
Oct 25, 2017
Watched the first film tonight. Doesn't hold up quite as well as I remember, the plot was pretty confusing & hoo boy the train scene hasn't aged well. Still a fun enough time though.


Oct 26, 2017
I've typically rewatched all the previous MI films when a new one came out. I love them, except for 2 which I either skip or watch extremely hesitantly.


The Merchant of ERA
Oct 28, 2017
I rewatched all of them recently. The first movie is fantastic, the second is insane, the third is my least favorite of the franchise, Ghost Protocol is my favorite, and Rogue Nation is a little disappointing compared to Ghost Protocol but still a good movie.


Oct 29, 2017
you can not be any more wrong.

Yeeeesssss, i have seen #2 like 10 times and it gets better every time. John Woo at his peak. Just turn off your brain and enjoy the doves and two handguns and motorcycles that defy physics and the fact that bad guys all shop at Kohls.

Thank God their are some sane people in this thread. MI2 is one of the greatest pure action films ever made. Cruise Missile at his action peak. Him and Woo are absolute magic. For people saying it's hard to watch, do you have eyes? Were they opened? I mean it's just absolute fun the set pieces the effects the shooting the chases etc. No it's not super smart who gives a rip it's a masterpiece in action but not so over the top in a fast and furious type way.

On the other hand I'd say MI3 almost gets too MUCH praise. Characters and story are great. That "count to ten" scene is probably one of the better scenes in the franchise. But I left the movie not really "wowed" by any of the action or set pieces. It's an interesting concept sort of an Incredibles "mixing mundane and the super" but it just left me sort of hollow and honestly forgettable. The main virus thing we never even find out what it is.

Four is probably the best with 2 slightly behind. Just fantastic action and you can tell they came out of the gates swinging. Had a hell of a lot to prove after so many years dormant and damn Cruise made this a franchise again.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Damn, I forgot how good 3 was.

I would strongly advise skipping 2, as going from 1-3 is a great step up.

The Vatican Extraction in particular is enthralling.
Oct 25, 2017
The last half hour of 2 is the most dumb entertaining bullshit, and it's kind of amazing. Too bad the everything before that is boring as shit


Oct 26, 2017
Mission Impossible 1



De Palma starts us in a good way, granted it's a bit dated but not in bad way. Everything feels grounded and realistic. Hunt is introduced to us in a good way and the first couple of minutes hit the ground running in a good ass twist. Hunt feels paranoid, he's a man without a crew and the government hunting him.

Reno and Mr. Arby's Rhames are the best partners to Cruise and they deliver on the humor

I'm very happy how Elfman scores this movie, these days, scores in film are kinda plastic and fill in and man, that is not the case here. Palma's directing helps in spades in here, the right use of angles and wide shots. It feels grandose. Now I never saw the series so the reveal doesn't hit as hard but it's still a decent swerve where you think "Oh shit."

I am kinda sad they kill off Jean Reno here but I couldn't see him lasting 5 other movies just as the pilot honestly.

But yeah, it's a great spy film with a few outdated things but it's still a must watch to me.


Oct 26, 2017
So it's already come to this...

Mission Impossible 2


What happens when you feed the first one Mountain Dew, late 90s and Doves, you get the most batshit entry in the franchise

It feels odd with Cruise coming from the focused and brave Ethan in 1 to a total badass in 2 and it feels...weird.

It's like the first one never happened or jumping from Goldeneye to fucking Die Another Day.

Thandie Newton is good here but she's mainly for Ethan to wanna fuck. Ving's character is not funny. The pilot is there. It's a odd fucking film. But so was Face/Off and that was awesome so what happened here? Honestly, had this been named anything else, we would not be complaining about this one.

Now that's not to say Woo fucks this film up, there's great action, solid stuntwork, the bike chase despite the end is well done and not stupid. The swerve with the masks is played up really good. And the fight at the end, holy shit, Tom Cruise almost lost an eye because he thinks audiences will know if a knife is fake so he wanted a real one upclose to his eye. WHAT THE SHIT? But there's a issue with the slo mo and the camera doesn't move as much as it did in 1.

Overall, I honestly like this in the same vein as the Fast and Furious movies. It's cheesy as fuck and it won't be my favorite in the series but as good action flick, I dug it.


Oct 27, 2017
God 2 is so weird, Hunt is a straight up villain in that one. Tricking the bad guy into murdering the only friend the dude has in the world is: savage. There's a line about how Hunt always takes the convoluted route to avoid killing guards... but then he's merking fools left and right with grenades and exploding gas tanks and shit. I kind of enjoy it as a stand-alone bonkers action piece but it sits so uncomfortably in the series.

