
Oct 25, 2017
I saw Arachnophobia with a biology major friend and he made sure to point out that the large South American species of spider was completely unable to breed with the local species, as depicted in the film.

It practically undoes the entire plot of the film, pointing that out. Thanks, Jeff. 🙄


Oct 25, 2017
I get it. But I don't think it's a satisfactory answer because they're using it as a working piece of technology within the dream.
And they can do that... guns, equipment, cars. The acetect can construct buildings, vehicles, everything... the film shows all of this and shoes mechanical things are always part of their onstruction capabilities.

They use guns and othe gear that wa constructed for them all the time leading up to that part.


Oct 27, 2017
Inception lost me the moment they said they had to go deeper into the dream, so they pulled the same device they used in the real world into the dream and somehow they used it while inside the dream to go another level deeper. You don't just do that and don't explain it.

Dream logic. Don't have to explain anything.


Oct 25, 2017
In Jurassic Park the T-Rex pen with the goat etc is clearly the same ground height as the cars, yet when the T-Rex pushes a car into the pen area and it is a huge drop with the ground far below.
Oct 25, 2017
In Jurassic Park the T-Rex pen with the goat etc is clearly the same ground height as the cars, yet when the T-Rex pushes a car into the pen area and it is a huge drop with the ground far below.

Supposedly this can be explained by the drop off being further along the path, but it's still kind of dumb. What's the point of the moat if it doesn't go around all the way?

I don't recall how they dealt with this in the book, because the moats were mentioned there too.


Oct 25, 2017
The tale of two windows. One good, one bad, by Stinkles. P. Stinkles.

1. GOOD:

The Village, M. Might Shyamalan

While watching I was irritated at how wrong the costumes and set construction were. "They didn't have that kind of glass and stitching in the 1600s! Those windows look manufactured!" Then the twist, then I was like WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Probably the only time being irritated massively improved a movie ending for me.

2. BAD:

Dunkirk, Christopher Nolan

The establishing shot of the town shows dozens and dozens of PVC clad double glazed windows. In WW2. I couldn't even for the rest of the film.


Oct 25, 2017
This might be more that I don't understand theme park construction (or I'm forgetting something) but in Jurassic Park when they take the car of the tracks and one of the computer guys says "I said we shouldn't let them get off the tracks." Why is this rail car still a functioning car? Wouldn't taking the engine block out be step one in turning a car into a rail operated attraction?
They don't go off track, they get out of the cars. Muldoon then reminds Hammond he had previously said the doors need to be locked on tours (it's yet another sign that the park is dangerously poorly planned and rushed and just a ticking time bomb to disaster even without Nedry's sabotage).


Oct 27, 2017
Queens, NY
Do this with my wife all the time. We'll joke about an impossible characters motives all the time. Im willing to accept that this character is a unicorn, but there is no way they would do this totally normal thing.


Jun 28, 2018
In Us, what do the rabbits eat?

No idea, but after seeing Us I actually learned about a phenomenon called rabbit starvation which would mean that a human population couldn't actually survive with rabbit as its sole food source.

Along these same lines, I was bothered in Interstellar by the fact that corn is supposed to be the miracle crop that could sustain the remainder of Earth's population. A diet based primarily on corn would lead to wide spread illness.


Oct 10, 2018
I watched ready player one for the first time this weekend... i can usually look past a lot of stuff but damn what a mess
It would suck to have a workday off during those two mandatory "offline" days. Why would any world authority listen to what some kid say. Why can't corporations/governments just destroy the current vr world and remake a new one. Why does everybody live in the same city. There's a bunch of other things but it's been a while since I thought of it.
Oct 27, 2017
J.J. Abrams and his constant failure to understand space always bugs me.

How does Spock see Vulcan get destroyed like that from another planet? They were at warp for a while before kicking Kirk out, so they were far away. Even if it was just the next planet over, Vulcan should have been a tiny speck in the sky.

In the same movie the whole star going super nova thing. It's so stupid when you think about it. Stars just don't blow up randomly.

Or in TFA somehow everyone can see the lasers Starkiller Base sent out, and the planets they hit, despite them being far away as crap.

It's like he just doesn't understand how freaking big space is.


