
Jun 22, 2022
I also still get these dreams and glad to hear that other people experience it. It's always this English class which i haven't attended at all. And this class is core to my curriculum and if I don't graduate i can't get into college.


Oct 25, 2017
Surprisingly, I had these nightmares all the time while I was actively in University but since graduating I can't recall having it a single time. I get plenty of other bad dreams to make up for it though.

Grain Silo

Dec 15, 2017
Yup. I've had a recurring dream that I have a full curriculum of 4 or 5 courses that I needed to be attending each week and didn't go to any of them past the first class, with the anxiety that accompanied that. I was stuck in a spiral where I couldn't suddenly start attending class and thus admit to my blatant truancy.


Oct 25, 2017
I've had this for Mathematics in final year of high school.
That I've done all the exams and think it's over, that it's now time to go to university and have a good few years...but don't realise that tomorrow is actually the last one and it's mathematics. And I've not prepared at all for it, I've missed classes all semester so I've got no idea and I don't have enough time to self learn, and I am inevitably going to flunk.

Sometimes there's variation of this dream, where I basically forget that there's a mathematics exam and only find out the day after.

The funny thing is...I never flunked mathematics be it in school or university.
The only time I ever flunked was physics in 12th grade school.

"I am failing my classes" is an expression of stress. You know something is going wrong and you need to deal with it.

"I enrolled in a class and forgot to go" is an expression of anxiety. You have a feeling that something bad is happening, but that you won't know about it until it's too late.
Hot damn...that actually makes sense.
I had the former when I was living with my GF and she was having her mental health issues and making sure she is taken good care of kept me stressed all the time. I had the latter when she left me and I started feeling like I'm going to be alone forever.
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Oct 27, 2017
Mine are about highschool instead of college for some reason. I can never remember my locker combination or find the class I'm supposed to go to since I can't get into my locker to get my schedule. I then walk around the school after the bill avoiding being caught while I look for the right room and gradually realize I am a grown ass adult with a job and have no idea why I am in highschool but I must have missed finishing a certain class or something. I never dream about college for some reason, must not have been stressful I guess.


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Oct 26, 2017
I had those for 20 years. I blame dropping out of college early.

Now I'm in school again and getting a 3.6.

But when I graduate next year they'll come back I'm sure.

Mine are about highschool instead of college for some reason. I can never remember my locker combination or find the class I'm supposed to go to since I can't get into my locker to get my schedule. I then walk around the school after the bill avoiding being caught while I look for the right room and gradually realize I am a grown ass adult with a job and have no idea why I am in highschool but I must have missed finishing a certain class or something. I never dream about college for some reason, must not have been stressful I guess.

A couple times a year I dream that my entire class is informed that our diplomas are invalid and we have to redo our last year.


Oct 28, 2017
Mine is always realizing I was enrolled in a class that I never attended and the final is coming up. Hasn't happened for a while but I finished college 19 years ago.


Oct 27, 2017
The dream I keep having is that I go back to college and then quit after a semester. I wait a year or two, then go back. And quit. Over and over and over. And for whatever reason, my friends are all still there but we always live in different dorms than the last time.


Oct 27, 2017
I graduated 10 years ago and these dreams still happen. The fear that you realized you missed a whole class all semester feels so real, despite that never happening to me lol

Ironically they didn't actually start happening until like 3-4 years after I graduated.


Oct 27, 2017
I had to take college-level french in Quebec as it's required to even graduate with the full diploma. Ended up having to do it over as a summer course but I think with it being in the summer its requirements or standards are a lot more relaxed since I was in no way fluently bilingual magically but thankful I got a passing grade. Otherwise, I would have had to burn a full fall semester just for french. ugh....

Immigrants have it even worse, they have to attend full french schools as far as I understand. I was grandfathered in due to my parents attending english school in Quebec. So I was a "historic anglo" and get the option of english services and newcomers do not. Some straight up dumbo rules.

Capt Sensib1e

Jun 4, 2022
I never attended my Computer Algorithm class and just showed up to take the final exam and got the highest grade in the class (your final grade was your semester average or your finals grade, whichever was higher).


â–˛ Legend â–˛
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I have these but for high school, not for uni. Shit is weird.

Shit, I did not study for Math!