Makes the suburbia opening to 3 even more jarring. How did this stone cold killer ever settle down?


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Finished the first 2. First one was better than I remembered, 2 was worse. So much worse. God, it was so bad...

And now that I'm older the sexism was a bit shocking.
Ethan Hunt: No. She's got no training for this kind of thing.
Mission Commander Swanbeck: What? To go to bed with a man and lie to him? She's a woman, she's got all the training she needs.
Sean Ambrose: You know women, mate. Like monkeys, they are. Won't let go of one branch until they've got a grip on the next!
And literally a single female speaking role in the whole movie.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
Finished the first 2. First one was better than I remembered, 2 was worse. So much worse. God, it was so bad...

And now that I'm older the sexism was a bit shocking.

And literally a single female speaking role in the whole movie.

yeah 2 is trash

esp when i heard that second line in reference to a black character


Oct 25, 2017
Finished the first 2. First one was better than I remembered, 2 was worse. So much worse. God, it was so bad...

And now that I'm older the sexism was a bit shocking.

And literally a single female speaking role in the whole movie.

The second line is spoken by the villain of the film. You're not supposed to agree with him. He's a scumbag piece of shit who's just had his heart broken. The first line, yes, absolutely. Really bizarre and gross.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Recently watched all of them for the first time.

4 and 5 were good, not much to say here

1 holds up


2 was a batshit insane terrible movie and I loved it

Deleted member 9197

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
So it's already come to this...

Mission Impossible 2


What happens when you feed the first one Mountain Dew, late 90s and Doves, you get the most batshit entry in the franchise

It feels odd with Cruise coming from the focused and brave Ethan in 1 to a total badass in 2 and it feels...weird.

It's like the first one never happened or jumping from Goldeneye to fucking Die Another Day.

Thandie Newton is good here but she's mainly for Ethan to wanna fuck. Ving's character is not funny. The pilot is there. It's a odd fucking film. But so was Face/Off and that was awesome so what happened here? Honestly, had this been named anything else, we would not be complaining about this one.

Now that's not to say Woo fucks this film up, there's great action, solid stuntwork, the bike chase despite the end is well done and not stupid. The swerve with the masks is played up really good. And the fight at the end, holy shit, Tom Cruise almost lost an eye because he thinks audiences will know if a knife is fake so he wanted a real one upclose to his eye. WHAT THE SHIT? But there's a issue with the slo mo and the camera doesn't move as much as it did in 1.

Overall, I honestly like this in the same vein as the Fast and Furious movies. It's cheesy as fuck and it won't be my favorite in the series but as good action flick, I dug it.

So I finished M:I the first yesterday, and I think it's wonderful. Does it show it's age? Sure! It's 22 years old. But it totally works for me.

M:I-2 is all but completely unwatchable to me. It was one of the first DVDs I ever owned as a teen, and so back shortly after release I saw it probably ten times, but I didn't like it very much then--it was just something to put on. I still haven't finished this current rewatch. I've had to stop it five or six times because I either get bored or just completely put off by its nonsensical action or it's gross objectification of Newton.

The comparison of Goldeneye to Die Another Day is apt, and it feels very much to me like they were trying to James Bondify the Mission: Impossible world while at the same time copping to Woo's aesthetic and trying to make it commercially viable by having something that works for the MTV Limp Bizkit and Metallica crowd of the time, and so you have this weird, sexist relationship with this Bond Girl character sex object, tons of slow motion, and acrobatics that feel completely out of line with the rest of the series. The number of times Ethan Hunt silently runs at a bad guy, does some kind of kung fu flip, and knocks him out in slow motion in the last third of the movie is wild and hilarious.

I'm actually wrapping up the last thirty minutes of the movie now, thank goodness. I know not everyone loves 3, but I'm glad that JJ was able to bring the series back to a relatively grounded position. No amount of climbing skyscrapers, dangling from airplanes, jumping onto helicopters, or any other nutty death wish stunt of Tom Cruise's feels as goofy and fantastical as everything post Chimera lab shootout in this movie. Honestly shocked it didn't kill the franchise, and it feels super out of place to me.

Edit: Also, the score for this movie feels like it's straight out of the worst USA network beachside crime action series.


Oct 26, 2017
Mission Impossible 3

After the longest sequel gap in the franchise, it makes sense that Hunt basically settles down...met some woman we barely know and everything seems ok...lol, no, the first 10 minutes is fucking intense.

