Deleted member 2669

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If talking about THQ Nordic's bullshit bothers you more than THQ Nordic's bullshit itself, you have skewed priorities.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
Perhaps you should re-read the post you quoted, because it doesn't say that at all.
I think the difference between calling a company "shit people" and saying "a shit company" is basically non-existent. And rolling that into saying they'd exclusively make games by and for racists is pretty firmly the sort of annoying behavior people in this thread are complaining about.


Nov 17, 2017
I genuinely wish the moderation staff here would make a firm ruling on the THQ situation, because it's become completely impossible to discuss any game even tangentially associated with them on this forum.

Either decide that Resetera is going to have a unified stance on this behavior, or actually enforce the existing rules & stop the perpetual cycle of thread derailment.

What we have now is just an ongoing flame war disguised as relevant discussion.

They have already made their stance. Your'e free to criticize The company as much as you like, but do not harass other people for not caring/wanting to discuss actual games.

I think its actually a good one. It allows booth sides free reign to do their thing without any censorship or witch hunting.


Oct 28, 2017
I think the difference between calling a company "shit people" and saying "a shit company" is basically non-existent. And rolling that into saying they'd exclusively make games by and for racists is pretty firmly the sort of annoying behavior people in this thread are complaining about.
i think amazon is a shit company

i don't think amazon warehouse workers are shit people

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
They have already made their stance. Your'e free to criticize The company as much as you like, but do not harass other people for not caring/wanting to discuss actual games.
And I think this thread is proof that those two ideals cannot co-exist, because any thread dealing with the company immediately becomes exclusively focused on the controversy. Which isn't producing meaningful discussion. It's just resuming the same argument that is never going to have a resolution, until THQN fucks up again and actually fires enough people for it to count as a valid apology.


Oct 25, 2017
Concern trolling? Are we reading the same thread? Some people absolutely have.

I said I'm fine with the boycott.

No, people are calling out the THQN employees involved in the AMA who have not been fired. Not these games' developers. But the point is that, unfortunately, supporting games published by THQN supports said employees, who were quite high up, and who have received zero repercussions.

I think the difference between calling a company "shit people" and saying "a shit company" is basically non-existent. And rolling that into saying they'd exclusively make games by and for racists is pretty firmly the sort of annoying behavior people in this thread are complaining about.

That's an extraordinarily dumb position, deprived of all nuance. I guarantee you there are a great many people associated with THQN — some of whom have spoken out — who are mortified at the company's actions and lack of response.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the difference between calling a company "shit people" and saying "a shit company" is basically non-existent. And rolling that into saying they'd exclusively make games by and for racists is pretty firmly the sort of annoying behavior people in this thread are complaining about.

You know that makes no sense at all. A person working at a shit company might not support what the company has done but also might have little job opportunities to change and trying to push the 2 together is almost guilt tripping people with "think of the developers!" excuse I've seen way too often. No one in this thread has called out any developer but rather called out THQN themselves.

Deleted member 864

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't mind a new Kingdoms of Amalur, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.

Either way, I'm excited to see what the new Darksiders will be.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
You know that makes no sense at all. A person working at a shit company might not support what the company has done but also might have little job opportunities to change and trying to push the 2 together is almost guilt tripping people with "think of the developers!" excuse I've seen way too often. No one in this thread has called out any developer but rather called out THQN themselves.
And the message I quoted explicitly spread the label of THQN as racist to games published by them & developed by external partners.


Oct 25, 2017
Western Canada
I think the difference between calling a company "shit people" and saying "a shit company" is basically non-existent. And rolling that into saying they'd exclusively make games by and for racists is pretty firmly the sort of annoying behavior people in this thread are complaining about.
I'll assume you're not being obtuse here and sincerely missed the sarcasm. The list of games was obviously not serious. Except Kingdom Come: Year 1488. Dead serious on that one. Daniel Vavra is an unapologetic racist.

Sorry that it's annoying to you that unpleasant information about a shit company is inconveniencing your day.


Apr 14, 2018
One of these games might be the one that most pertains to "Cease this faggotry" since a THQN employee confirmed in an official interview that is coming soon.

