
2020 Member Elect
Oct 30, 2017
3 million more people voted for clinton. Like this asshole was not voted by the will of the people and it pisses me off daily.


Oct 26, 2017

Important quote here

On Friday, however, Trump said that while he "hated" that children were being separated from their parents, it was the fault of Democratic lawmakers, not himself — a false claim he has made repeatedly.

"I hate children being taken away," he told reporters on the White House lawn. "That's the Democrats."

"That's what the Democrats gave us," he said.

So he hates seeing children taken away.......but is building internment camps for them and refuses to sign a bill to help them.


Throw me into a tent city if old.

Trump is an idiot in a lot of ways but he's a master at this shit. He KNOWS full fucking well what's being done with these kids and republicans should be up in arms but they aren't. They aren't because he said the words "That's the democrats". Most republicans won't look any further than that and Trump KNOWS that shit.

He could change this at ANY time, but he won't because he doesn't want to. Republicans control both houses of congress and the presidency. You can't just blame democrats when YOU CONTROL EVERYTHING. The average person should know that, but his base doesn't give a fuck. The right wing media has conditioned these people since the early 90s that democrats are super villains and that's why Trump can say "It's the democrats" and he will get away with it.

Christ, this man is disgusting and a STAIN on America.


Oct 25, 2017
"Democrats don't want a deal! But no, I won't sign a bill that Democrats would support."

Democrats wouldn't support this shitty bill. It's a partisan compromise bill between GOP factions

Trump is stabbing the house GOP in the back here. He sent chief white supremacist miller to the house yesterday to gather support for the same bill


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
No it's not.

The worst part about the president making statements like Obama was spying on him and he was born in Kenya, 1 million illegal immigrants voted for Hillary Clinton, the Democrats are responsible for children being separated from their parents at the border, and a number of other ridiculous claims, is that I imagine a large portion of the U.S. population takes it at face value.
To be fair to all of the stupid people that have been brainwashed by their media vehicle of choice, Americans used to take it for granted that they could take the words of their elected President at face value regardless of the party. That's all they've ever known... why would they question doing so now?


Oct 25, 2017
Holding children hostage. Remember when they postured with the CHIP bill (which they deliberately didn't fund for months) about how the Dems hated children because they wouldn't agree to their ransom of CHIP for no DACA? That's how little life means to these Republicans, children are just abstract "things" meant for political points.


Oct 25, 2017

Yeah it's almost as if he doesn't actually want to stop this.

Trump will only be happy if he gets his funding, AND, doesn't have to change this policy. Until then he's going to cry about the evil Democrats and even blame them for something he is actually doing, like trying to hold their good reputation hostage as well.
Coyote Starrk

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017

Trump upon seeing his greatest political rival



Oct 26, 2017
I hope when this man dies, we don't acknowledge it. Ignore it, treat him like the piece of shit that he is.

I disliked him before he was elected, now I hate him with everything I can muster.


Oct 28, 2017
Vile piece of shit. All Republicans are. America going down on flames is on you, Republicans.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
Holding children hostage. Remember when they postured with the CHIP bill (which they deliberately didn't fund for months) about how the Dems hated children because they wouldn't agree to their ransom of CHIP for no DACA? That's how little life means to these Republicans, children are just abstract "things" meant for political points.
Children have always been "things" meant for political points to these people. Whether they're born or unborn.
Abortion has always been their go-to prop... they're simply extending their "children as bargaining chip" philosophy into uncharted territory.
Coyote Starrk

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
Adding it to the OP

Stump doubling down on his lies.

The Democrats are forcing the breakup of families at the Border with their horrible and cruel legislative agenda. Any Immigration Bill MUST HAVE full funding for the Wall, end Catch & Release, Visa Lottery and Chain, and go to Merit Based Immigration. Go for it! WIN!


Oct 25, 2017
I didn't know the party of "evil sanctuary cities" also had an implosion policy that involved not protecting those people, but splitting them up and putting their kids in internment camps.

It's like thinking macro for a few fucking seconds shows how much this is a Donald Trump narrative being given to the media. He's doing this to use the children as hostages, not as a deterrent.
Oct 27, 2017

Important quote here

So he hates seeing children taken away.......but is building internment camps for them and refuses to sign a bill to help them.


Throw me into a tent city if old.

UPDATE: Trump doubling down on his lies

I think I figured out what he means by it being the Democrats' fault. He's saying that he's instituted this policy because Democrats won't go along with his plans to build a border wall, restrict legal immigration, and deport dreamers. If Democrats would fall in line, illegal immigration would decline, and he wouldn't have to separate children from their parents as a deterrent.

