A month later they were worth double and now they're worth even more. I just can't believe a gamers would be willing to pay a 1000€ for a 3060Ti.

Here's an interesting cryptomining point: the 3080ti isn't very good at it, because of how much less energy efficient the 3080ti is; it's throwing more power at higher clock speeds. So for gamers the 3080ti should be easy to get if cryptominers are a big part of the reason for the GPU shortage.
I just checked an online calculator, and right now in a computer with a Ryzen 5 5600X, these are what GPUs could earn per 24 hour day of mining:

RTX 3060: $3.32
RTX 3070: $4.08
RTX 3080: $6.06
RTX 3080ti: $3.53
RTX 3090: $7.50
Too early yet for the 3080Ti as it just launched but the 3060's second hand price went up significantly after the hashrate went to normal when Nvidia mistakenly released drivers without the nerf. Also I know miners that buy up 3080Tis in hope that they'll be able to unlock the hashrate eventually.


Oct 27, 2017
Current GPU market situation is 100% because of crypto in all its ugliness.
If not for crypto the gaming demand for the new GPUs would be satisfied around Jan-Feb and by now we'd already have them all freely available at MSRPs.
Just like PS5 and XBox Series X are freely available at MSRP?


Oct 27, 2017
I'm never sure who I hate more... the scalpers or people who buy from them. I just wish more than anything people would stand on some kind of principle and just not buy anything above MSRP. Especially a fucking 1200 gpu. It won't kill you to not get one. Nobody needs a fucking GPU. Just make these fuckers eat the cost when it doesn't sell.

Reading a local listing today was like "get your hands on the brand new 3080Ti. I had to stand in line for 8 hours to get this baby. You can get it for only 2500 dollars. I'm using the money for college so please don't try lowball me"

get real with this shit. I don't give a flying fuck how long you "had" to wait in line to buy it. Nobody asked you to do that. Also I don't give a fuck how you pay for college or whatever you intend to do with your noble scalpers fee. I hope more than anything he isn't able to sell it and has to eat his 8 hours and 1200 dollars. But sadly I'm sure so dunbass with more money than brains wil be lining up to shell out the cash. Also assuming he gets 2500 for it he values his time spent in a line at $162.50/hour.


Oct 25, 2017
Just like PS5 and XBox Series X are freely available at MSRP?
XSX isn't far off and I've just bought an XSS for even less than MSRP so yeah.
PS5 is under a much bigger demand here where I am so it's still quite a bit overpriced.
But this isn't at all relevant to Nvidia GPUs since they aren't using the same factory and aren't nearly as supply constrained.
Nv has clawed 5% of market share from AMD over the last year. They don't really have an issue with supply, it's the mining demand which drives the prices into the sky at the moment.


Oct 26, 2017
The 30XX specifically runs with higher clock speed more stable if you down volt is. Basically downvolting is the better Overclocking, not only it runs faster but it also runs cooler.

I had no idea about this, just googled it and it looks like simply enough to test it with Afterburner (i have a 3060 Ti ghost from Gainward), thanks for the info.


Jun 15, 2018
This isn't happening because people are desperate for a few more frames in their games. It's happening because if you get your hands on one of these you're instantly 1000+ bucks richer.


Jan 13, 2018
So sad seeing scalpers, and people of their ilk, have to put themselves in situations like this hunting graphics cards and mobbing retailers to be able to make ends meet and put food on the table.

Obviously some people make half their living by doing such things, but you'd think all that time they're wasting chasing graphics cards (and PS5's for that matter) would be better spent investing in themselves so they can get a better paying job.

Did one person within the video have like six 30XX series cards laid out on his car bonnet?


Oct 25, 2017
The pandemic really fucked up production on so many things. Lumber, chips, furniture, housing, even some metals and appliances. Our supply chain is really delicate.


Oct 25, 2017
I still remember in 2017-2018 not being able to buy a GPU, because of similar situations.

It does seem a lot worse today though.
It's miles worse, late 2017- early 2018 was kind of bad but at least it ended quickly. 2021 is a whole new level of bad and might last for the rest of the year at this point.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
So whats a semi decent gpu that isnt being scalped to hell right now, in case my current gpu died off


Oct 25, 2017
Sigh, I just need one card for my wife ]=. Had all of her parts for like 3 months but the gpu... its crazy