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Oct 25, 2017
One thing that doesn't square with the military propaganda / recruitment tool aspect for me is that the movie clearly portrays top navy brass as being completely ok with throwing their best and brightest into the meat grinder. For most of the movie, Maverick's insistence on bringing the pilots home in one piece is being treated as an annoyance. I don't know about the others, but if I saw in the job advertisement that that my potential new employers have no regard for my life and will try to sacrifice it the second it's beneficial for them, I would probably look somewhere else.
It's an impossible mission and no one dies anyway. To the point where they can fly an F14 and beat a modern jet.
Like there's absolutely no danger or tension in that regard, which is probably what they want you to think if you were thinking of joining the military and this was the movie that would convince you to do it. lol
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
This is your second attempt already, OP

Days ago you tried the same in another TGM topic, but with a totally different and unrelated reason, remember?


First it was because a court case, now it' because of ideologies and whatnot..

Well, third time is the charm as it's said, so let's see what is next for why TGM is evil.

Just say you don't like the movie, that's all. It's fine, it's all personal taste in the end and there's no need justify why.
this is my new favorite thread
Oct 29, 2017
This Orwellian fascist propaganda gives me such 1984 vibes. Soon they'll start building their Animal Farms and dystopian utopia. Truly a bunch of identity politics.


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly, we should examine the Freudian implications of this film. For example, Miles Teller's character's callsign is Rooster. What is another word for Rooster? Cock.

I rest my case.
Oct 27, 2017
people are going to run this one into the ground unnecessarily too, but Orwellian describes a lot of things fairly well, right now.
Do you even know what "Orwellian" means?
Fair and apologies.

There's probably a better way to describe the uneasy feeling I had when I realized that this movie was also not going to name its enemies, similar to the first movie, but it is escaping me right now.


May 5, 2018
Embarrassing thread, and far more so by the repliers than by OP. The OP's "crimes" as they were, are the inflammatory misuse of the term Fascism and acting a bit self-important with a thread banner and the "Woah there. Now that's a ballsy title" opening line.

Of the two things, only the first thing is an actual problem and it's something that could easily have been sorted out on the first page and discussion could have actually moved on from there. Instead we have multiple pages worth of users running into get their petty off topic "dunks" in because for some reason it's acceptable to act like a bunch of toxic arseholes if it's collectively decided that the OP had a bad take.


Oct 29, 2017
Most movies are 'propaganda' in that they promote an ideology and lifestyle (or they are made to criticize an ideology or lifestyle). There is a reason why they air drop usb sticks with episodes of Friends over North Korea.

It's fine (and I'd say beneficial) to look at all cultural products through a critical eye. But it also feels silly to single out Top Gun. You're making this out as a revelation while it's Critical Thinking 101.


Oct 27, 2017
It's an impossible mission and no one dies anyway. To the point where they can fly an F14 and beat a modern jet.
Like there's absolutely no danger or tension in that regard, which is probably what they want you to think if you were thinking of joining the military and this was the movie that would convince you to do it. lol
Oh ok, that makes sense.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Embarrassing thread, and far more so by the repliers than by OP. The OP's "crimes" as they were, are the inflammatory misuse of the term Fascism and acting a bit self-important with a thread banner and the "Woah there. Now that's a ballsy title" opening line.

Of the two things, only the first thing is an actual problem and it's something that could easily have been sorted out on the first page and discussion could have actually moved on from there. Instead we have multiple pages worth of users running into get their petty off topic "dunks" in because for some reason it's acceptable to act like a bunch of toxic arseholes if it's collectively decided that the OP had a bad take.
This is your fifth post trying to defend the OP's points in this thread, which is funny as the OP hasn't defended their points even once.

The OP was over the top using fascism and also very much on her high horse with this as the closing line "We have to untangle this from the media we watch or we become supporters of fascism without even realizing it." The implication is that the simpletons who enjoyed the movie are fascist supporters. Of course that broad overreach is going to rub people the wrong way.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Embarrassing thread, and far more so by the repliers than by OP. The OP's "crimes" as they were, are the inflammatory misuse of the term Fascism and acting a bit self-important with a thread banner and the "Woah there. Now that's a ballsy title" opening line.

Of the two things, only the first thing is an actual problem and it's something that could easily have been sorted out on the first page and discussion could have actually moved on from there. Instead we have multiple pages worth of users running into get their petty off topic "dunks" in because for some reason it's acceptable to act like a bunch of toxic arseholes if it's collectively decided that the OP had a bad take.

