
Oct 27, 2017
Yes I get these very frequently. It's a recurring nightmare.

And it often plays out almost exactly how the OP described it. It's kind of eerie how accurate that is.

This is another variation of the nightmare that I get sometimes.

My college years were definetly the most depressing period of my life, and I had pretty bad suicidal ideation at points during that time. So these dreams often leave me fucked up for much of the day even after I wake up.
Yeah me too, almost followed through a few times too. I'll never understand how folks can say "College years are the best years of your life" like what fucking planet did you grow up on!?


Jan 8, 2018
This used to happen to me a lot, with both HS and college. I did not do well when I went to college and barely passed. There was lots of anxiety around passing my classes. Funny thing is, once I went back to school in my mid 30s, got my act together and graduated with really high grades (aced Calc as opposed to failing it for example), the dreams went away. :)


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah me too, almost followed through a few times too. I'll never understand how folks can say "College years are the best years of your life" like what fucking planet did you grow up on!?
If you think that's wild, there are people who say that about high school. That utterly terrifies me.


Nov 1, 2017
I never went to college, so this dream manifests as me plum forgetting that I never graduated High School (even though I did) and going back to finish my last few credits. I feel super weird being in my 30's going to school with teenagers so I hide around the halls trying to avoid being seen, then get to my class and from there it gets kind of mushed together - I keep forgetting what classes I need to attend and realize I'm failing most of them, then I head to administration office to beg to just let me graduate so this whole embarrassing affair will end and then I wake up.


Oct 27, 2017
yeah i constantly dream i haven't graduated high school yet and i'm 40. during the dream the whole age thing eludes me then when i figure it out i wake up


Oct 27, 2017
I actually did better through most of college than I did in high school (not that I had horrible grades in high school, I just found the "structure" of college better for me), but I know for a fact there were at least two semesters in undergrad where I had to drop courses after "testing" them out the first week to see if I felt I could work them in with my required course load. One time it was kind of an "elective" math course, the other time I registered for two courses that satisfied the same requirement in my curriculum but I wasn't sure which I'd prefer so wanted to go to the first class of each and decide then.

I think I get this dream because I distinctly remember the anxiety of having to make the decision of whether to stay in those courses or not and make it to the registrars office if I wanted to drop before the withdrawal deadline (which was only like two weeks after the semester starts) so that the course didn't show up at all on my transcript instead of showing up as a "withdraw."


Nov 2, 2017
Your mind is racing trying to remember where exactly your classes are and you find yourself in a classroom when it hits you that you haven't attended this class in months for whatever reason. Did you forget about it? You see the professor is handing out an exam….will you pass this semester or not?

The "I haven't attended this class in months" dream is a very specific one I have often. And I only ever have it about undergrad and never grad school. Almost 20 years later and a masters degree in hand, I still have anxiety dreams about undergrad classes.

This is so funny. I have this exact same dream regularly. It's so stressful lmao.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 25, 2017
Funnily enough I don't have university dreams like that anymore, but for some reason in my dreams I'm back in high school starting over as a freshman in my current age (and in my dreams I acknowledge I already finish college) so I'm confused why I'm stressed out about finding classes I didn't know I was in at the end of the semester.


Oct 28, 2017
I never had any post-secondary education, but I do remember having dreams about being back in high school for at least 6 years after I graduated. If it wasn't dreams about being back in high school, it was at least dreams that involved people I went to high school with, usually people who I never bothered keeping in touch with (if I bothered talking to them at all).


Oct 27, 2017
I'm in my late 30s, and I have multiple graduate degrees, but I don't have dreams about going back to college, my nightmares are that I have to go back to high school to take a prerequisite class I didn't know about.


Dec 17, 2017
Truly a bullshit dream in the pantheon of bullshit dreams.

My version feels particularly cruel. My school had trimesters. It's week ~7-8 out of 10, when I waltz into the class after having skipped like 6 weeks. It's not exam day yet. In theory I have enough time to "fix it" if I completely bust my ass, but realistically it's just out of reach. The false glimmer of hope just gives me extra anxiety trying to "figure it out".