OG Direct OP
Oct 25, 2017
This is the primary reason I don't want to go back and finish my Masters. Stopped about 2/3rds of the way through almost 8 years ago.
Jul 20, 2018
30 years after leaving school, I still have a dream every few months that I have not written an assignment for my English Lit class, or started reading the book yet.

Last time it happened I woke up in a total panic until the sleepy fog lifted and I remembered that I passed my English A-Level in 1994!


Oct 27, 2017
I also sometimes have dreams that I was back in highschool and I even think to myself "hang on, im in my 30s. Why am I in highschool?". But then for some reason I just go "oh well" and just roll with it.


The Fallen
Oct 5, 2018
I always thought this was only in cartoons but now as an adult I have these dreams and they are like some of the most vivid dreams ive ever had lmao. i wake up worrying about assignments even tho I've been through with college for 5 years


â–˛ Legend â–˛
Oct 25, 2017
I definitely have multiple dreams of being in a certain class and doing incredibly poorly. I've often wondered if this was memories of one class I actually did take, or just something I imagined. I wasn't the best of students in college so it could be many different possibilities. It was some elective/outside my major...I might have just gone a few weeks and dropped it maybe. I suppose I could confirm with my transcript but I really don't want to look that that :P

I'm also one of those people that forgets most dreams almost instantly after waking up, which doesn't help.


Deploying the stealth Cruise Missile
Oct 27, 2017
I'm more than 10 years removed from College now, and haven't really had that dream in the last couple of years.

But I can still remember the fear vividly waking from those dreams.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh god I've had these multiple times. It's always a math class and I always go to it and realize I've forgotten to attend it in months and have a test. Lately I've also been having one where some kind of break is almost over and I haven't started some huge English project that's due at the end of the break when we're back in class.


Oct 25, 2017
I also still get these dreams and glad to hear that other people experience it. It's always this English class which i haven't attended at all. And this class is core to my curriculum and if I don't graduate i can't get into college.
This is almost identical to mine and it's always an English class for me as well. I can vividly remember looking at my class schedule and trying to figure out which room the class is in. It always dawns on me at that point that I haven't attended any of the classes.. then the bargaining begins. "What can I do to get out of this mess?"

I haven't had this dream in over a couple of years now which is in line with my anxiety levels dropping. These dreams are somehow more vivid and impactful than the worst night terrors I've experienced.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been having these a lot lately. I studied music so it's stuff like a professor giving me hard time about scales or someone telling me I have to give a recital later that day.


Dec 10, 2017
This is my reality I wished it was a dream but I am the queen of procrastinators. I can pass all my classes with an A, all I have to do is four easy tests this semester but I am too lazy and burned out. Majoring in computer science sucks.


Oct 27, 2017
Omg, reading this thread is surrreal. I literally just had this nightmare and it's the one that occurs over and over. I was just telling my family about it.


Oct 25, 2017
I've had this dream a lot, more focused on secondary school rather than college, and I've been having it way more recently. The worst part is it I genuinely feel the passage of time during it. Like months pass during the dream where I keep saying I'm gonna study for this exam and it keeps getting closer. I feel like I age a year over night.
Oct 26, 2017
Interesting how the feeling on waking seems to be split. For me it's just like the movie clip, could wake up to getting punched and be like "thank goodness i don't have to deal with that mess anymore." There's always a huge sense of relief bowing out of that dream.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes. Less frequent now two decades later, but they still happen on the odd occasion. Normally the formula for me is that for unknown reasons I haven't attended any lectures for a specific module or done anything about it at all, but attend the final one before the exam, realise I'm almost certainly going to fail it and try to work out if I can get enough points whereby it won't stop me from graduating (in my uni you were allowed to get 30-39% in one module per year without having to redo).


Nov 24, 2017
I've had 2 recurring dreams in my life.

The first is I'm back in high school talking with friends in between classes and then I go to my locker and I can not remember the combination to the lock. I stand there freaking out, looking through notebooks for where I wrote the combo down but can never find it.

The second dream is I am back in the army, and it's almost time for morning formation and I can not find my hat, of course you can't go outside without your hat on and I'm freaking out tearing my room apart looking for my hat.

