Red Kong XIX

Oct 11, 2020
If you read what he is actually defending, it becomes even more damming:

"I noticed a portrayal of a Greek god in a wheelchair, and another non-Caucasian representation among the pantheon."

Defending racists by comparing "cancel culture" to practices in Nazi Germany. Get fucked Thomas, racist piece of shit.


Jan 23, 2021
Adding this quote:

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

Lmao using this quote to describe the "persecution" of assholes online is choice. True genius brain at work.


Dec 13, 2019
Thats pretty close to saying that dragons arent cool which Im pretty sure is a war crime.


Oct 27, 2017
This might have been true many years back when the studio was still small and new. Today I would say rather than him being a liability, anyone who chooses to work with him and for him are complicit in the toxicity he spreads throughout the industry.
That was my thought as well after I made my previous post and did a little more investigating on his background.

No Rest for the Wicked just went from "day 1 once it's out of early access" to "don' think I'll be spending my money on this one, old chum".


Nov 7, 2017
Man i fucking hate this discourse where every game is apparently woke, i even hate the word woke.
Imagine if MGS was released today, the amount of idiots that would be claiming it is politically woke
Accusations of abuse New


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
Oh, y'all missing how he's currently throwing a female ex worker of his under the bus who DARED to complain about how leadership in his shitty company treated people.

Her thread:

His reply to someone bringing it up:
With an emphasis on 'supposedly', please.

Fran was a student who I gave a chance back then, precisely because there were people in my career who saw something in me.

She was first allowed to help out in our QA team, then we allowed her to write a few lines for Wisps, because she wanted to be a writer.

And after Wisps came out, she joined Alexander Brazie and co to start a smear campaign about our studio, of course only after she found herself a new nest.

I was recently told that in the 2 years since she left Moon, she has changed studios no less than 6 times.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who never look themselves in the mirror. It's always the others who are the bad guys and it can't be that you have to work on yourself.

Instead of constantly pointing the finger at others, we should ALL put our own house in order first!

Translated with (free version)
I'm absolutely done with Moon games, this might be one the most disgusting posts I recently saw on Twitter. Which is saying something.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 29, 2017
Cancel Culture doesn't exist, if anything it's Accountability Culture and unfortunately it's barely having any effect when you look at the big picture. Of course people like this douche are still shared shitless about even the slightest chance of being held somewhat responsilbe for their actions through... lost ad revenue or people calling them out on social media platforms?!? Boo fucking hoo. So much for being Freeze Peach advocates.


Oct 25, 2017
His whole rant, even if you were for some reason sympathetic towards his point of view, makes no goddamn sense as a reply to the initial post. The stuff that gets brought up in the Steam post has nothing to do with developers trying to cancel or harass anybody. If you don't like the game, ok, stay away. You don't get cancelled for not playing it. So why whine about how this Steam forum question is actually legit because of cancel culture?

Mahler's post is the perfect example of the dumb state the culture wars conversation is at. You can't bring up anything stupid 'conservatives' are saying without anyone going 'Oh but this is actually legit behaviour because something something cancel culture.' No. Asking if a game is fine to play because there is a character in a wheel-chair like a child asking if something is edible or poisonous deserves to be ridiculed. The people asking this can't make up a mind of their own and they are not cautious because they might get 'cancelled'. So what's Mahler's rant even about, in context? Nothing really, just a dumb wall of text writing his opinion at people.


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
Oh, y'all missing how he's currently throwing a female ex worker of his under the bus who DARED to complain about how leadership in his shitty company treated people.

Her thread:

His reply to someone bringing it up:

I'm absolutely done with Moon games, this might be one the most disgusting posts I recently saw on Twitter. Which is saying something.

This one is super gross.

Chairmanchuck (另一个我) can you thread mark that post because it's important people don't miss him directly fucking harassing a woman.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the way he uses "woke culture," he's actually complaining about free speech and a free market.

People use free speech to call out bigots. And the free market chooses not to hire or buy products from such assholes.

It's why right-wingers hate democracy and are desperately trying to bring back fascism.


Oct 26, 2017
Oh he has a problem with "cancel culture" now, can remember him wanting people to still be shitting on Sean Murray because of how No Man's Sky released, despite there being years of free updates at that point.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
we had a thread here that revealed exactly who he was and then had articles that showed exactly the kinda culture he was promoting at Moon and more recently he was being an ass about the MS/Beth layoffs too.

this should be surprising to no one, he is an asshole plain and simple.


Oct 27, 2017
Wow he went completely off the rails on that one, but I guess he was never on track to begin with lol

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
Literally the most annoying people in the planet have been whining nonstop about for weeks. From them complaining that people don't wanna join their collective circle jerk over SB to being bothered that a game with hot characters manages to do so without coming off as unapologetically misogynistic. It's so pathetic.


