
Oct 27, 2017
From Standard:

If the world-building and story presentation continue at this pace, with this much detail and care put into every section, Naughty Dog has done the impossible – made a sequel which surpasses the original in every way.

Overall, if the game can keep up this level of emotion and cinematic brutality, then the Last of Us Part II is going to be one of the best games ever made.

From the pacing, the detail in the environments to the humanising of your enemies, this game is going to blow you away.

Hands on with The Last of Us Part II – the best game ever made?

The Last of Us Part II seems to be surpassing the original in every way


Oct 27, 2017
One week before the reviews come out? No, definitely not. Previews are generally months in advance.

Seems pointless.
The reviews themselves are quite early. Otherwise previews 3 weeks before release are quite common. It is a bit weird that all the outlets have probably finished the game for review and are writing previews instead. Someone is going to slip up lol.


Feb 28, 2019
"It feels like a failing on our part if a player reaches a part of the game that's inaccessible to them in any way," says Gallant. "It's incumbent on us to be the ones to find the solutions. Accessibility just makes these games better."
Bravo !

Eirik Furu

Oct 25, 2017
It's funny to see your AI partners still do that slapstick routine of running straight into enemies that don't react while you're trying not to alert them. The AI partners' incessant stupidity is one of my biggest gripes playing through the the first one for the first time right now and it's a shame this is apparently still a thing. Hopefully less frequent but I'm honestly surprised to see that mentioned.

It's faaaaaaaar less frequent. I just had to find something I disliked about that chapter:P


Nov 8, 2017

That The Last of Us Part 2 can create such complex emotions in the short segment I can discuss says a lot. But it's how that plays out over the wider context of the full story that will really leave its mark. It's a game that's going to be discussed for a long time to come.

The Last of Us 2’s beautiful world is filled with death and uses its human cost to make every choice count

Ellie’s journey asks no easy questions and makes you fight for answers


Nov 8, 2017
From Game Informer's preview:

Difficulty is highly customizable. I played through the hospital infiltration on a few different challenge settings, and the gulf between them is noticeable. However, you aren't bound to defined modes like easy, normal, or hard; you can also fine-tune specific elements of the experience, like how much damage Ellie takes, how perceptive enemies are, and how plentiful resources are in the world.

The Last of Us Part II Preview - 15 Things I Learned From Two Hours Playing The Last Of Us Part II - Game Informer

These are the details we found helpful, interesting, and amusing in a specific two-hour slice of Naughty Dog's revenge-fueled adventure.


Oct 27, 2017
It's called the hype train, hop on and enjoy the ride.
I don't particularly like it. It makes it feel like the media is in the publisher's back pocket. Bending over backwards to contribute to the marketing of the game rather than providing true critique, especially since the reviews will hit in a week. It kind of hurts the credibility in my head of it as piece of art rather than a mass consumption product.

In any event, it is irrelevant to me since I knew I was in for the ride the moment it was announced. I hope these previews prove useful to someone out there I guess.


Oct 27, 2017
8. The environments are incredibly detailed. Places like the apartments, liquor store, and conference center don't just feel like they are copied and pasted from a bank of assets. It's not just about looking good graphically; each one feels like a considered space that once served its purpose in the world. From decorations on the walls of a bedroom to the desk arrangements in an office space, Ellie's surroundings feel authentic. They don't feel like areas created to fill space in a video game.

I loved this about the first game.


Nov 8, 2017
the accessiblity options sound really impressive

The accessibility options are broad. They include a wide array of adjustments you can make to the visuals and gameplay. Colorblind mode, HUD magnification, remapping controls, and infinite breath while swimming are just a handful of options that illustrate how Naughty Dog has kept players with disabilities in mind.

The Last of Us Part II Preview - 15 Things I Learned From Two Hours Playing The Last Of Us Part II - Game Informer

These are the details we found helpful, interesting, and amusing in a specific two-hour slice of Naughty Dog's revenge-fueled adventure.


Oct 27, 2017

The Last of Us Part II Preview - 15 Things I Learned From Two Hours Playing The Last Of Us Part II - Game Informer

These are the details we found helpful, interesting, and amusing in a specific two-hour slice of Naughty Dog's revenge-fueled adventure.
Difficulty is highly customizable. I played through the hospital infiltration on a few different challenge settings, and the gulf between them is noticeable. However, you aren't bound to defined modes like easy, normal, or hard; you can also fine-tune specific elements of the experience, like how much damage Ellie takes, how perceptive enemies are, and how plentiful resources are in the world.

Wait, so you can set each difficulty element separately? Because I'd love a setup where Ellie takes less damage, but enemies are more active and resources are rare.


Oct 27, 2017


Nov 8, 2017
There are around 60 different accessibility options in the game's menu, covering things like controls, visual aids, audio clues, navigation and traversal, and combat. Some are fairly standard features, like being able to make the UI larger or tweak the subtitles for color blind users. Other elements are much more involved. There's a text-to-speech option that reads out everything in the game, from menus to the notes Ellie picks up on her journey, and audio cues to indicate when there are items nearby or a ledge you can climb up. A new high-contrast mode changes the visuals entirely for low-vision players, rendering the world a light grey, and turning allies blue and enemies red. (This was inspired by the unlockable "thief vision" filter in Uncharted 4.) You can even use the Dual Shock controller's touchpad to zoom in and get a closer look at the world.

The Last of Us Part II isn’t just Naughty Dog’s most ambitious game — it’s the most accessible, too

How the developer is opening up the story to even more players.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait, so you can set each difficulty element separately? Because I'd love a setup where Ellie takes less damage, but enemies are more active and resources are rare.
other preview didn't seem to mention it, maybe it's part of the accessibility options, apparently it's very robust and include thing like breathing underwater indefinitely, so maybe making Ellie have more health point is part of it.
Sep 21, 2019
Little worried about length. One previewed said the section was 10 hours into the game and another said about halfway through.

Is the game only 20 hours?

I was hoping for 30+...maybe first reviewers didn't explore much?
Dec 6, 2017
I have a lot of problems with the first one but this seems to address pretty much most of it based on these previews. I'm actually starting to get really curious about the game finally.


Apr 26, 2019
From Standard:

Hands on with The Last of Us Part II – the best game ever made?

The Last of Us Part II seems to be surpassing the original in every way



Oct 26, 2017
Little worried about length. One previewed said the section was 10 hours into the game and another said about halfway through.

Is the game only 20 hours?

I was hoping for 30+...maybe first reviewers didn't explore much?

Expecting 30+h from a linear narrative-driven single-player game is just setting yourself up for disappointment, really.


Games User Researcher
Oct 28, 2017
Seems like incoming 9.5/10 out of 10 galore, anyway already bought mine, and not gonna watch any of these :P

Anyway when you say start on hard, is the hard on this one like the normal from part 1?

I imagine we'll see straight 10/10s, the previews and people who I've spoke to have had the game have had nothing negative to say. I think we'll see a 95-100 metacritic.
Oct 27, 2017
Hearing about so many accessibility its sounds very impressive. I do hope there`s an option for gyro aiming. Please ND!
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I am so, so excited for this. I went to preorder the game yesterday on Amazon and I totally forgot about that dumb box art lol. Oof, what were they thinking!?


Oct 25, 2017
I am pretty sure that it will easily surpass the first game when it comes to gameplay,the world building ,encounters with infected and humans etc.

The only thing that remains to see is the story which i don't trust reviewers opinions or anyone else's so i have to see for myself in a few days