May 29, 2023
I feel like i'm in crazy town with some of the obviously american responses in this thread trying to casually hand wave someone bringing munitions to another country.

Change the name of this guy to something arab flying out of cairo into NY and he would've been sent to guantanamo.
I'm opposed to lengthy prison terms for non-violent offenses, especially when "deterrence" is used as an excuse.

It was stupid for Brittney Griner.

It was stupid for Otto Warmbrier.

It's stupid for this guy, and it would be stupid for your fictitious example. Thanks for the implied racism, though.


Perfect World
Oct 27, 2017
I was living in Japan while back and had just moved apartments. I had stashed a butcher knife in a bag during the move, but forgot about it. I had to fly back to the US for visa reasons and when I went through airport security they asked me if I had any weapons on me. I confidently stated no when they suddenly pulled a giant knife out of my bag and asked me what it was for.

I was mortified, but they just confiscated it and sent me on my way.


Rap Genius
Oct 27, 2017
Dark Space
People who carry guns, for hunting or whatever else, seriously need to make it a practice to completely segregate that equipment from their actual travel luggage. Using the same bag, briefcase, etc for multiple tasks involving a gun only takes one lapse in memory to end up in this situation. Remove the possibility by never mixing them at all.

This cross-contamination happens often enough that you'd think others would start learning from the repeated mistake.


Oct 27, 2017
Imagine so careless with bullets that you have them in your luggage when traveling internationally. I can only imagine how unsafe their house is. Hope the kids start she
May 29, 2023
Indeed, it was FOUR entire bullets!

You could start a coup with that kind of artillery.

Actual footage of the man in question.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
People who carry guns, for hunting or whatever else, seriously need to make it a practice to completely segregate that equipment from their actual travel luggage. Using the same bag, briefcase, etc for multiple tasks involving a gun only takes one lapse in memory to end up in this situation. Remove the possibility by never mixing them at all.

This cross-contamination happens often enough that you'd think others would start learning from the repeated mistake.

The truth is this is probably also his hunting bag and just completely forgot the extra bullets were in there.


Oct 27, 2017
I once crossed the border with something illegal (for the country I was entering) in my trunk that I had completely forgotten was there. I got extremely lucky, as my car had been searched before when crossing the same bridge. Just not that time.

So I can believe his story, stupid as it may be.


Oct 27, 2017
All I can think is if they are so careless that they'll have random bullets in their international luggage.. how secure are the guns back home. Hopefully their kids are safe.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
Are Americans fucking insane.
In this territory and speaking on the macro level, I think the answer is firmly yes. American gun culture and the prevalence of guns in America doesn't even slightly resemble other countries. America has twice the civilian guns per capita than the next leading country; while America is the first ranked by this measure, the country that would be ranked third is has been in the middle of a civil war for ten years.


Oct 27, 2017
Eh, I'm all for gun control, and this guy probably is a gun nut, but leaving something like this in luggage is something I could see my dad doing. Hunting (all his meat is used as food by our extended family) is his life hobby. Both for food and to help with destructive over-population. He'll pack a bag and camp out in the wilderness to hunt. So there's a possibility this guy just made a stupid mistake, and isn't out pushing for "Moar guns!".


I mean, I've forgotten to take drinks out of my bag as I always wait til the last minute to pack. Once that happens to me, I stopped making fun of people that forget shit like knives and guns are in their bag.


Sep 19, 2020
Completely insane takes in this thread. As usual people cannot exhibit a modicum of common sense and everything has to be black and white.

I'm as anti-gun as it gets, but we're talking about ammunition (not guns). Hunting ammunition at that, and only four rounds apparently. It was a dumb mistake. Utterly mind-boggling to cheer on the guy possibly getting TWELVE YEARS IN PRISON for that mistake. Not American either, by the way, for those who're insinuating that only non-Americans have the "right" opinion.

Sentence him to community service and that's that.
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You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Completely insane takes in this thread. As usual people cannot exhibit a modicum of common sense and everything has to be black and white.

I'm as anti-gun as it gets, but we're talking about ammunition (not guns). Hunting ammunition at that, and only four rounds apparently. It was a dumb mistake. Utterly mind-boggling to cheer on the guy possibly getting TWELVE YEARS IN PRISON for that mistake.

Sentence him to community service and that's that.
From what I read, it seems one tourist did serve time. It was 6 months!

Looks like T&C has been pretty flexible:

The attorney general and director of public prosecutions of Turks and Caicos issued a statement on Wednesday saying the island's firearm ordinance "requires the Supreme Court to impose a mandatory minimum sentence and fine for certain firearm offenses, except in circumstances where the court finds that there are exceptional circumstances."

