
Oct 25, 2017
Doing stupid shit in Vault of Glass was more fun than any legit raid experience in Destiny 2. I'm still not sure if the dude waving his e-penis around about his raid kill was serious or not, lol.

It's hard to beat your first and hence VOG towers over every other raid in Destiny games. Bungie never caught that lightning into the bottle again.

Leviathan came close.


Nov 16, 2017
It is, to be fair, a very short and easy raid. Especially if you join a group as the only noob, you can probably knock it out in half an hour. You've got quite a few months with it as the relevant raid too.

Maybe you should play it instead of judging it by how it looks. I have no idea if raids look cool to onlookers, but I can tell you that playing them is amazing. They're so fun. Many expansions live or die based on them.
Yeah sure I haven't. Played D2 main story when it was released but stopped after a few hours cause it was so fucking boring. Maybe raids are brilliant. i doubt it.
May 19, 2020
It's hard to beat your first and hence VOG towers over every other raid in Destiny games. Bungie never caught that lightning into the bottle again.

Leviathan came close.
Destiny 1 had an atmosphere of "hey let's all fuck around and commiserate in this stupid game we were tricked into buying". Now Destiny community stuff is full of weird territorial behavior, treehouse mentality and sometimes baffling Bungie worship. Shame.


Oct 25, 2017
why do people continue with this fucking stupid narrative.

ANYONE can do the raid. LFG discords are everywhere. Clans are easy to get into. ANYONE can do the raid.

Yeah it's dumb. The raids are easy enough that most can have at least one person be completely carried. And if you actually put in the effort to find a group, you can. That is intentional, because if you don't care enough to find a group YOU WILL NOT BE A GOOD RAIDER.

Seriously, if you can't put in that amount of effort to FIND a group, then you will be a horrible raider and no one is going to want to play with you. Raids are not hard, they just take effort.

I have raided with people who got invited to a raid by their brother or whoever after not wanting to have to look for a group. It sucks. They never put in any effort at all and we fail for stupid reasons. People don't want to actually put any investment into what they do.

If you can't put in the effort to find a group, you are full stop going to be a bad raider. Not because it's hard, but because you couldn't be arsed to do something that is that simple. If you're that kind of person, I don't' know why you want to bother. You will not have fun, so there is no potential that you're missing out on.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
Sure you can. Just on the second fight alone you'd have to remove the triple role buffs, lock one of the levels out entirely, remove the boss debuff mechanic and remove the wipe mechanic for hitting things in the wrong order. Cut those out, you'll have a legit WoW LFR-tier raid experience.

/Every time WoW leaves in a single mechanic that requires communication it's always the most dire thing.
I am not familiar with Bungo's tools, but I don't think they have a 'WoW button' they can just push.


Jan 7, 2018
I haven't done a raid in destiny 2 due to lack of group finder but nice to see it in streams just got to be lucky to do them.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah sure I haven't. Played D2 main story when it was released but stopped after a few hours cause it was so fucking boring. Maybe raids are brilliant. i doubt it.

I mean it's main story was pretty ass so. Most Destiny campaigns aren't good. They know people are going to play them literally once and that's it. Forsaken is the only good one. Rise of Iron was....fine. Beyond Light's was....fine. Really more only good if you really like the lore and have been waiting for Europa like people like me have, so it's pretty hype from a lore standpoint. The lore they've been doing is a dream come true. If not, then like, it's...fine. It's serviceable. All the campaigns except for Forsaken are not anything worth writing home about.

I love how you just know better than like hundreds of thousands of players who raid even when they get no loot purely because they enjoy it so much. Lowkey egotistical af.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
I will never not be convinced the Destiny games are not a global scale case of emperors new clothes. Or stockholm syndrome. Or sunk cost fallacy.
Or something, cause whenever I see (or play, finished D1 as starved early ps4 owner) anything Destiny, it's just so bland and boring and just subpar compared to it's contemporaries. I truly just -dont- -get- why people love these games.
Same goes for vid in OP. Doesn't look like ass but also doesn't look good or fun either, at all.

Space age slide n slash with speed and numbers? Warframe is better.

Nearly filled out my condescending Destiny-hot take bingo card in a single post - most impressive.

If you don't get why the game sits on the looter-shooter throne for 6 years with a million players a day - may be the one with the problem is you?


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Nov 4, 2017
The easy mode raiding in Destiny is doing the raid any other day after day 1. None of the mechanics are as crazy as an Ultimate or even Savage mode raid in FFXIV. The hardest part is just getting the group together. So I completely support an in-game party finder that isn't the weird quarter-step Guided Games is.

