Oct 25, 2017
Most negative thing I've seen about it was from John Campea
1. Love interest felt unnecessary(everyone else disagreed with him though)
2. Some nostalgia was far too on the nose(specifically called out Goose's son playing the piano
in a bar, wearing a similar shirt to his dad and it being the same exact song

but he absolutely loved it


Oct 25, 2017
With Mission Impossible 7 delayed to next year, is Top Gun Maverick going to the 2022's Mad Max Fury Road? Cruise missile literally cannot be stopped.


Oct 27, 2017
I like that this director has what sounds like a classic on his hands, their style is really something special.


Oct 31, 2017
I wonder how they're going to handle Val Kilmer's health in the movie. The last interview I saw, he could barely talk. I wonder if they got all his scenes filmed before his health got so bad, if he has basically a small, non speaking cameo, or if they got a sound alike to dub his lines in.


Nov 29, 2017
"Take my breath away" is such an incredible, epic ballad. Hoping the Gaga track is as iconic as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Mixed emotions to be honest. I love the original but I'm really not sure how much I can handle a rah rah America movie about the airforce, so I'm somehow hoping it manages to maybe avoid going hard on that angle but I dunno.

I just want an Ace Combat movie pls.
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder how they're going to handle Val Kilmer's health in the movie. The last interview I saw, he could barely talk. I wonder if they got all his scenes filmed before his health got so bad, if he has basically a small, non speaking cameo, or if they got a sound alike to dub his lines in.

Or his character in the movie is sick too.


Oct 27, 2017
i'm extremely interested in the geopolitical angle of this movie, and if there's any cold war roots or if that was seen as too passé

it was meant to come out pre-pandemic, but post-pandemic the world is a much different place with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. I guess any way they set it up it all feels a bit more believable, and the movie will likely benefit at the box office because of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Day fucking 1 on IMAX, and since my gf doesnt like going to movie theaters, I do not mind going by myself.

I will have to do a re-watch of Top Gun soon.

Mixed emotions to be honest. I love the original but I'm really not sure how much I can handle a rah rah America movie about the airforce, so I'm somehow hoping it manages to maybe avoid going hard on that angle but I dunno.

I just want an Ace Combat movie pls.

No need to worry about the Air Force being involved since we're dealing with the Navy :P.

Makes sense. It's an iconic (and beautiful) bird not easily replaced/forgotten.

It was such an OP plane (not counting the A model). Shame the Navy retired it.


Oct 25, 2017
This film is chalking up to be one that I recognize is just American military propaganda but I still enjoy... just like the original.

I guess the film was made too early for the Russians to have been the bad guys this time around. If there are even bad guys I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
The praise is ridiculously over-the-top, but I wonder how much of it is nostalgia goggles from people who saw the first one as kids. Is it going to be nearly as appealing for someone who never saw, much less, uh, imprinted on, the original?
This movie is coming out in 2022 and there is no indication that all impressions are coming from nostalgia. Even long before they finally resumed the media campaign we've heard from last year that this movie not only soars, but lands. It's extremely unlikely that this is some tunnel vision nostalgia thing that requires the original to work. More likely it is just a damn well made dogfighting movie that celebrates machoism, personal honour, cool planes, machine porn, and great practical stunts through a lens of idealistic and innocent patriotism that has fallen out of favour in the reality of modern America, but one that many still dream about.
Jun 22, 2019
Is there gonna be homoeroticism? That's literally the only thing I recall about the original, and pretty sure there wasn't any allusions to it in the trailer I saw (which I found super boring). Not gonna watch it anyway as I can't stomach propaganda spectacles at this point in my life (and I dislike Tom Cruise's schtick as an actor), but I am curious if they're just gonna strip out everything that made the original memorable.
Oct 25, 2017
Mixed emotions to be honest. I love the original but I'm really not sure how much I can handle a rah rah America movie about the airforce, so I'm somehow hoping it manages to maybe avoid going hard on that angle but I dunno.

I just want an Ace Combat movie pls.
The climax of this is something I'd 100% expect from an Ace Combat

This film is chalking up to be one that I recognize is just American military propaganda but I still enjoy... just like the original.

I guess the film was made too early for the Russians to have been the bad guys this time around. If there are even bad guys I guess.
The enemy isn't named but its basically Russia with a bit Iran.

The enemy has a

In the climax battle
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
The praise is ridiculously over-the-top, but I wonder how much of it is nostalgia goggles from people who saw the first one as kids. Is it going to be nearly as appealing for someone who never saw, much less, uh, imprinted on, the original?
Well it's a sequel. So. The answer to your question is most likely "no."


Oct 26, 2017
Saw the newest trailer for this ahead of Sonic 2 and it looked fantastic on the big screen, the kind of movie you dont see as much anymore .


Oct 25, 2017
trailers didn't hype me and I think it will miss Tony Scott's touch (RIP) but these impressions are hype and I was always going to see it in IMAX anyways. prolly will be the best theater experience until Avatar 2 hits this year tbh.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Red stars, jeez. lol

Funny that they aren't named though.
I think that's a picture of the real SU-57 (latest Russian stealth jet).
Looks like they just changes the Russian stars to a different icon and slightly adjusted the camoflage pattern in the Matchbox toy (that is presumably what we see in the film).

I needs to know twitter's opinion on the beach volleyball scenes.
I mean, there are beach volleyball scenes, right? Tom Cruise still looks like this, right?


Oct 25, 2017
I think that's a picture of the real SU-57 (latest Russian stealth jet).
Looks like they just changes the Russian stars to a different icon and slightly adjusted the camoflage pattern in the Matchbox toy (that is presumably what we see in the film).

I needs to know twitter's opinion on the beach volleyball scenes.
I mean, there are beach volleyball scenes, right? Tom Cruise still looks like this, right?
Jets and half-naked men are what make Top Gun, Top Gun.

And I guess technically the enemy isn't named in the first movie either.


Oct 25, 2017
I think that's a picture of the real SU-57 (latest Russian stealth jet).
Looks like they just changes the Russian stars to a different icon and slightly adjusted the camoflage pattern in the Matchbox toy (that is presumably what we see in the film).

I needs to know twitter's opinion on the beach volleyball scenes.
I mean, there are beach volleyball scenes, right? Tom Cruise still looks like this, right?
I always dreamed to achieve these levels of badassery: Drop by and just play volleyball shirtless while just on jeans and Aviators

Dang... 80's Cruise produced too many kino historic moments



Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Jennifer Connelly is in this? Huh


Oct 27, 2017
Can't wait! First movie I'll see in the theater since covid started (last was Ford Vs Ferrari in Jan of 2020 I think)