Nov 20, 2017
Wasn't this obvious from the get go?

When it's suggested that his close friend Rupert Murdoch wants to merge his media behemoth with Disney and wants his 'blessing' for the deal it's not a problem but when the parent company of CNN is getting merged it's a different thing entirely.

I know a few here that will like this news. (I guess good for Disney that Trump likes Murdoch?)



Oct 27, 2017
So... Trump supporters hate capitalism now and have always believed the government should control and influence business activities? And only evil Democrats believe the government shouldn't interfere in business deals?
Oct 27, 2017
This Hill tweet is based on the New Yorker story. So far it's one source and one story. Once the story is confirmed/corroborated by multiple news outlets, there will be no escape. However, there is already a docket of investigations in the House committees and in part in the Senate, where this fits in with spearheading an impeachment effort (besides the obvious single case for impeachment it represents) I'm not sure. Is there any overlap here with Mueller, for instance? Hoping to see followup reporting with clearer details on this.
Nov 9, 2017
How would CNN be in better shape after the merger? TBS, TRU, and TNT seem to be in worse shape if I understand the recent news correctly?


Oct 25, 2017
Is that even allowed, I mean as POTUS ?
no, but when has that stopped Trump? In any case, per the New Yorker story this is sourced from, Cohn was very opposed to pressuring DOJ about the merger and didn't do it, but it's possible someone else (looking at you, John Kelly) did end up making the call. We don't know. This might be like the times he ordered someone to fire Mueller but the person he gave the order to realized it would be a bad idea and just... didn't.


Oct 27, 2017
Is that even allowed, I mean as POTUS ?

It's totally illegal, but since Republicans no longer believe Rule of Law is in their best interests, they'll ignore this.

Unless a Democrat President did similar, then, because if there's one thing Republicans can't stand, it's hypocrisy, they'll punish that President to the fullest extent that Rule of Law allows.


Oct 25, 2017
Add it to the list of shit that is 100% an impeachable offense.

Oh sure. Interfering with a giant business merger to destroy your political enemies in the media is "impeachable" now.

I suppose committing huge bank and campaign finance and emoluments fraud and breaching national security and nepotism are impeachable too. Next you're going to say that destroying records and obstruction of justice are impeachable too.

The only president impeached in our lifetime was Bill Clinton - specifically for a series of brutal and grisly murders that he admitted to and definitely did, that were the original reason for the Starr report in the first place.