Jan 10, 2018
It would suck to have a workday off during those two mandatory "offline" days. Why would any world authority listen to what some kid say. Why can't corporations/governments just destroy the current vr world and remake a new one. Why does everybody live in the same city. There's a bunch of other things but it's been a while since I thought of it.

Why is there a cell that can be opened from inside ? How does that blending between VR and RL work? I mean... how? I have so many questions.

Of course,not figuring out that you need to go backwards during the race for five years sounds reasonable.

There is suspension of disbelief and there is this movie.
Dec 24, 2017
Usually firearm stuff and fight stuff. Lack of reloading, suppressors being way more effective than real life, stuff like that. With fight stuff, when the actor clearly hasn't spent enough time working on their choreography and can't sell the fight. This is way before I start to "Well actually," the efficacy of whatever technique they are using. I know it's choreographed, but I really want it to be done well, so I forget all those little "we'll, actually's" in my brain.

Soupman Prime

The Fallen
Nov 8, 2017
Boston, MA
In the end of X-Men DOFP Stryker fishes Wolverine out the boat, we then get a flash of the eyes to show it's actually Mystique impersonating him. The very next movie the actual Stryker does have Wolverine and there's no mention of what Mystique did.

Professor Lich

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Don't mean to continue to pile on TRoS, but one thing that stuck out to me
was the scene with the Star Destroyer blowing up a planet with their new canons. They just seemed way too close to an exploding planet when both were in frame.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the funny thing is, I'm not a TROS hater at all, I quite like the film, and in general, I can "check my brain at the door" where escapist cinema is concerned, particular sci fi/fantasy- its not real, just go with the fiction and whatnot.

But that dagger does make me a little nutty to think about.. so this stupid sith dagger was made for the purpose of standing at some specific spot in front of the death star wreckage, where it will line up with the death star wreckage (IF you stand at the right spot/perspective, which the heroes manage to literally do first try- they very well could have stood at some spot with respect to the wreck where NONE of that shit would have lined up) and some point on the hilt or whatever points to where in that wreckage the stupid sith wayfinder can be found -which then gives whoever finds it directions to the secret sith world. And this wayfinder was kept in the death star, presumably in the OT times before it was blown up, for someone to find? I guess.

Who is to say the stupid thing would still be intact, let alone still in that spot after the death star blows up and crashes onto the nearby planet/moon. And again, someone THEN made a Sith dagger for the purpose of leading someone to this wayfinder, located in the wreck which would lead them to the secret sith world. Why would there even need to be a secret sith world in the times of the OT, or a wayfinder to lead someone there?

So, it does kind of beg the question- why even bother? With all of it.. (other than making for a convoluted series of quests for some "heroes' to pursue throughout a movie).

Like I said, check your brain at the door and you will be fine.....
I've played enough Uncharted games that mysterious daggers that are the key to finding locations doesn't really bother me, but yeah. No part of the dagger really makes any sense.


Oct 25, 2017
Lots of military stuff. Anytime a uniformed character says "repeat" it takes me out of it and I know the production team didn't bother to consult anyone on the dialogue. Also missing/incorrect name tapes and patches. You could've paid any 18 year-old private $20 for an afternoon to make sure all your shit was correct.


Oct 28, 2017
Hancock with Will Smith. The torsional stress on the whale he threw in the sea would mean he would have just ripped a small chunk of the poor whale's flesh off. Even assuming he was able to cradle the whale in a huge supporting sling, he wouldn't have enough counterweight in his own body to throw the thing, he'd end up throwing himself instead.
Many, many feats of super strength have the same issues. It doesn't matter how strong superman is, he won't be able to lift a building because that small part of it that he's grabbing won't come anywhere close to being able to support the rest of the building.


I’m seeing double here!
Oct 25, 2017
Lots of military stuff. Anytime a uniformed character says "repeat" it takes me out of it and I know the production team didn't bother to consult anyone on the dialogue. Also missing/incorrect name tapes and patches. You could've paid any 18 year-old private $20 for an afternoon to make sure all your shit was correct.
Could just be a convention for general audiences at this point, who are too used to hearing military dialogue the way it's misrepresented in movies.

It's like how almost anytime you see an Electoral College map in a movie or TV show it's complete nonsense, but I understand less than 1% of regular moviegoers even notice.

