
Oct 25, 2017
More proof that if you're not on Team Wiebe, then you don't understand the "Are We the Baddies?" meme.

Mitchell is the Villain in our History. Y'all too blind to see.


Oct 25, 2017
A co-worker of mine went there and said the evidence is compelling. I said "did he let people come up there and look at his 'evidence'"? Got a vague answer. But he voted for Trump, so he believes bullshit.
This sounds like a speech Trump would give

"scientific evidence"


Oct 27, 2017
What a douche. I thought so way back when I saw King of Kong but also kept in the back of my mind that this is a documentary and it's obviously trying to portray him as a villain for it's narrative so maybe he isn't as bad as the doc made him out to be... Nope he is even more duchey when someone is not editing his interviews.


Oct 25, 2017
What a douche. I thought so way back when I saw King of Kong but also kept in the back of my mind that this is a documentary and it's obviously trying to portray him as a villain for it's narrative so maybe he isn't as bad as the doc made him out to be... Nope he is even more duchey when someone is not editing his interviews.

Yep, I've had that takeaway for a bit now - that King of Kong, if ANYTHING, is edited to make him less unbelievably douchelord, because it would have looked like a work otherwise.


Oct 28, 2017
My legal counselor told me not to do this. But I'll do it anyway. You know why? Because I'm Billy Mitchell.


Nov 25, 2017


Oct 29, 2017
This is real car crash stuff. There's no need to sit about pontificating for an hour, al the guy needs to do is play the game. People in the scene will know within 10 minutes if he is capable of the scores he claimed. We've all lied about scores or beating certain games when we were kids, this entire player base got caught in it's own lies. Bullshitting each other in the name of one-upmanship, it's pathetic.

This man did not go to the lengths he went to to hide the fact he was playing on MAME without going any further. He cheated. Save states or whatever, he cheated. Plain and simple.

Correct me if Im wrong, but isn't there footage of him playing the game? We know he's "good" at it, we just don't know if he's "next in the world" good


Oct 25, 2017
Correct me if Im wrong, but isn't there footage of him playing the game? We know he's "good" at it, we just don't know if he's "next in the world" good
Billy Mitchell can play classic arcade games very well. It is verifiably documented well enough and isn't an issue. What I believe happened is something I've seen before, albeit on a much smaller scale before.

He has been doing this a long time and feels he has already proven his worth. He knows he can break a million, and possibly even take the lead back, he has already proven ability in the past, it is just a formality at this point. So why even bother spending the loads and loads of hours giving it serious effort? It is a strange twisted logic of being an obsessive element in life and also equally not worth the time. So fake it with save states or spliced footage or whatever. He knows he could do it if he really wanted to and that is good enough justification for faking it.

Anyone who has ever fudged there way through a game using save states or whatever knows this feeling. You know you could spend the time to learn the patterns and try, try, try, try, but eh.. why bother.


Jan 21, 2018
He'll probably be the next president. Guy is a first rate showman. Obviously everything he's saying is complete lies and bullshit tho.


Oct 25, 2017
Billy Mitchell can play classic arcade games very well. It is verifiably documented well enough and isn't an issue. What I believe happened is something I've seen before, albeit on a much smaller scale before.

He has been doing this a long time and feels he has already proven his worth. He knows he can break a million, and possibly even take the lead back, he has already proven ability in the past, it is just a formality at this point. So why even bother spending the loads and loads of hours giving it serious effort? It is a strange twisted logic of being an obsessive element in life and also equally not worth the time. So fake it with save states or spliced footage or whatever. He knows he could do it if he really wanted to and that is good enough justification for faking it.

Anyone who has ever fudged there way through a game using save states or whatever knows this feeling. You know you could spend the time to learn the patterns and try, try, try, try, but eh.. why bother.



Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
This fucking guy. Lol. I knew people like him existed, but didn't truly believe it possible to be so full of shit, and so high on himself, and be completely devoid of all self awareness.

It's fascinating.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh, okay... there it is.
I knew I remember hearing this part a few days ago but I had to go back and listen to the recording again to make sure I didn't imagine it.

The thing that sticks out to me as the most bizarre from what he said was about 39:15 when he goes...
"By the way... there's no Donkey Kong here. I was gonna play here." and then gives the camera a look.

I don't get why he'd say that. I'm sure if he'd just let the people running it know, and I don't think it would have to end up public if that's what he wanted, that they could've provided a machine to play.

I've never seen King of Kongs, but all this mess about Billy Mitchell in the past few months has me thinking I should finally actually watch it. I wonder if it's available to rent on amazon or something... (edit: yep. I got something to do tonight, I guess. It's rentable on Amazon)
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Oct 27, 2017
Also, there was a Donkey Kong cabinet there.
Dude what?!

