
Elizabeth, I’m coming to join you!
Oct 25, 2017
Listen the monster was bored in between 23 years of feeding and made a custom vanity plate and tricked out a truck too.

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Star Trek: Into Darkness is pretty much full of stupid little stuff throughout the movie. Individually I wouldn't mind it as much, but there's just so much that it makes the whole movie stupider.
  • Starts off with a "cold fusion bomb" that literally freezes a volcano, which isn't what cold fusion is.
  • The previous Star Trek movie introduced teleportation across huge distances (onto a vessel at warp too) thanks to Old Spock giveng Young Scottie the info. Into Darkness just hand waves it away by saying Star Fleet classified it.
  • Khan is genetically engineered which somehow gives his blood the power to cure diseases they haven't cured yet, and can even BRING PEOPLE BACK TO LIFE (humans and Tribbles too). The next movie never mentions the ramifications of this magical substance.
  • In the space battle near the end, the Enterprise and the evil large ship are both right next to the moon and are damaged to the point where they lose power and are just sitting there. Then moments later they are trapped in Earth's gravity and crashing into the planet. The moon isn't that close to the Earth that they could be crashing into the atmosphere in seconds.
  • Also, shouldn't Star Fleet have defenses against ships just crashing into the planet, or at least Star Fleet headquarters? The evil starship literally does 9/11 x 100 and the Enterprise nearly does the same thing.
Have not seen the movie but in the previews for Shazam it shows a city bus plunge off a bridge and Shazam saves everyone by stopping it with his hands at the bottom of the bridge. His hands are on the windshield. First, wouldn't the windshield have shattered and the bus basically swallowed him up while it crashed? Secondly, wouldn't the shock from the sudden stop of the bus cause massive trauma to everyone on board?
I always notice stuff like that.
Like anytime a characfyer gets a prosthetic arm and it gives them super strength, they'd just rip the arm off their body since they have no extra weight or supporting force to back it up.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
not a movie but one of the sidequests in Borderlands 3 has Tannis say something about "Puritanical notions of sex"

The Puritans are in the Borderlands franchise now?

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
Invisibility cloak and time machine necklace. Why not continue to use these items?
Time Turners I think are heavily regulated by the Ministry of Magic, and in book 5 Harry, his friends, and death eaters destroyed all of them when they were at the Ministry.
Why they can't just make more, I have no idea.

Invisibility Cloak, yeah, that doesn't get used nearly as much as it should. He should just put that on and use spells on people that way, haha.
Nothing irritated me more than the first book when they give Hagrid's Dragon to Charlie and they just FORGOT to put it back on.
But they were children, so they aren't supposed to be geniuses.
Forget those, what about that fucking luck potion?
In the books at least they explain that that potion is incredibly hard and long to make and disastrous when not done correctly. If I remember right it takes like a year to make and can only make like 1 days worth for 1 person once a year, and even then it takes a master potion maker to make it.

Now the larger philosophical implications of a potion that can warp reality to a person's favor... That's a tough one.
And maybe Voldemort should have forced a potion maker to make him some to luck his way to getting all the Deathly Hallows or killing Harry.
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Oct 25, 2017
Saw the thread title and immediately thought of Jurassic World. I really cant get over the fact that they designed a pen for the biggest meanest dinosaur and had people working in there and never thought of putting in human sized doors. It kind of ruined the whole movie for me as I kept thinking that whoever designed the pen, the person who okayed the pen, and any person willing to go into the oen was an idiot for not asking for a way to get out that didnt involve opening huge doors that would let the dinosaur out.

Why was the only exit the huge doors? What was everyone thinking?


Oct 28, 2017
Mine is the empty coffee cups. I wish they would at least put some weight in them.

My wife's is that no one says bye on the phone. Just hangs up at a random point. No later, bye, see ya, nothing. It's like info dump and then hang up.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Mine is the empty coffee cups. I wish they would at least put some weight in them.