I just don't think an LFR/easy mode would work with how the game is currently structured.


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
The entire raid was fantastic. The art team at Bungie continues to flex on everyone making shooters.

I will never not be convinced the Destiny games are not a global scale case of emperors new clothes. Or stockholm syndrome. Or sunk cost fallacy.
Or something, cause whenever I see (or play, finished D1 as starved early ps4 owner) anything Destiny, it's just so bland and boring and just subpar compared to it's contemporaries. I truly just -dont- -get- why people love these games.
Same goes for vid in OP. Doesn't look like ass but also doesn't look good or fun either, at all.



Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
The animation looks janky because third person is not the default camera view (it does make platforming easier).

And after doing Whisper of The Worm/Zero Hour mission, any platforming puzzle in Destiny looks "easy" in video than in actual practice.
Yes, exactly. What I'm saying is that it's not really a good showcase of the raid because the game is not intended to be played in 3rd person.

I wish they can provide an actual 3rd person perspective option, so that I can put more serious time with the game.
Oct 27, 2017
Destiny has a third person mode now? When did that happen? 🐢 It looks like Warframe now (not a bad thing)

The camera was my deal breaker, when the original game was announced.


Nov 16, 2017
Nearly filled out my condescending Destiny-hot take bingo card in a single post - most impressive.

If you don't get why the game sits on the looter-shooter throne for 6 years with a million players a day - may be the one with the problem is you?
Am I out of touch?
No, it's the children who are wrong.

seriously though, I guess the problem is with me. Or not, could be marketing and lack of good games in the genre. There isn't that much competition for destiny but that doesnt make it good. Borderlands could be, but it's also bad.


Oct 26, 2017
Destiny has a third person mode now? When did that happen? 🐢 It looks like Warframe now (not a bad thing)

The camera was my deal breaker, when the original game was announced.

it doesn't have a third person mode. it switches to third person when you hold a sword or something like that just like it did in destiny 1 day 1 with the supers.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I am not familiar with Bungo's tools, but I don't think they have a 'WoW button' they can just push.
My point was more about what kind of mechanics they'd need to remove to get it in the same ballpark as WoW LFR. I wasn't suggesting it would be easy. I was suggesting there wouldn't be much left afterwards, since you'd need to remove mechanics that obstruct vital information to specific players, kill a lot of the encounter-specific roles that create a lot of cross-talk, and keep everyone laser focused on the same objective at all times.

The Menagerie is basically the ceiling of what a Destiny LFR would look like.


Gameplay Programmer, Sony Santa Monica
Oct 25, 2017
I had to immediately seek out the music, so if anyone was looking for it on its own here it is:


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
I will never not be convinced the Destiny games are not a global scale case of emperors new clothes. Or stockholm syndrome. Or sunk cost fallacy.
Or something, cause whenever I see (or play, finished D1 as starved early ps4 owner) anything Destiny, it's just so bland and boring and just subpar compared to it's contemporaries. I truly just -dont- -get- why people love these games.
Same goes for vid in OP. Doesn't look like ass but also doesn't look good or fun either, at all.

Space age slide n slash with speed and numbers? Warframe is better.


Unlimited Capacity
Oct 26, 2017
Am I out of touch?
No, it's the children who are wrong.

seriously though, I guess the problem is with me. Or not, could be marketing and lack of good games in the genre. There isn't that much competition for destiny but that doesnt make it good. Borderlands could be, but it's also bad.

Destiny is not even remotely close to bad


Oct 29, 2017
I would love to raid but never do it. Because it is a hassle to get a functioning group together and i dont have Destiny 2 buddys that are a raiding group. Its a shame Bungie hasnt been able to figure this out for the casual player that also loved to do raids and want the loot.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Remember that "should we ban the term concern trolling thread"?

My answer to that thread was Destiny threads alone prove the term is usable.

Kinda sad tbh.


Oct 25, 2017
I watched a little of a few streamers try it and it looked awesome, hopefully I'll reach the LL for it in a week or two and can give it a try.

I'm about as casual player as it gets and managed to do Leviathan with a really nice group from the ERA Destiny discord. Didn't even have a mic and they were ace going through the mechanics. It's really as hard as you make it so I never really get the moaning about finding groups.

Blue Ninja

Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Looks cool as hell. I'll need to catch up on the lore once I'm done with the campaign, but I'm waiting for the next-gen patch.

why do people continue with this fucking stupid narrative.

