
▲ Legend ▲
Aug 31, 2019
Had the album on repeat all day, it's just so strong. Lightning Fields and My God along with Blowback really blow me away outside of the singles (of which I loved each one).

It's the first Killers album in a long time in which I don't skip any songs. Keeping the album down to 10 tight songs probably helps.
Nov 1, 2017
Feel like I'm going insane because I LOVE at least half of every other Killers album and everyone's talking about this one being great and straight up My God is the only song that elicits more than a shrug from me. The rest just feels like extremely overproduced Killers-by-Numbers.


Oct 25, 2017
This album keeps getting better with each spin. There's not a single dud to be found. The only song I dont love is Fire In Bone, but its still pretty good. The 4 song closer from Walking Towards A Place/My God/When The Dreams Run Dry/Imploding the Mirage is so fucking stellar.

This album is already at minimum EASILY in their top 3 albums with Hot Fuss and Sam's Town. Its so fucking good.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The only song I dont love is Fire In Bone, but its still pretty good. The 4 song closer from Walking Towards A Place/My God/When The Dreams Run Dry/Imploding the Mirage is so fucking stellar.
I'm not in love with Blowback, but otherwise I feel the exact same as you. It's such a good album.


Oct 25, 2017
Good little piece from NME


The Killers: “Music made it possible for me to dream”

The Killers are back with a career-high record that encompasses their devout belief in truth, honesty and always embracing emotion.

Look like Stoermer played bass AND guitar on the album:

"Mark's awesome in so many ways," drummer Ronnie Vannucci Jr tells NME. "We'd tell the other guys, 'This is the schedule, we're renting a house for six months, come out, whenever you want, we're there every day'. Mark came out to the house one time and to LA and it was great. It was on his own terms and was very productive. He played bass on some songs, played guitar on some songs, and even though he wasn't in the room we'd send him mixes and he'd be involved."

Looks like Keuning is still a prima donna (that Vannucci ether!):

And why wasn't Dave around?

"I don't know, to be honest," Vannucci replies. "It was just kind of decided. When we started working the schedule out we asked him if it worked for him and he was like, 'Maybe, I don't know'. Well, we're going to go ahead and do this because we feel good and we feel creative. Let's strike. We didn't really hear from him, except when it came to making a video. He was like, 'If you guys want me in the video…' Well, I'm not sure that makes any sense either! Video? How about some guitar?"

And sounds like another album is coming in 2021:

"You know when someone makes a record and they say that they have 50 songs and they're going to release another record? Well, we really are!" laughs Flowers. "We're going to release another one in about 10 months. We've already gone back into the studio with Rado and Shawn. I'm excited. It might be better than this one."


Oct 25, 2017
Good little piece from NME


The Killers: “Music made it possible for me to dream”

The Killers are back with a career-high record that encompasses their devout belief in truth, honesty and always embracing emotion.

Look like Stoermer played bass AND guitar on the album:

Looks like Keuning is still a prima donna (that Vannucci ether!):

And sounds like another album is coming in 2021:
Wow, another album in less than a year would be weird lol. I'll take it, but I feel like there was a five-year gap between Day & Age and Battle Born, or maybe it's BB and WW? lol. So it'll be weird getting new music so fast.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, another album in less than a year would be weird lol. I'll take it, but I feel like there was a five-year gap between Day & Age and Battle Born, or maybe it's BB and WW? lol. So it'll be weird getting new music so fast.

They had 2 verrrry long breaks. Hot Fuss to Sam's Town was 2 years, then another 2 to Day & Age, then long break #1 of 4 years to Battle Born, long break #2 of 5 years to Wonderful, Wonderful, and now 3 years to Imploding the Mirage. Based on BB and WW, I'm inclined to say the shorter breaks work better for the band.

Crazy to think they could release something better than ITM in less than a calendar year!


Oct 25, 2017
San Diego County
I like everything up to and including Fire In Bone. After that, I get a bit tired of the album's sound. Need to give it some more listens though.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Haven't been into their more recent stuff at all, so this album caught me by surprise. It's got some good tunes. Gonna keep spinning it for a bit before landing on a final opinion, but right now I'd say it is definitely their best album in a while imo.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I'm doing a back-catalogue listen before getting to Imploding The Mirage, as I initially fell off after Day & Age, but the wave of positive feedback has me excited.

So many memories are tied up with Hot Fuss thanks to it releasing when I was in college (Age 16-18 for non-UK folk), that it's hard to ever give an impartial view of it. Unlike the rest of the world, Mr. Brightside didn't resonate with me as much. Its still a good song, but my favourites are Smile Like You Mean It, Andy You're A Star, & Midnight Show. It's a great pop rock album, maybe one of the best of modern times. I wonder if the band would have had the same longevity if they'd stuck solely to the same style and format, or ended up with completely diminishing returns.

Which leads us to Sam's Town. It's weird listening back now at how much we all thought this sounded like a totally different band, when back-to-back, there's actually a lot of similarity. Obviously the band goes from indie-disco to Americana in approach, and it took me a fair few listens to finally appreciate the album properly. Nowadays, I recognise it as just as good as the debut, and some days, I'm just more in the mood for it. I'd argue there's a lot more consistency to the songs as well, making it harder to pick favourites, but the title track, Enter/Exitlude, Bling, Uncle Jonny, & My List would be my at-gunpoint choices.

