
Oct 28, 2017
lmao this escapade about the stupidest taxes Britain and Japan have levied

A rabbit tax?! To arms!!

I crave a third coming...

Another... r a b b i t b o o m.

edit: I just started the next escapade and... oh no. Surprised they're referencing this story!

"Mr Naruhodo... have you never.... never heard of the Ku Klux Klan?"

edit2: lmao this is delightful, really glad they included these. Worth checking out when you wrap-up the first game.
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I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Finally started this. Went through 1-1 and enjoyed it. I played a li8ttle bit of the trilogy on the 3DS back in the day but otherwise I don't have much experience with this franchise. I think I will pace myself with one case/day (assuming I can get through each one in a day lol).

I will say that having the autoplay feature is an absolute must for this game. It makes going through the dialogue so much better.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Given AA's prospects not looking great, with Takeshi Yamazaki leaving Capcom a while back and AA6 + GAA's 3DS release underperforming, I'd frankly be overjoyed to get any form of new AA game.

Me too, although I'm American. I guess liking fried food is conforming to an American stereotype in itself, lol.

We know Ace Attorney 7 is in the works from the Capcom leaks at least. It was meant to be out Q3 2021 but that'd be delayed at this point as GAA was originally planned to be out earlier in the year. So there should be a new AA next year. And they were also testing interest in a third GAA game in a new survey. So things are looking up right now.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
What was the original word for the "YES!"? It just seems so strange because it's followed up with Ryunosuke pointing out something that's off.

Going by discussion earlier in the thread I think it was "hai", which does mean "yes" but would usually be translated differently based on context. So it feels like it ended up a bit awkward since they had to lock themselves into a consistent way of translating it every time thanks to the shout/image.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
What was the original word for the "YES!"? It just seems so strange because it's followed up with Ryunosuke pointing out something that's off.
"Hai," the which is Japanese for "yes" but also used for confirmation like standing at attention for something, like a roll call.

I'm a bit down on the literal use of "Yes," but it also kind of shows a little awkwardness for someone whose first language isn't English that I like.

And uhh, what was with
that one Shakespeare guy who showed up for like two seconds?
Oct 25, 2017
United Kingdom
Finished 2-4. Lots of questions still remain; now, it's time for the final trial. It's certainly coming to a head - can the game go out with a bang? I sure hope so; the mystery is getting ever deeper.

I do like that 2-5 appears to use varitions of the most common themes in the game, such as the lobby theme. I am aware of a "Great Pursuit" theme as well...
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Sep 4, 2019
Going by discussion earlier in the thread I think it was "hai", which does mean "yes" but would usually be translated differently based on context. So it feels like it ended up a bit awkward since they had to lock themselves into a consistent way of translating it every time thanks to the shout/image.
I definitely preferred the fan translations decision in that regard, a Sir! speech bubble.


Oct 28, 2017
Onto another escapade and I just have to say that we were robbed. Ryunosuke in a top hat and Susato in a deerstalker would've made for amazing DLC outfits!


May 17, 2018
We know Ace Attorney 7 is in the works from the Capcom leaks at least. It was meant to be out Q3 2021 but that'd be delayed at this point as GAA was originally planned to be out earlier in the year. So there should be a new AA next year. And they were also testing interest in a third GAA game in a new survey. So things are looking up right now.
Wasn't it unclear? I thought AA7 appeared on one schedule but then was missing from another one that was more recent. But I may have misunderstood.


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished GAA1

After having felt a bit wanting of that "hell yeah, evidence bitch" rush, that last case really started getting me whooping in the court room.

There was a point earlier on in the case where I felt like I should've been able to highlight the peep hole in the door and thought it was bizarre that it never got brought up, and then the revelation dropped in the endgame of the cat flap maker, I was like "but I swear the flap was in the pictures, see it's in this one and now the other....OHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIT", I popped off hard with that, it's the kind of revelation that could be a complete arse pull, but similar to how case 3 handles the omnibus changes, the hints were in fact in play prior, including the pre murder segment of investigation I presume.

Loved the goofy villain brothers and Ace Attorney's own Yoshikage Kira-like, they made for fun foils
Gina became someone I wanted to get off the hook, and then all that juicy sequel bait that I can fortunately dive right into, basically the game stuck the landing for me despite its status as a set up title.

