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Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, but you also gotta keep in mind that the people who buy the Pro are also more likely to spend more money on games. My friends have the regular PS4 consoles and they rarely buy any games. They stick to things like Fifa and CoD. But I buy games pretty much every month. I am very much into gaming and I was willing to buy a Pro console for it.
For sure. I don't game as much but I have the beefier consoles as well. I like having the best. I'm just saying overall, even with bigger spenders, I don't know that the numbers always add up for the extra effort. Especially with titles like this. It sucks, no doubt.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
It is, it's a very small improvement in memory bandwith and capacity over the regular PS4, the One X delivers +50% in those areas over the Pro. If you are limited by memory bandwith or capacity, the Pro is not any better than a regular PS4

It has twice the GPU power of the standard PS4...

I'm going to be playing it on PC day one so I don't care either way


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
The game is ultimately funded by Take-Two, a company that as far as I'm aware has never neglected the ensure that Pro/X are supported on projects under their banner. I don't buy the theory that they couldn't afford these enhancements so MS had to give the project a boost them to focus on the X. How much of the overall budget do you think it takes to patch in enhancements?

This is all of games Private Division funded. Ancestors is coming out to PS4 and Xbox soon. We'll see if it gets "enhanced" as well.


Donald Draper

Feb 2, 2019
It is, it's a very small improvement in memory bandwith and capacity over the regular PS4, the One X delivers +50% in those areas over the Pro. If you are limited by memory bandwith or capacity, the Pro is not any better than a regular PS4
Lol as someone who has seen first hand the difference the PRO makes this is nonsense.


Oct 28, 2017
MS doesn't really have a hand in this game aside from some marketing, so I doubt they did this.

MS doesn't own the IP, nor the publishing rights.
One of the reasons Obsidian went with PD was to keep IP ownership. So MS does own it. Publishing rights and first refusal could still be involved but MS could deal with that if they ever end up doing another.


Oct 22, 2018
maybe it is ms doing something fishy here.

But I still doubt it. They're still the most open out of all three platform holders. Minecraft PS4 is still updated to this day despite Sony denying the Bedrock version. Hellblade still got a physical release on PS4 much after the NT acquisition.


Oct 29, 2017
maybe it is ms doing something fishy here.

But I still doubt it. They're still the most open out of all three platform holders. Minecraft PS4 is still updated to this day despite Sony denying the Bedrock version. Hellblade still got a physical release on PS4 much after the NT acquisition.

agreed, everyone wants to blame MS but they're easily the most pro consumer company out of any console manufacturer


Oct 26, 2017
Orange County
It is, it's a very small improvement in memory bandwith and capacity over the regular PS4, the One X delivers +50% in those areas over the Pro. If you are limited by memory bandwith or capacity, the Pro is not any better than a regular PS4

I honestly am not tech saavy enough to know how much the numbers break down but I'm assuming since the architecture of all the consoles are now so close that adding enhanced features to the PRO isn't a difficult process (Correct me if I'm wrong) and that it doesn't really make sense not to support it if you already have another superior version on the X.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep. And honestly, a game not being X enhanced or poorly enhanced for the X is a common occurrence. Funny seeing the outrage when it's currently the other way around.
I think the differences can be easily explained by the fact that there's way more pros sold than X honestly.


Oct 25, 2017
The game is ultimately funded by Take-Two, a company that as far as I'm aware has never neglected the ensure that Pro/X are supported on projects under their banner. I don't buy the theory that they couldn't afford these enhancements so MS had to give the project a boost them to focus on the X. How much of the overall budget do you think it takes to patch in enhancements?
Kerbal space program enhanced edition, the only released game by this publisher does not.

The point of Private Division is to find smaller budgeted games.


Oct 26, 2017
Not a great sign that the performance will be acceptable, already had extremely low expectations given Obsidian's past shitshows on console, but I was waiting to see how bad it will be before deciding on buying it soon anyway, I'm expecting I'l probably get to it next gen after this.
May 10, 2019
why are you in love with an inanimate object?



Oct 25, 2017
Love how this thread is filled with "No buy then" posts but the threads about the actual game I've seen none of you... surely you guys were interested in the game lmao

Also, the logical conclusion is that there was supposed to have no enhancements to both consoles and MS stepped in provided resources and maybe its own engineers to help Obsidian to enhance the game after talking to the Private Division
Jun 22, 2018
That is completely immaterial when the argument against exclusive modes was always that people who pay the same $60 should get the same product.
I agree that people should get the same content for their $60. Visual enhancements aren't content, though.

Base PS4 owners, base X1/S owners, and people with really crappy PCs don't get these enhancements either, because their hardware isn't capable of it.