My wife's is that no one says bye on the phone. Just hangs up at a random point. No later, bye, see ya, nothing. It's like info dump and then hang up.
Movie stars got no social grace and it shines through in performance.


Oct 26, 2017
Ben Solo used a regular imperial Tie Fighter to go from the place where he "was stranded" in ROS to the place were went next, a space ship, that has neither a hyperdrive neither shields nor life support systems for breathing air. Hes a great pilot but not a that great one.


Knows Too Much
Oct 25, 2017
Blade 2.

Why do the vampires in the Blood Pack have flashlights on their guns? They're goddamn vampires! Yes they're being stalked by more dangerous creatures, but it shouldn't change their basic power set.
They're UV flashlights. Specifically meant to burn vampires. Which is what they were hunting.


Oct 28, 2017
In the movie Wimbledon where Paul Bettany's character is in (I think) the semi finals of Wimbledon and they have him playing on one of the outer courts rather than center court.


Oct 27, 2017
I usually don't mind these sort of inconsistancies or logical falacies in movies, as long as the story (mainly: what the characters go trough and how it affects them) is engaging enough. But sometimes a flat-out terrible film arrives and then it can annoy the living hell out of me.

Last time was in 6 Underground. I'll spoiler tag it for those who still intend to see this absolute turd.

The premise of the movie is that there is a super secret, clandestine group of people doing paramilitary stuff to make the world a better place or something. They are always with 6 and the group is composed of people with complementary talents. You have a hitman, a thief/parkour guy, a doctor, a driver, etc

So during the opening mission (which is almost impossible to follow due to the Bayhem-on-coke editing and blocking. But hey, news stalls explode when you drive trough them, so that's fun, right?) the driver dies. The 6 are only 5 now and need to recrute a new guy.

So they'll be looking for a driver right?


Nope. Why? When you can recrute a ex-Navy SEAL sniper with the exact same talents as your hitman. That would be good. Who needs a driver anyway when you can have two sharpshooters?

Man, I don't know why, but it annoyed the living fuck out of me, because the movie basicaly starts to shit on its own premise at plot point 1 for no reason at all.


Oct 29, 2017
Sleepy Hollow.

She goes through all the trouble to send the rider to kill off heirs so she can legally inherit a fortune.

During the process, she fakes her own death.

I've played enough Uncharted games that mysterious daggers that are the key to finding locations doesn't really bother me, but yeah. No part of the dagger really makes any sense.
I don't quite get all the fuss about that. It was pretty lame, but not all that senseless as people make it out to be. Someone, probably that Jedi hunter who was after Rey, created the knife after the DS wreckage landed on Kef Bir, standing in that very spot. Where to stand and that you would need the dagger was engraved by that person on the blade, and was thus revealed when 3PO translated it.
I don't particularly like this story branch, but I fail to see what is so improbable about it. We know that Jedi hunter was being followed by Luke and Lando, so it would even make sense for him to engrave the details of his findings in a forbidden Sith language that a Jedi like Luke would not be capable of reading. People always criticize that the wreckage would have changed due to the ocean and tides, but that was a giant space station built to travel in space... I think it would be quite durable...

The only things that leave me wondering are why Ochi made that dagger in the first place, and why the door to the vault opened on its own when Rey came close to it.
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One Winged Slayer
Jan 25, 2020
Once Terminator Genisys introduced the origin plot point of a random universal OS called Genisys that once activated will become Skynet my brain couldn't handle anymore stupidity and i immediately had to stop watching it.


Oct 31, 2017
I got hung up on the trailer for the Purge. It seemed to indicate that due to the purge, crime the rest of the year was more or less nonexistent, and I was just like ...but that wouldn't stop crimes of opportunity or crimes of passion. Like no one is waiting 10 months to fulfill their road rage.
I know it's just the premise to get to the fun parts of the movie, but I just couldn't take the idea seriously. (Though I do consider it more my failing than the movie's.)

thats the point

It's revealed in a later film that The Purge doesn't work at all and is created so that the government can kill off the lower class and shit like that.
Sep 12, 2018
The milk in 1917.

