Jetsun Mila

User requested ban
Apr 7, 2021
When we were small wee lads, me and my siblings had that game called Spyro: Season of Ice for the GBA. My siblings played some of it a few times so they knew how to play but I played I the most by far. Iirc you need to collect 99 fairies in this game to face the final boss and I stopped when i got 99 and decided to continue the next day. Only to come back to see that one of my siblings has beaten the boss and you cannot refight it anymore.
Isn't that bad because we didn't have much games and replayed them several times bit that exact same thing happened three times. By the fourth time, when the same thing happened with a visitor that happened to know the game I got sick of that and to this day I have never beaten the game properly.


Aug 30, 2021
I don't remember how it happened, but my 360 got jostled or something while I was playing Oblivion and I guess the laser burned a groove into the disc. Maybe it was something else, dunno. Anyway, because of that whenever I went to do the Dark Brotherhood questline the game would crash when I went into their hideout. So I basically resigned myself to never getting 1000GS because I couldn't do those quests.

When they announced BC for Oblivion like, a decade later, I was finally able to finish those quests because on the Xbone it didn't actually use the disc for anything other than a key. So I guess technically I did finally finish the game, but I didn't think it would happen. Anyway, CSB.


Oct 28, 2017
I ended up beating it, but I stopped playing Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance on the Castlevania Advance Collection for about a year because I hated how Juste's walking animation looked.

Also, I stopped playing Hollow Knight because I kept thinking that I "should" do the flower side quest, even though I'm aware that it's a side quest.
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Nov 2, 2017
Because its title wouldn't fit nicely in my games completed list - for instance it might break a pleasing pattern that already exists.

Yep, I win this thread.


Shinra Employee
Oct 28, 2017
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. I stopped playing the game after I heard about the Mein Leben difficulty lol. The game was incredibly challenging for me with a controller on lower difficulty settings, so I can't imagine attempting to replay it on a harder difficulty. Sometimes, it feels like the game wasn't designed with consoles in mind (or maybe it's just a skill issue.. I don't know)

Anyway, I usually wouldn't let trophies deter me from enjoying my games. However, the fact that there are FOUR trophies solely for the Mein Leben difficulty made me abandon the game altogether. Maybe I'll give it another try someday… maybe.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Never found a satisfactory control layout among the pre-configured templates in FF16. The game wears its DMC inspiration on its sleeve, but I wasn't able to find a control layout that felt right and fell off waiting for an update to add custom configurations right at the Protogenesis bit.

Now that the second DLC is out it was finally implemented, but I've probably forgotten too many plot details that I'm tempted to just wait for the PC version.


Nov 18, 2018
I stopped playing Shadow Gambit because of a control issue nobody else seems to care about or notice. Rotating the camera snaps the mouse cursor to the center of the screen and I hate it.

I dropped Xenogears right before entering the final dungeon for absolutely no reason that I can remember.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
I liked all the party members in Dragon Quest XI but I was looking forward to playing as Jade the most. Unfortunately it takes a while for her to join. Spent so many hours progressing the story, looking forward to my reward... only to quit immediately after she joined the party.

You see what started out as a sub goal gradually evolved into my main goal, so when I finally unlocked her it felt like I had done what I set out to do and I was satisfied to leave it there.

I don't regret it either even though it makes no sense.
Jun 3, 2018
I gave up on Outer Wilds because I decided I must become a master pilot to land on the super fast satellite (which is maybe end game?). I put as much hours trying to land my ship on that thing than I did playing the actual loop. Burned myself out and never went back.

The one close to the Sun where you get an achievement if you land on it manually? If so, that's where I stopped playing as well. I really wanted that trophy, couldn't do it and then gave up on the game altogether. Definitely a very stupid reason…


Sep 13, 2018
I bought Wolfenstein 2 and was halfway through, and then a friend came to my house to test it and overwritten my save in front of me.

I forgave him ofc, but that was a turndown for me to restart at the time (i found it way too hard). But i'll find the courage to do so. Someday.


Oct 27, 2017
Never was able to finish Batman Returns on Sega CD because I literally rolled over the disc with my desk-chair by accident. I still have the box.


Dec 18, 2017
Roseburg Oregon
I am at the end of baulders gate 3 and can't finish it, I loved the whole journey but just got exhausted. I'm the type that does all side quests etc. and now I'm just done and still have a few quests left before the end. Then god of war I keep trying to remind myself to go play it to beat it, but it's been so long I'll struggle with the controls.


Oct 28, 2017
I stopped playing Monster Hunter World because the realistic animations of injured monsters made me upset. Never happened in the numerous other monster killing games I've played.


Mar 8, 2024
GTA3. I think I did finish the story before that but I quit the game after the following.

I was doing the ambulance missions and I was on the last one. When I wanted to pick up the last patient some idiot NPC drove over him, killing him and failing the mission. I was so close. IIRC the reward was unlimited sprint if you finish it.

I took the disc out of my PS2 and threw it under my closet. I never played again.
This was the only real ragequit in my life.
When I moved out years later I found the disc again while cleaning everything up.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
i didn't beat ffiv the after years and dragon quest 3 because they were both on a phone that got completely wrecked when i was caught outside in a tropical storm, and i couldn't find a way to move the saves to my next phone

i was like halfway through the after years (just at the point it actually gets interesting and weird) and like 95% through dragon quest 3 (only the end-game region left)


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Fallout 4. I remember enjoying it, even if it was a bit samey after Fallout 3. 10 or so hours in, I reached a point where my inventory hit max capacity, and I had to decide which bullshit gear I was gonna drop on the floor. I decided I rather wouldn't, and I never played the game again.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
I've had games I couldn't finish because I started and binged them while sick. I'd miss like two days of work with the worst stomach and butt flu, feeling like I was going to die, and I'd just lay around puking and falling asleep suddenly while binging the new games I bought.