One Keri Russell and Ving Rhames cameo later, shit gets real and we meet possibly the best villain this whole series and yet, this isn't the best one to me.

I think maybe after the breakout setpiece, everything feels toned down a bit which is kinda odd to me, it's not a bad thing but I think after the last 2 films, feels off in a way and I know, I'm saying this after the face to face. Yes, even after Hunt's girl is kidnapped and the most tense scene in the series.

I think the fact this is JJs first big film kinda weakens it because this is him fresh off Alias (Which I assume why he got this gig.) and in the middle of Lost-mania.

I think the problem is after Davian was already a serious villain, there was no reason to have Musgrave at all and his heel turn didn't really hit because we have seen it before. That's the other issue which will come to play after this, ETHAN GETTING CAPTURED BY HIS OWN AGENCY AND THEM NOT TRUSTING ETHAN!

However, the third act is one fun action climax and I guess it's cool that Ethan is in a situation where he could get offed. Really adds weight to the last act.

Also, Simon Pegg enters the series and is likely the best addition to the series, basically serving as the series Q.

Overall, I like this film but it's not the best Mission only because a few caveats are in the way.

Next up, oh right...HAWKEYE BOURNE comes in.


Oct 26, 2017
Yea, I wasn't a huge fan of 3, but it's solid. Just wasn't that memorable, other than I guess a good villain in PSH. Been saving my rewatch of Rogue Nation for this week, will probably get to it this weekend. Still need to buy my ticket to fallout
Oct 27, 2017
Alright lets dish.... I made my fiance watch all of the Fast of the Furious movies before watching the latest one. She actually enjoyed the movies and truly enjoyed "the ride" and really appreciated the movies for what they were. Mission Impossible is a whole other boat. She has a dislike for Tom but has enjoyed some of his other movies. What would be a good starting point for me to watch with her. Do you all think I can start at MI:3 or MI:4 for her to meet and learn the crew?


Oct 27, 2017
Thank God their are some sane people in this thread. MI2 is one of the greatest pure action films ever made. Cruise Missile at his action peak. Him and Woo are absolute magic. For people saying it's hard to watch, do you have eyes? Were they opened? I mean it's just absolute fun the set pieces the effects the shooting the chases etc. No it's not super smart who gives a rip it's a masterpiece in action but not so over the top in a fast and furious type way.

On the other hand I'd say MI3 almost gets too MUCH praise. Characters and story are great. That "count to ten" scene is probably one of the better scenes in the franchise. But I left the movie not really "wowed" by any of the action or set pieces. It's an interesting concept sort of an Incredibles "mixing mundane and the super" but it just left me sort of hollow and honestly forgettable. The main virus thing we never even find out what it is.

Four is probably the best with 2 slightly behind. Just fantastic action and you can tell they came out of the gates swinging. Had a hell of a lot to prove after so many years dormant and damn Cruise made this a franchise again.
Meh. I was so unbelievably hyped for this after the trailer. When I rewatch it this week, I'll set a timer to figure out how long it takes to get to the first decent action scene. Chimera plant?
Until then it's dumb spinning cars and shirts blowing in the wind. Total nonsense.


Oct 25, 2017
Ghost Protocol and Rogue Nation are pretty bland by the numbers action movies. I dont really know why people hold them in such high regard. Sure I remember the Dubai and Airplane stunts but that was mostly from the pre-movie hype. I'd be hard pressed to tell you which movies those were actually in and what happened before or after those scenes, name the villains or what they wanted or anything else about those two movies. Hopefully Fallout has a bit more character.
Oct 26, 2017
Done and done. Went through all five films in a row the other day. All still damn good with the exception of 2 which basically had me scratching my head for its runtime tbh...


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Man, I just rewatched MI1 today and I'm planning on watching the rest of the movies in preparation for Fallout. And then found this thread. Great minds think alike and so on.


Oct 25, 2017
picked up a bundle from apple after getting sucked in by the hype of the previous thread. Think I'll skip 1, I've seen it so many times. Want to rewatch 2 just to see how bad it really is. And 3/4/5 just becuase I can't really separate them, they all feel like one big movie in my head


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Just watched Ghost Protocol. Definitely my favourite of the series so far. Brad Bird's direction is incredibly slick and imaginative, the pacing is great and the set-pieces are on a whole other level.

Also, Paula Patton



Oct 25, 2017
This is the third thread within a week that I've found were we rewatch the MI movies. I almost don't know where to stay around.

