
Feb 21, 2019
I can't believe that soccer player guy really looked like that, it has to be a bad picture of him. I never knew about Tom cruise's strange teeth.


Oct 27, 2017
That's interesting, thanks for the information. I was going by what I could find on Google.

How many? There are composite and porcelain veneers, the former being quite a bit cheaper but they don't last as long.

I'm actually amazed how strong real teeth are, provided they're well taken care of and with the right diet (no soda, low sugar and sufficient calcium/magnesium/vitamin D intake).
Like the top 8/10 I think
Oct 26, 2017
I have one. I had bad dental hygiene as a kid and one of my root canals left a tooth looking splotchy and just really ugly. I finally got it fixed last year and I can actually smile confidently now. So yeah, big fan.


Oct 25, 2017
That Ronaldo pic just blew my socks off. Teeth are most often obvious, especially the unnatural white ones but he looks like a different person. Never would've thought he had (apparently) done a lot to him. I guess that's a compliment to his plastic surgeons then ha.

What a fake world we live in.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm actually amazed how strong real teeth are, provided they're well taken care of and with the right diet (no soda, low sugar and sufficient calcium/magnesium/vitamin D intake).

Real teeth are pretty strong. I've abused the hell out of my teeth and they're still trucking even with the infected wisdom teeth that had to be yanked out. On another note fuuuuck infected wisdom teeth. I thought I was dying. (Though I did slightly chip one. Thankfully it was such a slight chip that getting it fixed would probably do more harm than good.)


Oct 27, 2017
Shane MacGowan looks so weird with his new teeth.


May 10, 2018
well, not outside of america. it's funny watching your media with impossibly shiny teeth and make up stereotypes about foreign peoples' dental hygiene. really puts me off tbh


Apr 14, 2018
Ive never searched '<first name> <last name> teeth' more than today

well there was that one time


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
Real teeth are pretty strong. I've abused the hell out of my teeth and they're still trucking even with the infected wisdom teeth that had to be yanked out. On another note fuuuuck infected wisdom teeth. I thought I was dying. (Though I did slightly chip one. Thankfully it was such a slight chip that getting it fixed would probably do more harm than good.)
Infected wisdom teeth is the worst pain I've ever experienced.

People, remove them asap.


Oct 29, 2017
Glasgow, Scotland
My top teeth are actually perfect and I'm 34 and haven't been to a dentist in 18 years, besides needing a bit of whitening. My lower teeth are kind of abysmal but at least I still have them all.

I don't get the desire to have false teeth, effectively. I mean it must feel pretty weird having a fake shop-front to your own teeth.. surely?


Oct 27, 2017
I watched a few seasons of Survivor recently and EVERY SINGLE CONTESTANT had these bleeched white, super straight teeth that contrast so heavily with all the dirt and tanned skin. The only one with normal, yellowy teeth was Jeff Probst.


Oct 25, 2017
When I was in 3rd grade, someone bumped into me while I was taking things out of my bag and my mouth hit the table... my freshly grown front "real teeth" broke in half. They were rounded like in the picture and got a veneer or something and I have 0 issues with them.

Sounds more like yours are poorly done or something is off, because I don't think that is normal.
I've gotten the opinions of three different dentists, and unfortunately this is not the case. It's my third set for some of my teeth, and those are the ones causing problems when they weren't before. They're also easily the best looking cosmetically I've ever received in my life. Unfortunately, i have so little enamel left (mostly down to just dentin) that they'll continue to have bonding and sensitivity issues going forward.


Oct 30, 2017
I actually went and got a quote the other day for full veneers, 10 top and 10 bottom.

It was $37,000 with 5% off if paying cash. I expected 10k'ish, but this was much higher than I thought. Asking around, it's about 1500-2000 per tooth.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I thought this was common knowledge, it's not coincidence they're teeth all mostly look great


Dec 10, 2017
Question for dentist Era: I still have a cast of my teeth which was made before wearing braces at age 14. If I ever need veneers or crowns, can they use it to make an exact replica?


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Their teeth aren't there anymore. Not really. They're ground down to nubs to serve as anchors for the veneers.




