
Oct 27, 2017
Three people were arrested after a vehicle explosion outside the Women's Hospital in Liverpool left one person dead and another injured on Sunday, according to police.

Counterterrorism police, who said they are leading the investigation, said a male passenger in the car was declared dead at the scene. The driver, who was also a man, was injured and remains in hospital in a stable condition.

The police said the explosion had not been declared a terrorist incident at this stage.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said his thoughts were with those people affected, and Interior Minister Priti Patel said in a tweet she is being kept regularly updated on the incident.

Three men — aged 29, 26, and 21 — were detained in the Kensington area of the city and arrested under the Terrorism Act, the police said in a statement.

Chief Const. Serena Kennedy said police were called to reports of a car explosion just before 11:00 GMT on Sunday, just as a Remembrance Day Service was commemorating war dead at the nearby Liverpool Cathedral.

Police said they understood that the car involved was a taxi that pulled up at the hospital shortly before the explosion occurred.

"Work is still ongoing to establish what has happened," she told media.

"We are keeping an open mind as to what caused the explosion but given how it has happened, out of caution, counterterrorism police are leading the investigation supported by Merseyside Police."


Hopefully the others injured nearby are not at risk, and can recover.

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Sausage Tycoon
Oct 25, 2017
Probably rumours, but people saying the taxi driver realised something was up and locked the passenger in the cab. If true imagine if he didn't notice and they got into a hospital full of newborns.


Oct 27, 2017
Probably rumours, but people saying the taxi driver realised something was up and locked the passenger in the cab. If true imagine if he didn't notice and they got into a hospital full of newborns.

Oh, that makes sense. I misread that it was after the fact, and the taxi was nearby when it occurred.


Oct 28, 2017
I wondered when I first heard this if it was some sort of targeted thing, but it sounds like the driver may have prevented a mass casualty situation.

Obviously all speculation at the moment.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
I wondered when I first heard this if it was some sort of targeted thing, but it sounds like the driver may have prevented a mass casualty situation.

Obviously all speculation at the moment.
Yeah, not confirmed yet but story is going around that one of the terrorists took a cab to the hospital, when the cab driver noticed the bomb as they arrived at the hospital he locked the terrorist in the car.


Oct 28, 2017
Probably rumours, but people saying the taxi driver realised something was up and locked the passenger in the cab. If true imagine if he didn't notice and they got into a hospital full of newborns.

Imagining him just running away from his Taxi, as it explodes, just seems like a movie. My God. Thank God.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, not confirmed yet but story is going around that one of the terrorists took a cab to the hospital, when the cab driver noticed the bomb as they arrived at the hospital he locked the terrorist in the car.
So commercial taxis allow the driver to lock passengers in the back with no way for them to open it from the inside? I guess you want to avoid them leaving without paying, but seems a bit extreme. Pretty good thing to have in this particular case, of course.

Dizzy Ukulele

Oct 28, 2017
Kudos to the taxi driver. When I started reading this I thought he sacrificed his own life and locked himself in the taxi with the terrorist. As incredible as that would have been, getting out of the car makes him a real life Jack Bauer.

The terrifying backdrop to this is that a maternity ward was the target. There are no words for that.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably rumours, but people saying the taxi driver realised something was up and locked the passenger in the cab. If true imagine if he didn't notice and they got into a hospital full of newborns.

we don't know the target though - could well have been the remembrance service as mentioned which was close by.

can't imagine someone targeting newborns..


Oct 25, 2017
The terrifying backdrop to this is that a maternity ward was the target. There are no words for that.
It's a bit unclear at the moment but given the timing it's likely that the remembrance parade/service, which was less than a mile away, was the target. They wouldn't have been able to get any closer due to road closures for the parade.


Oct 26, 2017
East Midlands, England, UK
I'm interested to see how the pieces of this come together once it is investigated.

What a bizarre, horrible act. Sounds like the innocent taxi driver deserves to be hailed as a hero.


Oct 27, 2017
24hrs and no names or motives and I can't help but feel the press are very muted on this compared to other attempted attacks.
Something's up.


Oct 27, 2017
Hail to the taxi driver if he caused the dude to blow himself up.

24hrs and no names or motives and I can't help but feel the press are very muted on this compared to other attempted attacks.
Something's up.
You are mistaking good reporting - holding back all non confirmed details - with conspiracy theories. Internet detectiving is usually a good way to get someone innocent lynched.


Oct 27, 2017
The comments on Facebook about this are pretty depressing.
I'm just glad they didn't hurt anyone


Mar 13, 2019
Incredible that the driver survived, especially as we see the blast easily breaking the front windows. I guess the back seat must have saved him, though I imagine the air pressure from the blast alone must have caused serious injuries to things like ears.
It looks like the driver got away from the car under his own steam, but then the person in the high-vis jacket either picks him up or catches him under the arms, because they look like they're hugging him and dragging him further away once they get to the left of the statue.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
Fourth man arrested, motives remain as yet unclear

Driver has been released from hospital


Oct 27, 2017
Good on the taxi driver, and glad that he's been discharged, injuries must have been minor.

Hopefully the group is caught without any further acts of violence.


Oct 25, 2017
It looks like the driver got away from the car under his own steam, but then the person in the high-vis jacket either picks him up or catches him under the arms, because they look like they're hugging him and dragging him further away once they get to the left of the statue.
It appears as if the driver collapsed, and the man in the jacket is picking him up. Given the disorientation and his likely injuries from having been near the blast it's incredible he was able to get that far on his own.


Oct 26, 2017
The driver surviving that is incredible. He got lucky not dying because of the detonation and lucky that he didn't lose conciousness, the car caught fire quite quickly.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
The driver surviving that is incredible. He got lucky not dying because of the detonation and lucky that he didn't lose conciousness, the car caught fire quite quickly.

Such that until the footage came out, it made the blast look way worse. As if it had directly left the car a smouldering wreck, rather than it being that the car caught fire from the damage


Oct 26, 2017

They? surely he only means the terrorist and isn't meaning an entire group? /s Thats probably going to be his defence, when we all know hes a racist POS

Sorry if I'm being an idiot but who is this guy

Hes a former Boxer and obviously a racist and assuming that the terrorists are Islamist and vaguely insinuating they shouldn't be here. which from an oxygen thief is rich


Oct 30, 2017
Terror threat level raised to severe meaning they believe an attack is highly likely. Apparently, his target was the remembrance day event at Liverpool cathedral.


Oct 29, 2017
So commercial taxis allow the driver to lock passengers in the back with no way for them to open it from the inside? I guess you want to avoid them leaving without paying, but seems a bit extreme. Pretty good thing to have in this particular case, of course.

Every car has this, it's called child locks.


Oct 25, 2017
incredible footage

does these type of taxi have reinforced plexi separater?

They? surely he only means the terrorist and isn't meaning an entire group? /s Thats probably going to be his defence, when we all know hes a racist POS

Hes a former Boxer and obviously a racist and assuming that the terrorists are Islamist and vaguely insinuating they shouldn't be here. which from an oxygen thief is rich

your assumption

as a biracial man bellew has talked about the pain and suffering him and is mom received from racism in past

what has he said previsouly to make him obviously racist?


Mar 13, 2019
Oh, right. Completely forgot about that.
To be fair, most child locks are mechanical (you have to activate them ahead of time, using a screwdriver or by flipping a physical lever on the rear doors) rather than electronic, but some of them can be activated from the driver's seat in both commercial and regular passenger cars.


Oct 25, 2017
Damn, I used to walk past this hospital pretty much everyday when I used to live there. WTF.