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Oct 27, 2017
Just a reminder that there's other wrestling happening in the next 14 hours.


TJPW's Tokyo Princess Cup 5 Finals will air live on DDT Universe tomorrow at 12:00 JST / 5:00 CET / 23:00 EDT (Saturday) from Ryogoku KFC Hall.
Sakisama & Azusa Christie & Martha vs Shoko Nakajima & Yuki Kamifuku & Hikari
Miyu Yamashita & Maki Ito & Mizuki vs Miu & Raku & Hinano
Yuna Manase vs Hyper Misao vs Yuki Aino

TPC5 semi-finals:
Yuka Sakazaki vs Rika Tatsumi
Yuu vs Nodoka Oneesan

TPC5 final

The TPC winner will (probably) face the champion Miyu Yamashita at next month's Korakuen Hall show.
Besides the very good looking tournament matches we'll have NEO Biishiki-gun bringing back Martha in a match where Yuki Kamfuku is on the opposing side. I can't see this ending well for Yuki.
Up Up Girls (without Hikari) vs Ito Respect Army & Yamashita has been prominently featured during the press conference for the show and basically sells itself by Maki Ito being upset with other idols.

At 17:00 JST / 10:00 CET / 4:00 EDT also live on DDT Universe is DDT's Masahiro Takanashi 15th Anniversary show.
It has a very fun looking card with Masahiro Takanashi vs Isami Kodako as the main event, a Damantion vs Irie Gun match, the Brahman Brothers, Emi Sakura, Riho teaming with Antonio Honda,etc.

Full card is attached here:


Oct 25, 2017
Corey talks about a time where he arrived to RAW, and Vince said 'Corey, I know I'm not very observant, but did you get new ink?' and Corey said no, and Vince said he'd never noticed the tattoos on his hands before, to which Corey responded by saying that he's had them since he was first employed by the WWE. Corey was pondering whether to tell Vince about his chest tattoos in detail, but decided not to.


The Maharaja

Oct 25, 2017
Rumors for the Day:
  • WrestleVotes says WWE "has a strong idea" on what Daniel Bryan will do regarding whether he'll stay or go. He'll apparently be featured heavily in WWE 2K19, seemingly indicating he'll be staying.
  • Wrestling Inc says Bryan recently hired the same agency that represents John Cena for his contract negotiations.
  • According to Barn Burner, Brock Lesnar is confirmed for SummerSlam and Monday Night Raw the next evening.
  • That site also says WWE Network is preparing to shift to a new strategy where it will focus more on "independent and non-WWE professional wrestling."
  • passed along word that WWE could have longer term plans for Dr. Shelby.


Oct 25, 2017
If that WWE Network rumor is true, I'm definitely interested.

It makes sense to them from a business perspective to try to get smaller promotions under their umbrella while letting them remain somewhat autonomous. At least with paranoid Vince running WWE.

Flammable D

Oct 30, 2017
So the PROGRESS plan for the World Cup final if England make it is to run the first half, then have a 2 hour interval for the football, then run the second half


Oct 27, 2017
There have been rumors about PROGRESS and ICW being on the network for years at this point. I'll believe that shit when I see it.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I can recommend enough that if Remo Scum comes to your town you see them.

Ever seen a Running Apron Lariat Doomsday Device on the Floor?

I now have.

Legit big dude is on the floor with opponent on his shoulders smaller dude, on the apron, runs full speed and clotheslines the fucker sending him flying to the floor.


Oct 25, 2017
vince is always the one that blocks progress/icw. they've been ready to go for literally years, but he always changes his mind at the last minute.

he basically goes through phases of thinking it's a good idea, and then like clockwork EVERYTHING MUST BE WWE PAL and it's shelved again
Oct 26, 2017
Oh now I see the problem. She is not tall enough to scoop-slam people properly.

The only thing that's too small here is the amount of joy and compassion in your heart.

Every match should have the Up Up Girls dancing in the background. The world would be a happier place.

Only when producers learn that the Up Up Girls are always on screen so you don't need to cut to them during the finish of the match.


The Million Post Man
Oct 25, 2017
Eh, I think a lot of the upper card matches have been good this year; especially since the TJP Yes! Wonderland ~ Break Myself! card.
I mean....I guess? I still wouldn't recommend it if you're looking for pure wrasslin. It's worth watching for the ridiculousness and fun characters.

Maho was one of the better girls on the roster so her being out hurts them quite a bit
Oct 26, 2017
I mean....I guess? I still wouldn't recommend it if you're looking for pure wrasslin. It's worth watching for the ridiculousness and fun characters.

