
Oct 25, 2017
No way....and not the amount of people she killed in a 10min sequence. I just see the entire game is gunna be just high tension realist violence and death interspersed with story events, which is basically thee opposite of TV shows.
So just play it like a stealth game then, if it is the murder to time ratio that bothers you. There were plenty of sequences in the first game you could just completely stealth and never have to kill anyone. I just feel like those shows are the same level of violence as TLoU.


Mostly Positive
Oct 25, 2017
Norway but living in France
I feel like I've seen all online E3 video demonstrations at this point and there's nothing on the level of technical craftmanship seen in The Last of Us 2.
The PC demo of Cyberpunk 2077 behind closed doors sounds to have awesome scale and density, curious to see that one.


Jun 11, 2018
I dont have the willpower or the time to read through 67 pages, I assume there were other people here ck.pletely underwhelmed by the "gameplay" shown off? It kinda looked like a gussied up version of the first one.


Oct 25, 2017
I dont have the willpower or the time to read through 67 pages, I assume there were other people here ck.pletely underwhelmed by the "gameplay" shown off? It kinda looked like a gussied up version of the first one.
I mean, for a lot of us, that is exactly what we were hoping for.


The Legend Continues
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I dont have the willpower or the time to read through 67 pages, I assume there were other people here ck.pletely underwhelmed by the "gameplay" shown off? It kinda looked like a gussied up version of the first one.
And thank God for that.

I honestly just wanted more brutal executions/combat, wider more open areas and more focus on stealth (can now go prone, go under vehicles etc)


Oct 27, 2017
Technically, it looked amazing. I just don't buy Ellie doing all this really. It just looks comical seeing this girl beat the living crap out of a dozen well armed people.

That combined with this love affair just kind of left me thinking this was not a planned game at all, and I hope the writing is polished when it releases. I hope the story is coherent. I know how hard it is to write and succeed, so we'll see. U4 turned out well, so I have high hopes that this is not just Ellie killing the shit out of everything with super brutality.

If anything MP should be fantastic though. Day one just for that.

She's not beating people up, she's stabbing them and shooting them with good strikes. The romance thing, I mean it's pretty logical given where the original ended off.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I gotta be honest. Based on everything I've seen so far, I'd really hate having to deal with the infected again.

Their designs are great and I can't wait to see what else they've cooked up for them, but dispatching and evading those things usually felt like a chore than a struggle in the original game.


Oct 26, 2017
Do we have any idea how does Naughty Dog make those in game facial expressions? Because it looks unreal. We can feel the enemies struggling by their expressions, it is insane.


Oct 27, 2017
But these animations are just so far ahead of anything else I've seen in a game. Last year I was discussing how open world games like Spider-Man are coming ever so close to matching some of the ND stuff.

And then this footage happened.

Top tier talent and financial backing can do wonders.
I was talking to a friend about this today. I've showed him the TLOU2 trailer and he said "It's quite funny. It's like Naughty Dog is saying to all these dev studios ~Hey guys. We let you play around for 2 or 3 years to try and reach our quality level. But enough of playing around. Here is our next benchmark~ and they reach another high level where still nobody can touch them. And they're doing this every damn time." I had to laugh because it's so damn true. Nobody reached the Uncharted 4 level and now they're blowing everybody away (again) with TLOU2. It's quite remarkable. What an incredible studio.


Oct 26, 2017
Since we know that Ellie has her switchblade back, it makes me wonder how they'll balance that? It doesn't have a durability meter in the demo, so it seems like you can use it as much as you want.
Probably just be how she fights, as she isn't built like Joel to just bulldoze through everyone and punch their face in. So not super power, but like the equivalent of a Joel punch.
I do wonder how they'll handle stuff like the secret stashes.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Gotta say, I'm going to miss being able to strangle enemies.

Hopefully there's enough Joel playtime.


Oct 25, 2017
Do we have any idea how does Naughty Dog make those in game facial expressions? Because it looks unreal. We can feel the enemies struggling by their expressions, it is insane.

Here's a video that they showed at PSX 2016

And here's Neil describing how they did the kiss in this trailer

Druckmann took a stab at explaining: ""Since Uncharted 4, we've done facial capture. You have cameras kind of in front of your face. That means I can only get this close to a person before their camera collides with my camera." He was gesturing a distance several inches from his face.

