
Oct 25, 2017

There is starting to be a trend on social media where if a trans individual turns out to be a terrible person, the first move is to misgender them as an insult... It's mostly corrected on era in the discussions we've had on Caitlyn Jenner, but there are other trans people besides her and a recent very bad example has brought out people in force in many online spaces.

I've heard excuses of "(that person) doesn't deserve to have their gender respected." or "(that person) is just faking being trans" to get support or sympathy, without anything to back up their statement. Trans and NB individuals are watching these events unfold, and what we see is that we aren't 'really' men/women/NB even to people who say they support us and agree with us. That we are being humored or that our identities are conditional to falling into line in other aspects.

You do not have to respect awful people because they are trans individuals. You don't have to like or support them individually... but by focusing on their gender while tearing them down, you are also harming every other trans person who've done nothing wrong, because you are reinforcing that we are fundamentally not real.
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Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Yes, that's AWFUL.

We all hate Trump but we don't call him "her" because that would be stupid, so stop this nonsense.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
I saw this happening when Christine Chandler was trending on Twitter this week (probably the event you are referring too). She is a monstrous human if she really did do what she said she did. But that does not give anyone the right to be transphobic and misgender her.

*To not derail this thread if you don't know what happened with her please do not ask. It will derail the thread.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I've seen it a bunch on twitter and it's kind of showing how many people are "allies with conditions", like it's some sort of contract because we don't deserve to be seen as ourselves unless an ally gets the feelgoods from it.


Jun 25, 2021
Seems like bigots are always trying to find new "appropriate" ways to express their bigotry. Shitty people will have enough to criticize, their gender should never be a part of that discussion.


Oct 27, 2017
I think events like this expose that some people don't really view trans and non-binary identities as real. They only acknowledge them out of politeness.


Feb 25, 2018
For what it's worth, I don't think there's any issue whatsoever with the expression "respect people's pronouns". If some fucking asshole uses that to their advantage and to play with someone else's feelings, no matter what they did, it's on them. The whole "they don't deserve an ounce of respect, and that includes pronouns" angle has always been fucked up.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017

There ain't a heroic, moral way to deny base humanity. Even if you're throwing it at a real shitsucker, you're telling everyone else that their humanity is conditional.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't seen too much of this where I normally venture, but it's still a shitty thing to do. Like sure, if a person does a shitty thing call them out on it by all means, but you don't get to change their identity to suit your needs. The only reason people do that is to justify their TERFy behaviour.

Hollywood Duo

Oct 25, 2017
Yep, trans people are human too which means a sizable chunk of them are going to be horrible people just like everyone else.
Sep 10, 2018
In complete agreement. Doing this pretty much exposes how you really feel about trans people IMO.

edit: in regards to that tweet, I think many people would take that phrase to mean, "even if you don't agree with their identity for whatever reason, saying such is just needlessly cruel and you should keep it to yourself". Not that I feel that way, mind. Trans women are women, trans men are men, and NB people are valid.
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julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
It often feels like people are trigger itching for permission to disregard any respect for other people.

It speaks to the superficiality of their allyship.


Oct 25, 2017
Should be noted that this also includes other minorities.

Just because a fat, black, woman or other people was shitty, does not give you the right to talk to them using slurs related to their fatness/blackness/what makes them a minority.

People will look at you and think "ok this person hates fat/black/women" when they see you using that to atack the shitty person


Too green for a tag
Jul 17, 2021
I almost feel like it's become more and more common for people to turn to slurs/misgendering etc of people they dislike now than a few years ago. It's so fucking tiring.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep. I can't stand Caitlyn Jenner but I still refer to her as her
Yeah the thread where she was intentioned misgendered at CPAC was pretty indicative that there's a good number of people who don't get this. Jenner's behavior (and betrayal of the community that she was once a hero to) is awful, but so was her treatment at CPAC.

It's the basic principle of no ad hominem attacks - a person's actions are grounds for criticism, not their identity.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Well yeah, "trans rights are human rights" is, or should be, more than just a slogan. It means they're unconditional and non negotiable.
I hadn't noticed people intentionally misgendering her to somehow get at her, call her out for being a Republican dipshit, which is in itself irrelevant of her gender, even if Republicans will attack her on her gender.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm thankful that I haven't seen any sign of this on my social media feeds.

If you don't respect someone, base it on what they do and not their being. It's simple.


Oct 25, 2017
I hadn't noticed people intentionally misgendering her to somehow get at her,
While I used Jenner as a more well known example for this thread, there has been another individual that was more the direct inspiration for this thread.

It could have a lot more to do with the community that person involved themselves in that lead to the greater amount of that particular type of backlash, but there were people on my feed that I would have normally considered an 'ally' based on previous statements who intentionally misgendered her as part of their spiel about them.