So he's not lying, he's just inarticulate and cruel!


Oct 25, 2017
This is just ugh. I really hope this Blue Wave comes to fruition but I'm nervous. I follow the news regularly and have no idea what the Democratic platform is for this election. I just see a lot of anti-Trump stuff but clearly that's not enough to motivate people. It would just be the best if Dems could take both houses and at least alleviate some of these human rights violations that are occurring.
Virginia says hi. (Unless you chalk this all up to the incredible charisma of DOCTOR ralphnortham)


Oct 25, 2017
For anyone that wants to help:

RAICES: This Texas-based organization offers free and low-cost legal services to immigrant children and families. Donate here and sign up as a volunteer here.

Pueblo Sin Fronteras: This organization provides humanitarian aid and shelter to migrants on their way to the U.S. Donate here.

Together Rising: This Virginia-based organization is helping provide legal assistance for 60 migrant children who were separated from their parents and are currently detained in Arizona. Donate here.

Al Otro Lado: This bi-national organization works providing legal services to deportees and migrants in Tijuana, Mexico, including deportee parents whose children remain in the U.S. Donate here.

The Florence Project: This Arizona-based organization offers free legal services to men, women, and unaccompanied children in immigration custody. Donate here.

Texas Civil Rights Project: This organization has been using legal advocacy and litigation to help families separated at the border. Donate here.

Border Angels: This California-based organization supports San Diego County's immigrant population and focuses on issues related to the U.S.-Mexico border. Donate here.

Neta: This Texas-based grassroots organization helps asylum seekers on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border. Donate here.

South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project (ProBAR): This project of the American Bar Association is currently supporting over 1,000 unaccompanied children in detention centers across South Texas. Donate here.

More ways to help: ActBlue Charities has set up a link that allows you to donate to eight different organizations, including the ACLU, United We Dream, Kids in Need of Defense(KIND), and the Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project. Donate here.​


Oct 26, 2017
The Democrats are forcing the breakup of families at the Border with their horrible and cruel legislative agenda.

This is the most textbook example of gaslighting there is. Any news outlet that doesn't immediately and loudly call him out on this is complicit.
Oct 28, 2017
This is just ugh. I really hope this Blue Wave comes to fruition but I'm nervous. I follow the news regularly and have no idea what the Democratic platform is for this election. I just see a lot of anti-Trump stuff but clearly that's not enough to motivate people. It would just be the best if Dems could take both houses and at least alleviate some of these human rights violations that are occurring.

In 2014 the Republican platform was "Not Obama" and in 2016 it was "not Hilary". They had repeal Obamacare too, but it was mainly just opposition and it worked.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Every single Republican is going to hell. I hope they enjoy their new beachfront property at the shores of Lake Stygia.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Kitchener, ON
using kids as hostages to get his demands. God damn.
CHIP, DACA, the Parkland kids, makeshift child hostages from immigrants... children are there to have a gun pointed at them to get what you want.
Trump would pull a gun on every child in America - including Barron - if it meant getting his way.

This is the most textbook example of gaslighting there is. Any news outlet that doesn't immediately and loudly call him out on this is complicit.
Newsflash... they're ALL complicit. You really ought to do something about that.


Oct 29, 2017
Just trying to understand the motives here...

The Trump administration is now separating ALL families caught crossing the border, when before it was up to discretion/situational. They are doing it BECAUSE it's cruel, because he doesn't care about immigrants, and they are banking on using it as a bargaining chip against the democrats. Essentially "Give me what I want or I will continue to be cruel" and trying to spin it to his base as the democrats fault.


Oct 25, 2017
yea, this is when veto majority override would come in, but i'm guessing that too many republicans are too spineless or flat out agree with it to do anything about it.
fucking November can't get here fast enough.
Oct 27, 2017
Trump doesn't actively hate the immigrants, he just wants that fucking wall so he can gloat. He is definitely a racist, but this whole concentration camp bullshit is coming from someone else. Cough cough baldo cough Miller...
Coyote Starrk

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
And like clockwork Fox News just parroted his "This is on the Democrats" line. Passing it off as true and absolving Trump of blame.


Oct 25, 2017
I've never been more disgusted with this presidency, and that is really saying something

Dude Abides

Oct 27, 2017
The Democrats aren't giving him everything he wants, so he's forced to do horrible things. Like a guy who hits his wife because she burned the casserole.

Run Goku

Oct 25, 2017
Just monstrous.
I keep contacting Congressional reps about this and other issues, hope others are continuing to do the same.