The statement went on to add that there have been five separate cases within a two-year period where the Supreme Court on the islands have found exceptional circumstances. Four of the offenders were fined and one was given a custodial sentence below the mandatory minimum. Michael Grimm's eight-month sentence was below the mandatory minimum of 12 years in prison.

Virginia man is latest American charged with ammunition possession in Turks and Caicos

The Transportation Safety Administration has admitted it failed to detect bullets in the luggage of American tourists who were later arrested on the Turks and Caicos Islands for possession of ammunition. On Tuesday, another U.S. citizen, who has family in New England, was arrested and detained...
Oct 26, 2017
Completely insane takes in this thread. As usual people cannot exhibit a modicum of common sense and everything has to be black and white.

I'm as anti-gun as it gets, but we're talking about ammunition (not guns). Hunting ammunition at that, and only four rounds apparently. It was a dumb mistake. Utterly mind-boggling to cheer on the guy possibly getting TWELVE YEARS IN PRISON for that mistake. Not American either, by the way, for those who're insinuating that only non-Americans have the "right" opinion.

Sentence him to community service and that's that.
12 years is excessive but responsible gun owners should not forget they have live bullets in their luggage. There needs to be actual consequences if people are going to actually be responsible. If it's going to be community service it should be a lot of community service and in Turks and Caicos.


Oct 30, 2017
12 years is crazy, but not going to get mad a country for taking that kind of shit seriously. Check your shit before you fly internationally. They don't care this may be a normal mistake in America. Enjoy your extended vacation

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
Another one!

Virginia EMT is latest U.S. tourist arrested in Turks and Caicos after ammo allegedly found in luggage

The father of one now faces the potential of a mandatory minimum prison sentence of up to 12 years.

2 bullets in his backpack.

Come on, guys.
Oh whoopsie daisy my ammo is just everywhere like loose change and my chap stick. Where's my gun you ask? I think it's in my safe, but who can really say in this crazy world!

For some people, I guess ammo is just floating around like lost socks in the dryer. It's still so absurd to me that it's an honest mistake to have bullets in random places of your life. Gun owner shit that I can't relate to I guess.


Oct 25, 2017
Completely insane takes in this thread. As usual people cannot exhibit a modicum of common sense and everything has to be black and white.

I'm as anti-gun as it gets, but we're talking about ammunition (not guns). Hunting ammunition at that, and only four rounds apparently. It was a dumb mistake. Utterly mind-boggling to cheer on the guy possibly getting TWELVE YEARS IN PRISON for that mistake. Not American either, by the way, for those who're insinuating that only non-Americans have the "right" opinion.

Sentence him to community service and that's that.

It's sad how many people become rabidly pro vindictive incarceration as soon as the person in question is someone they don't consider sympathetic.


Visited by Knack
Oct 25, 2017
Surprised by all the "it is only ammo" comments. Don't people realize it is relatively easy to make your own improvised firearms? Making your own ammo however is much harder.


Oct 28, 2017
Add to that the fact that loose bullets have been known to go off if they come into contact with loose batteries. Admittedly they aren't 'fired' in the traditional sense outside of a barrel, but they can cause a fire.


Oct 26, 2017
Completely insane takes in this thread. As usual people cannot exhibit a modicum of common sense and everything has to be black and white.

I'm as anti-gun as it gets, but we're talking about ammunition (not guns). Hunting ammunition at that, and only four rounds apparently. It was a dumb mistake. Utterly mind-boggling to cheer on the guy possibly getting TWELVE YEARS IN PRISON for that mistake. Not American either, by the way, for those who're insinuating that only non-Americans have the "right" opinion.

Sentence him to community service and that's that.

It seems in this case that this a new law because so many Americans were bringing guns / ammunition into the country and just having to a pay a fine.

It's not hard to imagine a scenario where someone smuggles in bullets and another the gun to commit a murder.

4 bullets is enough to do that and hunting ammunition works on humans too.

30 grams of cocaine or 500 grams of cannabis in your luggage gets you eligible for the death penalty in Singapore. Thats terrifying. But if you're going abroad, it is your responsibility to understand that the rules of the country you're entering is not your own.

Let's say you brought drugs into America. Would they just laugh it off?


Oct 25, 2017
Sandy Eggo
Lol. Holmie gets passed TSA with ammo and Literally everytime i buy a bag of nice coffee beans from a micro roaster in another city I get searched.


Oct 25, 2017
he's probably gonna get off with a fine because tourist countries usually don't imprison tourists for dumb things like this, especially when it gets in the news. more people will be aware "hey, don't be a dumbass and bring ammo in your luggage when on vacation". there are a LOT of idiot American (and other country) tourists who think their normal customs are the same everywhere.