"So we had to take the cameras off and do it old-school like we've done in the past and shoot reference footage and animate something from scratch. But the animators always ask, 'Can you give us something?' Because the face is so complex. So then we had to put the cameras back on and have them turn to the sides—Ashley [Johnson] and Shannon [Woodward]—and pretend like they're kissing but they're just kissing the air. And if it sounds awkward, it's really freaking awkward there when you're trying to give direction on the set about how they should move their faces!

"But then we have like, soft mods, the way soft skin can collide with another person's soft skin. We have joins on the nose. We have what's called sticky lips which is how when your lips separate they don't separate evenly, they kind of stick on the edges. [This is] all tech developed to make our performances more subtle and allowing us to do something like a close-up kiss." He said it allows the game's writing to be more subtle, because it lets them include subtext that goes behind a character's eyes. Johnson and Woodward recounted their own experiences of the mo-cap session at an E3 panel earlier today, and it does sound like it was a novel challenge.



Oct 27, 2017
I was talking to a friend about this today. I've showed him the TLOU2 trailer and he said "It's quite funny. It's like Naughty Dog is saying to all these dev studios ~Hey guys. We let you play around for 2 or 3 years to try and reach our quality level. But enough of playing around. Here is our next benchmark~ and they reach another high level where still nobody can touch them. And they're doing this every damn time." I had to laugh because it's so damn true. Nobody reached the Uncharted 4 level and now they're blowing everybody away (again) with TLOU2. It's quite remarkable. What an incredible studio.

Yup, your friend is absolutely right. Animations are so good that some people think they're not real :p


Oct 25, 2017
There are spots in the game demo that look more 'faked' every time I see them.

The part with Ellie under the truck just isn't believable to me. It seems very specifically acted. Small things like how the specific dimensions of the pistol are interacting with the ground, but specifically Ellie pulling back the hammer of the gun to signify her decision to shoot (though the player might want to shoot earlier, or not at all), and how she's pulled from under the vehicle in a really seamless way despite being turned at an arbitrary angle.

Like, I have to either believe that it's 'faked', or that Naughty Dog has managed to achieve dynamic animation indistinguishable from recorded motion, despite player control.
Oct 27, 2017
Since we know that Ellie has her switchblade back, it makes me wonder how they'll balance that? It doesn't have a durability meter in the demo, so it seems like you can use it as much as you want.

It's quite possible the larger more brutish enemies (like the one with the sledgehammer she had to put three arrows in to incapacitate) may not be as easy to jump on and do that from behind, and they will shake you off quickly.


Oct 27, 2017
There are spots in the game demo that look more 'faked' every time I see them.

The part with Ellie under the truck just isn't believable to me. It seems very specifically acted. Small things like how the specific dimensions of the pistol are interacting with the ground, but specifically Ellie pulling back the hammer of the gun to signify her decision to shoot (though the player might want to shoot earlier, or not at all), and how she's pulled from under the vehicle in a really seamless way despite being turned at an arbitrary angle.

Like, I have to either believe that it's 'faked', or that Naughty Dog has managed to achieve dynamic animation indistinguishable from recorded motion, despite player control.

I'm not naive to the fact that it COULD be faked, but little details like her pulling back the hammer on the pistol are why I'm far more excited than concerned, at the prospect of naughty dog achieving this level of animation detail through their scripts. That there's somehow a trigger for how close enemies are to you, or how close your reticule is to them, that triggers that hammer animation

If it's real, this animation system is an incredible achievement


Oct 26, 2017
There are spots in the game demo that look more 'faked' every time I see them.

The part with Ellie under the truck just isn't believable to me. It seems very specifically acted. Small things like how the specific dimensions of the pistol are interacting with the ground, but specifically Ellie pulling back the hammer of the gun to signify her decision to shoot (though the player might want to shoot earlier, or not at all), and how she's pulled from under the vehicle in a really seamless way despite being turned at an arbitrary angle.

Like, I have to either believe that it's 'faked', or that Naughty Dog has managed to achieve dynamic animation indistinguishable from recorded motion, despite player control.
When it comes to the pull out, they use camera swings to jump models around a little bit so they hide what doesn't look smooth as models move around the environment. As to the hammer pull, I theorized earlier that that might be a half-squeeze of the R2 button.

Not to say that some things weren't cheated or stitched together to make things that aren't finished look finished, but I don't think those things would be put in so obviously if they weren't gonna show up in the final game. Not these days.


Oct 25, 2017
There are spots in the game demo that look more 'faked' every time I see them.