Oct 25, 2017
not to mention ppl very suddenly warming up to the idea of the singular "they" when it's time to properly gender a trans person


Profile Styler
Oct 25, 2017
"Allies" love themselves a good example of a minority who's also a bad person, because they can release all the bigotry they've got boiling beneath the surface and feel good about it because their target "deserves" it. And they'll honestly think they're slick as if nobody's gonna notice they spew vitriol in triplicate toward them compared to what they'll say about even the worst white cishet


Oct 26, 2017
I 100% agree and I think part of the problem is by framing this as showing respect to someone.
I have zero respect for Caitlyn Jenner but I will never misgender her, because misgendering affects other people too.
I think over-personalizing such questions is almost always a mistake.

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've experienced this personally.

Someone I know decided that, when I was no longer, in their eyes, "good" anymore, that they'd start to misgender me.

It's one of the most dehumanizing things I've ever felt, and I've had a lot of dehumanizing moments as a trans woman.

Deleted member 43

Account closed at user request
Oct 24, 2017
Should be noted that this also includes other minorities.

Just because a fat, black, woman or other people was shitty, does not give you the right to talk to them using slurs related to their fatness/blackness/what makes them a minority.

People will look at you and think "ok this person hates fat/black/women" when they see you using that to atack the shitty person
This is a good point as well. When an overweight or not traditionally attractive individual transgresses, it's disturbing how fast people are to call them fat or ugly.


Oct 25, 2018
I think this is a bad type of framing. Respecting someone's pronouns shouldn't be about.. well, respect. It should be inherent to the treatment of an individual, whether you respect them or not as a person.

I have no respect for Caitlyn Jenner. She killed someone and is classist as fuck. I still think of her as a woman and call her Caitlyn Jenner.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
do you like ben carson?

no - OK - would you call him the n word?

right, so don't misgender terrible trans people


Oct 25, 2017
This is a good point as well. When an overweight or not traditionally attractive individual transgresses, it's disturbing how fast people are to call them fat or ugly.
Yep. It's pretty clear that when they devolve into attacking something like that, it's because these are things they've always though, they were just looking for a socially accepted outlet so others won't judge them.

If you misgender a trans person because you think they're an OK target, it just goes to show what you think of all trans people.


Dec 20, 2017
Those who do this never really believed the trans person where the gender they identified as, they where just not misgendering before out of politeness or social pressure.


Oct 25, 2017
Jesus christ, I fell off of the awfulness purposefully when she was court-ordered off the internet. I'm no MD but it seemed like she was in an environment that wasn't equipped to handle her, and she should've been a ward of the state a long time ago. She has a lot of problems, and if any of this is true, it requires judicial review.

But fuck all these people deadnaming and misgendering her, she was nothing about a zoo animal to them, has been for over a decade at this point. This is a clear and decisive effort to mock her, and if you're that callous-hearted catalog her in "humourous" detail the type of person she is, of course, you would be quick to mock trans people as an idea.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
I remember butting heads with an acquaintance of mine about this a few years ago. Dude would insist that it was OK to misgender a specific trans woman because she was very racist and bigoted and he hated her. He was all "yeah I know I'm not in the right with the pronouns, but..."
Like, no "but", just fucking stop. Fortunately this was a few years ago and I'm reasonably sure he wouldn't do that anymore, but that pissed me off at the time.


Oct 25, 2017
I've experienced this personally.

Someone I know decided that, when I was no longer, in their eyes, "good" anymore, that they'd start to misgender me.

It's one of the most dehumanizing things I've ever felt, and I've had a lot of dehumanizing moments as a trans woman.

Fuck. That's really bad, sorry you had to deal with that. It's such a vile thing to do to another person.


Nov 8, 2017
Yep. The person that comes to mind for this recently is Christina Chandler. The actions she took recently are absolutely despicable and unjustifiable even with how fucked up the internet made her life, but she's still a woman.


Oct 25, 2017
It's always something when people will superficially respect pronouns, but then imply certain unsavory aspects of the person are tied to (gender the person is not) too.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
This was something that came up when I broke up with my ex for being a TERF. She insisted that because certain transwomen had committed crimes, no matter what level, that it was okay to misgender them because they were criminals. Her "proof" and justification was a subreddit with ~1000 users who only posted news articles about crimes committed by trans women, and each article name specifically misgendered them. Just wild bullshit, people are incredibly fucking stupid and many of them do not want to learn to be better, unfortunately.

Yep. The person that comes to mind for this recently is Christina Chandler. The actions she took recently are absolutely despicable and unjustifiable even with how fucked up the internet made her life, but she's still a woman.

Yeppp. The past few days have been crazy regarding all of that, but of course it opened the floodgates of assholes ready to misgender as soon as possible.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't necessarily buy the premise of the OP. There's not a way you could message this that would prevent this in my estimation. Transphobic people would look for any reason to misgender someone. The exact same way the N-word slips out when "emotions are high" or it was "in the heat of the moment."

Under normal circumstances, people can appreciate there will be consequences for being openly transphobic to anyone. The second that person does something bad in their eyes, that's immediate validation that their identity can be equivocated as bad in itself, and the negative consequences for abusing them are deemed less likely or worth enduring because the denigration is suddenly righteous.

Also, the idea that this was somehow a failure on the part of trans advocates is pretty tragic. To take blame for how bigoted others are is really falling on the sword.