Coyote Starrk

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
In what way does the FBI have jurisdiction over state criminal charges?

Well allegedly Smollett sent himself a death threat with a powdery substance inside through the mail. That is a federal crime from what I understand. But what Trump is doing is trying to claim credit for the FBI and DOJ getting involved when really he has nothing to do with it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 28, 2017
White America is livid about this guy walking. I'm not happy about it either to be fair but you can tell a lot about how people view race relations by seeing how they react to this guy walking and the strawman arguments built that use him as a jumping off point.

Gaf Zombie

The Fallen
Dec 13, 2017
This case must have been covered by State Media.

This is what the president of the most powerful country in the world spends his time on. Frankly, I am not optimistic about the future of the US.


Oct 27, 2017
Conservative memes have been tying Smullett's dropped charges to Obama/Soros.

It's batshit crazy.


Oct 25, 2017
God I hate everyone involved in this but honestly ill take a guilty smollett over Trump and the CPD


Oct 27, 2017
Says the bloated corpse who just got away with obstruction of justice, working with our enemies to steal an election and has made his living by conning people.


Oct 25, 2017
White America going into overdrive after watching that dude walk.
White America is livid about this guy walking. I'm not happy about it either to be fair but you can tell a lot about how people view race relations by seeing how they react to this guy walking and the strawman arguments built that use him as a jumping off point.
Yeah, but I don't think anything will beat OJ though. They were pissed about that.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't read much about this after the latest twist happened, but it's so funny seeing how all these racist white people just can't process the thought of a black man walking away. It's like it physically hurts them.

Also, of course Trump would know what an embarrassment this is, he's an expert at that topic.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Wow white people really can't handle a black guy getting away with a crime after the cops mishandled their case against said guy.

Ain't none of us happy about this, but Trump literally just got away with a ton of crap (for now) so it's just hilarious that a white guy can get away with way worse but OH NO JUSSIE.


Oct 25, 2017
A small case non-violent case that unfortunately might hurt those in Jussie's own community is not the embarrassment that the US has had to live with the last two years.

Not the first time Trump's been mad that an innocent well off, well connected, guilty privileged black man walked free
Fix'd for reality.

It's crazy that the people backing Jussie somehow completely have the Nigerian brothers involvement and purchase of the items used in the fake attack in their blindside.

Gaf Zombie

The Fallen
Dec 13, 2017
You were optimistic before?

There hasn't been a real threat to America's dominance my entire life (mid thirties). Like a lot of nations though, our greatest threat lies within.

Not that I'm sad about it or anything. I just find it interesting that we're living to see the end of American dominance if we follow this current trajectory.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This is 100% the reason he took an interest in it. He heard/saw the people tying it to the Obama's.
I feel like someone in the White House cut together some clips of Green Book to show Trump and he assumed that Smollett was allowed to walk free in the same way it showed Dr. Shirley get out of jail.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Even though the orange idiot is taking credit for it, good.

This case is so absurd it needs to be objectively examined. Either
- CPD fucked up
- SA is corrupt as fuck
- He's actually innocent
- Some combination of the above


Oct 25, 2017
This is hilarious because trump considers himself innocent because he wasn't taken to court but a black man that got away with charges? Stop the presses! We will divert all our nations resources to correct this wrong!


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Sep 23, 2018
The case needs to be relooked at. Something fishy happened.


Oct 25, 2017
Guilt and innocence are legal terms, so technically yes he's innocent.
In public conscious definition 2 can still be used and even definition 1 is shaky. In the courts it is innocent until proven guilty, but he didn't even go to trial.
  • 1. not guilty of a crime or offense.
    "the arbitrary execution of an innocent man"
    synonyms:guiltless, guilt-free, not guilty, blameless, not to blame, in the clear, unimpeachable, irreproachable, above suspicion, beyond criticism, without fault, faultless; More
    honorable, honest, upright, upstanding, law-abiding, incorrupt;
    informalsqueaky clean
    "the police realized he was entirely innocent"

    • without experience or knowledge of.
      "a man innocent of war's cruelties"
    • without; lacking.
      "a street quite innocent of bookstores"
      synonyms:free from, without, lacking (in), empty of, clear of, unacquainted with, ignorant of, unaware of, unfamiliar with, untouched by;
      rarenescient of
      "she is genuinely innocent of guile"
  • 2.
    not responsible for or directly involved in an event yet suffering its consequences.
    "an innocent bystander"