So discussing the 8chan interview is probably most relevant to this thread than any other one.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
I'll assume you're not being obtuse here and sincerely missed the sarcasm. The list of games was obviously not serious. Except Kingdom Come: Year 1488. Dead serious on that one. Daniel Vavra is an unapologetic racist.

Sorry that it's annoying to you that unpleasant information about a shit company is inconveniencing your day.
I'm just pointing out that while some people in this thread are saying "Nobody's painting all of THQN as racist", a major post earlier up the page was making the joke that THQN exclusively publishes games for racists.


Oct 25, 2017
And the message I quoted explicitly spread the label of THQN as racist to games published by them & developed by external partners.

It literally did not. Anything else you want to fabricate from whole cloth today?

THQN is, however, a game publisher, and therefore purchasing products published by them is supportive of their bad practices, for which the company has still not laid down consequences.

Meg Cherry

Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
It literally did not. Anything else you want to fabricate from whole cloth today?

THQN is, however, a game publisher, and therefore purchasing products published by them is supportive of their bad practices, for which the company has still not laid down consequences.
It's how I took the gag, and I feel like it's how a lot of people would. Perhaps I'm wrong on that.

Wein Cruz

Oct 27, 2017
Awesome. Looking forward to seeing what they're cooking up.

A new red faction would be sweet!


Oct 27, 2017
You can still fire people for not properly doing their job, which was the entire basis for the pr guy's "apology". Yet he didn't get fired. It boggles the mind. Also they might not be unionized, a lot of workers in private tech are not really unionized in a meaningful way.

The other dude (the "cease you faggotry" guy) was higher on the totem pole, head of development or something, so don't know about him.

Edit: and fuck THQ Nordic, they can fuck right off with everything they got.
It was the austrian parent company that fucked up not the swedish one. And one of the People was not just a random PR person he was a major stockholder and cannot be fired.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
I genuinely wish the moderation staff here would make a firm ruling on the THQ situation, because it's become completely impossible to discuss any game even tangentially associated with them on this forum.

I'm glad it's working then.

If you want THQN discussion to continue then this has to be allowed to continue because the significance of 8chan as a site for radicalizing white supremacists can't be understated and greatly dwarfs the significance of any video game.

If you want THQN discussion to cease, then I'll support that as well. I would be in favor of dropping coverage of the company because it gives the hateful assholes a reason to come in here and hurl invective at actual sex abuse survivors.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the difference between calling a company "shit people" and saying "a shit company" is basically non-existent. And rolling that into saying they'd exclusively make games by and for racists is pretty firmly the sort of annoying behavior people in this thread are complaining about.

I consider almost every company to be shit. There are very few that I would trust to not mulch orphans if it would be even marginally profitable. Calling a company shit is NOT saying that everyone who works for that company is shit. THQ Nordic IS particularly shit, though. We also know that some of the people who work there ARE shit, and we also know that they still have their jobs, so that doesn't give me much confidence that they are outliers. I am sure there are plenty of great developers caught up in this mess. I feel for them. I really do.


Oct 27, 2017
This thread isn't gonna end well but I'm curious about what they'll show. At least that Darksiders spin-off seems like a lock.

Every fuckimg thread regarding thq is going to be boringly filled with neverending hate.

We get it. They fucked up real bad, we hate them, but can we discuss their games please? If you are boycoting them or just ignore all their stuff from now on, good for you. But pls, dont do this in every fucking thread... it must be so awesome for devs of these games to never really read anything positive about their game without tons of hate and messages of boycot of their games. Its not like thq doesnt deserve it. Its more like plenty are bored of that same posts from 30 other threads.

Deleted member 27751

User-requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Please give me Kingdom Come in Salem period. Sabrina TV show has made me want semi realistic Salem setting for an RPG so badly.


GOTY Tracking Thread Master
Oct 26, 2017
Forgive me ERA but I'll crack if I get Battle For Bikini Bottom HD (which means I'll never crack lol).


Feb 25, 2018
Every fuckimg thread regarding thq is going to be boringly filled with neverending hate.

