
▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Like an eager teenager with their first girlfriend, Disney reaaaaally needed to just slow down and not go so fast.

Deleted member 17810

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Some of these reviews are pretty terrible to be honest, and not in that they say the film is bad, but how they talk about the film. Everything I've heard is that the film is no better or worse than Return Of The Jedi.
Oct 27, 2017
Weird it didn't have the legs of TFA at the box office if it was just as well-liked.

Did you know that Empire made 40% less money than ANH? Would you say that this proves that Empire is much worse than ANH? Middle movies typically make the least. Same was true of PT. First movie gets audiences, and the finale brings them back with the promise that it's the end.


Oct 25, 2017
San Francisco, CA, USA
I have no idea what these two takes are about:

- "I don't fault RJ for how this trilogy turned out." Why not? He's responsible for 1/3rd of it and to be honest if I made a list of complaints about the trilogy, his entry would not exactly be free of criticism

- "I wish Rose was around to do more!" Why? Her only purpose seemed to be to rob Finn of agency -- literally incapacitating him twice, "teaching" him "lessons" -- and giving Finn a romantic interest due to TLJ's weird need to make Reylo a thing. What skill did you want to see more of, her telling Finn what to do, or her forcing Finn to do things by zapping him/wrecking his vehicle? (Note: I completely hate the way the fandom treated the actress though.)

Deleted member 17810

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Trust me, I would take that at this stage.

Who wouldn't! Return Of The Jedi is a wonderful and enjoyable film. Ending things is almost ALWAYS less satisfying compared to the highs and lows of the middle part of a trilogy. Perhaps The Last Jedi really was that good (I think it's amazing!) but I just cant shake the feeling that many people are just missing the point of Star Wars.


Oct 25, 2017
The fact it was so open was what was interesting to me, 9 could have gone anywhere.
If it "can go anywhere" because the 8th movie out of 9 wrecked what had been built up 'til then... It's not a good result.

What I can't wrap my head around (among other things) about Rian and TLJ is... What was the rush?
Why the need to set up TLJ mere hours after TFA, when letting some unseen story develop in-between would have served character development and the story a lot better?
Instead of resuming right on queue, let's say we catch up ... A year later. Heck, 2 years.
The crawl rapidly mentions the Resistance has been on the run, Rey training with a reluctant Luke, and Finn barely survived but trained a group of ex storm troopers guerilla fighters, while getting noticed by Rose, while Poe developed his command skills and is now third in command with Leia and Holdo, though still very much a hot head which worries them.
Cue unexpected arrival of the First Order at their current location.

Beyond that, TLJ also then rushes to do its treatment in a mere, what, 18hours including a vacation trip to Canto Bight?
No time for character or relationship development either.
Dunno.. TFA already seemed to have this problem, TLJ much moreso imo, and now some say that RoS has it x100.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
As early as 2013 Lucasfilm stated they intended for someone else to direct Episodes 8 and 9, and Johnson was hired in mid-2014 during filming for TFA. Abrams was never attached.

Every piece of behind-the-scenes information we've heard in the last five years makes it plain that there is absolutely no way Abrams could have written two entire screenplays for films that were never made. Production on TFA was so rushed and hectic that he barely finished that film's script before shooting started, when the hell did he have time to plot and write two entire other films he wasn't even hired for?

Actors are often misinformed about the screenwriting process. Daisy is the only person to ever claim that Abrams wrote "a draft" for these films and even she doesn't seem sure what she's talking about and has never read them. They don't exist. At best, he wrote a two-page treatment of ideas or something.

JJ Abrams was an executive producer on Episode 8, so he knew exactly what was happening when it was being wrote and executed.


Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
The acting in ROTJ is God-awful, it ruins the movie. But the set pieces are amazing, and thr Ewoks don't bother me - they're fun. Especially fun to the 12 year old in me who saw it in the theater.

Personally for me, the major problem with the Disney films is the John Williams score. There's not a memorable movement in any of the first two films. The themes for Kylo and Rey are underwhelming. Compare those with any of the Lucas films, which even the prequels have merit (Duel of the Fates, Across the Stars, Battle of the Heroes). Nothing from TFA ot TLJ comes close to those pieces.