ANYONE can do the raid. LFG discords are everywhere. Clans are easy to get into. ANYONE can do the raid.
Yes, in theory anyone can join raids. However, raids represent a barrier that most players won't cross, either due to lack of time investment, lack of eligible partners, or even simple fear of failure when partnered with toxic groups.

I raided a lot in the early D1 days and my current situation makes it nearly impossible to get a group together to raid, let alone complete them multiple times. I'm on the D-Era Discord, and even there it's almost impossible to get raid groups together for Xbox.

Yes, there are tools to make the process easier, but as someone who's been in plenty of LFG raids in my day: it's a frustration I can do without. I honestly prefer to unwind after work rather than trying to get a group together and end up having to bail before finishing.

That said, I always enjoy reading about new raids. I've never done Last Wish, but keeping up on the World's First Race in 2018 was special too. Seeing some of those dudes slowly slide into insanity was a thing to behold. Raids represent the pinnacle of Destiny PVE and I appreciate them for it, but they're something I simply can't get into anymore.

I'm not saying raids need to go or need matchmaking, since that simply wouldn't work. But implying that raids are easy to get into as a more casual Destiny player is simply wrong.

It's hard to beat your first and hence VOG towers over every other raid in Destiny games. Bungie never caught that lightning into the bottle again.

Leviathan came close.
Man, VOG was so good. That early mystery surrounding what a raid could be really did it. The starting area being in a public space was cool, too, and a great way to pique the curiosity of random players.

The encounters were simply fantastic, too. I still remember being so pissed at Bungie 'fixing' the "players further away get teleported"-strat against Atheon that I dropped the game until Dark Below had been out for a while.

Speaking of which, I'll always have a soft spot for Crota's End as a raid. Yeah, it was short and not very mechanic-heavy, but you could effectively two-man that thing if both of you know what you were doing. Not needing to get a six-man squad together was pretty great. Getting my Gjallarhorn drop from the Deathsinger was hype.

No raid after that really scratched that same itch. King's Fall was very mechanic-heavy and Leviathan was pretty meh imo. Never tried Wrath of the Machine, though it looked great. I liked the idea of the Raid Lairs, but apart from a single SoS clear I never managed to get a group together.
Last edited:


Feb 4, 2020
I've played all the raids in D1 but only done the first raid of D2 because I couldn't get my team together anymore and don't want to go LFG.

Having played D1 raids, I understand that what makes Destinry raids great is that they are designed around the fact that you will get together with your team to discuss and communicate to clear them so they can have many unique mechanics that's not possible otherwise.

After missing most of D2 raids though, I just wish they would do something for solo players not comfortable with playing with others to at least be able to experience the location and story and have some lite version of encounters or something. They seem cool and I don't want to just experience them through youtube or something like that.

why do people continue with this fucking stupid narrative.

ANYONE can do the raid. LFG discords are everywhere. Clans are easy to get into. ANYONE can do the raid.
Social anxiety and language barrier.

I saw many people not comfortable with matchmaking in FFXIV dungeons even though they don't require any communication and super easy to get through. But people with anxiety will always think they may fuck up somehow, not contributing enough or something along the line no matter how much they prepared. I also feel that in some degree so I get why many people are uncomfortable doing something like this.

Many people struggle to find a group in their native language that's not English. I'm somewhat comfortable with writing/reading/listening in English but actually talking with random people through a headset is a completely different story. For non-native speaker, shitty audio quality is a big deal. Not to mention some people's accent or people talking in grumble. For someone not used to speaking in English, anxiety also kicks in. Destiny raids require some degree of communication and many PUGs won't let you in if you won't talk.

I also like experiencing games blind, which is pretty much impossible for Destiny raids with anxiety and language barrier without friends.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
I've not played Destiny actively for a few years now, when new raids drop I get a bit sad because they're almost always phenomenal but I won't experience it.

Cool vid though, jump puzzles are good fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
I will never not be convinced the Destiny games are not a global scale case of emperors new clothes. Or stockholm syndrome. Or sunk cost fallacy.
Or something, cause whenever I see (or play, finished D1 as starved early ps4 owner) anything Destiny, it's just so bland and boring and just subpar compared to it's contemporaries. I truly just -dont- -get- why people love these games.
Same goes for vid in OP. Doesn't look like ass but also doesn't look good or fun either, at all.

Space age slide n slash with speed and numbers? Warframe is better.

You could have shortened this post to, "I don't know what I'm talking about."


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Unique experience in gaming, but I find them mostly inaccessible and opaque. The hoops you have to jump through to enjoy them just aren't for me anymore.

Menagerie/Prison of Elders were smaller versions of what I think raids ought to be.