Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
There is a flaw when Arnie is in the spillway and it's that horrible slow motion speeded up look for a few seconds.


Nov 4, 2017
T2 is like Raiders of the lost Ark or Empire Strikes Back for me. 30 years ago, today and 100 years from now they'll be magical experiences.


Oct 25, 2017
Terminator 1 is better though, and one reason for that is no john conner.

he doesn't always render the movie corny but its just enough to bug me. It sags a bit in the middle too.

it's still a top tier action flick expertly directed/edited, for the most part.

John Dunbar

Oct 25, 2017

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Cameron is just stupid good at sequels. It's hard to come up with so many cool new twists on ideas while not overly repeating the original or betraying what made it cool.

T2 has sooooo much of this, from the T-800 having a body count of 0, to the father-son dynamic, Miles being a friendly family man, etc.

EDIT: Like, all of those ideas make the film so much harder to write and shoot lol...

You have to come up with awesome action scenes where your badass hero is entirely non-lethal.

You have to take your emotionless robot and give him a convincing arc and a believable dynamic with a child actor.

You have to take the guy who instigates the events of the film - who your characters are going to go and kill - and make him relatable to the point where it's horrible to watch.

Shit is like running a marathon with weights.

There's also making John Connor feel vulnerable and endearing, while still being pretty badass and convincing as the future resistance leader. Something that T3 spectacularly failed to do.


Nov 7, 2017
Hong Kong SAR
I should make it clear that I really like both movies. Perfect is just a strong word, is all.

The relationship between John and the Terminator in 2 feels pretty awkward at times, and I'm not that fond of Furlongs cool kid character. This might just be my personal tastes, though. And there's no denying how fantastic the stuntwork and the special effects are.

The original suffers a bit from it's low budget. It's one of my favourite independent productions from the eighties, and I love that it strives for such high ambitions in spite of this. I'd just be hesitant to call it perfect when some parts feel a fair bit rougher than others.

I doubt the OP genuinely thinks TERMINATOR films are the epitome of cinema. lol

They're just showing their general appreciation for what is possibly (and very likely!) the greatest action film ever made.


Oct 25, 2017
They re-released T2 in theaters last year and it was amazing rewatching that, especially this year when I haven't been to a theater now in 8 months.

I should rewatch it this halloween! thanks OP
Oct 28, 2017
Speaking of I'm waiting for a good sale on that recent Terminator game because reviews are saying it captures the style of the first two movies (future war) well.


Oct 30, 2017
I like T1 better. The horror/thriller elements are amazing and it is beautiful in it's simplicity. I found the focus on action in T2 really distracts from how dangerous and terrifying the terminator is supposed to be.

Sarah is equally badass in T1, she has a very good arc going from awe struck, bumbling 20(?) year old to a courageous leader.


Oct 26, 2017
Was fortunate enough to see it again in theatre last year. So fucking good.

Saw T1 again in theatre too a few years ago.

Deleted member 23046

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
T2 was a real gamechanger, but ALIENS is still my fav from Cameron. It popularised so many gimmicks we are still living in, especially in videogame : metallic air vent to crouch in or to be attacked from, 2D proximity radar (beep), muscled (and butch) soldiers with massive weaponry, the strong but not invincible heroin, the youngster to protect from the apocalypse, the mimetic rivalry with the monstrous antagonist.... But I admit being afraid to verify how it aged, I prefer to let it intact in my childhood memories.



Oct 25, 2017
It's one of the greats, yeah. You could open the movie at any point, and I'd be tempted to watch it to the end.


Oct 27, 2017
Obligatory post in a terminator thread.

Yes, this is my all-time favorite movie! With VERY few exceptions, they don't make blockbuster action movies like this anymore. I just hate that almost everyone back in 1991 was spoiled on what would be a great twist between the T-800 and the T-1000.


Jun 16, 2020
I like the first one more, I dig the cat-and-mouse aspects that border on horror elements.

but 2 is a damn good action movie.

Bor Gullet

Oct 27, 2017
I should make it clear that I really like both movies. Perfect is just a strong word, is all.

The relationship between John and the Terminator in 2 feels pretty awkward at times, and I'm not that fond of Furlongs cool kid character. This might just be my personal tastes, though. And there's no denying how fantastic the stuntwork and the special effects are.

The original suffers a bit from it's low budget. It's one of my favourite independent productions from the eighties, and I love that it strives for such high ambitions in spite of this. I'd just be hesitant to call it perfect when some parts feel a fair bit rougher than others.

Tbh I actually like that.


Oct 26, 2017
I legit still get teary eyed when he slowly get lowered into the molten lava and the music kicks in.


Oct 27, 2017
I need to rewatch it, I think it's been over a year since I saw it last.

Just finished 3d printing a prop version of the pump action shotgun he uses in the movie, too, so it's an appropriate time.


Oct 27, 2017

This is my favorite fucking part of the movie, hands down. I remember seeing this for the first time and being "wait what's he... ohh shit!"

Right on op. Terminator 2 is perfect. My favorite action movie of all time. It has just the right amount of story and heart that cement the whole product together just right... and no one has been able to make a better Terminator film since no matter how hard they've tried.

Can I just add, the only thing I would change about Terminator 2 is is the fucking trailer that gives away who the good guy and who the bad guy is. I WISH I could have gone into that movie not knowing Arnie was the good guy.

Theres no fate but what we make, unless what you want to make is a new Terminator movie in which case, please just don't.


Oct 25, 2017
I re-watched this tonight with my daughter. This was her first time seeing it. Last night we watched the first one-and she had the same opinion as me that it's a good movie-but not fantastic.

T2 on the other hand? Cinematic perfection. My God watching it in 2020 is as exciting as when I saw it in theaters on opening day as a kid.

Linda and Arnold are fucking incredible in this. The score is absolute bliss. Some of the scenes-like the mall and Miles's very 80s house-look dated but everything else is just perfection. The entire breakout sequence from the hospital. From when they break into Cyberdyne to the last scene is a relentless roller coaster that peels your face off.

It's an incredible incredible movie and I love it so much.

Yup. This movie is perfect 10/10.

Deleted member 33120

User Requested Account Closure
Nov 15, 2017
I always find it weird that fans who prefer the first movie will did diss the "corny dialogue" of the second, but completely ignore the corny (albeit understandable) special effects and 80's datedness of the first.

Can't we all just get along?


Nov 4, 2017
T2 is the best action movie I've ever seen, hands down. I'd say Cameron has two other perfect movies under his belt with Aliens and Titanic. I cannot wait to see what he does with Avatar 2. Maybe he's lost his edge and it will be a letdown, but I'd be willing to wager it will be absolutely incredible.

Ocean Bones

Oct 29, 2017
It's the best action movie of all time. Its one of those perfect theater going films like jurassic Park.


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
The Terminator - 5/5
Terminator 2: Judgement Day - 3.5/5

There's a lot of action movies I'd wedge between the two.