Anyway, Rogue Nation next week!


Oct 27, 2017
just finished Ghost Protocol for the first time ever.

It was really good. I might have liked it better than 3.

rogue nation coming up next week.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm rewatching Mission Impossible 2 right now, and the opening, with the rock climbing, is this the first instance of "TOM CRUISE DOES HIS OWN STUNTS" being a major selling point?

(Edit: This movie is as bad as I remembered. They got Anthony Hopkins in this? This is so bad!)

Edit: Holy shit, how do I forget there is a dumb motorcycle battle at the end this movie. This movie is so garbage.

I haven't seen this movie since the theater, and I'm surprised by how much I remembered about how much I hated and thought this movie sucked. What a piece of garbage.
Last edited:


Oct 26, 2017
Challenge complete. I was going to do a movie by movie breakdown, but it really seems unnecessary. Aside from the step down of M:I-2, the series just keeps getting better and topping itself. Bring on Fallout.


Oct 26, 2017
London, UK
I got sucked into getting the MI bundle on iTunes by all these threads. I don't get how I am so hyped for Fallout, maybe it's the massive campaign they're running in London.

I think I had only seen Ghost Protocol before, and that only because it had a Finnish villain.

Watched first Rogue Nation which was great, that Airbus scene and making of is nuts.

Watched MI3 today, it was excellent too. PSH, Shanghai, bridge scene, vatican all fantastic... and that dress Maggie Q is wearing, good lord.

Tomorrow will be either MI1 or MI2. And whichever remains on Tuesday.

Will try to get Amex fix me tix for the Wedensday London premiere.


Oct 27, 2017
#3 tonight. Yep, still the best one. Most exciting, most emotion, most character, best villain, most comprehensible plot, and yes "stakes".
Oct 25, 2017
I am up to rogue nation on my rewatch and so far I'm gonna have to agree with a few other people in the thread and say that while MI2 isn't a great movie it's a spectacular action movie, the action set pieces and the utter insanity of it all just makes for a ridiculously enjoyable thrill ride.

Ghost Protocol is such a good revival for the franchise. Every scene in that movie is honestly golden. The tension during the finale in india is incredibly well paced and the fight scene really makes it look like everything that happened to Ethan really reallllly hurt lmao.


Oct 27, 2017
Rotorua, NZ
Watched Rogue Nation again at the weekend...great movie and Rebecca Ferguson made it all the more enjoyable..

Love this franchise, cant wait to see the.new one.


Oct 26, 2017
i think the original has an intensity and charm that's kind of missing in the other entries. the intrigue is just oozing out of every scene. does anyone else wish kittridge carried over to the other movies? his exchange with ethan in the aquarium restaurant is fantastic. he is one of the things that makes it really special.


Oct 27, 2017
For those lacking time, watching 3 and 5 are the most integral to Fallout (which you can probably surmise from the trailers)


Oct 27, 2017
I watched all 5 over the weekend without knowing the thread existed, so it's a nice surprise to be able to get my input in.

I really appreciate 2 for what it is, pure John Woo. The best scene is definitely Ethan and Sean jumping off motorbikes at high speed directly into each other. it adds another level of weirdness being an Australian and seeing the bad guys drive Falcons and Statesman's. the cars I associate with growing up.

I think I enjoyed 5 the most because they finally figured out that Simon Pegg can be the Q type as well as the comic foil. I cracked up 4-5 times during the movie. Although like others have said I felt 4 had better flow and direction.

Overall Ranking
MI 5 - Rogue Nation
MI 4 - Ghost protocol
Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible 3
Mission impossible 2

Can't bloody wait for MI Fallout!

Baron Von Beans

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I've seen all the MI's. The first is my favorite, hands down. The sequels get a little squirrelly, sure. But nothing tops this gif. This is one of the most ridiculous and stupid stunts I've ever seen on film. No matter how many times I see this gif, or rewatch the movie, I can't shake how Terrible (to me) this looks, and how ANYONE thought this looked good enough to include in the final cut.

Regardless, absolutely looking forward to fallout. Should be a wild ride.


Oct 28, 2017
Prob gonna fail the challenge but intended to rewatch with my wife.

I remember 3 being my fav but we've only succeeded in finishing the 1st so far. I forgot how Part 1 has a very odd look/feel to it. Like an 80s drama lost in 1996. It's very jarring.

Edit: Hard to describe. Women shoulder pads & Emilio Estevez throwing me off.