Taken on its own GAA1 feels like something of a high mid tier AA game with some very strong themes, just too focused on setup and being too wordy and occasionally plodding (especially in the early game) for its own good. Yet it's a title that has me pumped to see what comes next, and I appreciate it bringing a bunch of the Vs Layton-isms into the main series, right down to the music stylings.


Sep 4, 2019
Just finished GAA1

After having felt a bit wanting of that "hell yeah, evidence bitch" rush, that last case really started getting me whooping in the court room.

There was a point earlier on in the case where I felt like I should've been able to highlight the peep hole in the door and thought it was bizarre that it never got brought up, and then the revelation dropped in the endgame of the cat flap maker, I was like "but I swear the flap was in the pictures, see it's in this one and now the other....OHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIT", I popped off hard with that, it's the kind of revelation that could be a complete arse pull, but similar to how case 3 handles the omnibus changes, the hints were in fact in play prior, including the pre murder segment of investigation I presume.

Loved the goofy villain brothers and Ace Attorney's own Yoshikage Kira-like, they made for fun foils
Gina became someone I wanted to get off the hook, and then all that juicy sequel bait that I can fortunately dive right into, basically the game stuck the landing for me despite its status as a set up title.

Taken on its own GAA1 feels like something of a high mid tier AA game with some very strong themes, just too focused on setup and being too wordy and occasionally plodding (especially in the early game) for its own good. Yet it's a title that has me pumped to see what comes next, and I appreciate it bringing a bunch of the Vs Layton-isms into the main series, right down to the music stylings.
The cat flap revelation is so good and absolutely the highlight of the game, it's an incredible bit. Though it is funny that there's one continuity error where Sholmes is shot in his little belt, but it's undamaged in the anime scene. Bit of a shame, but hey, not the end of the world.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The cat flap revelation is so good and absolutely the highlight of the game, it's an incredible bit. Though it is funny that there's one continuity error where Sholmes is shot in his little belt, but it's undamaged in the anime scene. Bit of a shame, but hey, not the end of the world.

1-5 spoilers

When I got the cat door gun I was like "?? Da fuck" and it took me a solid minute or so to understand why it was showing up now. Then I had that "wait a minute... no way!" Moment when I realized the door wasn't there in the first photo of the night. Pretty peak AA moment for me since the door flap is just obscure enough in the second photo that I imagine most people won't see or even think to look if it's "missing" in the first shot.


Nov 8, 2017
Just finished GAA1

After having felt a bit wanting of that "hell yeah, evidence bitch" rush, that last case really started getting me whooping in the court room.

There was a point earlier on in the case where I felt like I should've been able to highlight the peep hole in the door and thought it was bizarre that it never got brought up, and then the revelation dropped in the endgame of the cat flap maker, I was like "but I swear the flap was in the pictures, see it's in this one and now the other....OHHHHH SHIIIIIIIIT", I popped off hard with that, it's the kind of revelation that could be a complete arse pull, but similar to how case 3 handles the omnibus changes, the hints were in fact in play prior, including the pre murder segment of investigation I presume.

Loved the goofy villain brothers and Ace Attorney's own Yoshikage Kira-like, they made for fun foils
Gina became someone I wanted to get off the hook, and then all that juicy sequel bait that I can fortunately dive right into, basically the game stuck the landing for me despite its status as a set up title.

Taken on its own GAA1 feels like something of a high mid tier AA game with some very strong themes, just too focused on setup and being too wordy and occasionally plodding (especially in the early game) for its own good. Yet it's a title that has me pumped to see what comes next, and I appreciate it bringing a bunch of the Vs Layton-isms into the main series, right down to the music stylings.
I really liked how Ashley Graydon paralleled Gina. Both were characters that grew up rough and developed the mentality that "no one is looking out for me, so fuck looking out for anyone else". Only thing is that both were wrong. Graydon had his father to look out for him, but his criminal dealings got him killed. Gina had Iris and the others to help her move out of that pessimistic worldview. It adds a lot of poignancy to Graydon's final confession.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
If you've played one or more Ace Attorney games previously:

What is your favourite (and why):
  • Game
  • Individual case
  • Main character (inc. assistants)
  • Witness
  • Prosecutor
  • Soundtrack

Hmmmm there will always be a place in my heart for the first game. While the series gets better in was as time goes on nothing can match me finding this game on a shelf when it first came out and playing it with no idea of what I was in for.