1. How long has that been there?
2. How the fuck is it safe for a baby to drink?

Also the idiocy of that guy helping the enemy pilot, felt manipulative to be forced to watch a character slowly die because of pure stupidity.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Watched the movie Limitless last night and was quite annoyed. He takes a drug that makes him super smart,smarter then any human on the planet, he can count cards and and make money in his new found wisdom he decides to............ loan thousands of dollars from a loan shark wannabe gangsta.

Yeah, that was the 'smart' move


Oct 27, 2017
When characters are eating in tv shows or movies I always hyper focus on the eating. Ever since it was pointed out to me how rarely the characters actually eat the food (they mostly just clink their forks to the plate and move the food around) I can't unsee it now. Also the jump cuts in eating scenes are something I always notice. It's funny how in one shot their plate will be nearly empty, and the very next shot, the plate is filled with food, and then it jumps back to being empty.

I annoy the shit out of my girlfriend when I rewind the movie or tv show to point it out. It happened so many times in Big Little Lies, that she sees it constantly in stuff she watches now, to her chagrin.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
When characters are eating in tv shows or movies I always hyper focus on the eating. Ever since it was pointed out to me how rarely the characters actually eat the food (they mostly just clink their forks to the plate and move the food around) I can't unsee it now. Also the jump cuts in eating scenes are something I always notice. It's funny how in one shot their plate will be nearly empty, and the very next shot, the plate is filled with food, and then it jumps back to being empty.

I annoy the shit out of my girlfriend when I rewind the movie or tv show to point it out. It happened so many times in Big Little Lies, that she sees it constantly in stuff she watches now, to her chagrin.

Brad Pitt in Ocean's Eleven was a master of just constantly eating.


Oct 25, 2017
Not me, but I remember my Mum getting very annoyed that Madonna sang Another Suitcase In Another Hall in Evita, when it's meant to be sung by Juan Peron's mistress.


Dec 18, 2017
My wife and I watched Jeepers Creepers (2001) on Saturday night. I had never seen it before. If you've never seen this 19 year old movie and don't want to read some minor spoilers, stop reading now. In the opening of the movie, a brother and sister are making a long road trip home from college for the summer. On a one-lane highway in the middle of nowhere, a big, scary-looking SUV comes flying up behind them and starts aggressively tailgating them. The truck eventually goes around them, but not before Darius notices the truck has a vanity plate that reads BEATNGU. He initially interprets this to mean "beating you," but we eventually learn that it means "be eating you." We also eventually find out that the driver is a scary humanoid monster.

I know it's dumb, but I couldn't stop thinking about that vanity plate.
  • Am I supposed to believe that the monster went down to the local bureau of motor vehicles to order a custom license plate? My wife suggested that he could have just ordered them online, but I don't think that was the case in 2001 when the movie came out.
  • We also learn from another character later in the movie that the creature shows up for 23 days every 23rd spring to feed. How is it at all practical for the monster to have a registered vehicle that sits there for 23 yrs between feedings? Especially when one considers that it's clearly a highly customized truck that would probably need plenty of maintenance after sitting for so long. I would accept the idea that it just steals a car when it comes back and drives that for three weeks except for the custom license plate that is clearly tailored to the creature.
  • I could even accept that it might be an unofficial vanity plate that the creature made itself, except that I doubt it wants to spend its feeding time on arts and crafts projects instead of hunting. Same goes for vehicle maintenance.
  • Toward the end of the film, we find out that the creature can fly at a pretty good clip and can do so while carrying a fully grown human, so why does it need a truck in the first place?!
What are examples of inconsequential nonsense like this have you gotten overly fixated on in the past?
I thought it came from another dimension
Oct 26, 2017
Hahah I think about things like this all the time in movies. Exactly: did the monster go to the DMV??