Will re-listen to Sawdust and Day & Age later on today.


Oct 25, 2017
Just started this album. The first track, My Own Soul's Warning is giving off major Arcade Fire vibes, who, in turn, gave off major Springsteen vibes on some of their earlier albums.


Oct 25, 2017
Good little piece from NME


The Killers: “Music made it possible for me to dream”

The Killers are back with a career-high record that encompasses their devout belief in truth, honesty and always embracing emotion.

Look like Stoermer played bass AND guitar on the album:

Looks like Keuning is still a prima donna (that Vannucci ether!):

And sounds like another album is coming in 2021:

I remember seeing an interview around the Battleborn era with Brandon calling BS on bands that would say they written over 40 songs while recording the record, so I'm incline to believe they did record a lot of songs.

Imploding The Mirage got me excited for more Killers. Might pick up the vinyl on my next paycheck.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
So, for me, the measuring stick of a good B-side/rarities collection is whether you could compile a worthwhile new album from what's on offer. I think Sawdust manages that, which is pretty impressive coming from just two album's worth of unused material. The obvious lead-in and highlight for most was the exclusive single Tranquilize, but other tracks such as Under The Gun, Move Away and Daddy's Eyes rank amongst the best the band had put out at this point.

Moving on to Day & Age...and it's just not a good album. The camp-factor goes up, but too much of it tries to still keep it straight-faced at the same time, and it just doesn't work. The album's highlights are when it's allowed to be more bombastic, and if they had just gone all-out on this approach, it could have been so much better. As it stands, there are four good songs and they are: Losing Touch, A Dustland Fairytale, Neon Tiger and Goodnight, Travel Well.

Moving on to mostly unexplored territory now outside of a few singles.


Oct 25, 2017
My God is such a fucking banger. Could listen to that on repeat all day today.

I was reading a review somewhere and they tapped into something that I wasn't acutely aware of, but subconsciously I obviously latched onto (and probably a large reason I love this album so goddamn much), which is that both BB and WW were ballad heavy, whereas Imploding essentially eschews all that and goes full on bombastic (for the first time in years for The Killers), to great effect.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
I'm about halfway through the album currently and am reeeeaaaallly not feeling it despite the hype and (general) critical praise. It's so overproduced and shiny sounding at times that it reminds of me of other similarly synth-rocky arena jams of the 1980's.

I'll give it another listen later in the week and maybe my impression will change. I'm honestly kind of surprised at how hard I bounced off it considering the praise it's received. Usually I'm not the outlier with these sorts of things.


Oct 25, 2017
Surprised at how much I am enjoying this after the last two albums didn't do much for me. "My Own Soul's Warning," "Blowback" and "Lightning Fields" are my faves so far.

Silly Buck

Oct 28, 2017
Adore the album. When Dreams Run Dry is chefs kiss. Feels like the real ending to the album that outro gives me chills every time


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
A tier:

My Own Soul's Warning
Dying Breed
When the Dreams Run Dry
Imploding the Mirage
Fire in Bone

B tier:

Running Towards a Place
My God

C tier:

Lightning Fields
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
How would you rank it against their other albums Ratsky?

Today I'm hitting When The Dreams Run Dry HARD


Jun 27, 2019
Mexico City
I've been listening constantly since it was released and yeah I'm ready to say it's definitely in their top 3, maybe top 2, with Hot Fuss and Sam's Town. The composition, instrumentation, and lyrics feel like a culmination of everything they've done, the album is full of little bits reminiscent of every other album while still feeling cohesive and like its own thing. Even My God is growing on me lol.


The Fallen
Mar 9, 2018
The Killers was my favorite band in high school and I'm loving this new record. Hated BB but thought WW was okay, had higher highs than BB but still a lot of bad songs. This album tho.... no question, this is amazing.


Oct 29, 2017
So, for me, the measuring stick of a good B-side/rarities collection is whether you could compile a worthwhile new album from what's on offer. I think Sawdust manages that, which is pretty impressive coming from just two album's worth of unused material. The obvious lead-in and highlight for most was the exclusive single Tranquilize, but other tracks such as Under The Gun, Move Away and Daddy's Eyes rank amongst the best the band had put out at this point.

Moving on to Day & Age...and it's just not a good album. The camp-factor goes up, but too much of it tries to still keep it straight-faced at the same time, and it just doesn't work. The album's highlights are when it's allowed to be more bombastic, and if they had just gone all-out on this approach, it could have been so much better. As it stands, there are four good songs and they are: Losing Touch, A Dustland Fairytale, Neon Tiger and Goodnight, Travel Well.

Moving on to mostly unexplored territory now outside of a few singles.

Yeah Sawdust is honestly maybe my second favorite album of theirs. Which is crazy but they just feel in such a good zone like holy fuck so many great jams. Their version of Romeo and Juliet I just adore. That's not to downgrade almost any of their albums. WW is the biggest downgrade but Day And Age I adored when that came out as well.

