Handicapped Duck

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May 20, 2018
That was awful, what the hell is wrong with people that they feel the need to use a cement block or a hammer to go after strangers. Just mind your damn business and be on your way. Asian Americans are going to have to start arming themselves because these increase in attacks are getting more vicious with each new article.


Aug 1, 2018
You and I both know what white supremacy means. Most people do not, saying white supremacy caused this is easy bait for bad actors to twist and gain ground.

The right will never give up the calling out of weakness of the U.S in terms of rising China. The left will need to accommodate it. I don't want China to rise uncontested, I am invested in Taiwan remaining free. I think Democrat rhetoric is fine in regards to China as a result.

Bad actors will twist the "lone wolf" narrative. Telling people that white supremacy caused this is the truth.

Democratic rheotirc is often "China bad! We need to beat them!" This isn't good rhetoric and it leads to more of these types of attacks.

The issue of course is the perception of other. I really don't see a solution for fixing the violence. Only cleaning up after it. End of the day, for the majority of anti-Asian hate in the form of verbal or non-violent settings, speaking out and minimizing the offenders is best and is occurring. late but occurring now in some manner.

But the violence, there isn't a way to prevent it, my concern is minimizing it, ensuring that the actions of a set of twisted, sick individuals is framed as it's rightly supposed to be, the actions of people copycatting, hitting down, etc and not a rising tide.

When they get to do it without fear and without others helping to stop them, then the declarations of unity, the speaking out, ring hallow. The only solution is to defend, encourage active intervention and therefore, minimize these actors to be the lone wolves they are.

I agree that we need to vocalize support and to actually stop harm. But I do not agree that these are "lone wolves". The culture of white supremacy is to blame as are the people committing these abhorrent acts.


Nov 6, 2017
Update on the hammer attack

The victem is planning to move back to Taiwan.

Taiwanese student victim of anti-Asian hate crime hammer attack in the US

A Taiwanese student studying for her master's degree in the United States was a victim of an anti-Asian hate crime attack on May 2.

The 31-year-old sustain several injuries and required seven stitches to her head.

Due to this attack, the student revealed that she is considering moving back to Taiwan
According to local Chinese-language media reports, Teresa lived in Taiwan with her parents and later traveled to New York in 2019 to study fashion design.

She returned to Taiwan for sometime during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, but headed back to the states in April to continue her studies.

Having originally planned to move to California after graduation, Teresa now admitted that she's considering moving back to Taiwan after the attack, adding that "the physical pain cannot be compared to the mental trauma I endured."


Taiwanese student victim of anti-Asian hate crime in the US | The China Post, Taiwan

A Taiwanese student studying for her master's degree in the United States was a victim of an anti-Asian hate crime attack on May 2.


Oct 25, 2017
Because we can be racist as hell too. It takes a Village to be at this point. Thats why I was saying we can't pin this all 100% on trump.

There is a lot of beef between the cultures due to propaganda/racism. I believe its by design until proven otherwise. My own example is living in los angeles, having those riots. Koreans and Black people weren't good buddies, and fox news loved broadcasting images of black people looting, as well as shop owners shooting people. Didn't help anyones notions of the other side unless they personally knew someone. Being followed in liquor stores, I feel like all of that stems from our general problem of racism in america. We're programmed, and its only broken with personal exposure. Asians historically are looked at in stereotypical ways in america. The whole "super smart" thing is cute and all, but it opens the door to othering. Same with Asians all knowing karate. That shit was in all 90s culture. People say "what? im not being racist! They're all smart with 9.0 GPAS!" Leaning one foot into grouping them all as X. Instead of individuals with humanity. Todays "positive" stereotype so to speak, is tomorrows "kung-flu" Same way for black people and being athletic/super strong. People now have that societal notion to gun down black threats because we can snap in an instant and destroy mere men with our bare hands. Even the children. Juries of peers believe it because they too are soaking in stereotypes.

I think experiencing racism sort of triggers that response, to your question. Finally you can dish it out on others. Theres levels to it why it bothers me, but its not just 'dammit black people." its more like we have a long road ahead of us. Knowing the way minorities work, 1 represents all. In general. The status quo, i referred to earlier, is the fact that due to white supremacy, they can all be LONE WOLFS or one offs. Society as a whole doesn't condemn white people as a group, or even bother looking for the root causes. Or demonize them all. Its going to be very hard to unite people with those dynamics at play. I can look at these attacks and come to the conclusion, yep there are some racist ass black people / mexicans / anyone out there. Thats a problem and needs to be solved immediately. White supremacy/Racist America is not a thing and never will be. It is untouchable, but thats the driving force behind Nation wide race division/racism. Just look at who runs the country. Its like you can't fix the root problem here. So it just boils down to infighting.

I wont blame any asian shutting out everyone because shit, attacks are coming from all sides. This is going to take some time, and its going to be through support of communities for one another. Eventually thats the solution. But, hell, its an all out attack currently. That stuff can wait until people feel comfortable to even mention unity. The Gov is going to do fuck all because it keeps the status quo going. They always have the first out socially. "oh a black guy attacked an Asian? guess we have no problem with white supremacy then do we? MOVING ON!" Its pretty much the basis for "please don't be black." when you see a fucked up OP, because you know its going to be boosted 10922485% more and just go toward fueling outs for universal nation wide racism that the country runs on.

This situation is fucked from multiple angles. And the lack of coverage/immediacy by our good friends the demoracts, point directly at the status-quo. I feel like states should declare federal emergencies at this point at the rate this is going.
Good post, I appreciate it