The only thing more embarrassing than the OP is you trying to White Knight for them.
Oct 29, 2017
Embarrassing thread, and far more so by the repliers than by OP. The OP's "crimes" as they were, are the inflammatory misuse of the term Fascism and acting a bit self-important with a thread banner and the "Woah there. Now that's a ballsy title" opening line.

Of the two things, only the first thing is an actual problem and it's something that could easily have been sorted out on the first page and discussion could have actually moved on from there. Instead we have multiple pages worth of users running into get their petty off topic "dunks" in because for some reason it's acceptable to act like a bunch of toxic arseholes if it's collectively decided that the OP had a bad take.

Woah there. Now that's a ballsy post.


Oct 25, 2017
Most movies are 'propaganda' in that they promote an ideology and lifestyle (or they are made to criticize an ideology or lifestyle). There is a reason why they air drop usb sticks with episodes of Friends over North Korea.

It's fine (and I'd say beneficial) to look at all cultural products through a critical eye. But it also feels silly to single out Top Gun. You're making this out as a revelation while it's Critical Thinking 101.
To be fair, to make a movie with military involvement they have to approve the script. You basically can't depict the military in a negative light.

Is it outright propaganda because it's not the Navy putting out the film themselves like America's Army video game or the US Army e-sports team? I guess that's up for everyone to decide for themselves.


Oct 27, 2017
Embarrassing thread, and far more so by the repliers than by OP. The OP's "crimes" as they were, are the inflammatory misuse of the term Fascism and acting a bit self-important with a thread banner and the "Woah there. Now that's a ballsy title" opening line.

Of the two things, only the first thing is an actual problem and it's something that could easily have been sorted out on the first page and discussion could have actually moved on from there. Instead we have multiple pages worth of users running into get their petty off topic "dunks" in because for some reason it's acceptable to act like a bunch of toxic arseholes if it's collectively decided that the OP had a bad take.
I mean, there's not much to discuss once you strip out the fascist implications OP was reaching for because then you're left with the military propaganda that everyone universally is aware of when walking into this movie.

There's nothing wrong about enjoying something that uses the military as a prop for storytelling, if you're aware that the story shouldn't be used to wash over reality. If people were using the Top Gun movies as evidence of the sanctity of US military and that they can do no wrong when it comes to war actions, then there'd be something to talk about. But no one is doing that, the US military still sucks, and fighter jets are still cool. Everyone is in agreement about that.


Jun 21, 2019
Fair and apologies.

There's probably a better way to describe the uneasy feeling I had when I realized that this movie was also not going to name its enemies, similar to the first movie, but it is escaping me right now.

I think just calling it propaganda is fine, and quite a severe charge as is.

Now I haven't seen the movie (I did see the original) so I can't opine on any specific details but the idea of the "brave men and women" of the United States battling a faceless Other does slightly fall in line with Orwell's views on damaging euphemisms and general use of language that try to disguise dire reality and dire intentions for a political purpose, but only to a point.

The movie functions as effective propaganda regardless of whether or not the enemy is ever explicitly identified, and is arguably better for not actually naming the enemy and engendering greater hostility there. Plenty of movies (and games, and tons of media) have absolutely no problem directly identifying the antagonists as, for example, "Islamic extremists," and I think those do substantially more social harm.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
Enough! Your references are criminal you belong in The Cell, you're succumbing to Basic Instinct, instead of something more representative of having An Education, your posts are rote, your references, The Usual Suspects, you're a Disaster Artist, not a Puppet Master.
Au Contraire mon Frère, I'm a veritable Master of Disguise, I could be standing right next to you and you wouldn't even know it.

Know that no matter where you are, no matter what Metropolis you're hiding in, I'll find you. I'm Going to get you Sucka; There Will Be Blood!

Then once we've had our Last Tango in Paris and you're experienced Extinction, I'll be Gone with the Wind, never to be seen again.

The Nightsky

Oct 27, 2017
It's not some dirty secret that Top Gun has ties to the US military. The original movie saw the Navy set up recruitment booths right outside of theatres to catch audiences walking out of showings.
I've heard that the original movie wasn't getting a ton of support from the Navy during the production. Like, obviously they managed to get it done, but it wasn't something that they knew was going to be so successful (as a movie and as a recruiting tool). Them setting up recruiting boots sounds nefarious but it's not necessarily part of some grand masterplan.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
You wrote all of that without operating on a reasonable definition of fascism.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, to make a movie with military involvement they have to approve the script. You basically can't depict the military in a negative light.

