
Oct 25, 2017
Oh dude, I've lived here for 10 years. People still refuse to sit next to me on the train. People will straight up get up and move a compartment away the minute I sit down.
I used to go to this ramen cafe and sit at the bar. Within minutes people sitting next to me would get up and leave. I hated that. :(


Oct 26, 2017
You have to understand that there was no such concept as racism in asia, it was homogeneous society ( more so in Japan/Korea, less in China and the rest but majority of the people are from mongoloid race ), we didn't invade other country land and bring anyone in for slave ( only our people ), so yes, lots of people are less aware of racism concept. People can just make joke, or say things like that without any worry.

I'm not saying it is a good thing being ignorance, but you just need to see the context here. Asian culture background are totally opposite from the west. I mean it gets to the point where you can tell them it is racist and they might not even understand what does that mean. Hence racism joke, ads , etc all over the place not just japan but most of other asian countries.

What are you talking about, Japan has invaded both China and Korea, and racism towards both peoples are commonplace.


Oct 25, 2017
You have to understand that there was no such concept as racism in asia, it was homogeneous society ( more so in Japan/Korea, less in China and the rest but majority of the people are from mongoloid race ), we didn't invade other country land and bring anyone in for slave ( only our people ), so yes, lots of people are less aware of racism concept. People can just make joke, or say things like that without any worry.

I'm not saying it is a good thing being ignorance, but you just need to see the context here. Asian culture background are totally opposite from the west. I mean it gets to the point where you can tell them it is racist and they might not even understand what does that mean. Hence racism joke, ads , etc all over the place not just japan but most of other asian countries.
Explain the racism toward Koreans then...


Oct 26, 2017
Personally, I've only had one truly overt experience with racism in Japan, and it was out of town. It could be that I live in a place that's just more friendly.


Jan 17, 2018
Yeah, and I guess Japanese basketball team is going to humble Dream Team, after all, Kuroko no Basket showed me what magicians they're on court.

While it's not surprising to see things like that, Japan can at least try to clean its act for a time being. Sometimes it's like they live in their own bubble.


Apr 2, 2018
I live in Japan and this type of racism does not surprise me. In this case I think it is more patriotic pride getting the best of the tv producer and announcer. Plus the heat wave is news so they were probably trying to tie that in. 38c plus crazy humidity is not fun to run in,

Japan like most countries have racists and xenophobes. Most folks do not think much about it because it is mostly monocultured and the racists words/ behavior is not seen as overtly racist.

On a side note, Japanese tv is terrible trash for the most part. Imagine boy band members or Justin Bieber hosting shows, commenting on news, etc...


Oct 25, 2017

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You have to understand that there was no such concept as racism in asia, it was homogeneous society ( more so in Japan/Korea, less in China and the rest but majority of the people are from mongoloid race ), we didn't invade other country land and bring anyone in for slave ( only our people ), so yes, lots of people are less aware of racism concept. People can just make joke, or say things like that without any worry.

I'm not saying it is a good thing being ignorance, but you just need to see the context here. Asian culture background are totally opposite from the west. I mean it gets to the point where you can tell them it is racist and they might not even understand what does that mean. Hence racism joke, ads , etc all over the place not just japan but most of other asian countries.
What the hell am I reading.


Nov 9, 2017
I hope the athletes from Africa take a dump on the Japanese athletes. Wtf is this racist trash? Too hot for Africans? Do they know where Africa is?

LOL at that post saying Asians don't "get" racism. Wow


SNK Gaming Division Studio 1
Oct 24, 2017
I hope the athletes from Africa take a dump on the Japanese athletes. Wtf is this racist trash? Too hot for Africans? Do they know where Africa is?

LOL at that post saying Asians don't "get" racism. Wow

I don't think that's very fair. I sincerely doubt the actual athletes think like this, and lumping them all together just because some random idiot on Japanese tv had some stupid comment to say is almost as problematic tbh.


Nov 3, 2017
Well, my people haven't had to suffer through a 10,000F day so maybe he's right.
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Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
You have to understand that there was no such concept as racism in asia, it was homogeneous society ( more so in Japan/Korea, less in China and the rest but majority of the people are from mongoloid race ), we didn't invade other country land and bring anyone in for slave ( only our people ), so yes, lots of people are less aware of racism concept. People can just make joke, or say things like that without any worry.

I'm not saying it is a good thing being ignorance, but you just need to see the context here. Asian culture background are totally opposite from the west. I mean it gets to the point where you can tell them it is racist and they might not even understand what does that mean. Hence racism joke, ads , etc all over the place not just japan but most of other asian countries.
Wait, to clarify

You're saying people in Asia don't have the same kind of label for racism, right?

You're not saying racism doesn't exist at all? Because that's ridiculous. Tons of Asian countries are notoriously xenophobic and prejudiced against foreigners.
Feb 3, 2018
You have to understand that there was no such concept as racism in asia, it was homogeneous society ( more so in Japan/Korea, less in China and the rest but majority of the people are from mongoloid race ), we didn't invade other country land and bring anyone in for slave ( only our people ), so yes, lots of people are less aware of racism concept. People can just make joke, or say things like that without any worry.