Maho was one of the better girls on the roster so her being out hurts them quite a bit

I mean TJPW hasn't got the most technical workers outside of Yuka and Yuu, but they're pretty great at doing in ring storytelling. From classic styled ace matches like Miyu vs Rika to crazy Misao bullshit. Then even when it does come to technique I wouldn't put Maho in the top 6 even though I really enjoy her as a performer.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Merch Selection is crap wow.

No Suzuki Gun
No Okada
No Omega specific shirts even
Not even Golden Elite

I was ready to spend hundreds... i bought Blue shirt with a Yellow NJPW lion logo on the front and 72 on the back. 30$


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Nice thing is they opened merch before they opened the house so it was an easy walk in and purchase.

Just too bad it was a nothing selection


The Million Post Man
Oct 25, 2017
I mean TJPW hasn't got the most technical workers outside of Yuka and Yuu, but they're pretty great at doing in ring storytelling. From classic styled ace matches like Miyu vs Rika to crazy Misao bullshit. Then even when it does come to technique I wouldn't put Maho in the top 6 even though I really enjoy her as a performer.
While wrestling can be a lot of things I have a hard time calling something a good wrestling match if the actual wrestling is bad (again, I still find the good majority of it entertaining, just for the things you can't really get from other typical wrestling products)

For me I think you have two ends of the spectrum, the workrate/wrasslin side and the goofy character side.

I consider Maho one of their best because she nails both. Convincing offense and movez while also having a rad character to carry her matches

Maki Itoh is amazing but she really doesn't do much beyond punches and headbutts. I'd still rather watch her over majority of the roster though because she's fun to watch (not necessarily having good matches or anything)

A lot of the girls who are better wrestlers are just kind of there in terms of character work, without having the Big Fight Feel starpower of a Miyu or even Reika

I'm not trying to disparage the product or anything, I really enjoy it and I'll likely stay subbed to DDT to keep watching. But I would never recommend it to someone for match quality


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Iircc I'm pretty sure njpw doesnt readll sell suzuki gun stuff, the group does that themselves. Earlier this year I tried to buy some stuff and it was on suzuki own website

Yah that makes sense.

Still not even a Golden Elite shirt on sale lol...

But you can get a Hello Kitty NJPW shirt and two different Bullet Club X Pac Man shirts :|
Oct 26, 2017
While wrestling can be a lot of things I have a hard time calling something a good wrestling match if the actual wrestling is bad (again, I still find the good majority of it entertaining, just for the things you can't really get from other typical wrestling products)

For me I think you have two ends of the spectrum, the workrate/wrasslin side and the goofy character side.

I consider Maho one of their best because she nails both. Convincing offense and movez while also having a rad character to carry her matches

Maki Itoh is amazing but she really doesn't do much beyond punches and headbutts. I'd still rather watch her over majority of the roster though because she's fun to watch (not necessarily having good matches or anything)

A lot of the girls who are better wrestlers are just kind of there in terms of character work, without having the Big Fight Feel starpower of a Miyu or even Reika

I'm not trying to disparage the product or anything, I really enjoy it and I'll likely stay subbed to DDT to keep watching. But I would never recommend it to someone for match quality

I'll agree to disagree then as Rika and Misao have been my two favourites when it comes to character work and I think they had the best two matches in the company this year on the same night. I think one of the things I like most about the company is that you'll have normal wrestler and outlandish character yet everyone works so well together. From working together like Rika and Maho or working against each other like Yuu's tournament match against Misao where she flat out didn't sell any of her shenanigans. Plus I think some of the more compelling stories this year have been more normal characters like Rika and Marika doing everything they could to better themselves. I think I had a similar view when I started watching that you had a few stand out like Maki and Maho because their characters were nuts and that a huge amount of the roster seemed like generic idol characters, however over time most of the roster's grown on me in a way I didn't expect.

Anyway, I'm not trying to drag you for disparaging the product (as I know you're not) and you're right in that a lot of the appeal's about the crazy fun stuff (as apparent in me posting a gif of a 4 foot woman fallaway slamming Oishi as an idol group dancing in the background to a Japanese kids show theme). Just in match storytelling is probably the most important thing in wrestling to me, e.g. I'd be happier with a match that features 5 basic moves with a good story over a match that has over 50 different elaborate super dangerous spots that doesn't have much story to it, so I'd still recommend it to people who just like wrestling with that disclaimer.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
I was tempted by the NJPW tracksuit

But it's 180$ alone and wtf am I going to do with a tracksuit
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