Is it outright propaganda because it's not the Navy putting out the film themselves like America's Army video game or the US Army e-sports team? I guess that's up for everyone to decide for themselves.
It's the same with lots of products. Notice all the Audis you see in film and TV. They're not going to break down or have them flip over or anything as they're glorified ads.

Film companies basically choose whether it's worth working with the Pentagon or not and oftentimes they'll choose not to (Deer Hunter, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket) to be free from the interference that working with them can cause. It's good to know that a lot of the big budget movies have propaganda in them but it's certainly not the only way a movie about the military can get made.


May 19, 2019
I'm sure there are a many American kids who saw this movie and now have ambitions of being a fighter pilot in the AirForce, but action movies glorify whatever profession is being showcased. After watching Deep Impact as a child, I wanted to be an astrophysicist so I could help save the world from an impending asteroid. Did I follow my ambition? No, because it involved too much math
To be fair, being an astrophysicist requires a ton of work in a specialized area. The military is literally recruiting students fresh out of high school, specifically preying on people without other ambitions.


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
I can't imagine watching either of the two Top Gun movies and rushing out to join the navy, but I know that's a thing.

These movies are like cartoons to me. It's GI JOE level realism.


Oct 25, 2017
Incidentally, someone linked me this review today

A ½ review of Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

"Hi everybody and welcome to Top Gun: Maverick," Tom Cruise tells audiences in a brief pre-movie introduction. "...Our incredible cast and crew worked very hard to bring you the most immersive and authentic film experience we could. There's real F-18s, real Gs, real speed..." "Top Gun: Maverick"...

Like all successful fascist narratives, this movie portrays our enemies as simultaneously all-powerful and extremely weak. To craft a story where our ludicrously overfunded heroes can be underdogs, it is necessary to pretend that Iran has "advanced 5th generation fighters" which are superior to US capabilities; this is brought up repeatedly regardless of how absurd it is. Yet when our heroes are actually in Iran, all of their pilots have the aim of a blind man. Tom Cruise survives a .50 caliber machine gun right in front of him by taking cover behind a dead log. The .50 caliber bullet is designed to penetrate an armored truck engine
From the OP
  1. How is the film fascist propaganda? A key feature of fascist propaganda is to portray the enemy as both simultaneously all-powerful and extremely weak. The film does through this through the plot point that the United States military has to use outdated technology because it's the only thing that will work in this hyper-specific scenario.

Exact same wording.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Film companies basically choose whether it's worth working with the Pentagon or not and oftentimes they'll choose not to (Deer Hunter, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket) to be free from the interference that working with them can cause. It's good to know that a lot of the big budget movies have propaganda in them but it's certainly not the only way a movie about the military can get made.
Unfortunately, you don't hardly ever see these kinds of movies about the US military made anymore.


Oct 25, 2017
Incidentally, someone linked me this review today

A ½ review of Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

"Hi everybody and welcome to Top Gun: Maverick," Tom Cruise tells audiences in a brief pre-movie introduction. "...Our incredible cast and crew worked very hard to bring you the most immersive and authentic film experience we could. There's real F-18s, real Gs, real speed..." "Top Gun: Maverick"...

From the OP

Exact same wording.
Well shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Incidentally, someone linked me this review today

A ½ review of Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

"Hi everybody and welcome to Top Gun: Maverick," Tom Cruise tells audiences in a brief pre-movie introduction. "...Our incredible cast and crew worked very hard to bring you the most immersive and authentic film experience we could. There's real F-18s, real Gs, real speed..." "Top Gun: Maverick"...

From the OP

Exact same wording.

Woah there. That might be plagiarism from an OP that refuses to engage.


May 5, 2018
I mean, there's not much to discuss once you strip out the fascist implications OP was reaching for because then you're left with the military propaganda that everyone universally is aware of when walking into this movie.

There's nothing wrong about enjoying something that uses the military as a prop for storytelling, if you're aware that the story shouldn't be used to wash over reality. If people were using the Top Gun movies as evidence of the sanctity of US military and that they can do no wrong when it comes to war actions, then there'd be something to talk about. But no one is doing that, the US military still sucks, and fighter jets are still cool. Everyone is in agreement about that.
There are literally multiple posts in this very thread arguing that "a movie is just a movie" so that tells me that no, not everyone realizes that this movie was military propaganda. And those comments exist right alongside comments that talk about how the fact that it was military propaganda was so obvious that it's not worth pointing out.