Edit: just remembered a third one, I've had it a few times but it's was never as often as the other two. This one I'd be back in high school and realize I am whatever my current age is at the time and for some reason I have to go back and pass classes again Billy Madison style. I always keep thinking, I graduated already why am I back repeating all of this again.
Oct 26, 2017
New Orleans
I can never remember where my locker is or what the lock combination is. PANIC.

The other dream I have involves two different cities, since I went to Uni in both. I'm always going to school in one and have to get to work in the other. PANIC.


Jun 16, 2020
I read this thread yesterday and I kid you not, I literally had a nightmare about it last night and another nightmare that my house was infested with a ton of cockroaches. I was at the end of the semester and there was a physics or chemistry class that I had not done anything for the entire semester and I was about to fail and it was going to keep me from graduating. I've had both of these kinds of nightmares plenty of times before but given the timing I can only blame this instance on me reading this yesterday.

In short, fuck this thread.


Oct 26, 2017
Not only I get them, I got different flavors of them. Some it's high school where I am taking a test without knowing anything about the material. And then there is the one where I am college where I founded out I registered for a class that I did not attend until the final week somehow and I am basically failing. And there is the one where I am graduating but I am in an exam where I don't know anything.

Like wtf brain? Why are you torturing me?


Oct 25, 2017
I had dreams of me being in college for a few years after I graduated.

Though I wasnt failing or anything.

Just a nostalgic trip seeing people I knew....though it was a bit weird - it got mixed with people I knew from previous jobs, high school and current work at times.

Thankfully I dont have dreams like that anymore - I just have some other weird dreams like being in another world lol.


Mar 3, 2018
Yup. I look at the test and I have NO CLUE what the fucks going on. Usually I wake up and for a second, and still think I'm in college and simply had a dream about current shit. Then I finally realize what happened.

Dr. Mario

Oct 27, 2017
I used to have dreams with fears of failing classes in high school (or people finding out I didn't get some credits and my high school diploma was voided) during my college years. And then I had dreams I failed classes and my Bachelor diploma was fraudulent during my Master years and my Master diploma was a lie during my PhD years. After that it... disappeared? Might have had one or two dreams later on, but twelve years since getting my PhD I'm a tenured professor and honestly I don't really dream about work or school (same thing) at all anymore, let alone have nightmares about not belonging.

My theory is that this dream is related to impostor syndrome. That feeling that you are out of your depth trying to fit in and any day now people are going to find out the fraud that you are. What better moment to relive this fear than the time you got found out on the regular during exams, so in school. And there are few professions where impostor syndrome is worse than being a PhD researcher. For me especially, I was a lousy 6/D student who somehow got a prestigious PhD project at the same university, so the stares by faculty members were real. Either it's because I lived through it so vividly, or because at some point I figured out that everyone is an impostor just trying to not get caught, and we should just accept who we are and our place in an organization, but that feeling went away completely, and the dreams with it too.

That, or it's because I got children, and they're much more potent for nightmares.


Scratching that
Oct 25, 2017
The "I haven't attended this class in months" dream is a very specific one I have often. And I only ever have it about undergrad and never grad school. Almost 20 years later and a masters degree in hand, I still have anxiety dreams about undergrad classes.
This is my regular one. So weird to see others have the same specific nightmare.


Oct 27, 2017
My dream is that I signed up for a course but never attended it and am freaking out.
Yeah this is always an essential element, despite never having skipped a lecture in university. I also know the exam is coming and refuse to do anything about it

The universality of this dream is a super interesting phenomenon, and really a testament to the universal collective trauma of scholastic stress. I guess it's just an archetype for performance anxiety
Oct 27, 2017
Newnan, GA
I have this dream, but with the twist that all of my classmates are from an incorrect period of my lifetime. So sometimes I'm in college, but my classmates are my high school friends. Or I've had dreams where I'm in high school, but all of my classmates are my current work friends.


Oct 25, 2017
Thread reminded me that i haven't had these in a while, i guess other shit replaced it.

I mostly had dreams about being late for classes, probably due to my skipping most of my first year of college to stay at home playing Baldur's Gate 2.


Sep 18, 2018
I have these all the time and it baffles me because I never had them when I was IN school. They are also very specifically set in some weird open world/back rooms hodgepodge school that looks nothing like anything I've ever attended.

I also usually get lost in them, which is doubly weird because I very rarely get actually lost. My sense of direction is better than my memory.