
Dec 20, 2017
It's gonna be a nothing burger. The republicans just want to shift the blame, not improving gun laws.

Facebook subpoena proves that they knew shit about tech, and they just wanted to use this as a show on how they are concerned, show off their moral superiority.

It's a waste of time

Sou Da

Oct 25, 2017
User Banned (1 Day): Drive-By Trolling and Antagonizing Another User
subpar is a gimmick account


Aug 7, 2019
Which means that you would remove their gathering place, thus placing these people alone again.

I agree with the sentiment of not giving them a space. More importantly by not having a safe space online to lazily incense and persist crappy thinking with anonymity, people will hopefully mature. I was a dipstick teenager and did, and said, some things I regret now that I'm older and hopefully a little more mature :)

I'm thankful I didn't have the internet as we know it in 2019 during those years. Most people can grow out of crappy thinking, but some folks can wrap their identity around <thing> so tightly that they never make the next step. Or can make the next step! Change is scary. Being included feels good.

These spaces like 8chan don't nurture growth or understanding. They make a perpetual loop of of poop possible under the guise of "community" and "freedom".


Oct 29, 2017
These spaces like 8chan don't nurture growth or understanding. They make a perpetual loop of of poop possible under the guise of "community" and "freedom".

4chan circa 2004 was funny as hell. Nobody in mainstream humor was making those kind of jokes, and it all felt like sarcasm, antihumor, and exceptionalism. It felt smart, dangerous, and new.

But none of those gags fly with the uninitiated and suddenly you're in a position where everyone is telling you not to like the thing you like.

Then you're in the "us against them" space that causes people to act so god damn weird.

I knew a lot of people like this in the college dorms. Their obvious connection to the outside world, and culture at large, was the internet and 4chan. And none of that shit plays in real life. All of a sudden the edgy humor is vocalized and sounds more like a gross pantomime of whipsmart self awareness than the actual smug roguishness that carried the more tasteless jokes.

People who come up this way get alienated, and for the first time in history have a way to make a connection to millions of like-minded people around the world.

It's like politics: people find an echo chamber and then decide to live there.


Nov 6, 2017
They did, though. The Internet is a great way to get the hate across in a casual manner. There aren't many places off the internet where people get to gether and make bigoted jokes on the regualar 24/7. Without the Interner we wouldn't have the rise of incels because the internet acts as a way for these apart people to come together and act. A person is less likely to be hateful if they aren't associating with other hateful people. That's why deplatforming is a powerful action.
Incels are nothing new. It isn't that hard to find manifestos from before the internet that cover all of their sentiments. I think the internet now allows for incels to create their own echo chambers where their awful ideas are validated.

I don't know what the long term solution is because those spaces can be something as transient as a chat room.