I never had issues in school either. Never dropped or failed a class or even got anything below a B. The school experience somehow traumatized us all.


Nov 2, 2017
Yep, me too. Usual song and dance- Final exams are coming up.. For some reason I I didn't go to any classes, don't know the material at all, know I'm going to bomb, and have to come back another semester.

Keep in mind, I'm 44 and graduated back in 2001 and the dream still happens. Funny thing is I still wake up with this feeling of existential dread that persists to my awoken self. I then lay in bed awhile, absolutely NOT wanting to get out of bed and face things. After a while, my mind starts thinking.... "Wait.... you graduated." And then the sweetest feeling of relief comes over me.

The funny thing is, there is some basis in reality for this. While I did decent most of my college career- the senior year- last semester in particular- I was just DONE. Deathly tired of academia, didn't want to go to class, definitely didn't want to study/do-homework. Just came off the peak of the PS1/N64 generation. The PS2 just launched and was having a blast playing Dreamcast and that's pretty much all I cared about. (For my money, this remains the best time in gaming)

I did skip attending lot of classes- there was a Philosophy elective I know I attended sparsely-went to maybe half of the main lectures, and all but none of the small group sessions. Whatever I put on my papers which the grade was based on was utter bullshitting, and I somehow eked by. And I had that one high level economics course I had to take three times until I got finished with a C, which was the real problem and the source of a lot of this trauma I still dredge up.


Oct 26, 2017
Atlanta, GA
You're moving through hallways or on campus, feeling like you just got back to school after some sort of break. Though you're the only one who took this break. Everyone else knows what they're doing.

Your mind is racing trying to remember where exactly your classes are and you find yourself in a classroom when it hits you that you haven't attended this class in months for whatever reason. Did you forget about it? You see the professor is handing out an exam….will you pass this semester or not?

There are other variations but does anyone else here get these dreams (nightmares) every once in a while? Lol I graduated from university about 6 years ago but from time to time I wake up extremely stressed from dreams like this. A couple of my friends told me they also experienced similar dreams.

Holy shit I get this specific dream ALL THE TIME.

As you say, the two parts that are constant:

1. I can't find my schedule and so can't find my classes.

2. I arrive at a class and realize I've never attended the class all semester, and now there's an exam.

The weird thing is that I was really diligent in school, and did rather well. None of this ever happened.


Oct 30, 2017
Don't have these often, but I did have one of these just a few months ago. It was incredibly vivid. I was absolutely convinced that I had avoided going to these classes and that the consequences of that were about to bite me in the ass hard. It was awful lol, so glad to wake up with a master's degree.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017
Been out of school for 15 years, and now its 20 years since High school and I still get this dream.

I'm back in one of three classrooms (either one of two rooms from high school or one specific class from university), I haven't studied I am not prepared and It is exam day.

I get the high school one far more often than the university one. But the "wait, what?!?!?" when you wake up is incredible.


Oct 25, 2017
I finally seem to have stopped having them now ten years removed from graduation, but I definitely had them for years. Not really sure when they stopped happening. Don't worry though, your brain will find other shit to have anxiety nightmares over.


Oct 27, 2017
It's a common occurrence for me, even two decades after university. A frequent variation has me realizing that I was in some art course where I failed to finish numerous huge paintings. I wonder if that has something to do with the regret I have from pretty much dropping recreational art from my life for many years.


Oct 27, 2017
Oooooh yeah, this dream I still can wake up from and feel both fearful and pleasant at the same time.

The lessons often don't matter all that much, and yet the idea of missing a class or the feeling of attending the wrong one for who knows how long, and oh shit you left your schedule at home but maybe you can access it on your phone oh shit what's your password this isn't even real wtf, is just the right amount of surreal for this totally innocent dream to sit on the cusp of a goddamned nightmare.

The human brain is bonking bonkers


Oct 25, 2017
It's been 30 years and I still occasionally have a dream where its the end of the final semester and I suddenly realize that I don't have enough credits to graduate.


Oct 29, 2017
Wow, crazy, I get this exact nightmare all the time.