I can't think of a specific one from myself recently but this review of Yesterday is a good example. The movie apparently implies that without the Beatles there are no cigarettes, which is...a head-spinning implication.
I didn't see this reveal like that. I just thought like The Beatles, cigarettes also just disappeared from existence during the blackout.

karl's wood

Jan 15, 2019
In Terminator 3 the Terminator reveals that it has a fusion battery or whatever that detonates with the force of a small nuclear bomb when damaged. The terminator has two of these batteries and can still function and restrain a stronger Terminator, the T-X, when both are removed from its body.

Why didn't the Terminator at the end of the first movie just blow itself up to kill Sarah Connor? Hell, why didn't it just explode as a result of being crushed?


Oct 25, 2017
Aliens "is this another bug hunt sir?" "We believe a xenomorph may have been involved" does this imply that the colonial marines have fought xeno's before the events of aliens? In which case youd think they would be better prepared. What about arturian poon tang. Other alien species are almost never mentioned in this series besides predators (non-canon) and engineers. am i supposed to believe that humanity and the weyland yutani corporation have met other friendly alien species and the colonial marines have had sex with them!?

A "bug hunt" sounds like a mission in which they are glorified exterminators. There probably are some sort of freakishly huge space roaches or some shit, manmade or otherwise, and they get sent in to clean up. It's probably boring, gross, and beneath space marines, hence Hudson's annoyed tone.

"Xenomorph" is not the name of the aliens in Aliens. It's a generic term. Much like "alien".


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
During Batman Vs Superman, theres a shot of Clark cooking eggs where the prop looked so fake it boggled my mind for the rest of the film. The shot lasted like 5 seconds, they couldnt just get real eggs to fry up instead of using some prop that look like a kids toy from a cooking playset to play house with?
Sep 12, 2018
During Batman Vs Superman, theres a shot of Clark cooking eggs where the prop looked so fake it boggled my mind for the rest of the film. The shot lasted like 5 seconds, they couldnt just get real eggs to fry up instead of using some prop that look like a kids toy from a cooking playset to play house with?

Still not as bad as the baby in American Sniper though:



Oct 25, 2017
Rewatching Harry Potter the thread.

Harry and Prof Moody develop a substantial relationship over the course of Goblet of Fire where we come to learn about the latter's disposition, motivations and world views. He's a pretty wise and interesting guy. Then the twist is that the whole year Moody had actually been a villainous David Tennant pretending to be Moody all along and the real Moody had been locked up.

Then in the next story Moody's back and we're expected to just treat all that character and relationship work in the previous film as actual development. Like, Harry, you have no idea who this guy is. You just met him bud. That guy you've been hanging out with was a violent murderer I'm so sorry.

How much of his personality from GoF am I supposed to attribute to the imposter's own personality and how much should I attribute to the real Moody?


The Fallen
Nov 30, 2017
Your heart
The end of the Dawn of the Dead remake where the guy is standing at the edge of the dock and infected, as they are leaving. He has no gun in his hand or at all, it pans to the boat, then it pans back to him in the same pose but he now magically has a gun. Snyder omg buddy.

There are a couple of brief shots clearly showing the pistol tucked into the back of his jeans. He takes it out off-screen, which does not necessitate a pose change.


Oct 25, 2017
The milk in 1917.

1. How long has that been there?
2. How the fuck is it safe for a baby to drink?

Also the idiocy of that guy helping the enemy pilot, felt manipulative to be forced to watch a character slowly die because of pure stupidity.
That's not idiocy, that's empathy. The guy was burning to death right in front of them.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved the first half of Jeepers Creepers, then it fell apart

One thing I couldn't handle was the damn "looks like meat's back on the menu boys" from lard of the rings

" I am no man" was pure cringe and the death animation of witch king afterwards was awful and felt like something from the 90s, completely out of place with the rest of the movies

Deleted member 17402

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The logic of the entire space fleet chase in TLJ, it completely made no sense in so many ways, the whole idea of it is stupid and even with folks trying to explain why, it doesn't fix that it was incredibly stupid and illogical to have even happened. The entire chase is one "why" after another.
Here's why I hate that entire ship sequence: TLJ effectively introduces energy blasts that contend with gravity in space now. They were curving on their trajectory toward the Rebels when fired from Snoke's ship. IN SPACE. What happened to lasers that shot straight and could blow things up, just like every fighter is equipped to shoot? This movie started applying gravity to energy blasts in space and it drives me mad.