Their two singles off Direct Hits are bonafide great songs as well. Fucking love Shot at the Night and it's maybe in my top 10 (15?) of Killer songs.

The strings on My God slap. This band is so high quality wise and they have quite the catalogue now. Mr. Brightside will probably always be their most well known song but godamn these guys just make good songs consistently.


Oct 29, 2017
Every Album actually has fantastic closers. Battleborn, Imploding the Mirage, Goodnight Travel well. It just adds so much when these albums are cohesive like they are


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017



Oct 25, 2017
Gotta be my favorite Killers album opener ever. Totally sets the vibe for what is to come. When that synth and the drums kick in *chef's kiss*
Last edited:


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Battle Born. It's a bit...boring. Took all the wrong lessons from Day & Age in regards to the outgoing nature of the songwriting and dialled it all back way too far. There's a couple of okay tracks on here like the title track at the end, The Way It Was and The Rising Tide. However, I listened to this twice through and I can't say I have any inclination to ever put this on again when I have the other albums to hand. The two other tracks from this era that came out for the greatest hits album; Shot At The Night and Just Another Girl are pretty good though.

Wonderful Wonderful was a pleasant surprise however. It finally felt like the first fully-featured consistent album since Sam's Town. Not quite as good obviously, but it was one I could easily listen to from start to finish. Highlights were the opening title track, The Man, The Calling and bonus track Money On Straight.

Have only been able to listen to Imploding The Mirage once through so far, but positive so far.


Oct 25, 2017
The first 4 and last 2 songs are so fucking good omg

I think you mean "the first 5 and the last 5 songs are so fucking good omg", Ratsky! Whole album rocks start to finish, I've even come around on Fire In Bone.

I can't help but think the last 2 tracks should have a reverse order though, with the brilliant When The Dreams Run Dry closing it out.

The album title makes more sense now too when you consider:
- its a concept album about two people trying to reach a higher existence
- obviously those two people are not so subtlety Brandon and his wife
- They are both from Vegas, which is a traumatic place for his wife, so they recently left Vegas to escape her past and moved to Utah, imploding their old life
- then obviously the mirage can be their old life and a nod to the strip


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
I think you mean "the first 5 and the last 5 songs are so fucking good omg", Ratsky!

Lightning Fields is...not great. :x

I've even come around on Fire In Bone.

Same, I even moved it to the A tier

The album title makes more sense now too when you consider:
- its a concept album about two people trying to reach a higher existence
- obviously those two people are not so subtlety Brandon and his wife
- They are both from Vegas, which is a traumatic place for his wife, so they recently left Vegas to escape her past and moved to Utah, imploding their old life
- then obviously the mirage can be their old life and a nod to the strip

🤔 😲

Whoa that'sa lot of A

I know!


Oct 25, 2017
It was at first but then I listened to it a few more times and I was like "eh"
LMAO. I had the exact opposite reaction. Didn't like it much at first, but daaaaaamn, I love it now. Same thing happened with Fire in Bone.

Overall, I have to admit, the entire album is far better than I ever expected it to be. It has even passed Gigaton(from Pearl Jam) as my personal album of the year.


Keeper of the White Materia
Oct 27, 2017
I've listened to this album many times now - today I found myself repeating tracks one through to four continuously, they are just so good. I generally really dislike repeating songs / albums so this is quite exceptional.

I think Dying Breed is a phenomenal track - from the point where the drums kick in and Brandon is belting out "from the coveted touch of a girl in love", followed by that mini riff - it's glorious.

Similar moments:
- my own souls warning: the first "I just wanted to get back to where you aaaarreee" - a roof raiser, Brandon's vocals are fantastic here.

- Caution: basically the second chorus onwards, as the synth line really kicks in and- again - Brandon's vocal ramps things up.

Haven't loved a Killers record this much since Battle Born - they honestly feel, at times, like they straddle the line perfectly between a late 70s arena rock band at the top of their game, and a more current indie rock group.


Drive-in Mutant
Nov 18, 2017
Lightning Fields is the only dud to me. Surprised how much I like "My God"- probably the closest I'll ever get to liking a religious song. It's fuckin' great, though. This album exceeded my expectations.


Oct 27, 2017
I've not listened to the Killers in years. I'll never forget listening to Hot Fuss for the first time. I distinctly remember being 30 seconds into Jenny Was a Friend and thinking WHAT. IS. THIS!

Dizzy Ukulele

Oct 28, 2017
They've continued to build a solid body of hits over the years but this the first album since Sam's Town that hasn't got my skip button working overtime.

I only wish they'd made more use of Lindsay Buckingham. It's a significant upgrade from Dave Keuning and I love to hear more of his guitar over an epic 80s sound.


Oct 25, 2017
So like, this is going to maybe end up as my favorite Killers album :o


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
Was wondering what he's been up to since he ditched The Killers


The official music video for Keuning´s "Restless Legs"

From the album Prismism, available January 25 2019, pre-order now: https://ffm.to/restlesslegs Director: Russell Sheaffer Animators: Hannah McSwiggen and Rus...

This song is pretty darn good (the rest of the album is kind of forgettable tho unfortunately)