
One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Coward already blocked me on Twitter. He started this by insulting a journalist unprovoked, but can't take the slightest disagreement. Moon Studios can stay on both my "Don't buy" list and my "Don't work there" list.
Oct 28, 2017
There is none, but they mingle everything in a single piece of cloth and shift goalposts as they go. What I'll say below is just a rant and is not directed to you.

They talk a out cancel culture together with hidden political agendas. And they say that having straight white men as the norm is "natural", and you should only go for "natural". You should only go for people of other cultures, colors and whatnot in a "natural" way. Not to try to be inclusive. You shouldn't force yourself. How do you tell apart? Don't worry about it. They will be the judge and will be fair. (Contains sarcasm)

Of course, that needs to ignore straight white men and patriarchal cultures forcing themselves as a culture for a long time, such as colonizing others for starters, or simply denying black people opportunities for multiple years while doing blackface.

But hey, their argument totally has legs. Let's wait and things will get better as they always did. We never needed any movements to give rights to people before, right? (Contains even more sarcasm)

you're right on the money with that. the idea of "natural" diversity in media is a complete joke


Tic-Tac-Toe Champion
Oct 25, 2017
It's a shame that I'm going to have to avoid the new game now. I wanted to follow Alexander O. Smith's work, but I can't really jive with the game's director responding to that Hades steam post in such a way. I watched the reveal trailer a few times and it had me hyped. It is what it is.


Oct 27, 2017
Thanks for finding this. Just to also put context into what Franciska wrote in that thread on March 2022 because not everyone has twitter or can see past the first tweet.

"I worked at Moon Studios for two years. I was the only woman on the story team. I struggle to find the words to express what a soul-destroying experience it was to work with the heads of the studio, Thomas and Gennadiy.

The whole studio is built on the lie that Quality justifies everything. Verbal abuse. Crunch. Public humiliation. But it just wears you down, and burns you out. Burnt out people do not produce quality.

Anything good that you had made before they had killed your creative spark was used to lure new, unwitting devs in, to fill the places of the friends you watched leave, one by one.

Please, don't be fooled. Don't perpetuate the problem by working for places like Moon. We have to stop the defeatist mentality that this is just what the industry is like. There are better places out there. You deserve better."

Absolutely disrespectful remarks from Thomas Mahler.

I actually found this a little triggering, and found myself loathing this person more than before. Thanks for adding it, since I have no interest in interacting with twitter.

Though its not gamedev, Franciskas account is so similar to my own experience with workplace abuse, it genuinely upset me reading it.

Summed up so well as well, which I have great difficulty doing. But yes, everything is justified to get the job done. and it utterly wears you down and totally erodes your confidence and feeling of self worth. For me it led to me almost doing something very stupid.

Horrible, horrible, horrible.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah this guy is a piece of shit. Been known for a while now.
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, I regret being hyped by their latest game.
Found it mediocre at best, now this (I kinda hoped the studio had changed its course after the previous reveals).

Mahler is an irrecuperable pos
Feb 1, 2018
WTF is wrong with game designers/devs????????

I have no idea what these people are thinking... they usually have a master degree. Fucking idiots.

Looks like I am permanently skipping his games.

Abrasion Test

Oct 27, 2017
Outside of his bad views, seeing him piggy back on any bad studio news or controversial game decision and using it as a way to prop up his game and Moon Studios is just tacky shit. Especially knowing there's been reports of abuse and misconduct there.
Oct 27, 2017
I also think the use of the word sus is sus. This shit should be more clearly described with something other than a meaningless juvenile chat abbreviation.