The Resistance and Kylo themes are good. The Opening of The Last Jedi is an amazing medley


Apr 27, 2018
Did you know that Empire made 40% less money than ANH? Would you say that this proves that Empire is much worse than ANH? Middle movies typically make the least. Same was true of PT. First movie gets audiences, and the finale brings them back with the promise that it's the end.
Look at Avengers making 1.5 billion then AOU making 1.4. By this second movie argument AOU should have dropped to about 1 billion but it didn't. People make excuses for TLJ but maybe people just didnt want to keep going back to it?


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I have no idea what these two takes are about:

- "I don't fault RJ for how this trilogy turned out." Why not? He's responsible for 1/3rd of it and to be honest if I made a list of complaints about the trilogy, his entry would not exactly be free of criticism

- "I wish Rose was around to do more!" Why? Her only purpose seemed to be to rob Finn of agency -- literally incapacitating him twice, "teaching" him "lessons" -- and giving Finn a romantic interest due to TLJ's weird need to make Reylo a thing. What skill did you want to see more of, her telling Finn what to do, or her forcing Finn to do things by zapping him/wrecking his vehicle? (Note: I completely hate the way the fandom treated the actress though.)

She saves him... The character is able to be in this new movie only beause she did what she did at the end of TLJ...
Oct 27, 2017
If it "can go anywhere" because the 8th movie out of 9 wrecked what had been built up 'til then... It's not a good result.

What I can't wrap my head around (among other things) about Rian and TLJ is... What was the rush?
Why the need to set up TLJ mere hours after TFA, when letting some unseen story develop in-between would have served character development and the story a lot better?

That is the fault of TFA. JJ left the movie on a cliffhanger with Luke standing there. If Rian had skipped forward two years and had Rey say " I met Master Luke and he trained me a bit but in the end I went my own way," people would be furious that we never saw her meet him and all that happened. JJ should have never let the movie end that way because it forced whatever followed to pick up exactly at that point.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't know if people hate it, but it's just a weak movie, especially as a follow up to Empire. The writing is a mess, the characters are inconsistent, and structurally it devotes the first quarter of its run time to wrapping up Empire.
I disagree. The first half was exciting an a lot of fun saving Han. Theres no real second act but I honestly don't believe every movie needs a 3 act structure. The end is basically the shining example of how to wrap up a trilogy. Its basically perfect. Until this new one came out and shit on all of it.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Look at Avengers making 1.5 billion then AOU making 1.4. By this second movie argument AOU should have dropped to about 1 billion but it didn't. People make excuses for TLJ but maybe people just didnt want to keep going back to it?

Lmao, what are you even comparing? TFA was a phenomenon because SW was coming back to cinemas, specially for US people. TLJ lacked that, and the world doesn't even care that much about star wars as we've seen with the spin offs, i don't see how it's TLJ's fault considering how highly praised it was.


alt account
Jul 2, 2019
So is the PT. As I said, Star Wars has been in ouroboros mode since 1983.
At least the PT has entirely new worlds and designs. There's nothing as original as a pod racer, the spaceships, or naboo in the ST. Being narratively linked makes sense for a prequal. The ST didn't need to be so connected or dependent on what came before.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
If it "can go anywhere" because the 8th movie out of 9 wrecked what had been built up 'til then... It's not a good result.

What I can't wrap my head around (among other things) about Rian and TLJ is... What was the rush?
Why the need to set up TLJ mere hours after TFA, when letting some unseen story develop in-between would have served character development and the story a lot better?
Instead of resuming right on queue, let's say we catch up ... A year later. Heck, 2 years.
The crawl rapidly mentions the Resistance has been on the run, Rey training with a reluctant Luke, and Finn barely survived but trained a group of ex storm troopers guerilla fighters, while getting noticed by Rose, while Poe developed his command skills and is now third in command with Leia and Holdo, though still very much a hot head which worries them.
Cue unexpected arrival of the First Order at their current location.