The part with Ellie under the truck just isn't believable to me. It seems very specifically acted. Small things like how the specific dimensions of the pistol are interacting with the ground, but specifically Ellie pulling back the hammer of the gun to signify her decision to shoot (though the player might want to shoot earlier, or not at all), and how she's pulled from under the vehicle in a really seamless way despite being turned at an arbitrary angle.
Someone posed a possibility of the hammer cock being what happens when you pull the trigger part way....which would be brilliant. For the way she is pulled out, it could just be an enemy action that if they are close to the car and you shoot from under it, you get pulled.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Here's a video that they showed at PSX 2016

And here's Neil describing how they did the kiss in this trailer


"So we had to take the cameras off and do it old-school like we've done in the past and shoot reference footage and animate something from scratch. But the animators always ask, 'Can you give us something?' Because the face is so complex. So then we had to put the cameras back on and have them turn to the sides—Ashley [Johnson] and Shannon [Woodward]—and pretend like they're kissing but they're just kissing the air. And if it sounds awkward, it's really freaking awkward there when you're trying to give direction on the set about how they should move their faces!
Called it.


Oct 25, 2017
The only thing I am not sure about is the more direct bow and arrow. Though I guess that can be explained away that Ellie has actually extensively trained with it for years, unlike Joel who just picked it up in the last game (my head cannon).


Oct 26, 2017
Onto the facial tech, I'll add that even though tons of studios do this kind of face capturing and have for awhile now (ND only started doing it this way with UC4 IIRC) what sets the Dogs above is their lighting, skin shaders, and how well they pay attention to and execute on expressiveness. They know how to light eyes, skin, and expressions to make them pop and feel more "cinematic" than anyone else in the industry.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Onto the facial tech, I'll add that even though tons of studios do this kind of face capturing and have for awhile now (ND only started doing it this way with UC4 IIRC) what sets the Dogs above is their lighting, skin shaders, and how well they pay attention to and execute on expressiveness. They know how to light eyes, skin, and expressions to make them pop and feel more "cinematic" than anyone else in the industry.
DMC5 & Death Stranding's characters looked more realistic imho. In general this e3 was an amazing showcase when it came to performance capture. Actually making a thread specifically about that, this gen is seriously going out with a bang.


Oct 26, 2017
So will Ellie have a girlfriend now, or do we think they may be killed off in the 1 year span between cuts of the trailer ? I hope this character actually matters after a scene like that.


Oct 28, 2017
Sorry but I dont believe you. :)

It is the way you articulate your thoughts and points here that make me pretty sure that you will end up buying and playing the game. (unless it somehow manages to be a flop by critics and users)

Um... Okay? Lol. I'm not saying it'll be a bad game at all, just that it's seemingly not my cup of tea despite me loving the original (enough to Platinum it on PS3 and PS4).

This one seems a lot more in-your-face with (essentially) torture porn levels of crude violence, and I'm not a fan. Simple as that. Just an opinion. :)


Oct 27, 2017
So will Ellie have a girlfriend now, or do we think they may be killed off in the 1 year span between cuts of the trailer ? I hope this character actually matters after a scene like that.

Don't count on it. She will probably be flashback material and/or the reason Ellie goes on a rampage.


Jan 27, 2018
There are spots in the game demo that look more 'faked' every time I see them.

The part with Ellie under the truck just isn't believable to me. It seems very specifically acted. Small things like how the specific dimensions of the pistol are interacting with the ground, but specifically Ellie pulling back the hammer of the gun to signify her decision to shoot (though the player might want to shoot earlier, or not at all), and how she's pulled from under the vehicle in a really seamless way despite being turned at an arbitrary angle.

Like, I have to either believe that it's 'faked', or that Naughty Dog has managed to achieve dynamic animation indistinguishable from recorded motion, despite player control.
Yeah, i watched it again, the guy Ellie shoots with Arrows at the end, has a higher quality model than even Drake in Uncharted 4 Cutscenes, a little bit questionable.


Oct 25, 2017
I love TLOU and I can't believe I'm going to say this, but this was rather mediocre. The gameplay looked fine, but we all know it was scripted and it's not going to play like that. Was the same with the first game and it's gameplay reveal trailer.
TLOU lived from the interactions between Ellie and Joel, you saw them bonding and growing together. Especially in the context of the brutal and very sad introduction. That touched me and the Ellie-Joel focused story telling worked for me very well.
Judging from the trailer Ellie is now having a typical videogame love interest revenge story. That doesn't touch me at all, I've seen that kind of story too often by now in a videogame. I really hope there is more to it.