I thought it was because I actually did not show up to high school. These things actually happened: What's my schedule again? Where's my locker and what's the combo? What's my lunch number again? And the constant fear of going back to class and not understanding the material. The administration probably broke some rules with me as it was a slam dunk truancy case. But I kept getting C's somehow and they knew I wasn't doing drugs or anything... Just at home playing video games.
Oct 26, 2017
I get this every once in a while. It's always finals day and I'm going to a final for a class i only went to a few times. Usually just stress out until i realize it's a dream and wake myself up.

There's a real sense of relief waking up from that dream so i don't mind it so much. Like whatever bullshit I've got going on in real life is not as stressful as that dream at least.

Cipher Peon

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I've had this dream about Math Methods in Economics several times since graduating.

My most recurring nightmare

Mathematical Methods: Economics provides students with an introduction to quantitative techniques used in economics such as matrix algebra, one- and multi-variable differential calculus, and unconstrained and constrained optimization. The emphasis of the instruction is on the application of these techniques to fortify and broaden a student's understanding of traditional economic topics like utility maximization, cost minimization, duality in consumer theory, expected utility, and profit maximization.

Ex Lion Tamer

Oct 25, 2017
I still have these dreams (although it's become more rare) from law school but graduated 6 years ago. It's always about the final exam of some class and I literally can't put pen to paper. And with law school the final is usually your entire grade for the class and it's on a strict curve against your fellow students.

In short, fuck law school lol it's designed to be a stress box.


Oct 25, 2017
i have this dream where my daughter-in-law kills me for the money she thinks i left them in the will

Claire Delune

10 Years in the Making
Oct 25, 2017
Greater Seattle Area
The top three anxiety dreams I have are this, my teeth falling out, and a more nebulous one where I'm trying to get somewhere through various means of transportation but I can never get there for reasons.

Pretty sure I had, like, all three last night.


Jun 15, 2022
United States
I never went to college so I get these dreams about high school. I did poorly in HS and skipped A LOT because of anxiety and depression so I often dream about how shitty that time period was and that I'm really behind compared to my peers. At some point in the dream I remember I'm not a teenager and that I have a career so who cares lol.


Oct 27, 2017
I usually dream about attending 3 out of my 4 classes and realizing I completely forgot about the 4th one. It's then followed by me obsessively checking online to see what I can to do to get my grade to a passing level.


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 17, 2018
I really wonder what the psychological basis is for "dream about a class you forgot you're supposed to be attending." It's so universal and easily my most recurring dream. I'm always one forgotten class away from graduating!
Dec 30, 2020
Now that I teach I sometimes have the dream where I've forgotten everything I'm meant to lecture in a day.

Although this has subsided ever since the day I lectured on cold meds and forgot how subtraction works.


Oct 28, 2017
Never had any single dream about failing anything at school. Probably because i never cared enough about those or worked to get them (even if i did).


Oct 27, 2017
Yep I have had a similar dream where I am back at school and I am the only person that skipped classes for a whole year and now I am panicking that I won't pass the year. Luckily I have not dreamed it for a while now but at some point it was almost daily.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm in my 30s and I get them maybe once a month still.

I'm also always trying to remember my locker combination.

Weirdly the school building is always a complete fusion of almost every school I went to


Happy New Year!!
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
the real nightmare sets in when i realize i dont have enough credits to graduate if i drop the class


Apr 26, 2022
Less than 10yrs since graduation, I still regularly see these where I have to do some missed courses again for some bs reason or that I never handled the graduation properly etc.

Second variant is that I'm in the army again, losing the track of my equipment & being constantly late from everything.
Jan 4, 2021
I thought I was the only one! I'm 39 and once a year have a dream where I show up to a surprise midterm for an actual class I took on mathematical models of kinship. it was so dry and so boring, and i was already over extended that quarter, so I didn't show up to class a lot, and when I did nothing made sense. I passed by the skin of my teeth


Oct 28, 2017
Mine have mostly shifted to being in a work meeting and supposed to present something I have not done, or completely missing an important meeting or event.


Nov 29, 2017
Man I shit you not - it's not even failing a test or something, I have a recurring nightmare that I'm about to graduate but completely forgot about attending a specific course and taking exams or doing any work for that course. I typically wake up drenched in sweat.