Beyond that, TLJ also then rushes to do its treatment in a mere, what, 18hours including a vacation trip to Canto Bight?
No time for character or relationship development either.
Dunno.. TFA already seemed to have this problem, TLJ much moreso imo, and now some say that RoS has it x100.
Episode 8 could have started with Rey and Luke right after TFA, go into that a bit, and then do a time jump. Or the better way of ending the TFA was for Rey to go out looking for Luke, but didn't end up finding him for like a year.


Oct 27, 2017
If it "can go anywhere" because the 8th movie out of 9 wrecked what had been built up 'til then... It's not a good result.

What I can't wrap my head around (among other things) about Rian and TLJ is... What was the rush?
Why the need to set up TLJ mere hours after TFA, when letting some unseen story develop in-between would have served character development and the story a lot better?
Instead of resuming right on queue, let's say we catch up ... A year later. Heck, 2 years.
The crawl rapidly mentions the Resistance has been on the run, Rey training with a reluctant Luke, and Finn barely survived but trained a group of ex storm troopers guerilla fighters, while getting noticed by Rose, while Poe developed his command skills and is now third in command with Leia and Holdo, though still very much a hot head which worries them.
Cue unexpected arrival of the First Order at their current location.

Beyond that, TLJ also then rushes to do its treatment in a mere, what, 18hours including a vacation trip to Canto Bight?
No time for character or relationship development either.
Dunno.. TFA already seemed to have this problem, TLJ much moreso imo, and now some say that RoS has it x100.
I image the reason for no time skip was that Rian wanted to show people the lightsaber hand over and the fall out of it.


Oct 28, 2017
It is crazy to think how much different (and probably better) everything would have been if Carrie were still here... I don't think I've ever seen one death destroy a production like this before.


Oct 27, 2017
"I wish Rose was around to do more!" Why? Her only purpose seemed to be to rob Finn of agency -- literally incapacitating him twice, "teaching" him "lessons" -- and giving Finn a romantic interest due to TLJ's weird need to make Reylo a thing. What skill did you want to see more of, her telling Finn what to do, or her forcing Finn to do things by zapping him/wrecking his vehicle? (Note: I completely hate the way the fandom treated the actress though.)

imo Finn, as a character, needed shaping. His defining attributes up to that point were his cowardice and a personal obsession with Rey. Rose is an idealist who drives him to turn his energies toward a greater cause.

I can understand the point of view that Finn feels a bit lead around by the nose, but I also get that his treatment is a side effect of how his character was sketched in TFA.


Nov 11, 2017
Who wouldn't! Return Of The Jedi is a wonderful and enjoyable film. Ending things is almost ALWAYS less satisfying compared to the highs and lows of the middle part of a trilogy. Perhaps The Last Jedi really was that good (I think it's amazing!) but I just cant shake the feeling that many people are just missing the point of Star Wars.

Star wars isn't hard to grasp.

Lucas ripped off the uh, whats that, last tower? And just had a bare bones basic ass story.
It was coherent, that is the bar. It was cool, and cutting edge scince fiction / lame romance. Its not some grand depth here, which is why its embarrassing that they can't even hit those check boxes. All they had to do was introduce the universe to a new audience with some memorable moments and a journey. Just needed a direction and confidence in it.

Its such a great IP now, with millions of directions to go. They went the most lame-asted route possible with TFA/TLJ/ and seemingly this.

Rogue One had a point, and was confident getting there. It was awesome for what it was.


Oct 25, 2017
I came out of the movie. 56% is actually way too much for this movie. If one can call this a movie. It's a collection of fandom's wettest dreams with no coherence and with a flawed logic.

I understand now the comparison with GoT.

I have no desire to watch this mixed tape again.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Yes, clearly no other choice was available to the writers who were making literally every event up, than to have that be the event that was made up

Your complaint is Rose taking Agency from Finn in a movie where she's actually the one that saves him, and gives him a whole new movie to have agency in ROTS.