This was the electoral map we see at the end of The Purge: Election Year:




Nov 13, 2017
Many, many feats of super strength have the same issues. It doesn't matter how strong superman is, he won't be able to lift a building because that small part of it that he's grabbing won't come anywhere close to being able to support the rest of the building.

Yeah, absolutely. The MCU started off OK with this and hasn't done a bad job with it so far, though with the likes of Captain Marvel and Ant-Man & The Wasp it's getting ridiculous again. The example in Hancock however was the straw that broke the camel's back for me. "Oh, come on!"


Oct 27, 2017
Rewatching the MCU right now and they make a big deal about how Tony Stark doesnt like it when things are handed to him in the first Iron man films. I kept thinking they would bring this back up at some point (I havent rewatched Endgame yet so maybe there is still a chance) but it always seemed like an odd thing to set up and never really pay off on.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Does she look 40 to you?!

I mean she ain't but you could convince me she's got those Marisa Tomei genes maybe

The lyrics to Macavity the Mystery Cat say Macavity has broken every human law.


I know this comes from Cats the musical and it's not entirely fair to put the blame on Cats the movie (that poor movie has enough troubles), but still.... every human law.
From the laws of ettiquite to full on war crimes, this cat has broken them all. I don't even know how the rest of the song went because I was imagining Macavity committing insurance fraud.

The trick to appreciating Cats is to not think of any line as being any sort of literal truth, but the entire thing as a series of wrestling promos before they do the musical theater equivalent of to-the-death royal rumble. That's some "you've got a 33.3% chance of beating me but add in Roman" (or however it went) kind of shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Could just be a convention for general audiences at this point, who are too used to hearing military dialogue the way it's misrepresented in movies.

I think that's why writers get it wrong, but I don't think they're doing it on purpose. Sometimes films will get it right.

For those curious, you would never use the word "repeat" on the radio unless you wanted another artillery strike at the exact same coordinates as the one you just called, with no confirmation. You say "repeat" and the mortarmen immediately fire again. To avoid potentially devastating accidents, you use "say again" on the radio if you want the other person to repeat their last transmission, or "I say again" if you're repeating yourself to make sure they got it.


Oct 31, 2017
Alliance, OH
Catch Me If You Can.
At the end Frank is operating a printing press and making a bunch of checks.
They are flying out of the press... pre-cut. They should be coming out in sheets.. not individual checks.

I spent many years working in the printing industry.. drove me NUTS.


Oct 25, 2017
No idea, but after seeing Us I actually learned about a phenomenon called rabbit starvation which would mean that a human population couldn't actually survive with rabbit as its sole food source.

Along these same lines, I was bothered in Interstellar by the fact that corn is supposed to be the miracle crop that could sustain the remainder of Earth's population. A diet based primarily on corn would lead to wide spread illness.
Kwashiorkor is extremely common among refugees and other people in dire situations for just this reason. The phenomenon in which people (especially kids) have distended, seemingly fat bellies and cheeks under starvation circumstances comes from protein deficiency and an all-grain diet. Pure starvation does not create distended bellies; it makes you emaciated.

Rewatching the MCU right now and they make a big deal about how Tony Stark doesnt like it when things are handed to him in the first Iron man films. I kept thinking they would bring this back up at some point (I havent rewatched Endgame yet so maybe there is still a chance) but it always seemed like an odd thing to set up and never really pay off on.
I always felt like it would've made more thematic sense if Cap was the one saying superheroes should abide by the Sokovia accords, because he's the big believer in liberal institutionalism, alliances, and civilian control, as a child of the New Deal and WW2. Whereas Tony Stark, the cynical Gen X libertarian tech billionaire, seems way more appropriate to turn renegade over regulation and civilian oversight.

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
Every war movie where they don't have their helmet straps buckled. They would fall off their head at the first sign of momentum. They would be useless. Takes me right out of the movie. All I can think about is how their helmets would fall off. This is an aesthetic choice but it always hits me in a way that hurts the story.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I mean she ain't but you could convince me she's got those Marisa Tomei genes maybe
She's got those Leatherface genes, and considering HE was born in 1939 (making him about 74 at the time) I guess that horrible skin disease is doing wonders for him

Don't know a lot of 74 year old men who've been living in a basement for almost 40 years being able to toss a chainsaw like 40 feet


