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Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
If you're gonna get a cheap pizza meal go for bagel bites or pizza rolls


Oct 25, 2017

To drop the clown timeline jokes for a minute, hopefully this is neat.

On the other hand, I'm doubtful this is going to make me spring for a VR headset.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Im about to see the Konosuba movie.

I have never seen anything related to this anine whatsoever.

How screwed am I?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Konosuba was a dumb comedy. Is the series usually this tropey? I feel like I should've gone to either Alien 40th Anniversary or even Jojo Rabbit instead.

It'd be a solid 5 without certain jokes, but with them, it's about a 4/10.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Konosuba was a dumb comedy. Is the series usually this tropey? I feel like I should've gone to either Alien 40th Anniversary or even Jojo Rabbit instead.

It'd be a solid 5 without certain jokes, but with them, it's about a 4/10.
Konosuba is definitely a series that lives and dies by its humor


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Konosuba is definitely a series that lives and dies by its humor

Is the series itself so...
transphobic? The main villian (which took their bloody time to show up BTW) has a scene where the whole joke is that "UH OH! YOU HAVE BOOOOOOOOBS! BUT YOUR A MAAAAANNN OMGZORZ" The theatre erupted in laughter at that point.

Maybe i'm just getting to old for that sort of joke.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
Is the series itself so...
transphobic? The main villian (which took their bloody time to show up BTW) has a scene where the whole joke is that "UH OH! YOU HAVE BOOOOOOOOBS! BUT YOUR A MAAAAANNN OMGZORZ" The theatre erupted in laughter at that point.

Maybe i'm just getting to old for that sort of joke.
Yeah that's pretty bad...its been a while but I don't remember any overt transphobia in the two seasons of the anime


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the film apparently contains two....."jokes"/scenes that are really out of character for the series and seems too mean-spirited. Like yeah, part of the humor is the comeuppance of certain characters, but not to the extreme that the film takes it.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the film apparently contains two....."jokes"/scenes that are really out of character for the series and seems too mean-spirited. Like yeah, part of the humor is the comeuppance of certain characters, but not to the extreme that the film takes it.
I'm guessing the movie isn't canon to the source material then?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm guessing the movie isn't canon to the source material then?
It absolutely is. Season 1 is volume 1-2 of the novels, season 2 is volume 2-4, and the movie is volume 5.

The transphobic joke was always in the novel, though from what I remember of it, the anime tones it down slightly. Also adds some anime only content to the climax to make for a better movie finale.


Looking for a better cartoon show.
Oct 25, 2017
It absolutely is. Season 1 is volume 1-2 of the novels, season 2 is volume 2-4, and the movie is volume 5.

The transphobic joke was always in the novel, though from what I remember of it, the anime tones it down slightly. Also adds some anime only content to the climax to make for a better movie finale.
Ah well that's disappointing


Oct 25, 2017
Reading reactions to Shenmue 3...

Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Konosuba was a dumb comedy. Is the series usually this tropey? I feel like I should've gone to either Alien 40th Anniversary or even Jojo Rabbit instead.

It'd be a solid 5 without certain jokes, but with them, it's about a 4/10.
Should have went with Alien.

I'd love to see that on the big screen one day.


Oct 25, 2017
Resetera is having some bad drama, so I think it's a good idea to post invites to the discord again

It isn't used that much besides me advertising my anime stream, but it's a really good tool for us to congregate at, especially with recent drama happening on the board. I'm not sounding any alarms, but it might be a good idea to get into the discord in case the mod team on this forum makes really bad decisions


Oct 25, 2017
Guessing it's drama from the Etc. side as I almost never check there, but ugh, with how young this forum is, really hope things don't turn to shit.

Meanwhile, freakin' hell, ya think you get a message from what seems like the right woman, only to be told "sorry, lookin' for someone with a more stable job"....

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
It's almost as if Shenmue always sucked and it doesn't have the benefit of being a game with an entire generation of build up from desparate Sega fans...


Oct 25, 2017
Just finished The Outer Worlds.

I feel like that game has a lot of issues sadly. The biggest one is probably despite how things initially appear, the game doesn't really offer that much in terms of interesting character builds. Part of this is due to the boring perk system that doesn't really alter the way you play much, and the other part is due to most of the quests in the game being pretty narrow in terms of decision making. (I will say the main story, and faction quests are decent, but I don't think there's a single WOW quest in the game. There's no Beyond the Beef, or anything close to it.)

This is less of an issue, but I feel the game could be a bit more generous in terms of turning in quests/alternating your party members. Say a mission makes you travel to multiple worlds? This usually means getting on your ship, flying to the other planet, doing the mission there, and flying back to turn it in. (Can I not call people? People call me all the time. I get I'm an outlaw, but still.) Say you want to change up your party out in the field? You can't just tell one party member to go back to the ship and tell someone else to join you. (This admittedly might shake up the game in some big ways.) You gotta go back to your ship, switch your party, and then leave the ship. The amount of game to waiting for game starts to grind after awhile.

Random thoughts
-Parvati and Felix are the best members of the crew, and Ellie is easily the worst. Ellie feels just short of being a parody at times.
-I think it's kinda funny that multiple quests build up Mantiqueens to be this Deathclaw level threat, but chances are by the time you've gotten to those quests, you've killed Mantiqueens by the dozen.
-More games should have a "Dropkick that fucker" button.

Man God

Oct 25, 2017
The game seems emblematic of why Obsidian needed to be picked up by someone. All of their games ooze lack of time to give them the proper polish needed to be great.
Oct 25, 2017
Guessing it's drama from the Etc. side as I almost never check there, but ugh, with how young this forum is, really hope things don't turn to shit.

Meanwhile, freakin' hell, ya think you get a message from what seems like the right woman, only to be told "sorry, lookin' for someone with a more stable job"....
Welcome to dating. Women on the regular just treat me like shit for no justifiable reason.

yo giorno really made that man eat his gun
"enjoy your last meal". Served that shit to him cold


Oct 25, 2017
How soon can a person start walking around with a Christmas Hat on all the time?

Just wondering.


I've been doing it for two weeks.


Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to wrap myself in Christmas lights for a whole year and no one can stop me.
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