
May 29, 2018
I really wish this game got an HD remaster. Was a HUGE influence on me back in the day.

Katamari Forever (aka Katamari Tribute in Japan) comes pretty close. I'd love to see a Switch version of Damacy + Love (which is really more like an expansion pack to the first game than a full-on sequel).

Buff Beefbroth

Chicken Chaser
Apr 12, 2018
Games as toys is an extremely valuable concept. Interactivity is the single standout difference gaming has to offer compared to other entertainment media. Definitely get where this guy is coming from. I wonder what he thinks of something like Labo or Minecraft.

I didn't personally love Katamari but there's no way in heck I would deny its popularity and contribution to gaming.


Oct 30, 2017
its weird his vision of fun and creativity is very similar to Nintendo yet he really hates Nintendo. (for no obvious reason)

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
Its not the fact that Fortnite is a shooter that makes it so popular though. Katamari is great, but it was never going to have the same kind of social appeal or replayability of something like Fortnite where there's a near infinite amount of situations that can happen in a game with 99 other people.


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
I worked for EB Games (pre-Gamestop takeover) when Katamari released. I loved it the second I touched it. In the following months, I offered it to every customer as an "add-on" to their purchase because it was only $20. I had a ton of regulars come back and tell me how much they enjoyed it. Hell, it was a recommendation that turned some non-regulars into regulars.

Very few pieces of entertainment media are able to evince an uncontrollable, goofy smile from the moment you see and hear it... to elicit pure joy in an instant. Katamari is as affecting as entertainment gets -- it's art. You won, Keita.


Gameplay Programmer, Sony Santa Monica
Oct 25, 2017
Keita Takahashi just keeps putting out some of the most interesting and downright compelling stuff of the medium. I hope he finds some measure of personal success in all the wonder and thought his games bring to so many. Wattam is literally my most anticipated game this year.


Oct 27, 2017
I would pay good money for a Switch Katamari. Some fine memories hanging at my buddies place playing the 360 version.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Katamari Forever (aka Katamari Tribute in Japan) comes pretty close. I'd love to see a Switch version of Damacy + Love (which is really more like an expansion pack to the first game than a full-on sequel).
I mean, We Love Katamari has like double the content of Katamari Damacy, so I dont see why you say its more of an expansion pack. just occurred to me that Keita Takahashi would hate the fact we are even discussing his games in this manner, lol.


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
Katamari Damacy cures depression and anxiety.

For just a little while at least.
Oct 27, 2017
I saw him give a lecture once just before the release of noby noby boy, he listened to whale song for 10 minutes before he started and was obviously very nervous. It was great though, and I enjoyed him chatting about his life as an art student and then his early career at namco.

I think he just comes at game design from a different angle than most, it almost sounds a bit like he struggles with imposter syndrome which is super common with art students and artists!


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
We Love Katamari is one of my favorite games. I bought it immediately when Giga Games showed it on German television, I was immediately hooked.
Mar 17, 2018
I ordered the expensive ost's and all three main games on ps consoles are fantastic. We love katamari is just so good. This guy made a legendary game he'll be okay. Everlasting love...


Nov 5, 2017
The guy who made Katamari Damacy is, by default, a legend in my book. The game features the best concept in gaming and it was executed brilliantly. I fully agree with his stance on shooting and fighting so I barely touch games that focus on these aspects. We need more people like him who want to do things differently. Really looking forward to his new game.
BTW it's a shame Noby Noby Boy is only available on PS3 (the iOS version was taken down at some point). I would love to check it out, even though the game hasn't received that much praise.

Virtua Sanus

Nov 24, 2017
I recognize where he is coming from, but he needs a reality check. Grand Theft Auto and Fortnite are both completely alone in the medium. Nothing can touch GTA because it is 100x more expensive than most games in history. Fortnite had a foundation of like five years before it's battle royale mode took focus and that is not even considering how the devs have endless pockets when you consider how popular the Unreal Engine is.

Anyways, Namco seriously needs to port some of the earlier Katamari games. I realize they could make a much grander one nowadays, but quality ports on all platforms would still be a pretty big deal I think.


