The Hobo

Oct 27, 2017
It's not like anyone else on Team Flash is qualified to be the leader. Hell, Barry is the leader and he needs people in his ear telling him to put one foot in front of the other.


Oct 26, 2017

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
Cait Sith. No one used him.
A lot of people have the play style of using every character in a RPG. Cait Sith also isn't useless in the story and is one who saves Tifa and Barret from being executed at the beginning of the third act. He also spies on Shinra like leaking information to the party, such as with the Sister Ray.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Probably not strictly accurate because he technically does useful things in the films but Benji is a fucking idiot in the Mission Impossible series.

Id rather they'd just kept Luther as the general tech guy over the moron who keeps doing shit like holding his iPad upside down while directing Ethan to the bad guy.
And that's when he's not fully out in the field making relentless cock ups like staring into a camera and scratching his big dumb face in the Kremlin.

I get that he's meant to be funny but the IMF should feel like an elite force and he just jumps out as the weak link especially with agents like Walker and Ilsa in the field in Fallout.


Aug 14, 2019
To be fair H.R. was an ideas man and quite often he did bring unorthodox ideas that no one thought of. That and he saved Iris, so that's a pretty big on "what has he done for the team".

I fully agree on Iris being quite useless though; she isnt creative, nor has any powers, or any science skills. But I suppose a leader's duty is to make sure other people do their job the best they can so maybe she is better at that than anyone else?

What ideas did he have? I remember him doing jack except twirling his drumsticks annoyingly. Also it was his fault Iris was captured in the first place......


Oct 26, 2017
I never played FFIV TAY so I don't know if he's in it/gets a glow up in it, but Edward from FFIV is like comically pointless during the entire story.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 23, 2018
It kinda hilarious how for the part 1 she is basically less useful as a faceless mook, she literally had zero jutsu until part 2 and even then is just super strength and healing nothing really of note until Kishimoto made that ridiculous reveal that all this time she was charging a jutsu to increase her power level to do something in the finale and even that can be just simplified to just increased strength
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Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017

Tristan Taylor - Yu-Gi-Oh!

Tbh I love Tristan so damn much. He doesn't really do shit, and when he actually is allowed to duel in the noah arc he totally blows it, but you know what? He still shows up, every damn time. True friend material and I super respect that.


Oct 25, 2017

This jackwagon. Wasted precious airtime with awful love drama... At least Bolin was funny, Mako was just a steady stream of anger hanging in the back of each scene.

Deleted member 3208

Oct 25, 2017
Yasutora "Chad" Sado from Bleach. All he ever did was sleep on the floor.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Jubilee from the 90s cartoon of X-Men. I think back and I can't even remember if she has a mutant power.
Dec 3, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil

It infuriates me so much. I'm currently watching Naruto for the first time, and everything she does is say "Sasuke!" "Naruto!" "Kakashi-sensei!" with different levels of concern in her voice while clutching a kunai. And I wanted her to be so much more!

Unfortunately it seems a trend in this anime where every single female character amounts to nothing. Hinata is even worse than Sakura, Ino does nothing either besides screaming at Sakura as they fight over Goth Boy. Kurenai has a cool design and seems to be a powerful Genjutsu user but then Itachi simply shoves her side. Temari was okay at best, I guess.

It's a sausage fest and the girls never have a moment to truly shine and take matters into their own hands and solve them. I'm putting my last tokens on Tsunade, but she an hasn't come into the picture yet (Jiraya and Naruto just left Konohagakure to look for her).

So this is my answer to the thread, basically every female character in Naruto so far and I hate it.


Mar 4, 2019

This jackwagon. Wasted precious airtime with awful love drama... At least Bolin was funny, Mako was just a steady stream of anger hanging in the back of each scene.
His excuse for why he two timed his girlfriend

"Things are really crazy right now"

I loved how Asami called him out for trying to deflect the blame to Bolin when he told her he kissed Korra


Oct 25, 2017

Every time I see her weird body suit I start seeing her passing out and going "WaaaAAaaah!

Her power reaaally burdens her compared to others, it's weird

His excuse for why he two timed his girlfriend

"Things are really crazy right now"

I loved how Asami called him out for trying to deflect the blame to Bolin when he told her he kissed Korra

lol i totally did a double take on that, it was so weird.


Oct 28, 2017
Sakura takes the crown.

Aliens: Lt Gorman


Closest he got to being useful was blowing himself up. That being said his incompetence/inexperience was probably why he was picked. Can still hate him.

X-Men Animated Series: Jubilee
Seriously, did she ever do anything?


Just bad in every way.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
Yaz, Graham, Ryan (Doctor Who)


Depending on the episode it could be any one of these three, but most commonly it's Ryan.


Oct 25, 2017
These 2 groups of jokers. Some cool designs, but totally useless.

Would have loved for some of the weaker members of the three pirate crews fight these guys instead of having most of them get taken out in a single attack.

One of the biggest disappointments for the current arc. Was hoping the enemy Samurai side actually had some people on it instead of the Beast Pirates doing all the heavy lifting.


Not the Ron Paul Texas Fan.
Oct 26, 2017
Pippin Took.


Useless and irritating.

He lit the signal, and helped saved Faramir. And he distracted the armies of Sauron to attack Gondor instead of focusing on his back door.

And he was involved in the worst tomato eating scene of all time. And why were their tomatoes!?

You know what, I was ok with the potatoes and the "pipeweed." But Peter Jackson, I will cut the line at tomatoes! Literally unwatchable. Thanks Edmond, you ruined everything.


Oct 25, 2017
Yugioh Zexal: The entire Numbers Club. Barely dueled or did anything useful. Tetsuo gets a pass since he once beat a major villain and could punch out robots. Cathy was also vaguely competent at card games and could help in other stuff. But the other 3 never did anything worthwhile. Especially Kotori, who only dueled once while mind controlled and wasn't even particularly good at emotional support. But for some reason she appeared in every episode to dispense the protagonist's name. She makes Tea look useful and competent.


Oct 25, 2017
I really want to say Slippy in Star Fox because of how useless he is in a fight, but he was also the tech guy, so eh.

Several dozen people in Bleach. Like Chad.

Did TenTen do anything in Naruto at some point?
I don't think so. IIRC she got bodied by Temari during chuunin exams, then beat an illusory copy of herself post-timeskip. She was part of the background the rest of the series.