Oct 27, 2017
I always felt like it would've made more thematic sense if Cap was the one saying superheroes should abide by the Sokovia accords, because he's the big believer in liberal institutionalism, alliances, and civilian control, as a child of the New Deal and WW2. Whereas Tony Stark, the cynical Gen X libertarian tech billionaire, seems way more appropriate to turn renegade over regulation and civilian oversight.
The institution that Captain America served turned out to be secret Nazis, and he was obliviously helping their evil agenda. Tony Stark doing whatever the hell he wanted with no oversight led to the creation of Ultron and death of thousands. Hence the switch.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Aliens "is this another bug hunt sir?" "We believe a xenomorph may have been involved" does this imply that the colonial marines have fought xeno's before the events of aliens? In which case youd think they would be better prepared. What about arturian poon tang. Other alien species are almost never mentioned in this series besides predators (non-canon) and engineers. am i supposed to believe that humanity and the weyland yutani corporation have met other friendly alien species and the colonial marines have had sex with them!?
Not exactly what they say, and it's misleading. "Xenomorph" just means "foreign form", it's not their actual species name. It's since become their name in the franchise, but in the context of Aliens they're just basically saying it's an unknown alien species.

As to the other one, people in real life have sex with all sorts of odd things. I don't doubt if there were compatible aliens plenty of humans would leap at it.
Could just be a convention for general audiences at this point, who are too used to hearing military dialogue the way it's misrepresented in movies.

It's like how almost anytime you see an Electoral College map in a movie or TV show it's complete nonsense, but I understand less than 1% of regular moviegoers even notice.

This was the electoral map we see at the end of The Purge: Election Year:


That exclusive New York-Wyoming crossover.


Oct 30, 2017

This goddamn nail in A Quiet Place. I can't think of a single reason why you would nail up from the bottom in a way where this could ever actually happen.


Oct 25, 2017
The movie Seeking a Friend for the End of the World uses music by Scott Walker, who I'm a big fan of, but they get album covers wrong compared to the song they used, and it drove me nuts when I saw it.


Oct 25, 2017
All of the Matrix movies

"What happens to the people Agent Smith hops into?"
Their code in the Matrix is rewritten to be identical to his. Assuming you mean Smith copying himself in the sequels.
If you mean the agents jumping into people in general, it seems they temporarily hijack their Matrix "avatar" (presumably they can only do it to humans locked into the Matrix), presumably unless the Agent dies while using the body, in which case the person dies as well, they just go back to normal when the Agent jumps back out.

That's what the Agent training program scene was for, to emphasis that anyone still plugged in could be taken over by an Agent at any time, so you have to treat everyone still in the Matrix as your potential enemy.


Nov 2, 2017

This goddamn nail in A Quiet Place. I can't think of a single reason why you would nail up from the bottom in a way where this could ever actually happen.

True. Ironically though, I had THAT nail in my life on the steps to the 2nd floor at my childhood home- would constantly work its way up from being flush with the step over time and every now and then your foot would find it if you weren't diligent in hammering it back down when it would start poking up.

Granted- as you said it wasn't the sharp end sticking up, but rather the flat end- that makes no sense for it to be the sharp side up, but still that thing would hurt if you came down on it with a decent amount of weight with a bare foot.


Oct 27, 2017
This is more of a TV show issue, but it does come up in movies too - disposable coffee cups.

Drives me nuts and distracts me from whatever they're talking about. The cups are almost always empty and the actors handle it as such, flopping it all over the place in a way that would be spilling hot coffee everywhere. And it's made worse when they pretend to drink from it, which looks like a videogame character smacking a container against their face.



Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
The Dark Knight

Dent invokes RICO laws in order to apprehend, essentially, most of the Gotham crime lords at once. Problem here is that, to my knowledge, RICO stuff is a federal level law. Dent wanted to prosecute them all himself to ensure that corrupt officials didn't let them go free, but Dent would have effectively taken the power to prosecute them out of his own hands since he's not a federal official.


Oct 30, 2017
In Drive during the first scene, Goslings character has SiriusXM radio on. He has it on channel 6 which is 60s on 6 not sports radio,

I've seen that movie so many times but never noticed that one!