Oct 25, 2017
How utterly pathetic. All that self-righteous pontificating about the dangers of cancel culture and yet more anti-intellectual ramblings aimed at all that is "woke" (meaningless though that terminology is) simply because a post whining about the lightest amount of diversity and inclusion was rightly condemned. Not over any grievous affront or genuinely misdirected cancellation (which is practically unheard of in the first place), but because cowards weren't wholly embraced while they lamented diversity for the millionth time.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
The greatest question posed in modern history is, "Who has ever been 'canceled' that we wish e had back? Who are they"

For all the crying about cancel culture, no one making a tangible contribution to society has ever fallen victim to it.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
I remember about ~5ish years ago I wanted to try and get into Moon Studios and Thomas told me I don't have the right experience, heavily implying in several paragraphs that people who ever work at Ubisoft are passionless drones who don't understand game development and are unreliable since they work in big teams. And on a personal level it was also clear that he didn't read my resume cause he went on a rant about people not learning anything in what he called Ubisoft Factory Open Worlds and at the time I was fully on the Trials brand so didn't work in the open-world genre at all lol. But I didn't go pointing that out because he masterfully insulted so many great devs by calling them talentless and whatnot that I just told myself that I never want to work with this man who disrespects so many of his peers. After this conversation learning of the company culture several years later was sadly not that surprising.

wow. after this and reading his posts on this very forum it's amazing that he has any time left to develop video games with how much of it he seems to spend insulting his peers


What is a tag? A miserable pile of words.
May 13, 2021
Add this to the list of games I'll be disappointed to see streamers raising to the sky, completely ignoring the problematic asses who made it.


Dec 16, 2023
It was pretty wild how often people were posting his tweets on the Microsoft thread like he was some kind of hero when he's a known piece of shit and banned from Era.

Captain of Outer Space

Come Sale Away With Me
Oct 28, 2017
I do have to say that I'm surprised that people gave this guy a pass, or a second chance, after the toxic workplace allegations came out at Moon Studios a couple of years ago, but the consistency of what's come after that shows that it wasn't a one-off thing.
Jan 1, 2024
If you read what he is actually defending, it becomes even more damming:

"I noticed a portrayal of a Greek god in a wheelchair, and another non-Caucasian representation among the pantheon."

Defending racists by comparing "cancel culture" to practices in Nazi Germany. Get fucked Thomas, racist piece of shit.
Firstly it doesn't matter because Greek Gods are fictional so can be racially anything.

But secondly, it always amuses me that Western/Northern European right wingers like to racially codify Ancient Greeks and Gods as what they look like, when Greeks/Ancient Greeks look different to them and indeed many would be considered "non-white" by the most racist of them, and this guy is in Germany so would probably conflate them with Turks based on looks.


Nov 11, 2017
Anti-woke, anti-CRT and Anti-DEI are all the same dog whistle, just at different pitches


Oct 27, 2017
Did he get any blowback on twitter when he was being all high and mighty about not letting Xbox buy Moon Studios last week?
I don't think it got that much push back, but I think a lot of people pointed out that it was unlikely MS would ever have acquired the studio anyway given that MS allegedly broke ties with the studio very deliberately over the toxic culture Mahler cultivated there which included "a steady stream of racist, sexist, and anti-semitic banter". It seemed to me like a pretty obvious attempt to try and spin it as "no, no, they didn't reject me, I rejected them, honest".

I would hope most didn't believe him because he definitely seems like the kind of guy who'd happily screw over his entire workforce for a paycheck.


Oct 25, 2017
WTF is wrong with game designers/devs????????

I have no idea what these people are thinking... they usually have a master degree. Fucking idiots.

Looks like I am permanently skipping his games.
Some of the most educated people can turn out to be the most bigoted and worst people. For example, eugenicists often were scientists and used scientific racism to justify experimenting on, sterilising, and mass murdering people. We can't assume someone's morality based on their level of education, is what I'm getting at.


Oct 28, 2017
Hi thomas.

Yes, we are talking about you.

No, we aren't unaware that you're reading this.

Hahaha, that got a good chuckle out of me. Dude's an absolute asshat. And Farlander, I am glad you didn't end up working for this complete tool.

He had the gall to go after other developers, his own shit came out, and he dares to equate people who want more diversity with Nazis? It's always deflection, isn't it? Calling someone else the thing that they actually are... What a fuckhead.