You're welcome for the nightmares.

veeners are super conservative these days, you can even do some without preparing the tooth at all.

The pic you posted looks a lot more like crown preparations, not veeners. Not the same thing at all


Oct 27, 2017
Their teeth aren't there anymore. Not really. They're ground down to nubs to serve as anchors for the veneers.




You're welcome for the nightmares.

Holy crap, that's fucking terrifying. I mean, I knew that we didn't see their real teeth, but I had no idea this is how they did it. Gross as hell.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, veneers usually last a couple years before they start to chip so they have to be replaced all the time. I imagine it could easily cost $500k+ in a lifetime.

I need to get one of my front teeth filled in. I just had it done and it already chipped. I'd imagine they get them touched up constantly.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
It is worth noting that some people are simple blessed with great teeth. My dad was born with straight teeth that aren't shiney white but don't stain as badly. Yet my shit was fucked by adulthood and I got braces. But yeah. Keeping my shit on the white side is a pain and I don't want to bleach because my teeth are already sensitive.

Is laser teeth whitening actually legit? What solutions do you guys use for deep stain removal besides a cleaning every 3 months?

I like my smile now but I hate that my teeth are on the smaller side. My orthodontist/dentist said my teeth aren't that small and my gums were hiding them but I was too chicken shit to follow through with what he recommend which has some kind of gum reshaping.

Whatever Issa Rae got, I want that. Go big or go home

Daniel from Insecure has like the perfect grill. I like Donald Glover's teeth, those don't look fake to me. They look small and he has a lot of gum showing at times but what do I know.

As far as female celebs go this thread is making me realize that most of the ones I like probably got work done.
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Deleted member 17092

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
veeners are super conservative these days, you can even do some without preparing the tooth at all.

The pic you posted looks a lot more like crown preparations, not veeners. Not the same thing at all

Yeah lots if people confusing veneers and crowns. Also resin veneers for repairs/cosmetics are very inexpensive and actually hold up pretty well.

I've had porcelain and resin repairs and the porcelain chips off just as easy as the resin and doesn't look any better. The resin stuff has come a long way in the last few years.

All they do to put them on is a bit of light buffing/grinding so the resin adheres well, then they use a light/heat gun to harden it. Really only takes a few minutes honestly.


Oct 27, 2017
Question for dentist Era: I still have a cast of my teeth which was made before wearing braces at age 14. If I ever need veneers or crowns, can they use it to make an exact replica?
No, your teeth have changed a great deal in however many years it's been. A mold isn't a big deal; they just fill a little tray with some rubbery goo that you bite down on. It takes literally a minute to do.

The funny thing is tons of celebrities do their top teeth but then don't bother with their bottom. Will Ferrell's are particularly lovely.
I've never understood this. Henry Cavill has terrible bottom teeth. So does Tom Hardy. Rudy Giuliani's are the thing of nightmares, but he has perfect, obviously-fake upper dentures.

I can't remember where I learned about the whole 'Tom Cruise has one middle tooth' thing but it's pretty much killed all of his movies for me.
I only have one front tooth. This pic is around 11 years old, so some things have shifted around a bit. I should do Invisalign at some point.


I'll post the horror story of how it came to be, just so I don't have to ever go back to GAF for the info:

When I was 3 years old, I fell against a concrete curb and smashed my top front baby teeth back up into my gums. I can vividly remember this happening and the look of horror on the guy who picked me up from the ground. The teeth were dead and never grew and they eventually had to pull them out. I grew up as a hippie in unflouridated West Virginia, so my teeth always had cavities (though I'm beginning to suspect I may have been scammed by our local dentist, or at least he wasn't very good). From x-rays, they could see the permanent teeth were all messed up and when I was twelve they scheduled surgery to remove them.

(I don't really have many pictures of me smiling as a kid. For all I know, I was monstrous.)