So, visually settings vs content isn't really the same issue.


Oct 27, 2017
they could of at least done some basic scaling, no bells and whistles just increase the resolution by how much Pro is more powerful than base


Oct 26, 2017
They're trying to get people hooked on the service and get them to not unsubscribe. So, once the trials wear off people will be paying $10-$15 / month for the service. You get enough people doing that and they'll start being profitable on all the game deals they're making.
i really wonder about that. i feel like this is just going to lead to more microtransactions in the end.

Dr. Zoidberg

Oct 25, 2017
Decapod 10
Has anyone from Obsidian commented on this? The quote from Private Division may have only referred to resolution or something. This just seems like one of those situations where we all grab our pitchforks and torches before we have the whole story.


Oct 28, 2017
Insomniac are literally about to release a PC exclusive game, but sure Sony would break a contract that was signed before they were a studio owne because reasons.

I don't get how that is comparable. Sony has also released PC exclusive games in the past. I don't think Sony considers themselves in direct competition with PC.


Oct 27, 2017
Microsoft is not even publishing the game so I doubt they had any say on it.

Honestly think whatever enhancements they had in store just weren't stable enough on the Pro so they left it alone. Wouldn't be the first game.
Oct 25, 2017
Meh lame, I planned on checking the game out on Gamepass with my X1X and if I liked it buying it on my Pro. Probably still at least check it out but not buying it if it doesn't get patched.

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
Damn. I can't wait to hear how the game won't work portably on the Switch. At least I'll know it's Microsoft's fault. /s


Oct 25, 2017
Such a shitty move and now considering cancelling my pre order. Fuck for a second I don't believe this was MS doing. Of course it would have.
Those saying MS are consumer friendly must forget when the 360 was lead console how they were. And you can't point to Switch ports because the obviously do not see the Switch as a direct competitor


Oct 28, 2017
Such a shitty move and now considering cancelling my pre order. Fuck for a second I don't believe this was MS doing. Of course it would have.
Those saying MS are consumer friendly must forget when the 360 was lead console how they were. And you can't point to Switch ports because the obviously do not see the Switch as a direct competitor

Can you link me to the proof that Microsoft is the reason for it?


Jan 8, 2018
Wow people really quick to jump to conclusions here. Who is to say there was any enhanced version on pro or one X but MS funded the one X version?, sounds like the reasonable take on this till we get more information.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
This game is an easy pass.... an easy game pass.
But I hope something is done to patch in an a pro mode but I'm betting on not likely. This game will probably be the best gamepass launch game this year. (I didnt play gears so I cant answer that one... unless forza was then thats the competition for best gamepass launch game of the year)


Oct 27, 2017
Ouch. 😐
Had this preordered on some trade-in offer. I will switch my order to something else and pick this up in a sale later (if it gets patched). A shame, I really wanted to support this.


Oct 25, 2017
Can you link me to the proof that Microsoft is the reason for it?

can you link me that it wasn't?

look if it was not I do not mind being wrong, but I just can't understand how it couldn't have nothing. I will probably end up keeping my pre order because I want this game pretty bad, but it's still frustrating.

Loan Wolf

Nov 9, 2017
I'm sure the PC experience will be better down the road with the modding potential barring any dick moves Microsoft tries to pull. Shame for PS4 users though.


Oct 26, 2017
Not really affected by it, as I'm getting this through Game Pass Ultimate, but this is really strange. I can understand why people are suggesting that this might be because of the Microsoft deal, when they already have Xbox One X enhancements done, and it shouldn't be hard to replicate this for the Pro. We know how (relatively) little effort that requires, judging from various developer comments in the past. That was the point of mid-gen after all.

Sony literally pays to keep entire exclusive parts of a games away from all other platforms, nobody says anything.

We get a rumor that it's Microsoft's fault there won't be a PS4 patch and every one won't buy it now hates Microsoft and F Obsidian.

There are probably ~1000 posts about Sony's exclusive Modern Warfare deal in this forum alone, is this what you mean with "nobody says anything"? Come on dude.
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Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
The PS4 Pro is probably just too weak to justify them wasting extra development time on enhancements given how other games have either been 1080p or at best 1440p on the Pro.

This is nonsense. The PS4 Pro is close to 130% more powerful than a standard PS4. At the very least they could have upped the resolution.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Love how this thread is filled with "No buy then" posts but the threads about the actual game I've seen none of you... surely you guys were interested in the game lmao

Also, the logical conclusion is that there was supposed to have no enhancements to both consoles and MS stepped in provided resources and maybe its own engineers to help Obsidian to enhance the game after talking to the Private Division
We don't tolerate Logic around these parts boy!
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