I'm not saying it is a good thing being ignorance, but you just need to see the context here. Asian culture background are totally opposite from the west. I mean it gets to the point where you can tell them it is racist and they might not even understand what does that mean. Hence racism joke, ads , etc all over the place not just japan but most of other asian countries.

Wait what Japan colonized Korea and parts of china not to mention ww2 racism towards Koreans in Japan is really commonplace I have even seen Japanese tourists treat a tour guide in Norway like shit because she happened to be off Korean decent.

However her Japanese was quite good and she did not take any shit


Oct 27, 2017
You have to understand that there was no such concept as racism in asia, it was homogeneous society ( more so in Japan/Korea, less in China and the rest but majority of the people are from mongoloid race ), we didn't invade other country land and bring anyone in for slave ( only our people ), so yes, lots of people are less aware of racism concept. People can just make joke, or say things like that without any worry.

I'm not saying it is a good thing being ignorance, but you just need to see the context here. Asian culture background are totally opposite from the west. I mean it gets to the point where you can tell them it is racist and they might not even understand what does that mean. Hence racism joke, ads , etc all over the place not just japan but most of other asian countries.

You see, what you have to understand is that Japanese don't even understand what racism is.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have to discriminate against some Chinese.


Oct 25, 2017
You have to understand that there was no such concept as racism in asia, it was homogeneous society ( more so in Japan/Korea, less in China and the rest but majority of the people are from mongoloid race ), we didn't invade other country land and bring anyone in for slave ( only our people ), so yes, lots of people are less aware of racism concept. People can just make joke, or say things like that without any worry.

I'm not saying it is a good thing being ignorance, but you just need to see the context here. Asian culture background are totally opposite from the west. I mean it gets to the point where you can tell them it is racist and they might not even understand what does that mean. Hence racism joke, ads , etc all over the place not just japan but most of other asian countries.
This is ignorant. Lots of asian societies, including japan, are built on connecting skin color to your worth in society, treating various asian ethnic groups accordingly.
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Oct 31, 2017
Tokyo, Japan

-Hot and sticky with broken AC.
-Why do you refuse to insulate your houses?
-The rain is bruising me. Stop.

lol the truth

Although, Japanese watchers of cable TV do have incredible perseverance. I have no patience for all that shit.

People on the train love to sit by me and immediately use me as a shoulder pillow. But I'm a small white girl. People love their stereotypes, honestly I would not enjoy being a man or having darker skin here.


Oct 27, 2017
Oy, just looked it up. Kenya's hottest months are February and March. July and August are when it's the coldest.

Haha, what?!

Southern Hemisphere. Seasons are reversed from what you're accustomed to.

Anyway, this news cast is dumb, but I think it ties a bit into the chip Japan has on its shoulder about distance running, which is actually an incredibly popular sport in the country, but in which Japanese athletes have seen comparatively little international success.

Also, Japanese heat is humid as hell, which is a distinct difference from African heat. I can deal with 100+ dry temperatures, but the 95 degree-and-humid summers you get on the East Coast are infinitely worse.


Oct 25, 2017
Japan just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about African culture (I'm an expert), but cold and perseverance are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can win a marathon with speed...


Oct 27, 2017
At least the guy didn't automatically assume being black/african, you are immune to all heat/sun related weather effects.

Thats progress right?

I hate the subtle racism over runners from the continent of Africa, as if they never had to train or sacrifice anything to make it to that stage.
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Nov 15, 2017
I don't think that's very fair. I sincerely doubt the actual athletes think like this, and lumping them all together just because some random idiot on Japanese tv had some stupid comment to say is almost as problematic tbh.
Yea, I don't know why people are jumping immediately to generalizations


Oct 25, 2017
You have to understand that there was no such concept as racism in asia, it was homogeneous society ( more so in Japan/Korea, less in China and the rest but majority of the people are from mongoloid race ), we didn't invade other country land and bring anyone in for slave ( only our people ), so yes, lots of people are less aware of racism concept. People can just make joke, or say things like that without any worry.

I'm not saying it is a good thing being ignorance, but you just need to see the context here. Asian culture background are totally opposite from the west. I mean it gets to the point where you can tell them it is racist and they might not even understand what does that mean. Hence racism joke, ads , etc all over the place not just japan but most of other asian countries.
Explain skin whitening creams, or how all of the Asian countries treat each other


Oct 31, 2017
It's alwaya the same story when japan goes up against an African/black team and loses.

"Ah we were tactically and intellectually superior but they were physically overwhelming for us"

Hear this shit a lot whenever they get spanked by an African team in the WC (who destroyed them tactically).


Nov 27, 2017
This thread is full of generalisations and even some actual racism against Japan. I'm not sure if that's the right way to call that presenter and his racist shit out.


Oct 27, 2017
This thread is full of generalisations and even some actual racism against Japan. I'm not sure if that's the right way to call that presenter and his racist shit out.

Can you be more specific? Can you identify which posts are problematic? If so, feel free to report them at your discretion. There is a conveniently placed report button next to each post.