Besides it being the original end I absolutely love when games do things with their music and to have the game revert back to the original cornered was magical.

Maya just love the dynamic between her and Phoenix and her bubbly personality, love of burgers and the ladder step ladder arguments.
And Gumshoe because he is the best.


Probably Godot as he is probably the most consistent in wanting to win against Phoenix. I am liking the reaper of the Bailey though. lots of fluid animations.

T&T since I get all my favorites with Sisters, Steel Samaria theme, Gumshoe theme and
2 versions of Cornered

Andrew J

Oct 26, 2017
The Adirondacks
GAA 1-2:

So Sholmes comes out with all these wild, baseless conclusions, but then is oddly amenable to being corrected. And after the cause of death gets sorted his deductions are all more or less accurate. Is he just, like, trolling everybody as a way to crowdsource reasoning and evidence?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Now that people are starting to complete the first game, I want to gush about one of my favorite music tracks and how effective it is at conveying the scenes it's used in

The primary Reminiscence track of GAA1-5, An Ashen Dance

What really sets a song track apart to me is if it paints an image in my mind as I listen or how well it goes with the moment. That's usually why boss themes, credits themes, and the Pursuit themes stick out so much. Case 1-5 makes a lot of references to "grey" as the characters involved all have gray morality. An Ashen Dance only plays at two points in the case: when Gina is recounting the events of the night Windibank was killed and during Graydon's confession.

Both instances, the characters are stating their situations and what they wanted or needed. What they want can be considered noble or respectable, however the methods they went to achieve them were not so, and cost an innocent person their life. The song starts basic enough reflecting the character giving the initial rundown of their situation. Then at around 24s, the song begins its first variation, the characters explain what their need is. 46s, the song begins to repeat but with greater emphasis, the characters explain the steps they started to take to achieve that need. 1m9s, the sound becomes dramatically sadder with the use of strings, the characters explain how they began to use an innocent person in their efforts. And while this is going, the characters also explain how they understood what they were doing was wrong or underhanded and taking advantage of their respective innocent person...but then at 1m32s the song makes a somewhat abrupt repeat almost as if to say "...but I did it anyway". From there until the song loops, the song compliments how the characters explain how the situation goes wrong and the person they got involved paid the price.

With Gina, she was worried that Holmes was lying to Iris and taking advantage of her trust. Gina wanted to prove that Holmes was lying so he can properly apologize to Iris or confirm that he was telling the truth to put Iris's fears at ease. It's a very kind and considerate motivation, if too cynical. However she chose to solve this by breaking into Windibank's shop and threatening him with a gun. Sadly she leaves the door to the shop unlocked, letting the robbers into the store while Gina and Windibank are literally backed into the corner of the shop. Windibank confronts the robbers and is killed in the scuffle, and Gina blames herself for getting him involved. Obviously, Gina's actions had very little influence on what was going to happen that night. The robbers were going to break in regardless and Windibank's determination to protect his clients' property was going to put them at odds and every party having a pistol. But this is a significant character moment for Gina. When confronted with this horrible turn of events, she shows regret and self-blame for Windibank's death. It shows Gina's humility and genuine compassion for the people around her, despite her harsh attitude.

Graydon not nearly so. Graydon recounts the days of poverty and growing up in a home of desperation and his parents constantly fighting with each other. Graydon wants to escape that life and secure stability in a society that clearly ignores the plights of the downtrodden social class. However the method he chooses is deception and abuse of his position to steal government intelligence and sell to the highest bidder. And to help him do this, he tricks his father into creating music boxes to replay the transmissions. His father grows wise that things are amiss with his son and demands to participate in the exchange, and is killed for his trouble. While what happened to Windibank could hardly be considered Gina's fault, what happened to Milverton is absolutely Graydon's fault. If it wasn't for Graydon deceiving his father, he never would've been involved with a murderous madman like McGilded. And as a further contrast to Gina's humble compassion and regret, Graydon responded with wrath and revenge blaming McGilded for what happened to his father. It isn't until the very end when Van Zieks tells Graydon that he became every bit as horrible and heartless as the man he despised that he finally began to realize the weight of what he had done to Windibank, to his father, and to himself.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
GAA 1-2:

So Sholmes comes out with all these wild, baseless conclusions, but then is oddly amenable to being corrected. And after the cause of death gets sorted his deductions are all more or less accurate. Is he just, like, trolling everybody as a way to crowdsource reasoning and evidence?