I don't even know...

I guess he was in the middle of talking about how the Donkey he ended up playing in the story was someone's personal Donkey Kong and might've not been an official Donkey Kong but was still set up by officials and they gave the okay. Maybe the one there wasn't "official?" I guess I'm just going to have to accept that I don't know enough about this stuff to understand this stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol man if you want to find a mentally ill potentially dangerous figure in this area, there is a guy you should look up, it's absolutely mind boggling.

And his blog

Holy shit! I just read through this. This makes the whole Donkey Kong thing seem like nothing.
I know there are issues with people in modern gaming scenes, but the classic scene manages to pull in some downright scary people.


Oct 27, 2017
Okay, I don't exactly understand everything he's trying to claim other than there's a vast conspiracy out there to discredit him.

Even if he cheated with MAME, and he almost certainly did, I can understand his frustration that all his scores were removed. The pre-2000 scores were all done live at a Twin Galaxies place. Why wouldn't they stand?

The tapes, the tapes, the tapes. SO MANY TAPES I DON'T KNOW WTF YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!

Btw, the Donkey Kong at the expo wasn't a "real" DK, which he mentions at 59 mins.

The 1980's have provided us the most amazing heels in history.

"He's got papers!"

Dude even wants to get the literal last word in. What a narcissist!


Oct 25, 2017
The pre-2000 scores were all done live at a Twin Galaxies place. Why wouldn't they stand?

He is the one to blame. Why should Twin Galaxies dedicate resources to coming up with a determining body for what of his is valid and what is not? That is a lot of time and resources to try to salvage a portion from a known cheat. Cut them all out. If he didn't want his shit tarnished he shouldn't have cheated in the first place. TG has no obligation to put that level of care for him.


Oct 26, 2017
If people don't understand why a venue would strip legacy scores after deliberate, concerted cheating is revealed, I don't know what to say. Stripping records and blacklisting the competitor is a necessary and standard response. Losing legacy records is a punitive measure. It's key to removing the incentive to cheat. Even beyond that, venues have no obligation to spend extra resources adjudicating each and every submission when there's already an established breach of trust. You compromise the whole value of keeping records if that question is there at all.

If someone doesn't operate in good faith, they're not competition, full stop. Successful cheaters are demoralizing to actual competitors, the people with the actual talent. An amateur like Mitchell made his bed when he showed he didn't think he was good enough to rank without "tipping the table."
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Oct 27, 2017
I understand why you'd strip a lot of scores, but if the pre-2000 live scores would all have to have been made in-person with Twin Galaxies judges in place and multiple people reviewing the hardware, etc., those scores should seemingly stand. For anyone. Because they're as valid now as they were the day they were made. There's simply no way to review what they did back then, cheating or not.

It's why baseball still has Mark McGwire or Sammy Sosa records up. There are asterisks, but the records are still there.

(Pete Rose should be in HoF, btw.)

Ok. I guess that makes sense. I didn't make it that far this go 'round.

Still an excuse for him to no play live, today. ;)


Oct 28, 2017
MAME 116 to 1122 became available THREE years after Billy submitted the score. Billy vindicated. This really does look like someone was brought in to take him down for whatever reason.


Oct 25, 2017
I am fine with TG stripping even legitimate scores as punishment. It's what they had in the rules for what they do to everyone else, so it sends (in theory, at least) a strong message that even players like Billy or Todd Rodgers are no longer protected figures in the community (although they definitely tried their hardest to protect Todd Rogers during the Dragster dispute for several months).

MAME 116 to 1122 became available THREE years after Billy submitted the score. Billy vindicated. This really does look like someone was brought in to take him down for whatever reason.
IIRC they found that even the available version of MAME properly tweaked to have the proper framerate Donkey Kong arcade would run at (which would be an important adjustment if wanting to pass off emulation as arcade perfect) would cause the "finger girder" to show.


Oct 25, 2017
MAME 116 to 1122 became available THREE years after Billy submitted the score. Billy vindicated. This really does look like someone was brought in to take him down for whatever reason.
IIRC they found that even the available version of MAME properly tweaked to have the proper framerate Donkey Kong arcade would run at (which would be an important adjustment if wanting to pass off emulation as arcade perfect) would cause the "finger girder" to show.

That was addressed in TG's final ruling and various other possible explanations were extensively explored in the 326 page dispute thread. Their determination was not based on MAME being used, but that they concluded unmodified original DK hardware was not used, based on the shitloads of comparisons over the months of review.

- While we know for certain that an unmodified original DK arcade PCB did not output the display seen in the videotaped score performances, we cannot definitively conclude that what is on the tapes is MAME.