I remember reading about a flight from a northern european country had to be turned around because maggots started falling out of an overhead compartment, turned out a person had kept a rotting fish in a bag, some sort of local specialty that usually doesn't get maggots but did due to temperature changes.

really the only lucky thing is its not between two countries that have chilly relations where the person in the middle gets caught up in geopolitics like Ms. Griner.


Feb 25, 2018
Completely insane takes in this thread. As usual people cannot exhibit a modicum of common sense and everything has to be black and white.

I'm as anti-gun as it gets, but we're talking about ammunition (not guns). Hunting ammunition at that, and only four rounds apparently. It was a dumb mistake. Utterly mind-boggling to cheer on the guy possibly getting TWELVE YEARS IN PRISON for that mistake. Not American either, by the way, for those who're insinuating that only non-Americans have the "right" opinion.

Sentence him to community service and that's that.


It's sad how many people become rabidly pro vindictive incarceration as soon as the person in question is someone they don't consider sympathetic.

It is truly outstanding how unsympathetic era gets when it comes to somebody who has a slight disagreement with there political opinion

I've had friends accidentally leave stuff in bags for travel. Sometimes you just forget and some bags have so many hidden bits in them it's hard to remember to check them all.

It was 4 bullets. The man was hardly planning to perform a coup of some kind. Give him community service or a fine at most for being an idiot. But good god some people genuinely believe prison is the right solution just because he might be slightly right wing
Oct 27, 2017
Surprised by all the "it is only ammo" comments. Don't people realize it is relatively easy to make your own improvised firearms? Making your own ammo however is much harder.
Yeah the "it was only bullets, it wasn't actually a gun" comments here seem to be missing the point that the bullets are the dangerous part of the system.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
All I can think is if they are so careless that they'll have random bullets in their international luggage.. how secure are the guns back home. Hopefully their kids are safe.
I don't think it's as careless as you make it out to be, it could be more within the realm of an honest mistake. If he used the bag as a range bag for example, and had the rounds under an extra set of clothes. That's something that happened to me, granted I didn't actually make it to the airport, and my guns are very secure. The alternative is possible too, that this person is incredibly irresponsible with their firearms and their kids are in danger, I just don't think there is enough to say that definitively.

I hope the dude doesn't have to do 12 years without any intention to harm anyone over what is likely an honest mistake even if it was a stupid mistake, I don't think that serves any kind of justice.

Alien Bob

Nov 25, 2017
12 years is overkill but I never want to be in the same plane as any of you saying "it's just bullets" like what the fuck is wrong with you, IT'S BULLETS


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Let's say you brought drugs into America. Would they just laugh it off?
I think we need to separate would and should, I don't think anyone is disputing what the law is, rather if the punishment makes sense. If someone brought a small amount of drugs for personal use into America, idk about you but I would prefer them to laugh it off given it's just a bit of drugs, but we know they wouldn't.
No sympathy. If you own Guns and ammo, you should be extremely careful and mindful of your property.
Guns and ammunition do not have any sort of mystical property wherein they operate differently from anything else that people can forget about or make a mistake about. If you would have sympathy if it were a set of keys, I don't know why this wouldn't apply to bullets, when you break it down the act is the forgetting which could happen with anything, right? There is negligence, and there is an honest mistake. I do think if this were a case where harm was done, that's a totally different story, they would need to be held responsible for that harm even if they didn't mean it, that's why there are different things to charge people with. It just feels like some are approaching this from an entirely vindictive place because guns, which idk I guess is not all that unsurprising really given the state of at least the US.
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The Fallen
Feb 28, 2018
I doubt he would make the mistake, but having traveled and found money in an "elastic pocket" that was somehow folded in under the liner of my luggage, maybe. The cash was from a trip from over 2 years ago, lol. I don't make a habit of just losing money, it was $63, heh.

Don't get me wrong, not defending him. Ammunition isn't something you accidentally carry with you.
Thing is he was most likely trying to hide the money and it was out of sight. Do you think a zip lock full of bullets was being hidden too ?

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
If he used the bag as a range bag for example, and had the rounds under an extra set of clothes.
Then that would make him even more careless with that example. The probability of ammo being in that bag is higher because he's used it to carry ammo around before and he should be aware and more thorough before taking that bag in and out of other countries.
12 years is overkill but I never want to be in the same plane as any of you saying "it's just bullets" like what the fuck is wrong with you, IT'S BULLETS


Oct 25, 2017
The people saying "It was *just* bullets" - you have to realize how....incredible (and not in a good way) that sounds to people from countries that aren't the US. I'm not sure what word I'm looking for, maybe desensitised? Wow.