Oct 28, 2017
I can't believe this moron is seriously complaining about cancel cutlure after his little Diablo clone got picked up by Private Division in spite of all the reporting of toxic behavior at Moon Studios.

He's just upset that people who are openly bigoted get called out.


Oct 28, 2017
i am glad i got to play through and enjoy both Ori games before this dipshit's views were known, because i won't be playing or paying for anything he's involved in moving forward


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
Man, in the german games twittersphere and also (for now) small creator/youtuber-scene on the topic, this blew the fuck up in the last 20 minutes. He's gonna delete that post in t-10 as soon as he wakes up and notices.


Feb 7, 2022
Yeah I thought it was funny last week how he was saying how he is happy he is Indie from Microsoft when it probably is like they know how shitty he is and how bad he runs Moon and thought "nah, we are good" lol. Don't care how many Ori this guy makes, dude sucks shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Man, in the german games twittersphere and also (for now) small creator/youtuber-scene on the topic, this blew the fuck up in the last 20 minutes. He's gonna delete that post in t-10 as soon as he wakes up and notices.

Tbh with Maurice Weber he also chose like the wrong person to mess with. Given how outspoken against this kind of bullshit, Maurice Weber is when it comes to this. But it sounds like Mahler has some kind of personal grudge with Weber and the Gamestar to begin with lol.


Jun 7, 2019
First thing I thought when I clicked on the read more on his German tweet & saw the absolute essay was legitimately just this meme


Frankly have better things to do in life that read an unhinged essay from some dude that's been a known bigot for, hm, years now? (so thank you for getting some quotes in the OP! c: ) Don't remember when the piece about the culture of Moon studios came out, but it was kinda an open secret that he's been far from someone you'd want to be around if you're marginalized in any way for at least some years in German-speaking circles. Don't have any dirt or anything lol, but it's just what I've caught from friends that spent some time in the industry in some way or another. Not surprising as the scene in German-speaking countries is tiny compared to how huge it is in the US for example.

But yeah, it was honestly only a matter of time until he'd go completely mask off in public, outside of company spaces & utterly unhinged Era threads lol.

On a side note, I've not paid attention to GameStar & anything attached to it for some years now (like, I remember watching their news religiously for a while & also GameTube Let's Plays for some years which I don't think were really attached to the company itself, but at least had people working for GameStar/Pro playing games on there), but Maurice seems to be a good egg & calls out shit when needed from all I've seen at least in the last year or so via people like SpeckObst reacting to his videos & stuff like that. Which is just nice, because I initially moved on from watching their content & reading the mag due to me just getting more drawn to places like Vice/Waypoint, Kotaku & Polygon back then as they felt safer & more tailored to me as a marginalized person. So I honestly would've never even expected anything like Maurice's tweet going by what I remember GameStar/Pro being like as a teen.


Mar 24, 2023
It will never not be funny to me how these losers see the problem and then blame completely someone random for the problem.

Hollywood (even gaming publishers) absolutely do push an agenda. Of cops, of CIA, the military industrial complex, of the US government etc etc.

But women and gays bad I guess lol.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 27, 2017
This idiot made a thread throwing shade at other devs like Hello Games or CDPR and saying consumers should stop forgiving them after lying and launching "broken games" and when someone pointed out that Ori 2 came out in a pretty rough half-broken state on PC he just hokus pokused himself out of his own thread.

As it usually happens with this kind of right-wing idiots he just think he's the smartest guy in the room while lacking any ounce of self awareness
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Oct 6, 2022
Imagine how messed up you would have to be to get legitimately upset about a fictional videogame character being in a wheelchair.


May 30, 2023
The irony of crying about how, just because you haven't been affected by "cancel culture" doesn't mean no one has.

Well, Thomas, maybe just because you haven't been affected by disability, racism or sexism, doesn't mean others haven't and don't deserve some representation.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I remember starting to understand what kind of person he was when he got super mad at No Man's Sky's success


Jun 7, 2019
I found out we have a saying for this, which is "half a book, whole son of a b".

Gamestar is good people, usually.

omg how did I never hear that before, would've been so useful at times lol. Honestly even better that it's actually "Halbe Bibel", because I swear those weirdos always think their manifests are just as important. 😭 not like the bible is either, but you get me

And I'll definitely make it a habit to watch/read more of their stuff again then, thank u c:

Modern German racism masquerading as centrism, name a more classic combo.

God and you know those freaks are the exact same that'll twist themselves into a pretzel yelling about how Germany isn't actually racist, how we're anti-racist actually when our police brutality also of course loves to favor black & brown people (but our cops are all such kind people!!1! #Einzelfälle) & up until a couple years ago people were using multiple racial slurs like it's fucking nothing just because some food had them in their names or the longest time. It's still really normalized especially in more rural/-ish spots like where I live, so frustrating.
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Mar 17, 2024
Didn't know about this person's reprehensible behavior. Unacceptable, then and now. Guess I'll never play the Ori games after all.