Some of the wild speculation is actually references to various Holmes stories like the stuff with the Snake are all errors from the actual Speckled Band story originally had.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
Some of the wild speculation is actually references to various Holmes stories like the stuff with the Snake are all errors from the actual Speckled Band story originally had.
Oh really!? Wow, that's so interesting. I thought the same as the original poster so I had no idea the errors and inconsistencies were based on the actual stories. This game!!


Nov 2, 2017

1-3 (first GAA game third case) SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY

I'm examining the cart, I found blood on the skylight sides when I open it ... but I can't fucking get Ryunosuke and Susato to react to it. They react to the bench, the skylight itself, but not the damn blood.

NEVERMIND. Answer in the other spoiler

Gotta look at it from the inside. It's pretty damn stupid to let me open the window from the outside, see the blood clearly b ut not be able to interact with it there. I thought interacting with objects and then going out/back in always resulted in closing down what you opened because that's what it does with the bench.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Rochester, New York

1-3 (first GAA game third case) SPOILERS OBVIOUSLY

I'm examining the cart, I found blood on the skylight sides when I open it ... but I can't fucking get Ryunosuke and Susato to react to it. They react to the bench, the skylight itself, but not the damn blood.
it's dumb, but you have to go back into the cart and look up and scan it from inside

it messed me up too


Oct 28, 2017
Oh really!? Wow, that's so interesting. I thought the same as the original poster so I had no idea the errors and inconsistencies were based on the actual stories. This game!!
Many of the details in episode two are lifted directly from the Holmes story of the same name: the ventilator, the bell rope, the whistle, the mysterious "speckled band"—all details from the original. Pavlova's pseudonym, Roylott, is the name of the culprit in that story as well. All of Susato's rebuttals are genuine errors Arthur Conan Doyle made, and you can see on this Wikipedia discussion page people trying to lodge the same complaints, so it's all very meta and funny. Sherlock also repeats his lines from that story at points during that episode.

edit: To Andrew J's point, though:
You're right: he does seem to be trolling, or something like that? Part of the idea at play is certainly that AA Holmes is kinda like how the police view the character in the books, that is, an eccentric who is overly preoccupied with fanciful theories. But then undeniably, as you point out, there's a point in 1-2 where he seems to get serious and then he just... gets everything right. Guides the whole investigation to its proper conclusion. There's something going on there, for sure.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol uhhh

There's a whole lot of spousal abuse in this case, huh. The Garrideb's mostly, but even incredibly cute Roly and Patricia, we have her yanking on his scarf constantly.

Well. Lol.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I Made a meme, first case spoilers



Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
Many of the details in episode two are lifted directly from the Holmes story of the same name: the ventilator, the bell rope, the whistle, the mysterious "speckled band"—all details from the original. Pavlova's pseudonym, Roylott, is the name of the culprit in that story as well. All of Susato's rebuttals are genuine errors Arthur Conan Doyle made, and you can see on this Wikipedia discussion page people trying to lodge the same complaints, so it's all very meta and funny. Sherlock also repeats his lines from that story at points during that episode.

edit: To Andrew J's point, though:
You're right: he does seem to be trolling, or something like that? Part of the idea at play is certainly that AA Holmes is kinda like how the police view the character in the books, that is, an eccentric who is overly preoccupied with fanciful theories. But then undeniably, as you point out, there's a point in 1-2 where he seems to get serious and then he just... gets everything right. Guides the whole investigation to its proper conclusion. There's something going on there, for sure.
I googled Speckled Band during the case and saw the story, quit reading the description when I saw Roylott's name was the pseudonym Pavlova was using as I thought I might end up accidentally spoilt.. I just love that they used the actual details / errors from the stories for the inconsistencies rather than it just being some random stuff, I'm really impressed by that.