We get it. They fucked up real bad, we hate them, but can we discuss their games please? If you are boycoting them or just ignore all their stuff from now on, good for you. But pls, dont do this in every fucking thread... it must be so awesome for devs of these games to never really read anything positive about their game without tons of hate and messages of boycot of their games. Its not like thq doesnt deserve it. Its more like plenty are bored of that same posts from 30 other threads.
Yeah, I wish mods would clean this whole mess up and actually make some sort of PSA regarding the whole fiasco, specially considering we're getting at least three more threads these next days. I get it, THQN are a bunch of assholes, they fucked up with the whole 8chan stuff, they tried to be edgy and they overdid it. That said, this is a videogame forum, and I'm tired of not being able to freely talk about the games I like without people telling me why I should boycott this company. I love the franchises that they've bought, I love the games that they've made so far. They're a great publisher, and I'm not condemning them for one failed publicity stunt. You want to do it? Fine by me, completely respectable and I legitimately hope that it accomplishes something, but sadly this is how it works, rich people (specially here in Europe) are usually racist and homophobic assholes, but I'm not ruining the work of all the nice, hardworking people underneath because of that.


Jan 30, 2019
To the people who are bothered by the posts about THQ's 8chan situation, just don't...engage with them? It's not that hard.


Oct 26, 2017
To the people who are bothered by the posts about THQ's 8chan situation, just don't...engage with them? It's not that hard.
Right, the people complaining are literally the ones causing the issue they're complaining about, the only reason the thread focuses on the THQ 8chan related posts is because people jump at the chance to share how annoyed they are at them.

It's really not difficult to ignore posts you don't want to engage with.


Oct 25, 2017
TimeSplitters 3 on Switch hopefully!

Wait! Why are we signal boosting a Nazi studio?
Wasn't the issue that they posted on a board with pedophilia and homophobia? Was there Nazi shit too? I missed that part, smh :(

I feel so bad for all the employees there who are just normal people... And it also sucks that we have to choose between supporting those people + the scumbags vs boycotting the scumbags + the normal people. I would love to specifically prevent the wrong people from receiving my money.


Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't the issue that they posted on a board with pedophilia and homophobia? Was there Nazi shit too? I missed that part, smh :(

The first post in the AMA was "heil hitler." Neo-nazi members of the board have gone on to commit multiple mass shootings which were live broadcasted and cheered on.

It's an unfathomably heinous place that THQN knowingly signal boosted and engaged with.

Deleted member 5809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017


This is a pretty minor detail in this whole event, but there was an image posted on the AMA of a guy with a giant iron cross, which accompanied a request to have an anti-ResetEra easter egg in all of THQ Nordic's games. I was curious as to what the significance of this guy was and the image name, visible in the screenshot, seemed to be a name.

So I looked it up, and was confused why I wasn't getting any results. Then it occurred to me. The image was named hans_judenjaeger.jpg. Juden is the plural of Jude, meaning "Jewish person" or "Jewish man". Jaeger or Jäger is a hunter. The image was effectively titled "Johnny Jewhunter".

Not that they were hiding that that they were Nazi sympathizers or that I wasn't expecting to find something horrible, but nice reminder of the type of people THQ was trying to appeal to, anyway. And again, the company is headquartered in Austria, so some of the people running this AMA might have had an easier time catching that than someone learning the language for funsies like me.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Every fuckimg thread regarding thq is going to be boringly filled with neverending hate.

We get it. They fucked up real bad, we hate them, but can we discuss their games please? If you are boycoting them or just ignore all their stuff from now on, good for you. But pls, dont do this in every fucking thread... it must be so awesome for devs of these games to never really read anything positive about their game without tons of hate and messages of boycot of their games. Its not like thq doesnt deserve it. Its more like plenty are bored of that same posts from 30 other threads.

the moderators have allowed discussion of the 8chan incident here on these threads. So yeah, it will continue to be brought up.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Every fuckimg thread regarding thq is going to be boringly filled with neverending hate.

We get it. They fucked up real bad, we hate them, but can we discuss their games please?

Nah. The mods said this was OK. Hell, even if it weren't, being against nazi pedophiles is absolutely a hill worth dying on.