Oct 25, 2017
The memories of playing Katamari on the PS2 as a kid still make me smile.

There's not a lot of games I can say that for.


Oct 25, 2017
He has been clear about his goal for KD since it was made, which always made people's desire for infinite sequels funny.


Oct 25, 2017
Katamari Damacy and We Love Katamari are two of my top ten games of all time. They are also two of the only games I consider absolutely perfect.

I can understand his point because I have been met with skepticism from others that I've told that but something doesn't need to reach the same mass market appeal as the games he mentioned to be considered a success. He has made something of great "worth", even if it is just to some internet nerd.


Oct 25, 2017
Keita Takahashi just keeps putting out some of the most interesting and downright compelling stuff of the medium. I hope he finds some measure of personal success in all the wonder and thought his games bring to so many. Wattam is literally my most anticipated game this year.

Hear, hear.

Love his contributions to gaming (Noby Noby Boy is a seriously underrated game). Been patentiely for Wattam since the day it was revealed and I hope I'll get to play it this year.


May 8, 2018
Katamari is a treasure
One of my GOAT
The OST is memorable and the gameplay simple and addictive
Keita be strong, you're one f my heroes
Oct 26, 2017
Katamari for me was a liberating experience. It showed me that there is room for whacky humour and style in games.

So even if he never reads this: Thank you


Use of alt account
Oct 28, 2017
Oh thank god. I read the thread title and was expecting a link of him saying something abusive/fucked up to someone else. Didn't seem likely based on what I know about him, but you never know these days.

I love Katamari! It's one of those timeless games that always puts me in a good mood and I'm eagerly awaiting a PS4 version.


Nov 18, 2017
He always seems like such a downer. I should say he always comes across as such a downer. In some ways, I can see where he's coming from. But if I was him, in his position having created something that makes a lot of people happy...I'd be happy about that. At least I made a difference in a few lives out there. Katamari Damacy got me through one hell of an illness and without a doubt kept me from going mental while pretty much bed ridden for a few months.

I'd take an HD collection of all the games in one compilation any day of the week.


Oct 28, 2017
I really want to play Katamari again. Aside from scouring my parent's place for my old PS2 and the disc, is there any way to play these on modern consoles? Is there a way to digitally get it on ps4? Someone, please say yes!!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Very few games made me as happy as Katamari does. Rez maybe.

It's my go to game when I'm feeling down. And I'm feeling down a lot. It'd be cheesy to say that this game changed my life but eh, it made it better.


User requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
I bet he considered Katamari Damacy a success up until Namco started sequelizing it without his consent. He probably thought that was missing the point.
Apr 25, 2018
Rockwall, Texas
I bet he considered Katamari Damacy a success up until Namco started sequelizing it without his consent. He probably thought that was missing the point.

I doubt it. It was probably once they started sequalizing it that he became depressed at the notion that the ultimate success of the game was that it got sequels, something he clearly isn't a fan of. In that way the game failed for him. I get what he's trying to say though and in a lot of ways the most creative people are the most depressed. Part of swinging so heavy in one direction.


Nov 18, 2017
I really want to play Katamari again. Aside from scouring my parent's place for my old PS2 and the disc, is there any way to play these on modern consoles? Is there a way to digitally get it on ps4? Someone, please say yes!!
Katamari Forever on the ps3 is the most recent console game. Touch My Katamari is the most recent on the Vita. KF is a compilation of levels from Katamari Damacy, We Love Katamari, and Beautiful Katamari.


Oct 26, 2017
Town adjacent to Silent Hill
While I don't completely relate to his frustrations, I do understand them. The games that get the most eyes at E3 tend to be on the safe and iterative side. The innovations we celebrate the most are ones that put slight twists on existing series or genres, but still very much follow existing moulds with very similar control schemes. It's going to be draining for folks trying to work with bolder ideas who want to expand what games can be. I remember how disappointed he was when there was talks for a Katamari sequel. He just wanted to make something else new, and making a sequel without having any substantial ideas to change things up, just made Katamari Damacy get absorbed into the machine he was trying to defy.

Curious about Wattam either way. We need more people like him.