Oct 27, 2017

This is getting obvious. Once I saw the book "The Lion's Pride", I was like GIVE IT TO ME I WANT TO LOOK INSIDE THE COVER DAMNIT. I NEED TO SEE WHO GIFTED THIS TO WHOM. But then it made it even more obvious once I could look at the book 😂

This is going to be an accidental death because the book flew out the window, the victim bent down to pick it up, and then the landlady threw a knife so hard, it sailed out and lodged into the victim's back, huh. Haha. What an interesting turn of events.

Van Zieks is telling me off for this though, so perhaps it's not quite so simple haha.
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Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
Please do tell me I'm not the only one that's

Crossing their eyes for the stereoscopic pictures? I haven't been able to see any of them so I just stare at my Switch screen like a dumbass for a few minutes before giving up. I'm assuming this was a 3D gimmick for the 3DS version?


Sep 4, 2019
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! Just got to the part where Drebber blows up Harebrayne's machine and I desperately want to play more but need to go to be for work. Holy shit, that deduction sequence was so good.


Oct 25, 2017
Finished GAA1 and all I can say is--


I thought I might try taking a break for a few days to keep myself from burning out, but now I know I'm absolutely going to be starting the 2nd game first thing tomorrow morning lol.


Oct 27, 2017

In the end, I kind of felt bad for everyone, even Joan. Even though she was a shit, must feel bad to know that you accidentally almost killed someone (not your husband…).

Yay for Soseki. Free, except for the ghosts and curse lol.

I also really appreciate that when von Zieks realizes the truth, he's one of the ones who will somewhat help work our way towards it. I appreciate the prosecutors who do that.

And now we are living with Sholmes, thank goodness. Was shook at seeing him out of his hat and jacket.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Please do tell me I'm not the only one that's

Crossing their eyes for the stereoscopic pictures? I haven't been able to see any of them so I just stare at my Switch screen like a dumbass for a few minutes before giving up. I'm assuming this was a 3D gimmick for the 3DS version?
No, the 3D slider didn't help with those segments.

Have you ever done a magic eye picture puzzle? It's where you let your eyes go out of focus making the objections you're looking at split, like double vision. You then make the "splits" of the two images overlap to create a 3D optical illusion. It was much easier to do on the 3DS screens because they were so small so the amount of "distance" you had to make your vision distort was much more manageable.

But since magic eye puzzles can be difficult for many and physically impossible for others, the game gives you outs via the portable stereoscope allowing you to progress.

How're the trophies for PS4? Story progression related or optional ones too?

Most are progression trophies, but among them have some pretty significant spoilers, so I would advise not looking at the list until you complete both games.

The ones that aren't tied to progression are pretty easy to jump to for clean up. The ones that might be hard to do are repeatedly examining something across multiple cases, so to help you out make sure to do the following things whenever you can
-Examine any shovel every time you can
-Examine any ladder every time you can
-Examine Iris's blackboard every time you can
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
Man, midway into TGAA2-2 and only now do I realize that incorrectly using Pursue doesn't penalize you.

Time to misguidingly badger the witnesses/jury in every testimony now. 🙃


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Orlando, FL
On another note, I'm liking how much more... animated the witnesses are in the second game so far. Not that I disliked the witnesses in the first one (in fact, I didn't really dislike any of the characters), but a lot of the wackiness you come to expect from AA was much more toned down there in comparison, for the most part.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Am I the only one who has to Google up a large amount of words they use in this game?

To be honest, it's probably above the average Ace Attorney reading level just by virtue of being partially in faux-Victorian prose sometimes. Van Zieks and Holmes in particular are very fond of speaking in circles, and then a bunch of characters use either accents or period-appropriate slang which you can mostly guess from context but I wouldn't expect everybody would know.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! Just got to the part where Drebber blows up Harebrayne's machine and I desperately want to play more but need to go to be for work. Holy shit, that deduction sequence was so good.

YES that segment is fantastic


Oct 26, 2017
This is a weird question, but does every case have exactly three of those "to be continued..." breaks?


Oct 28, 2017
"It used to be the case…that in my hands…this violin sung like the dawn chorus. Its mellisonant tones would make flowers bloom."

Pretentious, sure. But also a joy to read! Holmes and Barok have wonderfully lyrical dialogue that is a strong fit for their characters. They're incredibly theatrical personalities. I actually get a kick out of looking up the terms that are new to me, though.

The British were really out here calling each other things like niminy-piminy. And those were bars. It'd fuck up your whole day.