Then, once I was healthy and glad to be alive, the game just reminded me of being sick. It made me almost sick to my stomach to even think of playing it.

Panzer Dragoon Orta and Gladius is two of those. It also happened for books and movies.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
one weekend i was anxious and concerned about a friend so i played NFS Hot Pursuit to try to relax

the opposite happened, the game is now imprinted with my anxiety of those days and i can't play the game without recalling it

thankfully you can uninstall games, but uninstalling anxiety has not yet been achieved by science


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure if this is a known issue, but when I was a kid playing Wind Waker on the GameCube, I hit a game breaking glitch. I was at the part where you had to collect the tri force pieces from the ocean floor, and I think at the time I didn't have the patience to find the map, decipher it, and then locate the piece. So I bought the strategy guide to the game and just went to the locations to try to get the pieces and avoid the map part of it. I wasn't able to pull up any of the pieces. So I went back, got the maps and even then when I was right above the ring of light, I still couldn't pull them up.

I think me trying to pull them up without doing the map part first broke the game. Or I was a dumb 12 year old and didn't realize I was doing something wrong lol but either way I never beat Wind Waker until they did the HD one.


Oct 26, 2017
I lent Xenogears to a friend with a save just before the final boss. I'd fallen off of it after reaching the final disk (as it seemed the development team had as well!). I was in no hurry to finish it.

Years later, I asked that friend if he'd ever finished it. But he didn't remember borrowing it. I dropped it there because I didn't have enough affection for the game to push the issue.


Oct 29, 2017
There was a Wii title whose name escapes me. Some sort of Metroidvania with wind-themed powers? In any case, I was 90%+ complete when the game spontaneously kicked me out to the menu and deleted my saved game. I was so annoyed I never went back to it.
LostWinds. It's on Steam these days, along with its sequel.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I don't remember how it happened, but my 360 got jostled or something while I was playing Oblivion and I guess the laser burned a groove into the disc. Maybe it was something else, dunno. Anyway, because of that whenever I went to do the Dark Brotherhood questline the game would crash when I went into their hideout. So I basically resigned myself to never getting 1000GS because I couldn't do those quests.

When they announced BC for Oblivion like, a decade later, I was finally able to finish those quests because on the Xbone it didn't actually use the disc for anything other than a key. So I guess technically I did finally finish the game, but I didn't think it would happen. Anyway, CSB.

This was a very common issue in the 360 era, it was a design flaw where the laser lens' mount would literally cut the disc, rendering it unplayable. When I worked at GameStop we always had to check 360 disc trade-ins for that cut and we wouldn't take them if we saw the disc damage.


Self-Requested Ban
Sep 5, 2021
I got addicted to ff14 so I didn't finish endwalker (is this weird tho?)

also dying light, everytime I played it I was in slump and full of anxiety, so the whole game remind me of drab past and I couldn't continue playing it for a long time


Oct 29, 2017
Made it to level 99 on Gauntlet II on the NES with my friend, almost at the end, and we were about five hours in, which was a long time for a couple of kids, Suddenly we heard a loud clack from inside the machine, and the game cut off. The cartridge had flipped up inside the unit by itself, which is a known issue, but this was the first time it ever happened on my machine. There was no way to save the game, so that was it for the run.

My friend never wanted to play the game with me again, and I never managed to beat it alone.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
There was a disc packaged with a PS2 magazine that allowed you to compress save data so you could fit more on your memory card.

After using it a few times, it ended up corrupting my third party memory card and wiped everything.

I was about 2/3s of the way through Phantom Brave and was enjoying it. Never gone back to it since.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
My kid stole my gamefile for Spider-man 1.

I came home one day to find he had played it while I was at work. I was only like 2 hours in and suddenly the game was complete. He had been playing it for a few days afterschool.

I have yet to beat the game, despite later creating separate profiles for us.


Speaking of my kid, he stopped playing Diablo 3 splitscreen on PS3 with me because he hated the flies in Act 2. They were just super annoying for him.

Years later we beat Diablo 4 together, though.


Nov 7, 2017
Stopped playing Hogwarts Legacy coz the game locked me out of the Avada Kedavra spell for sending the only person I can learn that spell from, to jail. I was roleplaying my Gryffindor house traits to the T, so I had to send Sebastian to jail.

Now, the only way to get Avada Kedavra is to purchase the Dark Arts DLC, and because of my stance against microtransactions, I refuse. Hogwarts will remain dusty on my Steam game shelf. Or I could restart a whole new game/character, but I couldn't be arsed to trudge through all that again.


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 26, 2017
Stopped playing Hogwarts Legacy coz the game locked me out of the Avada Kedavra spell for sending the only person I can learn that spell from, to jail. I was roleplaying my Gryffindor house traits to the T, so I had to send Sebastian to jail.

Now, the only way to get Avada Kedavra is to purchase the Dark Arts DLC, and because of my stance against microtransactions, I refuse. Hogwarts will remain dusty on my Steam game shelf. Or I could restart a whole new game/character, but I couldn't be arsed to trudge through all that again.

I'm glad you took a stand against the microtransactions in that game.