Worse yet, they have to wait for Rebel ships to lose momentum and fall within range in order to hit them. Why couldn't they calculate the energy blasts to aim AHEAD of the Rebels ships who were "out of range," so that they struck them while they continued moving forward?

The entire chase sequence is unnecessary and would be resolved if the movie utilized LASERS like every god damn movie before it. Snoke's ship could have fired dead straight and blown up all of those ships, but no, they had to do this dumb crap to create an inconvenient chase sequence that looks just as dumb on screen as it sounds on paper.



Jan 27, 2018
Ive been doing this since a kid, why was shredder scared of the turtles in TMNT2 when he beat them the last time, why was Vanilla Ice able to make a new song so fast?


Jun 14, 2018
Never, if the overal experience was cool, I don't care about small inconsistencies or plot holes.


Oct 25, 2017
The one thing that always annoys me is when you have a scene of two people talking and it cuts half way through one character talking to the camera now being behind their back and it's super obvious that what they are now mouthing isn't what the audio track is saying.

Im assuming its because they have just taken two separate cuts and acted like it was a continuation of the same scene but it takes me out of the moment every single time and it pretty much happens in 99% of TV/Film.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
When the first order in TLJ has their entire fleet cruising at like 25mph behind the rebels instead of sending any of them ahead via warp to cut them off
Oct 25, 2017
I usually try not to do this for movies esp. since they have limited time and space, but this bothered me in the final Harry Potter book as well, so I'll put it here. Spoilers obviously.

So Ron's grand moment in the final book/movie is his idea to use a fang from the Chamber of Secrets in order to destroy a horcrux. So far, nothing wrong and actually pretty damn smart. The problem I have is with how he gets in. In the Chamber of Secrets book, only Harry (of the students, that is) can open the chamber because he has the unique and uncommon gift (as regularly repeat and enforced by the cast) to speak Parseltongue, the language of serpents. So in the final movie/book, Ron manages to open the chamber himself by "mimicking" Harry (in the book, he hears Harry speak it in the forest and it leaves a lasting impression or something, in the movie "Harry talks in his sleep" etc.). The problem is that this retcons Parseltongue as presented in the 2nd movie/book. It's presented to the audience as a gift one is either born with or not; Harry didn't "learn" Parseltongue, he doesn't even realize he's speaking it when he does (which is better illustrated in the book where the dialogue is all in English, and the characters tell him later that he was speaking Parseltongue). Hermoine outright states "that's not a common gift, Harry," further cementing it as an innate skill one either does or doesn't possess. In the final movie/book it's presented as a language one can learn or at least mimic.

This doesn't make any sense because Harry is not the first person to have the ability; it wouldn't have a name and be known among the wizard community and its budding students if no one previously had this ability. As such it stands to reason that if Parseltongue were a language one could teach, someone would have capitalized on it and charged a fortune to teach prospective students (esp. ones from rich Slytheran-leaning families) the language. Others would teach it and pass it on and it likely would have just... ended up as a Hogwarts course at some point. Harry knowing Parseltongue would be surprising, sure, but it wouldn't be unique to him alone making him the prime suspect to a lot of the students initially when they learn he has it. Ron "mimicking" it completely breaks this and just ruins it. Esp. since it would have been easy to work around this. Instead of Ron doing it himself, he grabs Harry and says "Harry I just had a brilliant idea! I need you to open the Chamber of Secrets so I can grab a fang from the serpent and use it to destroy the Horcrux!" Harry and Hermoine would compliment Ron's brilliant idea, they run over, he opens it, Ron and Hermoine run in and Harry runs back to the fight.

But no, let's just retcon it from an ability to a language. It makes no sense. :(


Oct 25, 2017
I usually try not to do this for movies esp. since they have limited time and space, but this bothered me in the final Harry Potter book as well, so I'll put it here. Spoilers obviously.