If some people came away from the movie and felt like it was just a "generic blockbuster" with no deeper implications and some people came away from the movie with the feeling that it was military propaganda, there's a conversation worth having about the disconnect there. Obviously that conversation isn't going to happen here both because OP started the conversation off in the worst way possible and because most of the people in the thread now only care about sticking the boot in.


Oct 25, 2017
Incidentally, someone linked me this review today

A ½ review of Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

"Hi everybody and welcome to Top Gun: Maverick," Tom Cruise tells audiences in a brief pre-movie introduction. "...Our incredible cast and crew worked very hard to bring you the most immersive and authentic film experience we could. There's real F-18s, real Gs, real speed..." "Top Gun: Maverick"...

From the OP

Exact same wording.

Lol the plot is thicker than oatmeal rn

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Incidentally, someone linked me this review today

A ½ review of Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

"Hi everybody and welcome to Top Gun: Maverick," Tom Cruise tells audiences in a brief pre-movie introduction. "...Our incredible cast and crew worked very hard to bring you the most immersive and authentic film experience we could. There's real F-18s, real Gs, real speed..." "Top Gun: Maverick"...

From the OP

Exact same wording.



Oct 25, 2017
Embarrassing thread, and far more so by the repliers than by OP. The OP's "crimes" as they were, are the inflammatory misuse of the term Fascism and acting a bit self-important with a thread banner and the "Woah there. Now that's a ballsy title" opening line.

Of the two things, only the first thing is an actual problem and it's something that could easily have been sorted out on the first page and discussion could have actually moved on from there. Instead we have multiple pages worth of users running into get their petty off topic "dunks" in because for some reason it's acceptable to act like a bunch of toxic arseholes if it's collectively decided that the OP had a bad take.

Paragon just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about fascism and action movies (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is on YouTube where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you don't act in reverence of self-important, surface level criticism, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is to make a thread banner.

What this means is this forum, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase any more tickets for Top Gun, nor will they pay to see any of Tom Cruise's movies. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Paragon has alienated an entire industry of film critics with this move.

Punchline, publicly apologize and remove your thread banner or you can kiss your business goodbye.


Oct 25, 2017
Embarrassing thread, and far more so by the repliers than by OP. The OP's "crimes" as they were, are the inflammatory misuse of the term Fascism and acting a bit self-important with a thread banner and the "Woah there. Now that's a ballsy title" opening line.

Of the two things, only the first thing is an actual problem and it's something that could easily have been sorted out on the first page and discussion could have actually moved on from there. Instead we have multiple pages worth of users running into get their petty off topic "dunks" in because for some reason it's acceptable to act like a bunch of toxic arseholes if it's collectively decided that the OP had a bad take.
Thoughts and prayers.


Nov 2, 2017
bEast Coast
Incidentally, someone linked me this review today

A ½ review of Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

"Hi everybody and welcome to Top Gun: Maverick," Tom Cruise tells audiences in a brief pre-movie introduction. "...Our incredible cast and crew worked very hard to bring you the most immersive and authentic film experience we could. There's real F-18s, real Gs, real speed..." "Top Gun: Maverick"...

From the OP

Exact same wording.
Woah there. Now this is fascism


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Incidentally, someone linked me this review today

A ½ review of Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

"Hi everybody and welcome to Top Gun: Maverick," Tom Cruise tells audiences in a brief pre-movie introduction. "...Our incredible cast and crew worked very hard to bring you the most immersive and authentic film experience we could. There's real F-18s, real Gs, real speed..." "Top Gun: Maverick"...

From the OP

Exact same wording.
So many dumb things listed in that review.
"The F-35 sucks" Lots and lots of countries are buying it after evaluating it. If it's so terrible they all must be bad at their jobs and could instead get some guidance from this reviewer.
"Both planes are made by Lockheed Martin" as if that's a smoking gun. Almost all US military planes at the moment are by Lockheed Martin.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
So many dumb things listed in that review.
"The F-35 sucks" Lots and lots of countries are buying it after evaluating it. If it's so terrible they all must be bad at their jobs and could instead get some guidance from this reviewer.
"Both planes are made by Lockheed Martin" as if that's a smoking gun. Almost all US military planes at the moment are by Lockheed Martin.
You wanna know the real kicker?

The F-18 Superhornet ISN'T made by Lockheed Martin, it's a Boeing Aircraft.

The Original Hornet is McDonnell Douglass
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