- To definitively conclude that MAME was used, Twin Galaxies would need to comprehensively rule out the possibility of all other methods that could produce what is seen on the tapes. This would mean testing all other emulators other than MAME across all other platforms to eliminate the possibility that a different emu was used. It would also mean testing visual effects software and anything else we can think of to be definitively certain. This kind of testing is beyond the scope of the dispute case needs.


Oct 28, 2017
I am fine with TG stripping even legitimate scores as punishment. It's what they had in the rules for what they do to everyone else, so it sends (in theory, at least) a strong message that even players like Billy or Todd Rodgers are no longer protected figures in the community (although they definitely tried their hardest to protect Todd Rogers during the Dragster dispute for several months).

IIRC they found that even the available version of MAME properly tweaked to have the proper framerate Donkey Kong arcade would run at (which would be an important adjustment if wanting to pass off emulation as arcade perfect) would cause the "finger girder" to show.

Interesting. How are people disproving his paper trail and video evidence? Also, how do people explain the missing tapes and how edited footage of those tapes appeared in a documentary? It seems like he's making good points unless I'm missing something.

All of Billy's scores were done in front of a live crowd. He says at the end he's going to do the same score. Then stop.
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Oct 25, 2017
Interesting. How are people disproving his paper trail and video evidence? Also, how do people explain the missing tapes and how edited footage of those tapes appeared in a documentary? It seems like he's making good points unless I'm missing something.
As far as what was shown in the documentary, during the dispute they had a copy of what they felt was a confirmed recording of Billy's performance and that was what was being looked at. Some people tried to disprove that it was Billy's performance but a lot of the theories were very unlikely (like claiming it was a perfect recreation done by someone else) so those ideas never took off, so while it's possible that it's not actually Billy's performance I don't think anyone managed to show that it wasn't. I'm honestly not sure what the missing tapes thing is about.

That was addressed in TG's final ruling and various other possible explanations were extensively explored in the 326 page dispute thread. Their determination was not based on MAME being used, but that they concluded unmodified original DK hardware was not used, based on the shitloads of comparisons over the months of review.
That is true, I did mostly want to point out a possible explanation that was brought up though.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol man if you want to find a mentally ill potentially dangerous figure in this area, there is a guy you should look up, it's absolutely mind boggling.

And his blog

To be honest I'm not really all that informed about this whole Twin Galaxies thing going on. I did a search on that guy and this video was up, fairly fresh.

It's a weird world I don't want to part of and yes there is some mental illness going on.


Nov 25, 2017
To be honest I'm not really all that informed about this whole Twin Galaxies thing going on. I did a search on that guy and this video was up, fairly fresh.

It's a weird world I don't want to part of and yes there is some mental illness going on.

Guy is really out there, I don't know how someone can exist like that. Everyone is always 'out to get him', he's 'the console player of the century', 'the only person with real accomplishments', and the funniest/weirdest 'I am a model!'. He's taken down some of his more vicious videos, or they were flagged/removed, but he's still a spooky individual. He has threatened people with rape and murder online numerous times, makes me wish there was a better system for flagging people like this because I would be sadly unsurprised if one day he actually does something horrible to someone physically beyond his insane ranting and harassment routine. He's a huge MAGA head as well, shocker.


Oct 27, 2017
Correct me if Im wrong, but isn't there footage of him playing the game? We know he's "good" at it, we just don't know if he's "next in the world" good

I've never said he wasn't good at the game 40 years ago, I'm sure he was. but he's been a busy man, nothing wrong with that, he can be proud of the life he's built, but he hasn't kept up with the game. I'm sure having not kept your hand in for however long it's been would be telling against whatever the modern scoring techniques are.

Big One

Oct 25, 2017
So I forget exactly how some of this went down, and was hoping you guys could provide answers here.

- How did Todd Rogers fake his initial Dragster score? Why would Activision go along with it?
- Am I assuming correctly that Billy MItchell's previous scores in Donkey Kong outside of the MAME ones are still legit? If so it really wouldn't be unheard of it too surprising if he does a legit run of the MAME scores if he puts his mind to it.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 2, 2017
Holy crap, that was so satisfying knowing what I know now (current events) while watching King of Kong.

Man, that was really good. I should've taken the hint and watched it when my Pop, of all people, was telling me how it was a good watch all those years ago.

Man, I should really rewatch King of Kong at some point. I enjoyed it the first time, but the "skeptical voice" in my head whispered to me the entire time "They're probably editing Billy to make him look bad. Enjoy the movie, but don't take it too seriously."

It must be so, so much more satisfying to watch it knowing that the filmmakers didn't exaggerate a thing and that Billy eventually gets what he deserves.