Dec 18, 2018
Funny how he complains about cancel culture and compares black characters in a videogame to the fucking Holocaust, meanwhile one of his last posts in this forum was about now No Man's Sky wasn't cancelled enough and everyone should doxx Hello Games for betraying The Gamers or whatever.


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
For some reason, the thing that always sticks out to me about him is his weird stunt hiring of the AM2R developer that never seemingly went anywhere other than allowing him to get attention on himself.

Firstly it doesn't matter because Greek Gods are fictional so can be racially anything.
Zeus can be a swan, a cuckoo, a bull, a sexy ray of light, a woman but he MUST look no more deviated from whiteness than Liam Neeson!


Oct 25, 2017
I remember about ~5ish years ago I wanted to try and get into Moon Studios and Thomas told me I don't have the right experience, heavily implying in several paragraphs that people who ever work at Ubisoft are passionless drones who don't understand game development and are unreliable since they work in big teams. And on a personal level it was also clear that he didn't read my resume cause he went on a rant about people not learning anything in what he called Ubisoft Factory Open Worlds and at the time I was fully on the Trials brand so didn't work in the open-world genre at all lol. But I didn't go pointing that out because he masterfully insulted so many great devs by calling them talentless and whatnot that I just told myself that I never want to work with this man who disrespects so many of his peers. After this conversation learning of the company culture several years later was sadly not that surprising.
Thanks for sharing, seems to be a common pattern. Him insulting developers in the recruiting and development process, not just other people in the industry he doesn't interact with, can't be sustainable.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017

First they came for your antisemitic jokes.


Oct 27, 2017
Him being a shithead and Moon Studios being a toxic workplace isn't new info but a lot of people conveniently forgot about that stuff when No Rest for the Wicked dropped.


Oct 27, 2017
I remember about ~5ish years ago I wanted to try and get into Moon Studios and Thomas told me I don't have the right experience, heavily implying in several paragraphs that people who ever work at Ubisoft are passionless drones who don't understand game development and are unreliable since they work in big teams. And on a personal level it was also clear that he didn't read my resume cause he went on a rant about people not learning anything in what he called Ubisoft Factory Open Worlds and at the time I was fully on the Trials brand so didn't work in the open-world genre at all lol. But I didn't go pointing that out because he masterfully insulted so many great devs by calling them talentless and whatnot that I just told myself that I never want to work with this man who disrespects so many of his peers. After this conversation learning of the company culture several years later was sadly not that surprising.

Thats so horrible and just disgusting, I hope you found a better place and are thriving Farlander!

Hi thomas.

Yes, we are talking about you.

No, we aren't unaware that you're reading this.



SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
And on a personal level it was also clear that he didn't read my resume cause he went on a rant about people not learning anything in what he called Ubisoft Factory Open Worlds and at the time I was fully on the Trials brand so didn't work in the open-world genre at all lol.
This sounds in line with the idea that the dude was basing company decisions based around forum discourse.


Oct 28, 2017
If you read what he is actually defending, it becomes even more damming:

"I noticed a portrayal of a Greek god in a wheelchair, and another non-Caucasian representation among the pantheon."

Defending racists by comparing "cancel culture" to practices in Nazi Germany. Get fucked Thomas, racist piece of shit.
Greeks, notably from the caucasus lol


Dec 13, 2023
*Posts vague bullshit statements without any evidence*

Ah but if you dispute my points, you better have some real hard evidence to back it up!
Aug 31, 2019
question: will you guys ever play / replay ori games after this?

At some point in the future I will get PC game pass and smash through a bunch of games on there, the second Ori game included. But I've also been saying that for like three years and other shit keeps coming up, so maybe I never will. I certainly won't buy it unless it's £2 on sale or something

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Feel bad for the genuinely cool people that probably work on this jerk's games and feel conflicted or attacked by his braindead diatribe.


Dec 28, 2023
imagine working for this person. imagine it. i reckon ori 1 and 2 were DESPITE him and his prick co-founder trying to mess everything up. assholes.