So Ron's grand moment in the final book/movie is his idea to use a fang from the Chamber of Secrets in order to destroy a horcrux. So far, nothing wrong and actually pretty damn smart. The problem I have is with how he gets in. In the Chamber of Secrets book, only Harry (of the students, that is) can open the chamber because he has the unique and uncommon gift (as regularly repeat and enforced by the cast) to speak Parseltongue, the language of serpents. So in the final movie/book, Ron manages to open the chamber himself by "mimicking" Harry (in the book, he hears Harry speak it in the forest and it leaves a lasting impression or something, in the movie "Harry talks in his sleep" etc.). The problem is that this retcons Parseltongue as presented in the 2nd movie/book. It's presented to the audience as a gift one is either born with or not; Harry didn't "learn" Parseltongue, he doesn't even realize he's speaking it when he does (which is better illustrated in the book where the dialogue is all in English, and the characters tell him later that he was speaking Parseltongue). Hermoine outright states "that's not a common gift, Harry," further cementing it as an innate skill one either does or doesn't possess. In the final movie/book it's presented as a language one can learn or at least mimic.

This doesn't make any sense because Harry is not the first person to have the ability; it wouldn't have a name and be known among the wizard community and its budding students if no one previously had this ability. As such it stands to reason that if Parseltongue were a language one could teach, someone would have capitalized on it and charged a fortune to teach prospective students (esp. ones from rich Slytheran-leaning families) the language. Others would teach it and pass it on and it likely would have just... ended up as a Hogwarts course at some point. Harry knowing Parseltongue would be surprising, sure, but it wouldn't be unique to him alone making him the prime suspect to a lot of the students initially when they learn he has it. Ron "mimicking" it completely breaks this and just ruins it. Esp. since it would have been easy to work around this. Instead of Ron doing it himself, he grabs Harry and says "Harry I just had a brilliant idea! I need you to open the Chamber of Secrets so I can grab a fang from the serpent and use it to destroy the Horcrux!" Harry and Hermoine would compliment Ron's brilliant idea, they run over, he opens it, Ron and Hermoine run in and Harry runs back to the fight.

But no, let's just retcon it from an ability to a language. It makes no sense. :(

A couple of years ago I found a blog where a guy had gone into detail on dozens of plotholes and other weird worldbuilding problems with the Harry Potter novels that really expose how Rowling didn't actually plan any of this in advance as she's so commonly cited as doing. I can't find it again, but I think it was a blogspot page, each individual plothole analyzed had a separate entry, and the entries had snarky titles like "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Irrationality" or something. If anyone knows what I'm talking about, post it because it was great.


Oct 28, 2017
Gruntilda’s Lair
The Arkenstone in The Hobbit trilogy. It's like they completely forgot about it in the last movie. Bilbo steals it, gives it away and... that's it. They never conclude the vital piece that served as the entire premise of the trilogy lol


Oct 25, 2017
J.J. Abrams and his constant failure to understand space always bugs me.

How does Spock see Vulcan get destroyed like that from another planet? They were at warp for a while before kicking Kirk out, so they were far away. Even if it was just the next planet over, Vulcan should have been a tiny speck in the sky.

In the same movie the whole star going super nova thing. It's so stupid when you think about it. Stars just don't blow up randomly.

Or in TFA somehow everyone can see the lasers Starkiller Base sent out, and the planets they hit, despite them being far away as crap.

It's like he just doesn't understand how freaking big space is.

Into Darkness has the Enterprise being disabled next to the moon and then dropping onto San Francisco a few minutes later.

That same battle has them knocked out of warp next to the moon when they were fleeing back to Earth. At many times the speed of light that's a fraction of a second away.

That movie has them beaming across the galaxy, which makes starships redundant.

In TFA Han brings the Falcon out of hyperspace between Starkiller Base's shield and its surface by estimating it.

Yeah, he has no concept of scale in space at all.