For my first oral surgery, I was in a regular dental patient chair and I had to hold a metal grounding plate in my hands. The surgeon warned me I couldn't drop it or I would be electrocuted. He didn't use a scalpel to cut my gums open, his instrument had a short wire that came out of a handle and he used that to burn my gums apart (I guess this cauterized the wound, there wasn't really any blood). I could see blue smoke curling up and smell my flesh cooking. My teeth were really impacted in the gums and he had to break them apart with pliers and even used a small dental hammer and chisel on them. Right after the surgery, my upper lip was as swollen as a golf ball. One of the teeth was still living, so they left it intact, though it was growing sideways.

An orthodontist offered to take me on as an experimental patient. He had an idea of how to fix the gap in my teeth and bring that perpendicular tooth down. This surgery was in a hospital under general anesthesia. They wrapped a wire around the tooth and left a short length of it sticking out of my gums. Again, my upper lip temporarily swelled to horrific proportions.

What was this orthodontist's master plan? I would have one of those palate expanders installed to widen my bite; I'd have braces to straighten my teeth and reposition them; and they would slowly puuuuuullllllllllll that tooth down through my gums and maneuver it into place. Eventually, I would have one permanent incisor with other teeth moved to fill in the gap of the missing one. I think they even swapped the placement of a canine tooth. Using that key to spread my palate was terribly painful, but it was nothing compared to when the orthodontist grabbed ahold of that wire with a pair of needle-nose pliers and pulled. It was like training the growth of a sapling and eventually the tooth was turned in the correct direction and emerged. I used to scream and weep from the pain and the only silver lining was when the assistants had to hold me down and their breasts were pressed against me. These are the little moments that we seize to keep our sanity.

They had planned to cap one of the teeth to resemble the other, but by the time that came around I was through with the torture and declined. I only have one front tooth right in the middle of my smile (if you look at a picture of Tom Cruise, he has the same thing). It's not something anyone really notices, though once you see it you will shit bricks and you can't unsee it. Dentists usually do a double-take when they first examine me and one even told me I was famous as a "Patient X" in orthodontic journals.
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Oct 25, 2017
Frisco, Tx
I always wondered how painful it is to be a Hollywood/tv star. Like that dental procedure must hurt. Facelifts must hurt. Nose jobs are probably weeks of misery as you heal. Super crazy workout routines and diets can physically hurt. It just sounds very painful. As someone who really dislikes pain, I can't imagine going through it all just to look pretty.


Dec 10, 2017
No, your teeth have changed a great deal in however many years it's been. A mold isn't a big deal; they just fill a little tray with some rubbery goo that you bite down on. It takes literally a minute to do.

But then I'd have a cast of damaged teeth after decades of enamel erosion. If I lose just a single teeth, isn't it more useful to use the earlier cast, from when the tooth was unaffected?


Oct 27, 2017
But then I'd have a cast of damaged teeth after decades of enamel erosion. If I lose just a single teeth, isn't it more useful to use the earlier cast, from when the tooth was unaffected?
Dentists know what teeth look like. They need to mold the current teeth so your new one will fit properly against the others. I've had crowns; there's a lot of fine-tuning by the dentist even when the final porcelain is put in.


Oct 27, 2017
I always figured celebrities simply had their teeth bleached and straightened but apparently almost every famous person has porcelain veneers, hiding their natural not so pretty teeth underneath. Same thing for most news anchors, politicians and musicians. It even goes way beyond that. Doctors, CEOs, bankers, lawyers. Anyone who's rich really. Any of these pretty smiles can easily cost $100k.

I sure feel better about my teeth now.

There are tons of music videos from before people made it big where their teeth were a dark yellow, but now they're perfect


Oct 27, 2017
This is comforting, because I always see super white, straight, perfect teeth in TV shows and movies and compare them to my shitty teeth.


Oct 28, 2017
This annoys me in show like The Walking Dead where the characters are living on scraps, probably haven't seen a toothbrush in years but still have blindingly white teeth. Lame.

Well to Michonne´s defense she slept with Rick as soon as he found some dental floss for her ;D

But yeah I know what you mean. GoT has the same problem I think. It plays in a fantasy Middle Age ffs. There is no magic for perfect white teeth so why has everyone one except maybe The Hound?!