
Oct 25, 2017
OK, similar to the last thread, found the conference call on the deal, it's over an hour so a lot in there


Embracer Group enters into an agreement to acquire Eidos, Crystal Dynamics, and Square Enix Montréal

Embracer Group enters into an agreement to acquire Eidos, Crystal Dynamics, and Square Enix Montréal amongst other assets.00:01:30 Lars Wingefors - CEO & Co-...


Lock if old.

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Nov 8, 2017
Shadow of the Tomb Raider was also the most expensive game in the franchise with a budget of 130 million.

Wonder if the newer games will be of a smaller scale/lower production values


Oct 25, 2017
FYI on the performance of the studios from last FY21.
CD seems decentish but EM has a clear and hard drop





Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
Shadow of the Tomb Raider was also the most expensive game in the franchise with a budget of 130 million.

Wonder if the newer games will be of a smaller scale/lower production values

I am still surprised by the budget of that one. Just tells me how hard it is to gauge budgets in this industry.
Oct 28, 2017
I think some people need to realize that these companies don't care about small profits, especially if it takes a lot of time and resources to get there. none of these franchises or games "lost" money. they just did not do well enough to satisfy the higher ups. especially if the sequels do worse than what came before it, they view that as diminishing returns when they are looking for growth.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
And Square considered them failures?
It I invest 500 million dollars into a game, and then sell 450 million copies for a dollar, it doesn't really matter that I now have the best selling game of all time, I lost 50 million on the game. This is an exaggerated scenario, but the point is for how much they cost to produce they didn't generate the kind of revenue they should have. This is a mix of both SE publishing tactics and CS/Eidos development costs.


Oct 27, 2017
I wish they had made sequels to Temple of Osiris (granted, I thought it was a step down from Guardian of Light) and Lara Croft GO.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What's with all these "Square Enix mismanaged these studio" posts? Studios have their own budgets, expenses, management team and so on. Square Enix was not micromanaging them, the studios managed themselves. If Square gave them a $100 million budget for a Tomb Raider game, then obviously they will expect a large return.

It would be smart for Embracer to have these studios move to cheaper cities, give them smaller budgets and market the games more though.


Mar 23, 2020
53 mil on Lara Croft Go is wild. It's a good game I'm just shocked it sold that much

Is it just LC: Go? I know it was their big paid mobile title, but at one point Tomb Raider 1-3, and Guardian of light were on the Android, although they look to have been delisted. Plus, I dunno I'd the counted any of the alternative costumes or boosts in Relic Run.

I wish they had made sequels to Temple of Osiris (granted, I thought it was a step down from Guardian of Light) and Lara Croft GO.

A new isometric shooter or a new Go would be a day one purchase for me.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
t would be smart for Embracer to have these studios move to cheaper cities, give them smaller budgets and market the games more though.
Not everyone wants to live in a cheaper city. If people were that flexible with moving, tons of companies would move out of Seattle/LA/San Fran/New York immediately.


Prophet of Regret Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 7, 2019
What's with all these "Square Enix mismanaged these studio" posts? Studios have their own budgets, expenses, management team and so on. Square Enix was not micromanaging them, the studios managed themselves. If Square gave them a $100 million budget for a Tomb Raider game, then obviously they will expect a large return.

It would be smart for Embracer to have these studios move to cheaper cities, give them smaller budgets and market the games more though.

I mean if it would be that easy everyone would do it. Just telling your employees to suck it up and move because you wanna save money isn't going to go well. These people will go work somewhere else, especially in Montreal.


Oct 27, 2017
I know there were issues with the low profit margins of certain titles here but any IP that can do these sort of numbers surely must be seen as a decent get even if your not prepared to go all out in risking expensive AAA titles based off it. The mobile numbers alone must be attractive reading for Embracer.


Apr 21, 2021
I know its an unpopular opinion but I have played all of CD's recent games and most of their older ones too. The absolute size of that company really betrays the work they put out IMO. I am not saying they are not a good studio, but their recent Tomb raider games are fairly mid-tier AAA games but with enormous budgets behind them for seemingly no good reason. They are outdone by ND in all aspects if you compare them to their contemporaries. Especially after buying Avengers on release to actually sticking around for more than a year..... I honestly have lost all confidence in that studio and their leadership. Mind you, this was as they were massively ramping up the studio with the Crystal NW addition.

I do not doubt for a second that CD were an absolute money pit for SE. At least GoTG had something to show for its budget despite its financial woes.


Sep 15, 2020
Imagine mismanaging the Tomb Raider IP (Square whole western division really) so horrifically, that it sells in a bundle of many other IP's and dev studios for just 300 mil.


Oct 30, 2017
I know its an unpopular opinion but I have played all of CD's recent games and most of their older ones too. The absolute size of that company really betrays the work they put out IMO. I am not saying they are not a good studio, but their recent Tomb raider games are fairly mid-tier AAA games but with enormous budgets behind them for seemingly no good reason. They are outdone by ND in all aspects if you compare them to their contemporaries. Especially after buying Avengers on release to actually sticking around for more than a year..... I honestly have lost all confidence in that studio and their leadership. Mind you, this was as they were massively ramping up the studio with the Crystal NW addition.

I do not doubt for a second that CD were an absolute money pit for SE. At least GoTG had something to show for its budget despite its financial woes.

I ended up not posting this in one of the other threads, but I absolutely agree with you here - we know avengers lost se a significant amount of money (~60m usd), but even the tomb raider games didn't really live up to what they could/should have been. they basically topped out at "we have uncharted at home" quality, and had a massive amount of investment put into them. lcgo was a very good mobile game (as was hitman go!) but also does not have anywhere near the monetization potential of a game like ff: brave exvius, for example. the downloads do not necessarily translate into profit in the same way as se japan's mobile games often do.

like, people here vastly overrate how successful these studios were. this is not to say I'm happy they were sold (I'm not), but this isn't "classic se blunders" or whatever - this is se selling off an underperforming asset. the "western studios were keeping se japan afloat" narrative has been untrue for a very, very long time.