I always thought it was funny how he rams his car into the side of another car and his somehow doesn't even get a scratch
Oct 27, 2017
Columbus, OH
In the end of X-Men DOFP Stryker fishes Wolverine out the boat, we then get a flash of the eyes to show it's actually Mystique impersonating him. The very next movie the actual Stryker does have Wolverine and there's no mention of what Mystique did.
The Fox X-Men movies were really bad about teasing ideas that either outright get ignored or go nowhere. "The Wolverine" also teased Xavier and Erik coming back "two years later" to recruit Wolverine for DoFP but the events in that movie happen in the far-future and the past, so it's not like that would necessarily line-up on a timeline. Lord knows how many times Magneto would have turned heel on Prof. X in that 20 (ish?) year gap. It always felt like the studio had just a very vague idea of what they wanted to do next.
Looking at a list of post-credits scenes the only one that feels 100% accurate is Deadpool. Even the tease for Apocalypse is pretty off visually from what the eventual movie looked like.


Oct 27, 2017
Mentioned above but Jurassic Park, T-Rex breaks through fence, sends car back through fence, other side now has 100 FT drop...

Lucky Forward

Oct 27, 2017
In OUATIH Cliff seems to be a pretty good dog owner, and I thought it was kind of neat how they established early on in the movie that he feeds Brandy around midnight because of his long days with Rick. I just hope he arranged for somebody to let her out of the trailer during the day, maybe the guy who runs the drive-in movie.

It did seem like the movie played a bit fast and loose with Cliff going away for six months, though, that's a long time for a dog to be separated from her master. We saw Cliff picking Brandy up from what looked like a vet's office, but it would be insanely expensive to board a dog there for six months, and a dog really needs to be in a home setting for that length of time. In my head canon, Cliff has a lady friend at the vet's office who took Brandy in with her for those six months, then brought her to work for Cliff to pick up there upon his return.


Oct 27, 2017
Aliens "is this another bug hunt sir?" "We believe a xenomorph may have been involved" does this imply that the colonial marines have fought xeno's before the events of aliens? In which case youd think they would be better prepared. What about arturian poon tang. Other alien species are almost never mentioned in this series besides predators (non-canon) and engineers. am i supposed to believe that humanity and the weyland yutani corporation have met other friendly alien species and the colonial marines have had sex with them!?

Yeah that is the take away - alien life has definitely been encountered before in the Aliens universe at the time of this film, which explains all these lines - Hudon's, Gormon's, Hick's, Frost's...

But it's actually a very common to be confused about all this.

I totally agree that it's odd that nothing else is otherwise referenced, and I don't accept yautja as part of the universe. But remember the first three movies were always conceptualized as small, insular, focused films with intended open questions rather than the big - and super, super stupid - universe Scott is trying to make them part of now. The comics in general have done a better job of all of it.

In War of the Worlds a big electric storm fries every single piece of electronics in the city. Then they go up to one of the alien spacecraft, and someone is filming with a camcorder but is blown up, and the camera shot shows the alien through the LCD screen/viewfinder of the camera, and I"m like they just established no electronics survived, but wanted a cool camera shot so they deliberately forgot that for a second. It was so obvious.

This on the other hand is just a total and complete failure of continuity editing, as you state probably just to grab a cool shot thinking audiences won't notice it. Kind of makes sense when you realize the entire production was done in 10 months though.


Oct 26, 2017
The Dark Knight

Dent invokes RICO laws in order to apprehend, essentially, most of the Gotham crime lords at once. Problem here is that, to my knowledge, RICO stuff is a federal level law. Dent wanted to prosecute them all himself to ensure that corrupt officials didn't let them go free, but Dent would have effectively taken the power to prosecute them out of his own hands since he's not a federal official.
I really appreciate this one thank you good sir.
Nov 1, 2017
Is there ever been a horror film that makes internal sense with characters that don't behave like idiots? I don't think if you get hung up on little things you can watch that entire genre.

Case in point: the creature in It Follows mostly seems interested in unsettling the main character than actually chasing it (why else does it grab her hair when she's totally defenseless? Why just sit still on her roof when she leaves in a car?)

It's not as bad as a j-horror film like The Grudge, but it crops up constantly.
The Thing. The crew reacts and responds intelligently (for the most part), but The Thing is just too adaptable. It's one of the reasons it's one of my favourite horror films.
Oct 27, 2017
A Quiet Place:

Has fancy video technology all throughout the basement...

Relies on going out into a field to light firecrackers instead of... maybe an alarm/speaker system?

Took me out.