Oct 25, 2017
At 73 Rotten reviews it now has more Rotten reviews than TFA and TLJ combined. I'm kind of shocked to be honest.

I thought this would be a surefire crowd pleaser that would scrape together enough fun moments that critics would easily recommend it. Instead it seems to straddle the line of mediocrity enough that's causing more critics to give it a negative review.

It makes me even more curious to see it. I can't imagine I won't like it. I'm used to not loving individual Star Wars films, but I like all of them. So looking forward to Friday!

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I disagree. The first half was exciting an a lot of fun saving Han. Theres no real second act but I honestly don't believe every movie needs a 3 act structure. The end is basically the shining example of how to wrap up a trilogy. Its basically perfect. Until this new one came out and shit on all of it.

Fair enough. I do think the ending of ROTJ is really good and a good culmination of the franchise at that point. But I don't think the movie itself delivers at all. It's not a bad movie. It's not "prequels bad" or even regular bad. But I think it's really weak and has more faults than merits over all. The nonsensical plot to save Han takes me out of the movie a lot. Then once they get Han, it's like the movie starts properly.

I just don't like that at all. I don't enjoy watching ROTJ even though I like things from it. I really like Ewoks, as well, contrary to some.


Jan 2, 2019
If it "can go anywhere" because the 8th movie out of 9 wrecked what had been built up 'til then... It's not a good result.

What I can't wrap my head around (among other things) about Rian and TLJ is... What was the rush?
Why the need to set up TLJ mere hours after TFA, when letting some unseen story develop in-between would have served character development and the story a lot better?
Instead of resuming right on queue, let's say we catch up ... A year later. Heck, 2 years.
The crawl rapidly mentions the Resistance has been on the run, Rey training with a reluctant Luke, and Finn barely survived but trained a group of ex storm troopers guerilla fighters, while getting noticed by Rose, while Poe developed his command skills and is now third in command with Leia and Holdo, though still very much a hot head which worries them.
Cue unexpected arrival of the First Order at their current location.

Beyond that, TLJ also then rushes to do its treatment in a mere, what, 18hours including a vacation trip to Canto Bight?
No time for character or relationship development either.
Dunno.. TFA already seemed to have this problem, TLJ much moreso imo, and now some say that RoS has it x100.

Rian couldn't set TLJ two years after TFA because TFA ends with Rey encountering Luke.

Unless they somehow made it that Rey is meeting Luke 2 years right after the scene beforehand in TFA. But that would make no sense in the timeline.

The only other way is for TLJ to take place two years after Rey first meets Luke, but that would also make no sense.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
Rian couldn't set TLJ two years after TFA because TFA ends with Rey encountering Luke.

Unless they somehow made it that Rey is meeting Luke 2 years right after the scene beforehand in TFA. But that would make no sense in the timeline.

The only other way is for TLJ to take place two years after Rey first meets Luke, but that would also make no sense.
They could have started it 2 years into her training and flash backed to that moment they met
Oct 27, 2017
Look at Avengers making 1.5 billion then AOU making 1.4. By this second movie argument AOU should have dropped to about 1 billion but it didn't. People make excuses for TLJ but maybe people just didnt want to keep going back to it?

Keep in mind also that there were multiple movies in between A1 and A2, so A2 was more like a second ending movie (same as A1) for a series, not a middle-entry. In any case, you've already undercut your entire argument. If you insist that middle movies make less money because they are worse, then you are saying ESB was worse. In the end, box office gross can go either way in an argument about the quality of a movie. Would you argue that Jurassic World is better than ANH, ESB, or ROTJ? Because it certainly made more. Throw movies like Transformers in there, too.

You are free to dislike any movie you want, but claiming that a single specific fact about a movie's gross (that fits into historic patterns with other middle-movies) proves something is simply incorrect.
Oct 25, 2017
I came out of the movie. 56% is actually way too much for this movie. If one can call this a movie. It's a collection of fandom's wettest dreams with no coherence and with a flawed logic.

I understand now the comparison with GoT.

I have no desire to watch this mixed tape again.

56% is just how many people liked it, not the score.

Whats your score? 4/10?